23 February, 2007

Tonight Free Talk Live

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 1:12 pm | Permanent Link

Show concluded.

While Dietrich is away we’ll be broadcasting the 2/19/07 broadcast of FTL with guest host James Hawthorne. Then stay tuned for premier broadcast of Detroit is Crap Radio.

Showtime begins at: 7:00 PM CST.

Click here to listen:

  • 10 Responses to “Tonight Free Talk Live”

    1. Me Says:

      Niggers attack White teacher over Ipod


    2. Dave Jones Says:

      Two glaringly obvious points to clarify for the confused or patahlogically inept amoung us. Point #1: The police will not be releasing the video to the media because point #2 (I don’t know why someone who do that to Mr. Burd.) is they are Niggers..

      No sparkling wiggles here.

    3. Anti Says:

      I have to say, Theseus/Dietrich is a worthy addition.

    4. jewishmindset Says:

      Oh gowd, who is this hawthoin?! He sounds like the hitla of owa time! Oi vey!

    5. Anti Says:

      Cobb’s usually spot on, but did he make a mess of defining “Bolshevik” or what? Fortunately Alex picked it up a little.

      Hitler did not “pick the term Socialism”; the term “National Socialist” was around before Hitler and the German NSDAP. He did, however, add it to the former DAP.

      Also, Estonia is not a “Nordic” country, in the aryan sense. Estonians are FINNIC by race, generally look Finnic, and speak a (you guessed it) Finno-Ugric language. Not slagging them, just trying to bring a bit of sense to Cobb’s euphoria.

    6. Anti Says:

      And hey, let’s not forget Lenin’s Volga German and Swedish ancestry!

    7. Anti Says:

      The Romanovs were not butchered by Trotsky but by YAKOV YUROVSKY. Good God, do some homework, people.

    8. James Hawthorne Says:

      Re: Romanovs:

      I think I did mention “Trotsky and his friends”, so therefore Yakov Yurovsky was included as his “friends”. We always include (or try to) named reference material for the newcomer to find further information.

      Anyway read “The Last Days of the Romanovs” great little book.

    9. JimSummers Says:

      Maybe Craig is not a Nordicist?

    10. New America Says:

      A quick thought.

      VNN’s FTL is getting better all of the time.

      Some ideas:

      1. Include Yankee Jim all of the time; he has a good voice, and clearly understands the issues before us. His questions concerning Old Detroit remind all of us that the goddamn JEW’s relentless attacks will turn the rest of America into Detroit, as soon as they can.

      2. Change the Monday FTL so it does not conflict with Bill White. White is doing seminally important work for us, by defining the social and economic issues in terms of the outworking of Western (WHITE) Civilization. He was first, and he is an exemplar.

      3. Bring in Peter Shank on either a Wednesday FTL, or, perhaps, a Weekend Edition.

      4. Bring in Robert Wewelsburg every other week – at least – as he is doing, in one way, what White is doing, in another. Along these lines…

      5. Allow one and all to do a five minute commentary on the news of the day, and throw it in the mix on FTL. You can well imagine it:

      “Good evening, I’m Robert Wewelsburg. When I said ‘Jews are demons,’ some felt I was being a bit too easy on them, and perhaps I was. However,…”

      “Good evening. I’m Bob Whitaker. Is so-called “Anti-Racism” the New Racism? I suspect so, and here are some ideas on what YOU can do about that.”

      Oh, the possibilities…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!