19 March, 2007

Free Talk Live Tonight

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Free Talk Live at 3:45 pm | Permanent Link

Show concluded.

3/20/2007 archive posted: here (scroll down to bottom)

There are new developments in the Channon Christian murder case in Knoxville.

Visit the forum discussion about  the rally.

Talk: 7:00 PM CST / 8 EST

Skype ID: vnnfreetalklive
Phone: 660 675 4388

For those with plain old telephones we have a conventional phone number: 660 675 4388, though we prefer skype calls. Regardless, please attempt to send a chat message with skype before calling.


1) Send a chat message to vnnfreetalklive with skype.

2) The host will accept your chat message, tell you approximately when you’ll be coming on, and will call you back.

3) When skype rings turn off the live feed, since there is a delay.

Note: to use skype you’ll need a headset and PC.


You’ll need winamp, itunes or any other type of software that can load .pls.

  • 21 Responses to “Free Talk Live Tonight”

    1. expat Says:

      cst/est should be cdt/edt

    2. Septell Says:

      Can the 15th March F.T.L. broadcast be posted in the archive please?

    3. Joe Says:

      I USED to be a hardhore rightwing conservitive christian. I suscribed to a group called The Israel Project. They still send me their propaganda and if you have never checked them out You really need to! This is a quote on the paper THEY send out in the mail “Together we use proven, data-driven, effective strategic communication techniques to bring support to key policies that will help make israel safer.”

      “The israel project is on the front lines of the media war, winning hearts and minds for policies that will help protect israel

    4. FuckTheJew Says:

      Good news on the rally. I’d join, but I’m way out here in sacramento. You’re going to want to pay attention to this group: http://www.jewishknoxville.org, as that will likely be your main source of organized opposition.

    5. New America Says:

      SKYPE tips

      FIRST, make sure your computer is working properly with your headphones/microphones.

      Go to:

      START : Control Panel : Sounds and Audio Devices : Voice

      click on the “VOICE” tab.

      Go to “Voice Recording”

      Click on “Volume” – make sure the “Volume” bar is ALL the way to the TOP!

      THAT should do it from the computer end, and this even has a “Test Hardware” button, just to make sure.

      THEN, ….

      Listen through WINAMP over the headset you are using for SKYPE – there is ALWAYS a delay if you use your computer speakers!

      WINAMP is available at WINAMP.com.




      Go to http://www.skype.com/help/guides/soundsetup.html

      test SKYPE first, and make sure it’s working, using the SKYPE test number on that page – echo123 –

      Go ahead!

      It corrected errors made by other installs.

      And, it can be used as a SKYPE contact – so you can always easily check to make sure everything is correct just by opening SKYPE and trying it.

      Then, on your SKYPE install, MAKE SURE it tells WINAMP to automatically cut off when you are using SKYPE to talk.

      You do this in SKYPE, by going to TOOLS – OPTIONS – ADVANCED – and click ON the “Automatically pause WINAMP during calls” box.

      Make sure you use WINAMP to listen!

      IF you stil have problems, please go to the TROUBLESHOOTER section:

      http://support.skype.com/index.php and use the TROUBLESHOOTER link,

      Stop sounding like you are fading in and out with lapel mikes, which pick up all of your background noise – rustling papers, potato chip bags – and get a SKYPE approved ANDREA USB NC-7100 headset microphone.

      And, PLEASE, let’s not waste any more time; do this a couple of hours before you call in, just to make sure!!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    6. Just Some Guy Says:

      You know, you guys should really call your show Racism Live or something like that to avoid confusing your show with an actual FREEDOM oriented show such as the REAL, ORIGINAL Free Talk Live. I’m sure you know there already is and has been a syndicated radio show with supplemental internet broadcasting and podcasting, which is, of course, all about FREEDOM.

    7. Geoff Beck Says:

      You’re why libertarianism is stinking pile of dogshit. What’s more primal than the freedom to associate. Especially the freedom to associate with one’s race. This freedom is being denied by this government and accepted by dolts like yourself: freedom means more than the right to take drugs and have sex.

    8. Just Some Guy Says:

      I’m surprised you could figure out the math to get your post up. You indicate your intelligence (or rather, lack thereof) by using epithets. Thanks for proving my point.

      Notice how I didn’t deny your freedom to associate, even though you don’t seem to think Jews have that freedom. (the real) Free Talk Live doesn’t dwell on hatred of non-white people as you scumbags do. They talk about freedom. REAL freedom–and they don’t have to steal the name of someone else’s show to do it. Plus, if you actually LISTENED to the show, you’d find out that they SUPPORT your right to perpetuate your ignorance and create proprietary communities. Free people don’t like you folks very much but we respect your right to be idiots.

    9. Geoff Beck Says:

      Jews are the reason we do not have the right to associate with our own race. Through their lobbying, money, and influence they opened up the flood gates of immigration, they lobbied and influenced politicians to draft hate laws and expand racial preferences at the expense of Whites. It is they which hold the commanding heights in our law schools, media, and banking infrastructure.

      And you are  damn right I am going to deny the *freedom* to operate their swindles.

    10. Just Some Guy Says:

      You prove my point. You’re not for freedom. You’re for fascism. You should be ashamed for hijacking the good name of Free Talk Live, and you should be ashamed of pushing hate (something libertarians support your right to look foolish doing.)

    11. New America Says:

      in reply to Just Some Guy:

      Why can’t Libertarianism point to one single success in the political arena?

      Why is it that Libertarianism, in practice, simply means the right to engage in trivial sex and do mind-numbing drugs?

      Why don’t the Libertarians talk seriously about RACE from the perspective of the demonic Jewish RACE, and point out how Jews SELL Libertarianism, which acts to neutralize those of us they see as their subhuman animals (“goyim”), but, among themselves, practice RACIAL organization and unity on a scale that is, literally, transnational.

      Read “A People That Shall Dwell Alone” by Dr. Kevin MacDonald for an analysis of how your goddamn JEW Overlords act RACIALLY, first, foremost, forever, while doing all in their power to (1) support the rights of all RACES to associate (remember – Right of Association?), with the exception of (2) White People.

      The other RACES pose no threat whatsoever to the Jewish RACE; they are subsidized and supported by the Jews routinely.

      The WHITE Race?

      No, the demonic JEWS know all too well that they, the RACIAL parasite, enjoy the benefits of the world WE, the Men of the West, CREATED. Envious, they attack us in all ways possible, mostly through their control of the mainstream media, and through “Civil Rights Laws” that seem more concerned with equality of outcome, than equality of opportunity.

      So, when the Mises crowd decides to grow up, let’s see them demonstrate their belief on the inherent equality of the races by exercising their rights to “freedom of association.” This can be done by their moving to, say, the South Side of Chicago, or most of inner city Detroit.

      They won’t be returning home because, if I recall the Mises Institute pictures Lew Rockwell’s site linked to some time back (was it Karen DeCoster?), your Leadership is, yes, nice WHITE people who, exercising their rights of freedom of assembly, seem to work, live and associate freely with OTHER nice, White people.

      Good choice!

      I guess that’s the difference between VNN, and the Libertarians:

      One, we deal with the truth about RACE, and the role the demonic Jews have played in their covert racial war against the Men of the West, in an open and forthright manner.

      Two, we preach, what your Leaders practice – at least, for most of the Colored RACES, and, in times, if they grow in wisdom, the Jews, as well.

      Read that last sentence slowly – we preach what your Leaders practice.

      And we practice what they practice, as well, with the exception that they have not yet grown to a RACIAL awareness of the Jew.

      Well, give them time.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    12. Stronza Says:

      I know quite a few hard-core libertarians; and, yes, they will privately tell you how they support everyone’s right to cluster together (“create proprietary communities”) as they wish, if you introduce the topic.

      However, when they are speaking publicly, they don’t mention that. They focus on the Big Four – their support of everyone’s right to 1. have guns, 2. take drugs 3. go to prostitutes, and 4. buy & sell anything and everything no matter what the social or environmental costs. Just try getting them to talk about immigration or race. They don’t get it. Try introducing the topic of “values” and engaging them in a discussion of that – it’s useless. All they seem to be able to latch onto is some abstract version of “freedom”, forgetting, or never knowing in the first place, that freedom rests on a foundation of self-restraint.

      Just Some Guy – this is not a personal attack on you; it is just my experience with dyed-in-the-wool liberetarians.

    13. Thoughtcrime Says:

      Damn you ‘Just Some Jew Boy’ and your freebies! Stop plugging some other ‘show’!

      Obviously your ‘psuedo-show’ is vastly inferior to our Show, or else why would you be here posting on our forum in such a jealous manner?

      And stop whining, it’s very weak sauce.

    14. Pony Says:

      Editing whites while letting niggers and beaners post?

    15. sgruber Says:

      Mumbling libertarians can theorize about “proprietary communities” once in a blue moon, but they support them in practice never, and are loudly outspoken about the “intolerable evil of racism.”

      In fact, if you ask jew Nick Provenzo if segregation is a right even if only in theory, he’ll blast you as a Nazi. He can’t stop talking about Jim Crow and “rednecks.” During the Strom Thurmond kerfluffle a few years ago, he flew off the handle and asserted that segregation was a government program (!), while forced integration and the 1964 Civil Rights Act was liberation (!). (The jew always brazenly reverse the truth.) This, despite his mentor Ayn Rand’s condemning the 64 CRA as a violation of property rights.

      Read this typical Libertarian jew’s bullshit, and ask yourself: What does this offer Whites?

      THAT’S libertarianism for you, in real life. A big-assed bearded arrogant jew hollering that you’re a fascist if you defend or practice “proprietary communities.”

      Lewpus notoriously fired and memory-holed Bob Wallace for making outspoken statements about race. They don’t want to hear from “proprietary communities.” How hard are you going to defend or promote what you regard as a necessary “evil”?

    16. Fred Says:

      We should kick all none Anglo-Saxons out of Americans including the pagan idol worshipping Irish alcoholic potato eating celts. They are not true white people or Americans. And we should return them to Ireland where they belong.

    17. jimbo Says:

      Fred: “We should kick all non-Anglo-Saxons out of Americans including the pagan idol worshipping Irish alcoholic potato eating celts. They are not true white people or Americans. And we should return them to Ireland where they belong

      if ‘celts’ don’t qualify as white: then: perhaps you don’t either?


      but: let’s start with the jews and niggaz!

      (maybe that means YOU!!)

    18. Fred Says:

      As far as you Jimbo, my cousin was killed by a terrorist bomb from the pagan catholic idol worshipping IRA which explains my distain for the Irish.
      America went wrong when we start letting in the filth of Europe like the Irish, Italians, Slavs, Greeks, Jews and other Non-Anglo-Saxon Prostestants. They were the ones that undermined our control of the niggers.

      Those of us whose ancestors from England who founded this country, used the Irish as slave labor for centuries. We should have never given in to them and allowed them political power. It was the liberal Irish Catholics like the Kennedys that have destroyed our country. Lets get back to our W.A.S.P roots.

      And Jimbo you are not true American but an IRA terrorist. We need another “Great Potato Famine” to put the Irish in their place. Those alcoholic, potato eating, terrorist, bastards.

      You whiskey drinking Irish need to stop living off our hard work and legacy.

    19. Fred Says:

      Who keeps censoring my comments concerning the potato eating pagan Irish and comments concerning non-Anglo – Saxon that flooded our country.

      Whoever is doing it is no better than the Jew media who decides what we see and read. In fact, I’m beginning to believe that this site is moderated by a Jew Bastard who is trying to draw out true Americans to determine what we are talking about.

      If you are not going to post comments as they are written then I will expose this site as using the same mind control tactics that the main stream Jew media uses.

      If you are afraid to post my comments, you are nothing more than a Jew loving coward.

    20. jimbo Says:

      ‘just some jew’ sez: “You’re not for freedom. You’re for fascism.

      fascism IS ‘freedom’, fuck-wit!

      to be ruled by the best of one’s kind who only has their interest(s) @ heart is TRUE freedom!

      to be ruled by the jew is tyranny of the worst kind!

      that’s what we have now!

      ‘freedom’ to the jew means ‘freedom to kill, steal & destroy’ every-thing white!: IOW: every-thing good, noble, decent, clean and prosperous…..jews profess a fascination with excrement because, basically, they are EXCREMENT!

    21. jimbo Says:

      ‘Fred’ again: “far as you Jimbo, my cousin was killed by a terrorist bomb from the pagan catholic idol worshipping IRA which explains my distain for the Irish

      sorry abt yr cousin: but the marxist IRA hardly qualifies as ‘white’ any-way: they’re not much of an indicator of any-thing: while we’re @ it though: weren’t many of those terrorist bombings down to the MOSSAD-run MI6?

      you condemn the Irish in general for the actions of a few marxist rat bags, right?

      OK: then i should be perfectly free to condemn ALL BRITS because they fought on the wrong side in WWII and, thus, aided & abetted the multi-cult shit we’re in now!
      (but i won’t!…..evn though i detest their never-ending WWII ‘commemorations’!)

      “America went wrong when we start letting in the filth of Europe like the Irish, Italians, Slavs, Greeks, Jews and other Non-Anglo-Saxon Prostestants. They were the ones that undermined our control of the niggers”

      just the jews…..the ‘Kwa went wrong when it started admitting JEWS, period!….they’re the ROOT of all of our prblms: NOT: Irish, Italians(well: most of them!), Slavs and Greeks; who all qualify as white in my book…..as do: non-Anglo-Saxon ‘protestants’ (wht-evr the HELL you mean by that?…..Germans? Swedes? Norwegians…..come ON!)

      “Those of us whose ancestors from England who founded this country, used the Irish as slave labor for centuries. We should have never given in to them and allowed them political power. It was the liberal Irish Catholics like the Kennedys that have destroyed our country. Lets get back to our W.A.S.P roots”

      baloney!…..it was the jews! PERIOD!

      “And Jimbo you are not true American but an IRA terrorist. We need another ‘Great Potato Famine’ to put the Irish in their place. Those alcoholic, potato eating, terrorist, bastards”

      gimme a BREAK, will ya….FERFUCKSAKE!….for starters: i’m not a ‘Kwan: i’m an Aussie!

      my ancestry is Welsh/Irish: so: naturally: i take some sort of offence re: yr comments (although i can’t figure out if yr ‘serious’ or not…..?)

      if yr not prepared to accept Irish, Slavs, Greeks and (most)Italians and……non-Anglo-Saxon Protestants(?…..i’m not sure wot that refers to: i’m assuming Germans and Scandanvian peoples for now!) as ‘white’, then i doubt if there is any place for you in the White Nationalist movement!