27 April, 2007


Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 6:47 pm | Permanent Link

Watch here for link…



  • 9 Responses to “DIETRICH LIVE AT 9:00 P.M. EST…”

    1. Leshrac Says:

      I’ll create a backup feed for you guys just after the show starts :)

      It should be able to handle 50~75 people if all goes right.

    2. Leshrac Says:

      Dietrich get on skype so i can test that damn shoutcast relay thing :O


    3. TED Says:

      TURN UP YOUR FUCK’N VOLUME!!!!!!!!!I can’t hear the fuck’n guy on the phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. tj Says:

      Chain’s volume is not coming through at all-

    5. brutus Says:

      Sorry I missed the show.

      I couldn’t find it, if it was availible.


    6. Ted Says:

      TURN UP YOUR FUCK’N VOLUME!!!!!!!!!I can’t hear the fuck’n guy on the phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    7. New America Says:

      For Dietrich:

      Thanks for the great job!


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    8. John Says:

      Good show…White man does it again

    9. avid listener Says:

      You guys need to do more work on the audio before the show begins to make sure everyone’s levels are consistent. The last few weeks have been very tough with people’s feed all over the place in terms of volume.