14 March, 2007

Free Talk Live Tonight

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 5:34 pm | Permanent Link

Show concluded.

Join host Whiteman4Whiteland for tonight’s Free Talk Live.

Music begins at 7:00 PM EST.

Talk: 9:00 PM EST

Skype ID: vnnfreetalklive
Phone: 660 675 4388

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  • 14 Responses to “Free Talk Live Tonight”

    1. sgruber Says:

      Good show thus far.

      On Knoxville: let’s rally without a permit in a White-area public park.

      Just show up at appointed time. 100s of Normal Whites gathering…with Name-the-Jew placards (along with prominent Channon-Christian ones).

      I call it a NO FILTER EVENT.

      Just lots of folks in a park, hanging out, eating sandwiches, displaying banners, trading leaflets with fellow citizens, with an Alex Linder anti-jew stemwinder going on.

      It’s OUR “thang.” Why beg police and media permission, like foreigners applying for entry into another country? We’re the public. It’s our park.

      As for security, perhaps we could provide our own.

      Downtown Knoxville is nothing but kikes (90%), lemmings (8%), and niggers (2%), and is close to heavy nigger area.

      Very attractive idea to do it around MLK Day. “Channon Day” – Annual Rally.

    2. sgruber Says:

      Hitler had the SA for security. A private army. Corporations have rent-a-cops; why can’t we?

      Later we could form a rent-a-cop association composed of and appealing to disaffected veterans of Iraq 2. Or Iran aka “WWIII.”

      Meat world activism could increasingly be done without permission in public places, with our own rent-a-cops.

    3. sgruber Says:

      A very nice White place

      Not so good

      All Knoxville parks

    4. Goddamn Nazi Says:

      Good show!

      I was waiting for Kievsky to rant about gardening, LOL. Another alternative is to stockpile food and water like the Mormons. This is prudent behavior regardless of whether a disaster occurs from the outside or from our own bad luck or stupidity.

      For the guy who called in and finished out the show who’s listened to Pierce and is for a “Constitutional Republic” and think that VNN’ers, or people like me, a real National Socialist, want to change AmeriKwa into another Third Reich…. I’m glad you called in too, but your opinion regarding why we talk about the Hitler and the Third Reich is incorrect.

      First, to say you’re Polish and therefore have a problem with the Third Reich is not clear thinking. The German government, aka Third Reich, did not have a problem with the Polish people. And unless your family was directly related to the Polish idiots running the so-called government who screwed over the Germans, then there’s no reason at all for dislike of the Third Reich, nor animosity between the two peoples for that matter.

      Second, the main thing us Nazis want is not to try to form a Third Reich down to the boots, Roman salutes and magnificent rallies, but instead, we want the heart and soul of National Socialism to take hold in this country. Our people need to know that even though we’re individuals and unique, we’re a large extended family and are the living remains of our ancestors who lasted and bequeathed to us what they have and so will we. Besides, the rules, regulations, public demonstrations and new architecture, etc. of a National Socialist American government will take on a wholly American twist, just like the first mission to the moon had a German roots, but American foliage.

      Third, destroying the Federal Reserve will not solve our problem. The Jews that started and owned the first television stations in America had no connection to the Federal Reserve System. There are no liens for CBS, NBC, CNN, etc., that would suddenly be eliminated causing kike ownership to disappear. The Jews would still own it. Title in sleazy hand. Just like AIPAC and the ADL and all of Hollywood would still be in their slimy grasps. Does the FRS have problems? Yes. Does it need to be destroyed? Yes. But it won’t solve the Jewish Problem.

      Fourth, don’t place too much faith in the masses of people. The same reason why a democracy won’t work is the same reason that the masses of people will never understand what the fuck we’re talking about or how to fix it. The rule of Nature will win out. There are alpha males and there are followers. And all revolutions have been the result of a small group of highly intelligent and dedicated individuals who rallied enough (never a majority) to their cause.

      Fifth, ignoring the ideology of National Socialism and accomplishments of the Third Reich — both economic and social — is tantamount to Dark Age thinking. We shouldn’t ignore them, but explore them. If we do this, we will not waste time by having to re-invent the wheel over issues which our German kin have already solved.

      Sixth, if you have listened to Pierce, you should recall something he said regarding “good Jews”… don’t fail to see the forest through the trees. I have personal experience with this myself, where some relatives suffered dearly for thinking all good Jews are good, because Moishe next door was all right. Maybe you were just bringing this up so that some listeners would hear Alex or Adam say maybe all Jews aren’t bad. But that confuses the issue and will result in us failing to solve the problems we need to solve if we are to survive. Just because all Whites are not good and all Jews are not bad, that doesn’t mean that the general observation of the problem Jews cause, or the crimes niggers commit aren’t real and need to be dealt with as a whole and NOT focussing on “only the bad.” We can address “only the bad” when it’s just OUR PEOPLE living among us. We don’t need and don’t want the problems other races cause when they are among us and the only way to deal with that is tribal thinking followed by tribal action.

      Seven, the Civil War, Lincoln and the “International Bankers”… these types of stories have been around for years, but never pan out and are simply confusing the issue. Greenbacks got Lincoln killed. The Bank of England blah-blah-blah. This is not much different than saying the Illuminati run the world and LBJ had JFK assassinated. Don’t confuse the issues. There are always Jews involved in the schemes (e.g. Rothschilds) and Americans haven’t had an honest President since probably Andrew Jackson. Lincoln was a dick and screwed up royally. His only bright spot was that he wanted to ship the niggers back to Africa.

      Finally, Jews have money, yes. Money is power, yes, but what individuals NOT GROUPS do with that money is based largely on genes, race, and biology as well as tribal thinking. Power, and more importantly mass media, can be used for good — a la Nazis — or bad — a la Jews. But most importantly, power can be taken away, like so many guillotined heads belonging to the rich and powerful in France. For the Jews, ITZ COMING.

      Sorry for the long rant.

    5. Goddamn Nazi Says:

      Oops.. one more thing, LOL. Call it eighth, or 88th, I don’t care… another reason we talk about Hitler should be obvious. He’s the main person associated with “evil racism” that all of us — who have spoken out publicly — are immediately identified with when we point out that niggers, spics and jews are not like us. If you’re suddenly called a “racist” a “neo-Nazi” a “hater” a “fascist” and the list goes on, but you know that deep in your heart that you’re telling the truth and that the races aren’t equal… well, then you’re naturally going to ask and try to find out what else Hitler and his evil “Nazis” were right about. Then you end up running into the mountain of Jewish lies such as the Holocaust that has to either be fought or sidestepped allowing the German-bashing to continue. Real men, defend the Germans.

    6. New America Says:

      Listening to it now…some thoughts.

      One, make Yankee Jim the designated relief pitcher; he’s a GREAT closer, and might end up making “Jew-infested Catskills” the equal of “No Jews – Just Right,” at least in terms of popularity.

      Two, tell Kievsky that FTL is NOT the place for long lectures on Peak Oil, developing farms, and stuff like that. VNN is essentially POSITIVE in its focus; this talk is simply “Mad Max Metzger” without Terrible Tommy’s disciplined, single-minded focus.

      If there is one thing I learned from the “survivalist” types I have known, it’s this: they have no conception of just how much damn hard work farming is, even growing your own garden. This is simply a fantastic fantasy; farming requires more thought, and discipline than many can imagine. I deal with such people by asking them what has the price of chicken feed done recently – it’s doubled in a short period of time. They ask me why they should care about that, and I ask them what their plan was for protein.

      These people will soon realize that, given the “Mad Max” scenario they discuss, the government – in whatever form it takes – will just walk in and take what it wants.

      Worse, this an inherently negative focus – it is “Surrender Lite.”

      My parents were raised in this environment.

      When the talk of “back to the land” came up in the late Sixties, my father summed up farming in one phrase – “You can work any twelve hours a day you want, but you MUST work them every day of the year, no matter what the weather, no matter how you feel.”

      Such talk detracts from VNN’s positive role in RACIAL Awareness.

      Back to beat the dead horse one more time: if you are near a livestock auction, take a morning and go to see it.

      See how old the farmers look? See how they all walk like they are twenty or thirty years older than their biological age?

      THAT’S what farming does to you.

      Let’s focus on what VNN can do – MUST do – while we still can.

      Oh, and the clothes issue for Channon’s possible VNN meeting?

      Black armbands.

      All black makes us look like Moustache Pete, unless we are built like men (SPARTANS!), and have clothes of the proper fabric and cut.

      Black armbands are somber, and dignified.

      No goddamn faggy-ass berets, either!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    7. Cormac Says:

      Swedes the whitest folk in Europe ? I beg to differ.
      Celtic people are on average are the palest of whites.
      Celtic people do not tan in the sun so easily , we burn quicker.
      And we Celts have our fair share of blondes.

      Let’s face it , all Northern Europeans are fair in skin tone and hair color.

      What’s with the Nordic fetish ?



    8. ML Says:

      The German government, aka Third Reich, did not have a problem with the Polish people.

      You can’t be this misinformed.

    9. Kievsky Says:

      I ranted about farming because Alex asked the question. I didn’t bring it up on my own.

      I do think that it’s valid to talk about the economic situation, and how we will adapt to it. Not just by farming (though that will be a big one) but by all kinds of local businesses that will be needed — making and repairing shoes, herbal medicine, culturing our own penicillin.

      We need to be doing concrete things. Americans have been acclimated to shuffling numbers around, and as long as the pay is good, it doesn’t matter that the work is basically useless.

      But the thing is, office work could quickly become useless, and people will have to “make their own job.” If I could sum it up, that’s it, “Get ready to make your own job in the near future.” I’ve done that my way, and I’m sure you can figure out a Depression II job for yourselves too.

      By the way, Yahoo Business actually used the word “depression” to refer to the economy right now, namely that we could have a “great depression.” Think about that.

    10. sgruber Says:

      When speaking of “the Polish people,” let’s not conflate Polish jews with the Polish people.

    11. New America Says:

      to Kievsky:
      you wrote:
      I ranted about farming because Alex asked the question. I didn’t bring it up on my own.

      in reply:
      The themes are:

      (1) some sort of appropriate memorial for Channon and her boyfriend on MLK Day, and

      (2) what the demonic goddamn JEWS are up to, and how we can deal with it.

      you wrote:
      I do think that it’s valid to talk about the economic situation, and how we will adapt to it. Not just by farming (though that will be a big one) but by all kinds of local businesses that will be needed — making and repairing shoes, herbal medicine, culturing our own penicillin.

      in reply:
      All well and good, but this is a “background noise” kind of issue, and applies to pretty much all of us, one way or another.

      I don’t think FTL is appropriate for it; the standard stuff you talk about could just as easily be discussed on NPR, whereas we, damn near uniquely, hammer out the hook-nosed Satanic JEWS, as we understand how THEIR agenda becomes OUR agenda, and what we can do about that.

      While we can…

      Kievsky wrote:
      We need to be doing concrete things. Americans have been acclimated to shuffling numbers around, and as long as the pay is good, it doesn’t matter that the work is basically useless.

      But the thing is, office work could quickly become useless, and people will have to “make their own job.” If I could sum it up, that’s it, “Get ready to make your own job in the near future.” I’ve done that my way, and I’m sure you can figure out a Depression II job for yourselves too.

      in reply:
      I read Buckminster Fuller on economic theory more than twenty years ago, and I am a firm believer that we must understand how organic economies develop organically, with the role of finance being subservient to the State, and the People the State must look after.

      Indeed, Herman Daly’s “For The Common Good,” an excellent primer on the subject of restructuring our economic relationships along ecological (organic) lines, has an afterword entitled “Money, Debt and Wealth.”

      This afterword should be compulsory reading for all students in junior high school in the NS societies envisioned by Bill White, and Harold Covington, for all too few of us understand the difference between “real wealth” and “money.”

      THIS is the unique focus VNN, and people like Bill White, Harold Covington, and Bob Whitaker have brought to life – when we say we are not CONservatives, it’s because so much of what he have is simply not worth CONserving. Take the debt-based fiat money system, for example, or an industrial system that places national corporations beneath foreign corporations, or accounting systems that ignore the external costs of so many corporate operations.

      We can change all of these, and the place to begin is to identify what OUR Creative Solutions are, in an NS context – which is the only political model that (1) works, and (2) only our RACE can make work.

      Kievsky wrote:
      By the way, Yahoo Business actually used the word “depression” to refer to the economy right now, namely that we could have a “great depression.” Think about that.

      in reply:
      It won’t be the first, and precious little that is honest made it into our history textbooks about the First great Depression.

      Here’s one fact that didn’t – a LOT of resources changed hands from the working people to the paper people, for precious few pennies on the dollar. People began to organize and DO SOMETHING about this, and a lot of the ideas were organically stable.

      The goddamn JEWS did not have any of the power then that they have now, and it does seem the Morgenthau Plan for post-war Germany is being slowly implemented in this “post-industrial” society. They don’t need guns to make it happen; just give us really good video games, and lots of porn.

      Here’s a coming paradigm shift you might want to keep in mind:

      We are coming to a society where we will not own much of anything; we will rent, or mortgage, everything outside food and clothes. This is EXACTLY what the JEW-controlled banks have wanted.

      Our lives – I repeat – our very LIVES – thus become collateral for these debts, and the national debt.

      We will have become the New Dispossessed, and then, the New Sharecroppers, UNLESS we make some changes, in our lives, and soon.

      Our own NATION is an excellent idea to think about, and work towards.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    12. MB Says:

      Excellent rant, Goddamn Nazi, except for one detail.

      Lincoln didn’t send the nigs back to Africa, he only said that he wanted to. Sort of like Dunbya saying he’s a Christian while laughing into his coffee.

    13. Stronza Says:

      I happen to like Kievsky’s “rants” on farming, etc. , tho I admit I have heard only a few of them.

      We are not supposed to grow at least a bit of our own food out of fear of some kind of total economic and societal collapse. We are supposed to grow some food because that is what real people do. Folks who have an acre of yard and devote it to a f**king lawn are not real people, they are stand-ins. If you can’t buy a package of lettuce seeds and grow a row, you are not worthy of calling yourself White, in my books. Where I live, some neighbours have 40 acres, and live on corn dogs and drive around in their stupid ATV’s all day.

      Nobody said that having a farm and garden are going to “save” us from anything. Not on the individual level, anyway, that is for sure. We all need money;and gardening for your own self and/or family won’t accomplish that. But not only does growing a bit of your own food feel mighty satisfying, your produce probably is healthier (if your soil is properly mineralized), and you are showing the long-gone world that you can still do what our people have been doing for 10,000 years.

      Farmers look way too old? Yah, they sure do. It might be helpful for them to farm jointly, but unfortunately most Whites are so constituted to want to do everything alone.

    14. sgruber Says:

      Kievsky makes sense, even if subsistence farming is an ugly topic.

      Land and guns. The only backup outside of a passport. Get some of both. Your stock market expertise and office skills are for nought in a general collapse. Can you chop wood?

      And in an anti-white totalitarian dictatorship, the only hope for most is emigration: remember the kulaks and their liquidation.