26 March, 2007

Free Talk Live: Monday’s Notes and Special Guests

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Free Talk Live at 5:07 pm | Permanent Link

This Monday’s FTL with Geoff Beck was a replay of the unreleased 2/26/07 broadcast with Alex Linder, Hibernian, Soren Renner(cygnet), and Briseis.

The Looney Tunes Hour with SF: Download the Archived File


The following Monday, April 2nd, the Monday edition of FTL welcomes Tom Metzger to the studio.

If you have have questions for Tom Metzger you can skype them to me at vnnfreetalklive or send them by PM on http://www.vnnforum.com. Our time with Tom Metzger is limited, so if you’d like to speak with Tom on the air, please contact me before April 2nd so we can coordinate – so airtime is not lost in call connection problems.

Look forward to seeing you on FTL soon.

  • 8 Responses to “Free Talk Live: Monday’s Notes and Special Guests”

    1. Art Broeffle Says:

      I can’t wait to listen to Tom as a guest. I would like to ask him if he believes “Affirmative Action” will go away any time soon. It was created for minorities and now WE are a minority, at least in Houston, Texas. Sadly, only 30.8% are white. Also, I would like to tell everyone that Craigs List has a politics section where one can post links or opinions that many others can view in their home towns.

    2. Mark Says:

      Having a notable guest is a great idea, really adds some special to the broadcast. Definitely bring in more figures like Hal, Tom, Bill, Jarl and others.

    3. Me Says:

      Pope openly recognizes ongoing European Genocide

      “One must unfortunately note that Europe seems to be going down a road which could lead it to take its leave from history,” the pontiff told bishops in Rome for ceremonies to mark the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome, a major step toward the creation of today’s European Union.


    4. Pony Says:

      I guess Tom has changed his mind about VNN and Rounder.

    5. alfonso bedoya Says:

      We’ll be fighting in the streets
      With our children at our feet
      And the morals that they worship will be gone
      And the men who spurred us on
      Sit in judgement of all wrong
      They decide and the shotgun sings the song

      I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution
      Take a bow for the new revolution
      Smile and grin at the change all around
      Pick up my guitar and play
      Just like yesterday
      Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
      We don’t get fooled again

      The change, it had to come
      We knew it all along
      We were liberated from the fold, that’s all
      And the world looks just the same
      And history ain’t changed
      ‘Cause the banners, they are flown in the next war

      I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution
      Take a bow for the new revolution
      Smile and grin at the change all around
      Pick up my guitar and play
      Just like yesterday
      Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
      We don’t get fooled again
      No, no!

      I’ll move myself and my family aside
      If we happen to be left half alive
      I’ll get all my papers and smile at the sky
      Though I know that the hypnotized never lie
      Do ya?

      There’s nothing in the streets
      Looks any different to me
      And the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye
      And the parting on the left
      Are now parting on the right
      And the beards have all grown longer overnight

      I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution
      Take a bow for the new revolution
      Smile and grin at the change all around
      Pick up my guitar and play
      Just like yesterday
      Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
      We don’t get fooled again
      Don’t get fooled again
      No, no!


      Meet the new Kike
      Same as the old Kike

      (The Who, slightly modified, circa 1969)

    6. Me Says:

      Niggers Shut Down Paris Transport Hub

      Due to the passage of a recient law outlawing all but offical photos of public violence, the only pics we see of this event are of officers, no offenders in site, in spite of the fact that significant rioting took place.

      Lessens learned, anybody?


    7. Stronza Says:

      Does anyone know for sure that it was our pigmented brethren responsible for this rioting? Just asking. Is there any possibility that it was, er, a lighter skinned species? This law is right scary, in any event. Just a matter of time before similar laws are passed here, tho maybe it is already understood by all concerned that certain parties are not to be portrayed in a negative light.

    8. Me Says:


      I was mistaken in my first post–shortly thereafter more pics did appear, with a *few* showing offenders, who of course were white. The collective pics, when looked at closely, did show niggers, but such does not address your question.

      Chances are very good that at the root of the problem is the ethnic group historically known as moors, from northern as opposed to southern africa. Still niggers in my eyes, but different in more objective eyes. Furthermore, it is beyond question that the old communist streams, and the badly shaped youth of the pompus and overpaid educational system, are no doubt in sympathy with these moores (when they are not the ones being killed, raped, or set on fire). It is an unfortionate truth that the plain and clear evidence of genetic differences between the races becomes clearer with age, and that==at the other extream==amongst 3 or 5 or in our society 25 year olds such differences are not percieved.

      Thus, 25 year old white fools, far in the “minority,” can be photographed individually rioting amongst the clusters of shit-skinned subhuman constitutionally advantaged bastards who have come to populate this particular land.

      I hope that in part addresses your question, and will consider any futher observations submitted by others.