26 April, 2007

Guess What?

Posted by Stan in Alex Linder at 5:07 pm | Permanent Link
Vanguard News Network Radio
Back On The Air

  • 35 Responses to “Guess What?”

    1. cygnet Says:


    2. Not Buying it.. Says:


    3. MASHER Says:

      Time to irritate those weak jew bowels much more :)


      “I am definately not one of the great linguists” -George W. Bush(elstein)

    4. Stan Says:

      So it works. But yes, it is experiencing some growing pains already so I’ll be working on it through the evening. There will be short periods of downtime as I reconfigure hardware and software. But the point is it’s there. Look forward to live broadcasts resuming asap.

    5. jackumup Says:

      And the Lord said “let there be communication for all my children to know each others beliefs” and then there was communication. Then the Lord said “let there be a forum for all my children to speak in written tongue and all the world will see and hear thy truth” and there was a forum, and that day the children of the dark trembled and cry out in anger and blind rage to the dark one. ” why must this be” they hissed, and their father Lucifer brought forth his demons and silenced the children of the light, but this was to no avail, for the children smite thee satan and his offspring the jews, and brought forth the truth and the truth prevailed. Eexcept for the heavy boisterous harlot who lay with similar type women, she remained fired.

      Jackumup 3:5-15

    6. abe foxman Says:

      Way to go!

    7. jigaboos j. jigabooze Says:

      “I am definately not one of the great linguists”

      But he iz definitely a great cunning linguist. . .

    8. John Says:

      Stupid little jews………Did you not learn a thing from the 30s?

    9. Leshrac Says:

      Can’t get in :(


    10. New America Says:

      Three thoughts:

      One, wonderful! Just damn wonderful!

      Two, it’s coming out at 40; 24 works just fine for sound quality.

      Three, the demons-who-walk-the-Earth known as goddamn JEWS are desperate, because the smart ones KNOW the truth about the demonic bastards is starting to come out, and THAT genie is not going back in the bottle.

      Hot damn!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    11. Stan Says:

      Still working on it. Must have more bandwidth. I have a torrent downloading though as well with some software I need so that’s probably what’s not helping. Anyway, it’s a start. Im looking at ways to improve it and doing what I can.

    12. Question Says:


      Has cari.net released VNN’s data?

      Is the data being released in a timely fashion?

      Is is being released in a usable format?

      Is the data corrupt?

      Is cari.net stealing or withholding VNN property?

    13. shabbos shabazz Says:

      As the truth comes out

      watch your health

      be sure to get plenty of exorcise

    14. News Says:

      angry utah lite-brites

    15. Signal Says:

      Glad VNNRadio is back. Love that graphic!

    16. squest Says:

      To whomever is trying to host the VNN radio show from their home Verizon DSL connection (the current active link on this page). My advice? DO NOT DO IT! That would, without a doubt, be the absolute quickest way to end up BACK on dialup, as once you are banned by your local DSL ISP monopoly, they won’t hook you back up — ever! Also, it is a great way for anyone tech savvy to trace your location, for example, being tech savvy myself, I now have your location there in Sun Prairie Wisconsin, it took me under a minute to discover this fact. Now if you don’t want the Jooz to find and f*ck you as easily as I have just now, remove the link and go get a cheap disposable VPS host as I pointed out earlier — please! Do it for your own sake!

    17. squest Says:

      One additional comment, DSL is typically capped at less than a megabit upstream, nowhere near enough bandwidth to support the peak number of listeners typical of these broadcasts.

    18. brigantes Says:

      Jewish ass holes,you learned nothing from the pogroms that came after your financial swindles (not your anti christ beliefs as you claim) you learned nothing from the 30’s when Uncle Adolf was nice enough to put you in holiday camps instead of shooting you,you know jack fuck.
      The day is near.

    19. squest Says:

      Since I am still up, I thought I’d post another comment, just some of the highlights of what I have been trying to express, in no particular order. I’m making this offer to help you guys. :o)

      I can provide methods (VPS, VPN, private DNS with root server based glue, etc.) to make it extremely difficult for the Jooz to censor you for long.I’m an expert in all things Internet.I can help you create and utilize cheap, disposable, and nearly instantaneous to acquire and dispose of virtual private servers with tier-1 gigabit access.Yes, I said gigabit (1000 base T, which is 1000 megabit) on a Tier-1 optical backbone (OC-192).You will typically pay a quarter of what you have been paying before for 10 megabit (or was it shared bandwidth) service.All you need to do is accept my offer to help. As of this date, I have sent many emails and made a few postings without any response (save for a one-line email message from Alex, many days ago, acknowledging that he is receiving my emails ok).

      Hopefully my experiment with bulleted text worked above, I thought I would demonstrate some talents (or perhaps look like an idiot should it have failed). :o) I’ve not noticed anyone else using bullets in postings here so far, however I may be mistaken. Send an email if you would like my help, or if you simply want me to shut up and go away.


    20. squest Says:

      Ok, so only bold and italics html tags work here. ;o)

    21. OnThePathToTruth Says:

      If all goes well the forums should be back online sometime this weekend. Everyone involved in this effort is working overtime to see that the vnnforum.com site is back online as soon as possible.

      We hope that all of our forum members, both old and new, in addition to our visitors remain patient as we work to rectify this latest bump on the internet super highway. You won’t be disappointed and our community will again be together very soon continuing to work toward our ultimate goal.

    22. Master Shake Says:

      I always knew the Moonites were on our side!

    23. Stan Says:

      I don’t know where this Sun Prairie Wisconsin is but I get your drift. Technically, its not going to work anyway. Although it works, after some more testing the connection is not going to support the listener base. I’m looking now for alternatives. Hopefully I can have something up before tonight’s FTL.

    24. Martin Luther King Says:

      Friday night Free Talk Live?

      Free at last! Free at last! Thank Stan almighty, I’m Free at last!


    25. Don Imus Says:

      Good to hear you guys are fighting back against censorship.

      I would avoid any references to “nappy-headed Ho’s” on air, though.

      Trust me.

    26. Tim Pennington Says:

      We can say nappy head hos all we want. There are no zhids on top of this operation. And the instant we have a nation-wide media company run by a white nationalist, we will have defeated the international conspiracy, and retaken our nation. Then comes the fun part of mass deportations and stringing up the subversive jews and their traitorous white tools.

    27. squest Says:

      Stan: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Prairie,_Wisconsin and note that the IP used in the shoutcast link above [] traces to that location. Of course the mapping may be slightly off, but the IP peers with a known valid Verizon backbone router in Madison WI, [MDSNWI.verizon-gni.net] so I’m at least close (if not dead on). I should probably note that I’ve been on the “Internet” since before it was even called that, online daily for more than 10 years before Al Gore claims to have “invented” the Internet (all combined, nearly 30 years online). Heh, I suppose his “invention” is not unlike all those many so-called Negroid inventions cited ad nauseam on this “unified network called the Internet”, eh? Silver spoon spoiled politicians can’t create anything, so they simply pretend — just like the Negroes (however I seriously doubt that any Negroes were behind all these Black invention myths, they simply can’t think and thus, simply don’t care). Seriously — they expect us to believe that nobody brushed their hair before some Black woman supposedly invented the hair brush in the early 20th century? I digress… Anyway, if the Jooz want to f*ck with the person behind (Name: pool-71-98-6-109.mdsnwi.dsl-w.verizon.net Address: they now can, so it’s always a good idea not to expose yourself. The best way to retain anonymity is through a rented and disposable IP from a huge ISP, one providing the much cheaper and easier to obtain VPS, as opposed to a whole dedicated server all to yourself. Again, if anyone wants my help in the proper configuration of a virtual server, including YOUR OWN DNS (!important!) just let me know. :o) Oh, and now would be a good time for [whomever who volunteered to] “host from home” to power cycle their DSL modem a few times in order to get a different dynamic IP assignment. :o)

    28. squest Says:

      # Stan Says: I’m looking now for alternatives. Hopefully I can have something up before tonight’s FTL.

      You can with a VPS, they create in under 2 minutes, then you install an operating system (must be Linux however) and your software, and go. It takes me about 20 minutes to set up and configure a virtual server from vpslink.com (the cheapest provider out there bar none). Both the VPS account and the assigned IP are disposable, should it be deleted, simply use a different name, different credit card, and sign up again. Spry however has not deleted any of my so-called “hate” sites thus far. They are so big they simply don’t care and can’t be bothered with complainers. The same is true for 1and1.com (German owned — and where anything goes). However 1and1.com is only for webhosting, and they are rather slow — vpslink.com is better all around, hosting websites on a VPS is fast.

    29. squest Says:

      — For your amusement —

      “Where Would We Be Without Black People???”
      “Mom, what if there were no black people in the world?”

      Heh, such is the context of my better dreams. ;o)

      You will not find better comedy on the Internet, at least not today at any rate. ;o) Not surprisingly, given their low median IQ, Negroes have actually contributed almost nothing to modern society, and certainly none of the lies told in the aforementioned story. Without measure, Negroes are the greatest detriment to the prosperity of any society! Negroes may best be described as PURE ENTROPY, while Whites are (again without measure) their polar opposites. Entropy is of course, the act of reverting order into chaos.

    30. Cormac Says:

      Boom shak a laka Boom !

      Mooninites invade New York and target the jEW !


    31. Question Says:

      I’ve heard that cari.net is withholding VNN’s database. That they are playing games saying they are turning up VNN forum then not doing it. Saying they are going to release data, then not doing it, or releasing garbage data?

      Perhaps the management of this company needs to a home visit? Or some late night telephone calls?

    32. -JC Says:

      Those who say don’t do. Those who do don’t say.

    33. cliff Says:

      Canada is a goner.

    34. Slobodan Says:

      “Aqua Teen Hunger Force” is a very accurate microcosm of America. Frylock represents the White man who is intelligent and upstanding and simply trying to get on with his business. Shake represents the jew, who schemes and lies. Meatwad represents the nigger, who has no brain and does whatever Shake tells him to do. It is truly a brilliant show.

    35. Hugh Lincoln Says:

      If you have any questions regarding these terms, please contact Cari.net by phone at (858) 974-5080.