23 April, 2007

Free Talk Live Monday Night

Posted by Stan in Alex Linder at 2:33 pm | Permanent Link

Join Yankee Jim & Stan Sikorski tonight for Free Talk Live Monday with special guest Kievsky. As it is that time of year, they will be discussing White Power Gardening and all that goes with it. Growing your own food is good for the mind, body, soul and your wallet! It’s the White thing to do.

As usual, there will be plenty of TNB, TJB, TSB, TQB, and OGB to keep you informed of mud shennanigans happening around you.

Click to listen into the show. You must use a player that recognizes the .pls extension.

If you would like to participate in the discussions, you will need Skype. Send an instant message to SSKIIT with your questions and comments. If you want to get on air, say so and you will be connected on a first come first serve basis.

  • 32 Responses to “Free Talk Live Monday Night”

    1. Stronza Says:

      Geeze. I am just heartbroken that my little computer can’t pull in your show tonight, with Kievsky talking about GARDENING. I want to hear this so bad, because I live to grow things, and grow things to live. Shit.

    2. NJ Listener Says:

      Rodale press?


    3. alex Says:

      Kievsky mentions:

      Rodale Press
      book: “Stocking Up”
      container gardening.com

      – nut-driver set to liberate dryer drums from junkyard, grow fingerling potatoes in


    4. Davo Says:

      Here’s an idea for a Youtube video, if anybody wants it:

      A guy in full KKK costume, hood over his head, spouts one racist joke after the other. At the end of his (brief) routine, he gives full credit to Sarah Silverman (or perhaps some other kike comic) for the material. We then see clips of Silverman telling the very same jokes. Cut back to the KKK guy, who removes his hood, grins wryly at the camera, and says: “Who’s the evil racist hater now?”

    5. Kievsky Says:

      I looked at http://www.rodale.com and http://www.rodalepress.com and if that’s the same company, it’s become disgustingly yuppified. the Rodale I thought I knew would never sell crap like “The South Beach Diet.” It’s like seeing the organic farmer that taught you everything convert to judaism or something.

      Just go to http://www.amazon.com and find “Stocking Up.”

    6. Yankee Jim Says:

      Stronza, I’m sure Stan will have the archived show up soon for your listening pleasure!

      Also, I just wanted to thank our guests one more time for making the show so interesting. Thanks Kievsky, James and Tom!

    7. White Dragonslayer Says:

      They say that To live *off* a garden, you have to live *in* it.

      While Maguire and his 300 pound wife are out shoveling manure, Sahidajan Sanjamomirjajmpuijian {fresh off the boat from Bangalore) uses an equivalent amount of time/money/energy to get a graduate degree, Then, using capital from an Indian mutual aid society, starts a company and in three years is making $250,000/yr. Two more years and his company is making enough money that his regional pro-Indian PAC just bought the local Congressman who not only shifts hundreds of $millions of tax burden off the local Indian community but also votes that each and every little White girl must sit next to a nice Negro boy and the age of consent is lowered to 9.

      Maguire’s net ROI from his garden over the same period is -$1700.

      Missouri is not a high-mountain state. So what is it with you cargo-cult Nazis and oxygen deprivation?

    8. Jozsef Horvath Says:

      I was directed here from a Yahoo Group, and whoever did it was a good idea.

      A couple years ago, when I typed in \”Austrailia.com\” I was redirected to a porn site. Imagine how many hits that porn site would get with the right spelling Australia.com. I don\’t know the ratio of suscribers to surfers he got for his dogshit. Nor do I know the number Vnn would get of worthwhile readers to just hits. But we sure would get a lot hits.

      Instead of just sending money, people should be investing it it buying domains from like GoDaddy.com and redirecting the site to VNN. GoDaddy.com will reserve a site for you then try and grab it when it\’s available. They are also having a sale on .biz domains. Some of the talented video makers here can build your own site, on a .biz with a name people will search for, where you archive your videos on a webpage of your site. Link it to that site as much as you can, the more you do this the more hits it gets, the further up the search engine it goes. Like say you-tube-videos.biz then when it\’s far enough up the search engine for the result of \”you tube videos\” redirect it to the VNN video library. Or on a free host server, and just link it there, or from the free servert like blogspot Myspace or Yahoo leave a link to your site for the hits.

      Buy \”porn-actresses\” or \”adult-directors.com\” then redirect to a post about the jewish mob child snuff ring. I think for $20 they let you do your own HTML on a webpage, or it\’s free for the 1st 2 domains you buy. I typed in \”white-girl\” on joogle images, and I get a bunch of disgusting interracial porn. The kike controls porn, so he can insert his own insideous crap, like he controls all other marketing, so turn the tables on him. If you had XXX.com imagine how many hits that would generate for VNN. If you redirected XXX.com to a post about the holocaust, imagine how far up the search engine that would put it the result of \”Holocaust.\” Or \”adultfilms.net\” redirect to the story of the jewish child snuff ring.

      Imagine how many people we could reach then with the right domain. .biz domains pop up at the top of some search results, because some assholes buy .com and .net domains and do nothing with them. So only the active sites are left. Or ones that get more hits. Like ones you link to.

      We need to start beating the jew at it\’s own game. He is not ahead because he has a superior news product, we have a far superior product and truth on our side. His product is shit and based on bullshit. This is why he attempts to control the internet, this is what keeps him from totally \”cornering the market.\” to sound like an obnoxious kike. It doesnt matter who is right and what is better for society, conservatives really think kikes care about that. They don\’t, all they care about is winning for themselves.

      His strength is not in his inferior product he puts out, it\’s his ability to market it and squash the competition. This is why he attempts to control, because with no other options you are forced to buy it. He is just an aggressive swindler and a \”desert cut-throat\” let\’s start playing the \”cut the throat\” game.

      I am not trying to denigrate the newspaper project or other efforts. Many people can still be reached that way. But imagine how many we reach with the right $9 or even $1 purchase. We should put a pull together like with the newspaper project. The internet is the only news medium the jew does not control, so let\’s continue to secure it.

    9. Augustus Sutter Says:

      Damn! I’m so sorry I missed the bunny slayers show on “White Power Gardening”. This subject has such mainstream appeal. It certainly is not the topic of discussion of a few societal marginalized losers and lunatics.
      “White Power Gardening”: it’s all there in the title. This show is going to have legs, oh yeah!

      Thanks Alex and Stan for making this show a reality.

    10. jigaboos j. jigabooze Says:

      “His strength is not in his inferior product he puts out, it\’s his ability to market it and squash the competition. This is why he attempts to control, because with no other options you are forced to buy it.”

      That sentence could have been boiled down to three words:


    11. Kievsky Says:

      Hey Sutter,

      Don’t worry, it will be out on .mp3 soon enough so you can enjoy the full two hours! Good comments, by the way. You always make me think. Here is my reply to you:

      As far as being marginalized losers, ask yourself, “Who is inside the margins? Would you consider them winners?” Are famous actors and actresses non-marginalized winners? Was Anna Nicole Smith a winner? Coked up basketball players? Politicians turning tricks? CEO’s wrecking the world to fund a lavish lifestyle? I don’t envy any of them, and you shouldn’t either. They are deep in the poison of the AmeriKwan anti-world, and are heavily invested in it. I may be a marginal person, but I chose to be here on the margins. I’ve observed some of this country’s “insiders” up close, and I realized that it’s not a happy or fulfilling life, and it’s often tragic. By contrast, I have a circle of about a half a dozen loyal comrades whom I met through the WN’ist movement. I wouldn’t trade them for anything that the Kwa insiders could offer me.

      I’ve beeng working on figuring out what is wrong with life in America, and I discovered that these ugly things about our lives were imposed with malicious intent, such as the automobile system, agribusiness, mass entertainment culture, etc. But we support these bad things by going along with it all and failing to resist and failing to try to do things a different way.

      It isn’t enough for us to oppose these things individually. We (we being any of us doing organizing in our respective local areas) have to set an example as a functioning community and functioning local economy. From there, I think it’s possible that many more will want to emulate what we are doing, and it could spread. Success will be measured by having a measurable impact on the economy and perceptible impact on the culture. Perhaps I am delusional, but hey, what else better do I have to do?

      I think the secret to understanding Americans is that they are the loneliest people in the planet, especially here in New England. Remember the TV show “Cheers,” where the theme song was “you want to go where everybody knows your name.”

      I think the first thing we White Kwans need to do is realize how pathetic and hollowed out is the culture in which we grew up. When one can admit that to himself, he can figure out where to go from there.

      White Dragonslayer,

      Not all of us can be computer entrepreneurs. I can’t stand to sit still for that long, myself. Been there, done that, and hated it. I need to be on my feet doing three dimensional things.

      A lot of those Indians and Paks just own simple convenience stores, and getting businesses like these in the hands of WN is definitely a goal of ours. We will definitely set up something along the lines of “Islamic banking” where the lender owns part of the business until he’s paid back. (as opposed to jewish usury banking).

      Money is important, but it’s not the only thing. We are getting more and more people to work with us, and the beginning of a local community and local economy is in the works. The fact that our little social network requires a willingness to do manual labor kind of automated our selection process for taking new people in. Those who are willing to work get a lot of help in setting up their own gardens at their own houses, and so in one fell swoop we get good people, and we retain their interest and participation.

    12. shabbos shabazz Says:

      “The most influential person on agricultural systems turned out to be the most unlikely individual imaginable ne without any agricultural training or experience. J.I. Rodale (1898-1971), born in the lower east side of New York City as Jerome Irving Cohen, was known to friends and associates as J.I. (Fig. 1). Raised in the city, he was sickly as a youngster, had poor vision, and was non athletic. He studied and tried several body building systems, especially those of Bernarr McFadden, who also promoted a healthy diet and moderate exercise. Rodale went to night school to study accounting and became a federal income tax auditor. Later, he and his brother began manufacturing electrical supplies, and during the Depression, they moved the plant to Emmaus, Pa. J.I. wanted to be a writer and started publishing magazines to carry his work but met with no success (Greene, 1971; Jackson, 1974).

      Sir Albert Howard’s 1940 book An Agricultural Testament had little impact on the U.S. agricultural community, but Rodale became a zealous believer in Howard’s philosophy and farming system. He bought a farm to practice the system and started a magazine in 1942 entitled Organic Farming and Gardening with Howard as an associate editor. One-thousand copies of the first issue were mailed to farmers to solicit subscriptions, with only 10 takers, but Rodale persevered. He soon learned that gardeners were easier to influence than farmers, and the magazine’s name was changed to Organic Gardening, it became profitable after 16 years.”


    13. Kievsky Says:

      “The most influential person on agricultural systems turned out to be the most unlikely individual imaginable ne without any agricultural training or experience. J.I. Rodale (1898-1971), born in the lower east side of New York City as Jerome Irving Cohen, was known to friends and associates as J.I.

      No kidding! Fooled again by the name-changers!

      Well, the jews certainly have a nose for trends.

    14. Yankee Jim Says:

      Augustus Sutter…that was my idea. (“White Power gardening”) I’m always trying creative ways to get more listeners to our show, and all the other FTL shows.

      I wonder how many White people around the world did a Google “White Power,” or “Gardening” search and ended up finding the forum, and/or listening to the show? If it was only one…it was worth it! I have a feeling there were many more though. Quite a few found their way over to The Hudson Valley Freeman because of it. (http://thehudsonvalleyfreeman.blogspot.com/)

      At this stage of the game we’re playing…one must learn to be creative! ;)

    15. Glenn Miller Says:

      City slickers like Mr Sutter will never understand the joys of working the soil. You gotta be a born and raised redneck like me.

      Whereas I, as a barefooted Carolina country boy plowed a mule sun up til sun down, Mr Sutter slept til noon then played marbles til dark at a vacant lot in “Hobokin”.

      Little in life compares to hot hen shit in between the toes, a rooster crowing at sunrise, and mules farting up wind.

      “In the merry month of May, when the Jacks begin to bray,
      And the jennies come a fartin round the barn.

      I met a lil miss, and I simply asked her this:
      If I could wind up her little ball of yarn.

      To the bushes we went, without the girl’s consent,
      Not thinking I’d done a bit of harm.

      I layed her on the ground, and I wrinkled up her gown,
      And I wound up her little ball of yarn.

      About 9 months after that, in the pool room where I sat,
      No thinking I’d done a bit of harm,
      A policeman dressed in blue said “I wanna see you”,
      You’re the daddy of that little ball of yarn.

      In the jail house where I sit, with my britches full of shit,
      And the roaches playing ping pong with my balls,
      The ladies passing by, throwing hair pins at my ass,
      Cause I’m the daddy of that little ball of yarn.

    16. Eumaeus Says:

      Gardening and farmer are noble. I like to grow my vegetables. I live in a “suburb” and that’s the target demographic Kievsky appeals to. Trying to bring White suburb folk closer to the soil, closer to honest work, closer to the “blut und boden.” Get em out in the sunny fresh air, with their fingers in the clean dirt, get em out from behind the Jewindoctrination machine the televitz.

      VNN’s long been an advocate of this, I started my garden years ago after VNN encouragement. It’s been really worthwhile, fantastic activity.

      Jews dont like farmers or farming and gardening’s just small scale farming. Jews dont get their fingernails dirty and mock and look down on those who do. It’s Jewish to mock and spit on farmers and gardening.

    17. Eumaeus Says:


      ARrable land



    18. Kievsky Says:


      Thank you for your encouraging comments! I’m very glad to hear you took up gardening because of VNN!

      I took up gardening when I heard some multicultist say “We need Mexicans to pick our lettuce.”

      I said, “Well, then, I’ll PICK MY OWN DAMN LETTUCE, thank you!” And then when I got into it, I said, “Wait, I don’t even like lettuce. Kale and mustard greens and beet greens and spinach are far better than lettuce.”

      When you do your own gardening, you discover all these things that modern man stopped eating, because agribusiness was choosing our diet for us.

      And by the way, you don’t need Mexican lettuce in the winter either. Kale will stay there pretty much all winter. You can dig kale out from under the snow. But for any leafy vegetable that might not be winter hardy, here’s what you do. Get a colander and put it over boiling water, put your greens in the colander, and steam them for about 4 minutes, and then put them in a freezer bag and put in your freezer.

      I learned this from the book:


    19. shabbos shabazz Says:

      “because agribusiness was choosing our diet for us.”

      And how do they do that?

    20. Augustus Sutter Says:

      Hey Miller, it was not marbles; it was stick-ball. My old man always grew some tomatoes plants in a box on the front stoop. The eye-talians in the neighborhood all raised tomatoes, arugula, peppers, lettuce and such in their backyard. It’s called gardening, which is what Kievsky is talking about…..not farming like some old redneck like you.

      Gardening and revolution, they have always gone together. Hey didn’t the Legions have a farming battalion that grew food for their outposts? This Kievsky is crazy like a fox. I’m on board now. Give me snow peas or give me death!

    21. Stronza Says:

      Speaking of greens, has anyone here ever grown or at least heard of Upland Cress. It’s not a real cress, it is an unbelievably tougn ‘n’ hardy dark leafy green also known in the southern states as Creasy Greens. I’ve grown this only once and loved it. Even in cold climates, it just keeps on going till December!

      Hey, Glenn, since you seem to be in the mood for outdoorsy music and poetry, here is a wee song that an older woman sang to me when I was a teenager. Oh, heck, you probably know this already, but maybe the youngsters here are not familiar with it.

      In the shade of the old apple tree
      I met a fair Cee – You – En – Tee
      She asked me to stay
      For an Eff – You – Cee – Kay
      Which sounded like music to me!

      Months and years have gone by
      And my pr*ck has a tear in its eye
      Cause I’m eating green grass
      For that swell piece of ass
      In the shade of the old apple tree.

    22. Kievsky Says:


      You are right that Urban gardening/Container gardening is very important. The more the city folks can grow for themselves, the better, and container gardening can produce very high yields. The trick with container gardening is the containers need to be self-watering, or a stay at home mom needs to water them frequently.

      The best self-watering system for urban container gardening is http://www.earthbox.com I hope it’s not owned by a jew. Probably is.

      However, you can also collect garbage cans, drill holes in the bottom and keep them in some kind of pan that you fill with water. This would be somewhat self-watering. I grow potatoes in garbage cans rather than trenches because the yields are much better, and container potatoes come out large and perfectly shaped.

    23. Glenn Miller Says:

      Hey Stonza, that’s a good un. Earthy like I like um, though I’d never heard that one before.

      Yeah, us boys sang lots of earthy songs like those, growing up in the 40s and 50s. Not in front of gals though. A knock up side our heads would surely follow, if we did. Solely for male entertainment while we worked long, sweaty days in the fields. Growing up, I had 15 aunts and uncles, and 54 1st cousins, just about all of whom worked on farms.

      My Miller grandfather (who had 11 children), huge 300 pound, red-headed fellow, used to wake up every morning 1/2 hour before sun rise and stare at the ceiling for 1/2 hour. Then when he got up, he had a job picked out for all 11 that would last all day. A super great organizer, according to my father. Young’uns were highly profitably back in those days. All farmers wanted lots of them.

      “Son, marry a big, strong, healthy woman. You’ll get more work out of her than from a skinny, weak one. And she’ll give you lots of big, strong, healthy young’uns”, is what my grandfather used to say. And quite seriously, too.

      Actually, I followed his advice and had 5.

      How many young’uns have you made to help work your garden, Mr Sutter ??

    24. Augustus Sutter Says:


      I have one young’un as you know, and he is a big boy. He’ll grow to about 6’5″ according to the growth chart, blond haired, blue-eyed. What does this have to do with backyard gardening. But you are right the biggest gun a White male carries is between his legs. I’m not done and I’ll make at least 2 more, maybe three. All hail Augustus Sutter!

    25. Augustus Sutter Says:

      I find this interesting that Miller jumped in to defend this show when he has expressed disdain for Kievky and his “psychobabble” in the past. I suppose it’s a case of circling the wagons. We can’t afford someone pointing out how absurd we are. This is after all about a cyber circle jerk society that loves to slap itself on the back, a bizarre sub-culture.

      Gardening has nothing to do with building a revolution or freeing Whites from Jewish tyranny, nor will it ever. One of the chaps on “The Daily Reckoning” wrote about visiting some short, squat brown Indians in the mountains of Peru. They have an economy based on farming and barter and live very primitively and independent of modern systems. They sell some of the beads and trinkets they produce and save the money for technological things they might need. The point is this emulation of our racial inferiors is what Kievsky advocates, as has been pointed out to him in the past by Whitefist. We are not going to build a revolution, nor are we going to insulate ourselves from ZOG by imitating Indians with 70 IQ’s. These Indians do not have a government hostile to them and even if THEY were hostile to the government they pose absolutely no threat, as weak militarily as the Peruvian government might be. This revolution through fresh produce is a childish and irrelevant daydream.

      If Kievsky really hates the automobile system, and petrochemical agri-business, and slaving away for ZOG-bucks and so forth, I suggest he sell his vehicles and take what money he can pool together and join the Amish in Pennsylvania. They actually do all the things he advocates doing. They live off of the grid. They don’t drive cars. They are not dependent on the system. They raise their crops naturally. They raise large White families. They have a real sense of community. There are two large communities one in Lancaster county and the other north in the Susquehanna Valley. Even if you did not have enough to buy your own farm amongst them, I am sure one of the larger, wealthier farms could put you on as a farm hand and give you living quarters until you save enough money to stake off a few acres of you own. So you have to go to church on Sunday, is that such a high price to pay to live the life you absolutely crave to live?

      The truth of the matter Kievsky is not a farmer and does not want to be farmer. He loves automobiles and the system as much as the rest of society. He does not want to get up at 5 am and get behind a mule and plow the fields to sundown. He loves getting into his car and driving to the local suburban supermarket to buy a bottle of wine or a coffee cake for his Yankee Jim visits. So please stop boring well adjusted people with these delusion daydreams about “hate farming” and “White Power Gardening”.

      Also, ZOG as corrupt and inefficient as it is could wipe the Amish off of the earth in a few days with no resistance. So where is the “Vegetable Revolution”? This is why there is no movement. Mental defectives are given venues to allow their self delusional daydreams to fester.

    26. Glenn Miller Says:

      Use the “thermometer method”. I made 3 boys in 3 and 1/2 years that way. On second thought though, it requires “deep penetration” so I’m afraid you’ll have to content yourself with making gals. (he he. . . . just kidding).

      It takes a real man to make boys, ya know. You can make a gal with your finger.

      As for Kievsky’s “White Power Gardening”, I’m a strong believer in WNs owning, or having access to, some acres suitable for raising livestock and for a large family garden. 5 good fertile acres, minimum.

    27. Augustus Sutter Says:

      I’m glad to see you taking the high road Mr. Miller. We certainly don’t want this dialogue to degenerate into a “Muh Dick” conversation. VNN and you, and the rest of the Looney Toons are not at all interested in fighting the Jew or awakening White minds. If you were you would not be giving Kievsky venues for his ignorant, stupid fantasies. The Bunny Slayer advocates this “Vegetable Revolution” through dropping out of the system by growing your own food and supposedly building a “local economy” based on barter just as the 70 IQ Indians I mentioned. In this “Vegetable Revolution” ZOG will be collapsed due to the fact that all whites will not be working for ZOG bucks, and ZOG’s tax base will continually shrink thereby collapsing the government and the system by non-participation in the system.

      This fantasy of Kievsky is just a fevered daydream of an unstable mind. He advocates Whites abandon reality as he has I suppose, because his own reality is just too painful for him to honestly confront.

      If VNN is really trying to reach Whites they would not be airing shows about “White Power Gardening”. The very people you are trying to reach will see this for what it is: absolutely absurd.

      There is nothing wrong with gardening or being a farmer. It is not however the basis of revolution nor will be advocating Whites return to an 18th century lifestyle collapse ZOG, nor will it have any appeal to the very Whites you say you are trying to help.

      Oh and Yankee Jim, I stand corrected, and I apologize for not properly giving you credit for the term “White Power Gardening”. I’m sorry I stole your thunder. You have full ownership of “White Power Gardening”.

    28. Whitefist Says:

      As has been mentioned already, backyard gardening is something that ethnic White Americans have been doing all along. NOTHING NEW OR REVOLUTIONARY ABOUT IT!

      What is new about Kievsky’s “ideas” is that instead of White Power he in fact is the biggest advocate of White Weakness. Social progress has only become possible because of agricultural consolidation and concentration. That Kievsky doesn’t like “agribusiness” because it imports mexishits or promotes unhealthy food according to him, doesn’t in fact imply that the model itself is a failure. Quite the contrary, agribusiness, or rather the concept of fewer farmers producing more food is in fact an economic efficiency that has made possible American industrial development and the advent of a high technology sector/society.

      It is precisely because of agribusiness and the fact that we aren’t consumed from sunup to sundown with growing our own grub that White men can spend their time unlocking the secrets of quantum physics or the very real alternative energy technology that makes the Peak Oil Doomsday prognostications a silly fantasy. This is Economic Development 101, societies organize and evolve first from the agrarian model, secondly to an industrial model, and finally to a higher knowledge based model, which btw doesn’t imply that any of the previous models are abandoned, food production or industrial production, merely that they evolve to allow for the new stage of social development. This natural evolution has been perverted by the jew in America in so far as they’ve been proponents of hollowing out our industrial production based economy and the outsourcing of our “knowledge” production like engineering and IT, substituting healthy national economics with a menial service based consumer economy financed primarily through debt. Good for jews itz! Nevertheless this doesn’t invalidate the natural social evolution, 1. Agrarian; 2. Industrial; 3. Knowledge.

      The entire colored world realizes that mastery of the White Man’s Magic, otherwise known as science and technology IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ACTIVITY to be engaged in, and is only possible to the extent that a society can develop agricultural efficiency freeing humans to pursue these more compelling activities, like harnessing the atom. Geography does play a role and certain regions of the world are better suited for agricultural production than others, and some nations/societies will remain primarily agricultural for a variety of reasons to be sure.

      However, what Kievsky suggests is frankly bizarre, this insistence on abandoning reality, with his suggestion that Whites should simply return to a primitive 17th century level of living, a neo-Luddite position of sorts, though that’s way too flattering of this lunacy, and by doing so Whites will somehow regain their global mastery and stave off the intense racial competition and encroachment of White living space with their bags of fresh produce and a primitive barter economy. How insane! Especially given the reality that the entire colored world to the extent capable is focused on precisely the opposite, the acquisition of scientific know-how and the application of that know-how in industrial output for both commercial and military objectives, in the case of China one in the same, China being the best example of this but not the only one, India, Pakistan and yes even Brazil!

      According to CNN, on a Peak Oil special report, BRAZIL HAS MADE ITSELF OIL INDEPENDENT substituting an agricultural alternative for gasoline!!! So much for Peak Oil, but also so much for the neo-Ludditism fantasy world of Kievsky. Brazilians will still be driving cars, or possibly gravity vehicles, while Kievsky’s descendants will still be picking produce and stepping in horseshit, which is pretty much what Kievsky’s ideas amount to, horseshit.

      And while on the subject of horseshit, that’s precisely what VNN is turning itself into when it showcases programs like White Power Gardening, almost a parody of sorts of the Jerry Springer carnival atmosphere where only the most bizarre are sought for the center stage. Ironic that a neo-Luddite like Kievsky enjoys such prominence on this website when if his very suggestions were embraced Whites would evolve no further than primates, and we really would have a Planet of the Apes…

    29. Stronza Says:

      Whitefist says,

      “Quite the contrary, agribusiness, or rather the concept of fewer farmers producing more food is in fact an economic efficiency that has made possible American industrial development and the advent of a high technology sector/society.”

      True. But in all development there is a point of diminishing returns, and agribusiness in USA and Cda has long since passed that point. Maybe it is not a simple case of choosing between Kievsky’s neo-Luddism and the sick state of agribusiness today.

      Can an entire population happily exist in an ever-upward-spiralling high tech society? (We ARE supposed to be happy, aren’t we, on this earth, instead of waiting to be happy in Heaven.) How long can such a knowledge-based society go on? I’d say it’s imploding as we speak, which is why Kievsky’s neo-Luddism, while not some ultimate solution, doesn’t sound quite as stupid as you suggest.

      In any case, it has been noted that a great reduction in people working the land (be it scratching the ground with a stick or something a little more efficient) is a sure sign of a civilization in decline. So, more folks than ever before in human history are members of the “creative class”, swanning & schmoozing about in the knowledge-based, high tech society/ economy and hardly anyone is left to do the real work of life. And I call it “real” work because, after all is said & done, we are still biological entities and the farther we get from knowing our place in the natural order, the closer we get to becoming androids twiddling our thumbs hunting endlessly for “meaning”. Which is where I would say 90% of the population is, at present. And I would ask, what, in the natural progression of things, comes AFTER #3 (the knowlege-based society)?

      Here’s a big word: enantiodromia. It means that eventually everything turns into its opposite. It looks like we are not too far from that happening.

    30. Augustus Sutter Says:

      Stronza says:

      “How long can such a knowledge-based society go on? I’d say it’s imploding as we speak, which is why Kievsky’s neo-Luddism, while not some ultimate solution, doesn’t sound quite as stupid as you suggest. ”

      I’d say it’s only imploding here. Technology and knowledge acquisition are moving along quite nicely in China, Japan, Germany and even mongrelized countries like Brazil. Here, in the Jewnited States of America progress has slowed almost to a halt, as it was planned.

      Here is another tidbit for you: 90% of society has always hunted for meaning in life. It’s why slick minded greedy con-men invented religion.

      So tell me how this Neo-Luddism is a solution. The Chinese are building Pebble reactors. The Japanese have devised a catalytic solar reactor that can supply endless amounts of hydrogen from the sun. Kievsky advocates that Whites all work the farm, well all other Whites but him should work the farm. He, after all, can play the fiddle.

      True, we have too many Whites thinking they are all going to be earth shakers and world beaters when they are more ideally suited to working in a blast furnace. The problem is there are no blast furnaces to work in. This is not the fault of technology or oil or agribusiness or automobiles. It is the fault of television. If only there was a “Peak TV” on the horizon, after which the numbers of Whites watching it rapidly diminished.

      You can program a computer with conditional statements of logic, Boolean algebra. It’s even easier to program a White lemming. Image, simple message, repeat. Image, simple message, repeat. Lemmings are going to respond to this and this only. Many lemmings however are quite intelligent, and they can easily see this envelope of absurdity that is being pushed with subjects like “White Power Gardening”. VNN has become a carnival, and Alex and company have become carnival barkers.

    31. Whitefist Says:

      Stronza says: “In any case, it has been noted that a great reduction in people working the land (be it scratching the ground with a stick or something a little more efficient) is a sure sign of a civilization in decline. So, more folks than ever before in human history are members of the “creative class”, swanning & schmoozing about in the knowledge-based, high tech society/ economy and hardly anyone is left to do the real work of life. And I call it “real” work because, after all is said & done, we are still biological entities and the farther we get from knowing our place in the natural order, the closer we get to becoming androids twiddling our thumbs hunting endlessly for “meaning”. Which is where I would say 90% of the population is, at present. And I would ask, what, in the natural progression of things, comes AFTER #3 (the knowlege-based society)?”

      How so is greater agricultural efficiency, i.e. less human input producing more and more a sure sign of a civilization in decline??? A curious statement thatz…

      Two things, first off, where do you see the boundary of a knowledge society, when in fact that stage of social evolution is barely in its infancy. Are you making the case that we have learned all there is to learn, that Whitekind are the masters of the universe??? The Knowledge society has a heck of long way to go.

      Secondly, just because human activity centers on broadening the knowledge frontiers doesn’t mean that either agricultural production or industrial production have been completely abandoned, it means those sectors evolve. Again, in the Kwa this natural evolution has been perverted by the jew, and what has occurred here is something akin to what Kievsky advocates, a giant step backward, whereby jews have created a third world country and economy out of a once vibrant White society that was well on its way to making the stage 3, knowledge based society transition.

      Lastly, the final missing ingredient in social evolution is Eugenics. That isn’t to imply that we need fewer people, but what we need is a better quality White human, and this too has been halted and in fact reversed by the jew. So, while a certain type of human is fine for an agrarian society and even an industrial one, as the social organism evolves it requires better stock for a knowledge based society, and that has been denied to Whites. This btw is a reality not lost on the Chinese, the 21st century equivalent of the German National Socialists imo.

      Kievsky’s neo-Ludditism is in perfect synchrony with the jewish social engineering, an embrace of the primitive for primitive minds.

    32. Glenn Miller Says:

      My Sutter said this to me:

      VNN and you, and the rest of the Looney Toons are not at all interested in fighting the Jew or awakening White minds. If you were you would not be giving Kievsky venues for his ignorant, stupid fantasies. (unquote)

      Mr Sutter, all I said was that I’m a strong believer in WNs owning, or having access to, at least 5 acres of land suitable for livestock and gardening. Which is hardly “‘giving Kievsky venues” for anything. You do stretch facts at times.

      I didn’t tune in to the radio show on “White Power Gardening”, btw. I’ve only tuned in to 3 or 4, all tolled. Because, as I said, us old WN rednecks think we already know it all. I do strongly support VNN’s radio project, though. It just needs to attract far more lemmings as listeners, in addition to the WN choir.

      What VNN radio really needs, in my studied opinion, is lots of anti’s on as guests for Alex, Dietrich, Geoff, Agis, Hawthorne, Stan, Chain and the others to tear them to shreds in heated, no-holds barred, debates. Radio talks shows with no opposition voices to stimulate and provoke interests, get old and a bit boring quickly, in my judgement.

      Man, what I wouldn’t give to hear Alex in one-on-one radio debates with ADL, NAACP, and/or La Raza spokesmen/spokeswomen. Or even with other jewish and minority intellectuals.

      Whatchathink ??