Linder Interview with Ron Friedman
Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Canada, VNN controlled media appearances at 11:33 pm | 
I spoke to this guy in late 2006 on the phone. He claims to be named Ron Friedman (jew), a journalism student in Vancouver. I don’t know if he’s illiterate, but I’m not, so I guess he was too busy to type accurately or else doesn’t understand ordinary English.
My interview with a white supremacist.
This is an Interview I conducted for an assignment.
This guy is the real thing, check out the amount of garbage that he puts out there.
• Q. What’s your, background, how long have you been in media/ journalism, do you define yourself as a journalist?
• A. I worked in trades after college and I wrote opinions in college. I graduated in 88 from Pomona. Went out to D.C. and worked in conservative publishing for a while. And then I worked in trades and then I did my own. Then I started VNN (Vangaurd News Network) 6 years ago. Yeah I’m a journalist.
• Q. Is VNN strictly online or do you have a broadcast as well?
• A. We do mp3s. If you call it radio the guys who are on professional radio will get hot and object to it. But we do recordings of our show “Goyfire†at and we’ve done 41 of those shows. We also do freetalk live we’ve probably done 10 or 11 of those. It’s alternative media; genuinely alternative media aimed at Aryans- that being the scientific word for white people.
• Q. Do you have any idea of how many people listen to your show, based on comments or research that you’ve done?
• A. We have thousands reading our main page and we have hundreds and building listening to the audio.
• Q. When you say we, VNN, is that you and some other people? How is it structured?
• A. It’s a loosely structured media collective of people who brood their great problems with the western world, the United States in particular. And who work to provide intelligent white men to an alternative to the Jew controlled media.
• Q. What’s the reaction been?
• A. The reaction is almost uniformly positive, because people know that they’re being lied to and they seek an alternative. In the big cities there are alternative papers. But they’re basically pro Queer, pro Jew, just a little bit farther than what you get in the mainstream. We offer a genuine alternative to intelligent, serious minded white men. There really isn’t much else. We also provide a better format than what you get on commercial radio in the U.S. where you have an ad every other minute and you’re constrained by licensing, by the FCC, to stay within politically correct boundaries.
• Q. Have you had trouble finding advertisers?
• A. Huh, huh, huh … we don’t have any advertisers. The power of the Jewish lobby is such that they are able to boycott by going behind the scenes and making threats. The power of Jewish control over our politics is so strong that the Jews, the organized Jews control the F.B.I and therefore the F.B.I allows them to get away with what, if we did it would be called extortion or violation of civil rights.
• Q. Organized Jews? What types of organizations do you mean?
• A. Organized Jews, I mean Jews are organized… good lord, you could find literally hundreds of Jewish organizations. Basically the A.D.L trains the F.B.I. teaches them that whites who stand for white interests are haters and extremists and radicals and terrorists. There is a very large history of Jewish subversion. The way that they do it is behind the scene and by buying cops and politicians. They’ve been convicted of that in court. The A.D.L. would be the main group.
• Q. A.D.L, what does that stand for?
• A. Anti defamation league.
• Q. And it’s a Jewish organization?
• A. Yes is it. And Abe Foxman is the head of it. They are basically a little piece of Mossad in the U.S. and they see to it that U.S. policies are perverted to favor Israel.
• Q. Back to Journalism because that is my main interest. Do you have a favorite journalist or publication that you support from the mainstream?
• A. No my own media is what I’m interested in. You have to understand I worked for Robert Novak for a while in D.C. when I went out there. And I worked for the American Spectator which is…. He’s one of the main conservative columnist and they are one of the main conservative magazines. What you find is that there is a line that you dare not cross. Now I’m a satirist and even the right wing publications in America will not allow you to criticize Blacks or Jews as a group. And you people on Canada, you should note: it is literally illegal to criticize Blacks or Jews as a group. The only group you can criticize in Canada is White males. And you can literally be thrown in jail. You may have heard of Tom Winnicki over in London Ontario, thrown in jail because of stuff he posted on my forum; criticism of minorities and immigrants in Toronto. Apparently you are not allowed to do that in Canada . So Canada goes one step farther even from the U.S in terms of your Jewish dictatorship over what you can and can’t say. Free speech does not exist in Canada.
• Q. Do you think that’s the way it will go in the States?
• A. That’s what the Jews want.
• Q. What do you see in the future of the media?
• A. The future of the media is that the people in general and white males in particular are leaving the mass media. This has the Jews who own the mass media, in great fear because their political control is based on their controlling the airways and broadcasting to people. The Internet has allowed people to talk amongst themselves and when they do they exchange ideas that are forebode where the Jews dictate. So I thing the more intelligent sector of the community, i.e. the White males are recollecting themselves on the Internet And finding a genuine alternative to the mass garbage that we get on TV. that’s absolutely going to continue and we’ve seen the success of YouTube: a hundred million downloaded videos per day, people are able to talk amongst themselves without the government controlling them. The government is desperate to reassert control.
• Q. How influential in your opinion is the media on society?
• A. I think it’s extremely influential. It’s not so simple as to say that they brainwash people and get them to agree, but what they can do is persuade people, that the things that they know from their experience are false. At the very least even if you don’t believe in them you better not oppose them. T.V. for example which is the greatest mind influencer there has ever been, shows Blacks as civilized scientist and financial advisors and all around great people. people in their day-to-day lives know that Blacks are dangerous, violent and stupid. You have to ask yourself why do we have a system that essentially flips reality. This is why I will fight. My media wouldn’t exist if TV would show things the way they actually are. Media have tremendous influence because in the past, pretty much ….. No let me rephrase that: everything you know, unless you directly experience it or you talk with friends, comes from the mass media. If the mass media are directed in a way that present a false picture of reality, that’s very dangerous and that’s exactly what going on.
• Q. You seem to be heading to the philosophical area, that your reality is shaped by the media. Do you agree to that claim?
• A. Like I say if you don’t have immediate experience of something all you know comes in from the mass media. And since people today don’t read much, that primarily means TV. TV is run by a handful of giants and corporations, that’s the Leftist viewpoint, and that’s true as far as it goes. But what the Leftist don’t tell you in their claim that mass media is driven by corporations seeking profits is that often mass media avoids profit if it serves their politics. Now the Jews effuse to fund Mel Gibson’s Passion because they didn’t like the politics of it, they turned down a billion dollars because it didn’t suit their political agenda. I’ve never seen an honest Leftist answer that criticism. The mass media are partly driven by profits but over and above everything else they are driven by a political agenda that is identical to organized Jewry’s political agenda.
• Q. How do you explain the fact that the Jews have an affect on… everything ,as you represent it?
• A. Well its simply fact that if you research who owns these corporations it’s Jews. And yeah you can point to one out of 4 or 5 that are not literally owned by Jews, but the entire staffing in the positions that matter, the executive producers, the higher ups its almost entirely Jewish. Look at the papers the Jews own: the New York Times, they own the National Post, those are the two main papers, the papers that have a national import. They own the Associated Press, they own Viacom. The only one that isn’t owned by Jews is GEE and the people who run the media and the TV portion of GEE are Jews. The Jews themselves admitted that Hollywood is a Jewish dream factory. Those are the people that are putting out the ideas, those are the people with the agenda that you see on TV and they are extremely hostile to Whites. We coined a term for it “Loxism†– the Jewish hatred of Whites. That’s a term that you never see anywhere, and there’s your proof. They talk about Anti-Semites but what about the people the Jews hate? How come you never hear a Jew called a Hater?
• Q. Where would you see it if you made it up? If you coined the phrase?
• A. Huh huh. My point is the quest for reality. There is far more hatred of whites, Southerners and Germans on TV, yet there is never any term used for it. Why is that, well that is a political decision. They talk about people hating Jews, why don’t they talk about Jews hating other people?
• Q. You don’t believe that there is such a thing as an independent press?
• A. The mass media uniformly presents one point of view, which is identical to the Jewish agenda. Such independent press as there is, is what I represent. That is limited mostly to the Internet because you have the free dissemination of information that would cost thousands and thousands of dollars to print and put out over mass TV, even if you could, and you can’t. You’d have to have a couple of Billion Dollars even to get in the game of mass TV.
• Q. Essentially what you’re saying is that media manufactures or skews people’s opinions.
• A. Media presents a uniform and false picture of the world and it makes people feel that even if they don’t agree they better not oppose that version of things. What can you do how can you fight the city hall? If they say American Whites are racist then how come you don’t see racism on TV? All you see is evil White southerners and hateful rednecks and wonderful Homosexuals or wonderful Jews or wonderful Blacks. Blacks are shown as scientist when in fact they never are in fact.
• Q. It seems that that with the online world basically anybody with a computer can go online and air his or her thoughts.
• A. Except in Europe and Canada. They are making it illegal to do what I do and what VNN does by calling it hate. They went after Tom Winnicki for something that he wrote on the Internet in the U.S. where its legal on a U.S. server. Now in Europe the Jews have already got these laws across that prevent anyone from criticizing, them. They would like to do the same thing in the U.S. The first amendment is the only legal block they have for their ambitions.
• Q. Canada has freedom of speech as well, just so you know.
• A. No it doesn’t. Tom Winnicki’s in jail for criticizing minorities and criminals in Canada.
• Q. I don’t know about that. I’ll have to check it out, I’ll have to take your word for it for the moment.
• A. You can google it up, I don’t make things up. He wrote on my forum and they shutdown my website for a day. Apparently our own authorities cooperated with your human relations council, after something I said and we had it shut down for a day. We had to change servers. It’s only in U.S. that has any kind of freedom of speech left. The Jews would like to make it the same way hers they’d like to make my sites illegal and shut them down. I couldn’t run my sites in Canada. I would be thrown in Jail. Who owns the media up in Canada? Izzy Asper.
• Q. Do you have any thing else that you would like to say, maybe about you’re plans? Is VNN going anywhere?
• A. Yes, we’re trying to rally as many White Men as we can and ultimately turn into some kind of political movement but it’s a difficult thing. I’d like to emphasize that the number of people leaving mainstream TV and mainstream newspapers will continue because they realize that they get the real information on the Internet where its still legal. We will continue to fight as hard as we possibly can the Jews who are trying to lock down the Internet the way they locked down every other type of media.
• Thank you very Much Mr. Linder
• Goodbye
posted by Ron @ 9:47 PM 2 comments
7 March, 2007 at 12:29 am
• Q. A.D.L, what does that stand for?
• A. Anti defamation league.
• Q. And it’s a Jewish organization?
Is this guy thick or what?
7 March, 2007 at 12:44 am
Friedman’s comments on this interview (from his blog):
Brief analysis of interview
Interviews can be driven by various factors: for instance the level of intimacy achieved with the subject, the insightfulness of the questions or the aggressiveness of the asker. This interview was driven primarily on basis of the character of the subject- Mr. Linder.
When choosing my subject for this assignment I decided to interview someone whose opinions IՉ۪d never heard before. While surfing the web for possible subjects I came across a podcast published by a colleague of Mr. Linder. The nature of the show aroused an emotional reaction as well as my curiosity. For a week I delved into a world of hate. Composed of dozens of websites, blogs and newsletters written and published by a range of despicable characters espousing ignorant theories, claiming repugnant truths . One of them was Mr. Linder a self confessed White Supremacist, who maintains a website called VNN and writes on others such as Goyfire and White Nation.
Mr. Linder is a treasure for a journalist. The sheer outrageousness of what he believes and says is what drives the interview. I prepared questions for the interview, which I stuck to,too a large degree. And while I attempted to maintain focus on the issue of journalism, anything that this man would have said, would make for a captivating read. The problems that arose during the interview resulted from my antagonism towards the subject, although I did my best to reign in my emotions.
The interview proceeded at a comfortable pace with fluid transition between topics. At times my questions sounded more like statements and I found myself putting words in LinderՉ۪s mouth. Thankfully Linder is quite capable of speaking nonsense on his own. He doesnՉ۪t need me to help him out.
The interview could have continued indefinitely and Linder would have continued to cast his pearls. In the end I got tired of listening to him, and as I had gone over the required time anyways, I let him present a finishing statement and concluded the interview.
posted by Ron @ 10:19 PM 0 comments
7 March, 2007 at 1:04 am
“Multiple Thoughts Crtitical and creative thinking in a multi-dimensional world.”
Ok, so the guy is no Alex Trebek but give the kid credit. I mean comon, at least he has a sense of humor. Jew majoring in journalism who can’t spell or form coherent sentences. And on top of that when he goes hiking he takes along a purse. Good stuff!
7 March, 2007 at 1:16 am
Some comments on his comments:
Ron the Journalist wrote:
Interviews can be driven by various factors: for instance the level of intimacy achieved with the subject, the insightfulness of the questions or the aggressiveness of the asker. This interview was driven primarily on basis of the character of the subject- Mr. Linder.
When choosing my subject for this assignment I decided to interview someone whose opinions IՉ۪d never heard before. While surfing the web for possible subjects I came across a podcast published by a colleague of Mr. Linder. The nature of the show aroused an emotional reaction as well as my curiosity. For a week I delved into a world of hate. Composed of dozens of websites, blogs and newsletters written and published by a range of despicable characters espousing ignorant theories, claiming repugnant truths .
in reply:
If Ron considers “Composed of dozens of websites, blogs and newsletters written and published by a range of despicable characters espousing ignorant theories, claiming repugnant truths .” to be a sentence, his career in journalism is pretty much over.
Ron the Journalist wrote:
One of them was Mr. Linder a self confessed White Supremacist, who maintains a website called VNN and writes on others such as Goyfire and White Nation.
in reply:
The best reply to being called a “White Supremacist” came from Bob Whitaker: “Black people are the true “White Supremacists,” because they always follow the White people whenever they can.”
And, I suspect, if we looked closely at Ron’s friends, he might well be a “White Exclusivist.”
Not that White People are any better, of course.
Ron the Journalist wrote:
Mr. Linder is a treasure for a journalist. The sheer outrageousness of what he believes and says is what drives the interview. I prepared questions for the interview, which I stuck to,too a large degree. And while I attempted to maintain focus on the issue of journalism, anything that this man would have said, would make for a captivating read. The problems that arose during the interview resulted from my antagonism towards the subject, although I did my best to reign in my emotions.
in reply:
“…too a large degree.”
I see that Journalism degree really did the job!
And, “…anything that this man would have said, would make for a captivating read.”
This is true, and I suspect this validates those of us who believe Mr. Linder is a journalist, and an example “Rob” would do well to emulate.
Rob the Journalist wrote:
The interview proceeded at a comfortable pace with fluid transition between topics. At times my questions sounded more like statements and I found myself putting words in LinderՉ۪s mouth. Thankfully Linder is quite capable of speaking nonsense on his own. He doesnՉ۪t need me to help him out.
The interview could have continued indefinitely and Linder would have continued to cast his pearls. In the end I got tired of listening to him, and as I had gone over the required time anyways, I let him present a finishing statement and concluded the interview.
in reply:
This phrase says it all: “At times my questions sounded more like statements and I found myself putting words in Linder’’s mouth.”
A JOURNALIST putting words in the mouth of the interviewee?
And, to make sure we know who this interview is REALLY about, “Rob the Journalist” hits us with a refreshingly blunt statement:
“In the end I got tired of listening to him, and as I had gone over the required time anyways, I let him present a finishing statement and concluded the interview.”
One, THAT sentence would not have made it past my Seventh Grade English teacher.
Two, one thing good interviewers soon realize:
They care about what the SUBJECT – the interviewee – has to say, and why.
There is one journalistic enterprise that does seem ideally suited for “Rob the Journalist”:
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, which is down to FIVE PERCENT in the ratings.
Nobody cares what they have to say, either.
I suspect “Rob the Journalist” might well get used to hearing the words “Double Double,” because that’s how people ask for their coffee at Tim Horton’s.
We can see the future “interview” now:
“Rob the Journalist”: “Welcome to Tim Horton’s. What can I get you?”
Customer: “A dozen maple glazed, and two double doubles.”
“Rob the Journalist”: “Can I interview you, and share my feelings with the readership?”
Customer: “If you’re Rex Murphy, you can interview me. If you’re NOT Rex Murphy, shut the fuck up and get me a dozen maple glazed and two double doubles.”
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
7 March, 2007 at 3:42 am
Tell me why this jew asks you questions that he already knows the answers to? It’s like some great charade, only the jew knows it’s a charade and plays along anyway.
Also, I always thought journalists were supposed to report the facts straight up and sequester their emotions away where they can’t bias the piece. This jew openly admits his antagonism towards the subject so given his probable emotional taint, in my opinion, this piece would be suspect in any other context.
7 March, 2007 at 4:24 am
New America Wrote:
“If Ron considers “Composed of dozens of websites, blogs and newsletters written and published by a range of despicable characters espousing ignorant theories, claiming repugnant truths .†to be a sentence, his career in journalism is pretty much over.”
A non-jew with this “man’s” laughable writing abilities wouldn’t have even been admitted to a competent journalism school, let alone hired by the lowliest of small-town papers. However, since Mr. Friedman is a jew, it’s safe to assume he’ll have a job offer waiting for him immediately following the completion of his degree. A poor goyim copy editor will probably be assigned to the kike as well: an individual whose unsung efforts will bring the jew’s “chosen” writing abilities up to an astounding 8th-grade level of complexity and grammatical correctitude.
7 March, 2007 at 4:37 am
Alex graduated in 1988……as in ’88’…..clearly an omen!
7 March, 2007 at 4:49 am
wait a minute!
what’s going on here, Alex?
was this chrctr who interviewed you actually an adult?
those ‘questions’ of his sound like sumthin’ a 10-yr-old-kid would cook up!
come to think of it: i’v heard ten-year-olds ask more intelligent questions than that!
fck!….that cunt’s dead-set pathetic!
either that: or he’s a friggin’ yello-bellied coward!…..he clearly ‘sussed’ from the word ‘GO!’ that he was no-where near Alex’s intellectual level and, so, spewed out some cretinous questions, wound the ‘interview’ up ASAP and, later, tried to ‘take the piss’ on his ‘blog’!
7 March, 2007 at 8:29 am
Wow, overall I’m impressed. The jew boy may have asked silly questions, but at least Alex was able to go into detail without being cut off or any material being eliminated.
Then, of course, a slimy jew will be a slimy. It’s always a good idea to have your own transcripts as backup.
(parenthesis vs. no parenthesis — that is the question)
7 March, 2007 at 8:37 am
He spelled “VNN” and “Alex Linder” correctly. He also said
“Mr. Linder is a treasure! Anything this man says makes for a captivating read!”
That’s hitting it out of the ballpark, as far as I’m concerned. (What’s the emoticon for irony?)
7 March, 2007 at 10:11 am
His mother is probably White woman. Even with a tape recorder, and no editorial intent, transcription ain’t easy.
7 March, 2007 at 1:10 pm
Transcription is one of the easiest jobs ever. So is checking grammar and punctuation. You left out the indefinite article before “White.”
7 March, 2007 at 1:13 pm
Quit cavilling over poor transcription and all those run-on sentences attributed to you! Your Enemy has given you an opportunity to speak your mind, and he is too slow to see what a massive favour he has done you. I would send him a giant thank-you note: no publicity is bad publicity.
7 March, 2007 at 1:21 pm
“And on top of that when he goes hiking he takes along a purse”
And on top of that when he goes kiking he takes along a purse
7 March, 2007 at 2:33 pm
“Transcription is one of the easiest jobs ever”
This should read “one of the easier jobs ever”- easiest is superlative, easier is comparative.
Or: “Transcription is the easiest job ever.”
7 March, 2007 at 9:37 pm
Thanks, Shabbos.
8 March, 2007 at 1:46 pm
Man you folks are entertaining, but I can’t take you seriously you are like an overused stereotype.
Where do you people hold your “he man nigger haters club†behind the outhouse next to the old Chevy on cinderblocks or on the rusting converted yellow tard bus with “niggers back to Africa spray painted on the side?
You need to visit the Brown v Board museum in Topeka and check out the “walk of hatred.â€
They have a simulation of the crowds frothing from the mouth, shouting obscenities at little black girls as they tried to go to school.
I swear it would give racists like y’all a serious hard on.
But don’t judge all of us Negros so harshly seriously, I actually respect folks who say how the fuck they really feel about shit.
The most dangerous racist (liberals) is a silent one.
8 March, 2007 at 2:38 pm
So the problem is out psychology, and not nigger behavior?
8 March, 2007 at 4:41 pm
should read “our psychology”
8 March, 2007 at 6:46 pm
“snoop da brainz” be using capital letters and shit…(roll eyes)…and moralizing, sounds like a kike in disguise to me. the message: poor libs, even the nigs hate them!
9 March, 2007 at 12:39 am
Strange, he sounds like he is making excuses (for himself) and seems slightly apologetic- also betrays a grudging admiration for AL in his choice of words “captivating” , “treasure” while criticizing him. Overall, Friedman comes off sounding like he is licking his wounds sulkily, as if he were not anticipating what he got and didnt know how to handle it.
9 March, 2007 at 10:18 pm
Some ugly Jewess, Jew boy, or some other sort of human flotsam – linking to ugly pink haired Jewess “Pretty Lady’s” “political poop” site – and pretending to be a black guy, said:
They have a simulation of the crowds frothing from the mouth, shouting obscenities at little black girls as they tried to go to school.
I swear it would give racists like y’all a serious hard on.
No, no they don’t, Shlomo or Shlomo-sina. Jesus, you dullards aren’t even good liars. BTW, black girls don’t give us hard ons, for obvious reasons. You Jews and your endless psychological projection. You just described Jews reacting to Palestinians to a “T.” Have you spit on any Arabs today, Jew?
ROTFLMAO, loser. It must suck being a Jew.
9 March, 2007 at 10:58 pm
Well, I could be wrong the origin of of the writer, who knows?
It’s part of the “ring” that the ugly pink haired Jewess “Pretty Lady” belongs to. They all say the same old tired hateful things, and I could give a shit who’s who.
I looked at it as long as I could stand – it’s a cesspool of boredom. These so called writers have nothing to say, but will say it in 10,000 words.
11 March, 2007 at 12:22 pm
“These so called writers have nothing to say, but will say it in 10,000 words.”
Exactly. For an additional helping of one-step-from-Tay-Sachs cancerous synapses working off their logorrhoeic energies through jib-jabbering in true kahnman style, try reading “The New York Times Review of Books” or “The Village Voice.” Or just pull up an easy chair and a cat, light a White man’s pipe, fill out the slippers, stretch back, and read the lifework of Hannah Arendt. (Has anyone ever gotten through even one of her tomes?)
11 March, 2007 at 3:18 pm
Notice he never refutes anything Linder says – he just calls him stupid. Why so afraid to debate?
11 March, 2007 at 10:17 pm
sgruber Says:
11 March, 2007 at 12:22 pm
..try reading “The New York Times Review of Books†or “The Village Voice.†Or just pull up an easy chair and a cat, light a White man’s pipe, fill out the slippers, stretch back, and read the lifework of Hannah Arendt. (Has anyone ever gotten through even one of her tomes?)
Can I just hit myself over the head with a mallet instead? Please? It would hurt, but it’d be over quicker, and probably cause less brain damage.
12 March, 2007 at 12:46 am
Why hit /yourself/ with the mallet?
12 March, 2007 at 10:31 am
# sgruber Says:
12 March, 2007 at 12:46 am
Why hit /yourself/ with the mallet?
It was a joke, sgruber.
13 March, 2007 at 12:18 am
“It was a joke, sgruber.”
I was joking that you should consider directing the mallet at a target different than yourself.
13 March, 2007 at 12:19 am
I.e., not at yourself, but at others instead.
Pithy comments become tedious explained.