3 February, 2007

Substance vs. Presentation

Posted by alex in Curt Maynard at 2:03 am | Permanent Link

Substance vs. Presentation.

Substance vs. Presentation.
By Curt Maynard

What’s more important to you, substance or presentation? Are you sure?

The battle between substance and presentation may be the greatest hurdle that western civilization has to overcome if it is ever to extricate itself from the Zionist yoke. Western man is not geared toward accepting concepts and/or ideas that aren’t presented in a certain format, that is why many, if not most of us are predisposed to disregarding new information that isn’t presented to us in a certain specific aesthetically pleasing manner – we are so use to the news networks with all of their bells and whistles, flashing lights, energy and enthusiasm that we tend to accept its lies despite the fact that we know they are lying to us.

At the same time many of us are all too willing to dismiss the views of others if they don’t jibe with our own, despite the fact that we often know our own views are the result of misleading information. As an example, most of us will now accept, at least to a certain degree, that George Bush and the entire American government [democrat and republican alike] have led us into a war and subsequent occupation of Iraq based on three lies:

#1. Iraq had weapons of mass destruction [They didn’t]

#2. Saddam Hussein was somehow behind 9-11 [He wasn’t]

#3. Iraq was supporting Al Qaeda [They weren’t].

If you are one of the VERY few that still believes any one of the above falsehoods, immediately seek help, you are dangerously delusional. The fact of the matter is, all of the above were disproved long before a single American soldier ever set foot in Iraq, but this information was only provided on the blogosphere, the Mainstream Media with all its bells and whistles was busily engaged in misleading us into supporting this farce.

Back in 2002 I wrote a psychology thesis entitled A Study Focusing on the Formation of Opinion and the Knowledge Associated with its Development, in which I posited the obvious, that the biggest variable in opinion formation is an over reliance on televised media, and our inherent belief that it can exclusively provide enough information for the development of an informed opinion.

What I found of course is that the above contention was absolutely true – but what I also found was that my thesis wasn’t among the first to delve into this area, it was preceded by the work of many advertising agencies in the United States and most of their research on this topic ended in the 1930s, which should give you an idea as to how long they have been interested in this particular topic. Their research didn’t dwell on issues related to theory, they were strictly interested in the applicatory, and what I found was most of it focused on a paradigm first developed in the 1930s known as “selective distortion.” Selective Distortion can be defined as:

“A phenomenon that can occur in two primary ways. If an individual wants to believe something is not true, then even in the face of an overwhelming amount of information disputing their original contention, they will still reject what they do not want to believe. Likewise, this can happen in the same manner with an individual that wants to believe something is in fact true, no matter the amount of material refuting that belief.” The imperative ingredient in creating this “selective distortion” is of course early access to the target, the individual, and the way this is generally achieved is through the indoctrination processes offered by the media and the early educational process, this is a veritable “cradle to grave,” process.

The term “selective distortion” is today more associated with the field of advertising than it is with psychology, whose adherents seem to prefer the social psychological term “belief perseverance,” which is for all practical purposes the exact same thing. In any case, the important thing to remember is that advertising agencies long ago found that if they can control what initially goes into the mind of target audience, they can expect a certain amount of product loyalty. In other words, they found that the individual is most likely to accept and adhere to ideas that were presented to them first. They also found that by delivering the initial message in a certain way, I.e. with bells and whistles, and flashing lights, they could override any alternative messages delivered [presented] in a less aesthetically pleasing manner.

To wrap it up as simply as possible, advertisers learned that “presentation” was more important than “substance.” We all understand this concept, most of us would agree that our society has embraced this notion, most of us would agree that the typical employer is more likely to hire a well dressed individual than one that isn’t so well dressed. Most of us would agree that our educational system Is suffering from this malady as well, if students can’t pass certain tests which would reveal a modicum of learning [substance], lower the requirements or standards so that more students “appear” to be doing well [presentation].

American society itself long ago accepted the supremacy of presentation over substance, our health care system relies on our belief that it is the finest in the world [presentation] – we’re constantly bombarded with information relating to every new drug and/or procedure coming down the pike, but we’re never told that no matter how caring and conscientious our nurses are, they cannot competently care for seven to ten patients simultaneously, which is exactly what is happening today. Today, individuals arrive at the emergency room with incredibly high expectations, they assume that with all this new technology they‘ve heard or read about, they’ll be rushed through the process, successfully treated and then sent home. Nothing could be farther from the truth, corporations now monopolize the American health care system, and the corporations are devoted to presentation over substance, if the individual patient isn’t happy for some reason, they apply the salve of excuses and/or promises, but they’ll never change the bottom line, which is profit and it just isn’t profitable to provide the individual with a safe nurse to patient ratio. If Americans had any idea of how compromised their health care system really is, they’d be rioting in the streets. If a single pandemic were to present itself in America in the near future, the entire system would collapse within a week. Since the entire system is geared toward profit, medical equipment and supplies are in very limited supply – as it is today, a bag of sterile water used for intravenous therapy is produced and then distributed to a hospital within a week, production capacity is geared to meeting present demand only, not for storing large amounts of material for later use. Thus, if demand were to increase by 500%, which is nothing compared to how demand would jump if in fact there were a pandemic, all supply would be exhausted within a few days and production could not be increased to meet demand period and when I say period, I mean period. What would most likely happen is that the manufacturers would flee, knowing full well that no matter what they did, it wouldn’t matter, they could not begin to meet demand.

The health care systems limitations deserves to be carefully scrutinized, but there just isn’t time to do so in this essay. I will however add that if the medical corporations were interested in good health care [substance] over presentation, they wouldn’t be bringing in foreign nurses and doctors as they are now. Often these people are unable to speak English proficiently enough to converse with their peers in order to deliver safe medical care – for the health care corporations these people offer a way to force down the wages of American citizens [profit] while at the same time offering the hospital the appearance of being at least being staffed [presentation]. The down side of course is that you are literally taking your life into your own hands by going to a modern American emergency room with any compliant – you may enter with a common case of pneumonia – and leave six weeks later in the back of a hearse after contracting a dozen different resistant strains of bacterial infection brought directly into your room by a nurse or doctor that literally can’t comprehend the connection between hand washing and disease prevention.

Unfortunately Americans have accepted the idea that a well spoken and well dressed man [presentation] is probably better suited for any job than a capable individual that isn’t so well spoken and/or well dressed. This tendency is actually the epitome of presentation over substance and possibly one of the best examples as to why our country has degraded into the sorry state it is in today. The Hoover Dam wasn’t built by well dressed, smooth talking Metro-sexuals, it was built by capable tobacco chewing individuals wearing overalls, who used their brains first and then poured concrete rather than forming committees and then doing nothing.

Don’t be fooled by the bells and whistles the slick talking Media pundits use as props, they are nothing but that, props, most of these fools do little other than read from a teleprompter, they haven’t a clue as to what they are saying, nor do they in all likelihood care.

  • 3 Responses to “Substance vs. Presentation”

    1. alex Says:

      Other recent Maynard (and check our archive on right)

      Thursday, January 25, 2007
      Why do people question the holocaust?

      Letter from Ernst Zundel to Paul Fromm [So called Modern Democracy uses SOVIET tactics to suppress a Prisoners Rights]

      Another great article by Dr Hesham Tillawi: All aboard the Arab Holocaust Train; Operated by Israel-Atlantic Union

      Friday, January 19, 2007
      David Duke’s site accessed more frequently than Bill O’Reilly’s.

      By Curt Maynard

      Well apparently America is beginning to wake up – Bill O’Reilly’s website has seen a free fall in popularity and has been surpassed, according to Alexa.com by DavidDuke.com which is indeed a positive sign. This is a very good example of how the media actually works, Bill O’Reilly still has more of a forum to get his views out than David Duke, after all the O’Reilly Factor gets into our homes every night by way of the idiot box, but that doesn’t mean that O’Reilly is more popular with the average American than David Duke, it only means that O’Reilly is favored by the Jewish executives at Fox News and Duke isn’t. The media created O’Reilly, and it’s now clear that he is nearing that point where he will no longer be considered useful, O’Reilly has become an embarrassing liability, rather than an asset. So long Bill!

      Congrats, you are now seeing the very beginning of the end of Bill O’Reilly, right at the point where the blue line eclipsed the red. Bye-bye Bill.

      The O’Reilly Factor’s popularity has plummeted over the last two years, in fact his website currently receives a thousand times less traffic that it did at one time in 2004, so long Bill!

      Bill O’Reilly has lost the respect of the American people, despite all of Bill’s rhetoric, people have finally figured out that only spin is offered at the “No Spin Zone.” The New York Times would love for you to believe O’Reilly still enjoys some popularity, they’ll tell you his latest book is on the Best Seller list, which by the way doesn’t mean anything today, as evidenced by the empirical fact that Jessica Lynch’s book was once on the New York Times Best Seller list for two weeks and was then discontinued a week later for lack of sales. [I kid you not]. Nobody is reading Bill O’Reilly’s tripe, nobody is visiting his website, and I doubt many are watching The Factor any longer either. Bill is a failure, so long O’Reilly.

      In an essay I wrote back in August entitled Bill O’Reilly is a Lying Son of a Whore,” I pointed out that O’Reilly’s popularity was already waning at that time, I pointed out that the American people were no longer looking to the mainstream media for the truth, they’d already figured out that the MSM only provided the lies needed by the powers that be to maintain control over the people of the United States and indeed the entire western world.

      In December Wolf Blitzer interviewed David Duke on CNN’s Situation Room, a pro-Zionist program if there ever was one. Of course Blitzer, like O’Reilly, enjoys unrestricted access to your home via the television, but a very curious thing happens if you attempt to find out the popularity of Blitzer’s program, at least if Internet traffic is any indication. An Alexa.com search of “The Situation Room” isn’t possible, instead the results only return CNN itself, not Blitzer’s “Situation Room,” which tells me nobody is visiting his website either and CNN doesn‘t want you to know that. In fact CNN has done a great deal to prevent you from seeing Blitzer get torn apart by David Duke during that interview – you won’t see CNN re-broadcasting that particular interview anytime soon, by the time Duke was finished with Blitzer, the anchorman was exposed in all of his naked ugliness before the entire world – Duke pointed out that Blitzer was a Zionist agent, which is exactly what Blitzer is, nothing more, nothing less. I highly recommend that the reader watch this video if you haven’t already, it is nothing less than astounding. The fact that Blitzer did his best to denounce Duke prior to the interview by smearing Duke repeatedly didn’t help the little provocateur, it only emphasized the media’s willingness to manipulate the viewer, something that is no longer so easy to do, as clearly evidenced by the collapse of Blitzer’s viewer base.

      How does Duke fair against popular liberals? He leaves the media darling Al Franken in the dust. Easily doubling Franken’s Internet traffic despite the fact that Franken gets the best of coverage by the Zionist media, despite the fact that Franken is said to represent the mainstream, despite everything, Duke is getting the traffic and Al Franken isn’t.

      The fact of the matter is, Internet traffic is an excellent indicator as to the popularity an individual actually enjoys, being on television means little, who appears on the idiot box and who doesn’t has nothing to do with popularity potential and everything to do with what the Zionist media executives want Americans to see, and I guarantee you they do NOT want Americans to see and hear what David Duke actually has to say , they want only to portray him in the way THEY want Americans to see him, this is why you won’t hear the media acknowledging the fact that Duke has a PhD and is an active history professor and/or was popularly elected as a Representative in the State of Louisiana, or almost became Governor of the state of Louisiana a few years ago after garnering the majority of the white vote.

      The fact is, if Duke had his own television program, it’s popularity would dwarf The Situation Room, The O’Reilly Factor, Hannity and Colmes, etc… and for that reason you’re not likely to see Duke being offered a network slot anytime soon. No matter, the mainstream media’s credibility is gone, one way or another, Duke owns the future, and the Zionist media doesn’t. Bye-bye Bill O’Reilly, hello Professor Duke.

    2. Interesting Says:

      There was a good interview on CNN last night with Cooper and some Aussie reporter who has been in the thick of things (Haifa Street before it became a household name). The Aussie reporter told Cooper he was taken by insurgents who trusted him to a section of Haifa Street that at the time was controlled by Zarqawi’s people who wanted to execute him right there and then. The insurgents who are contesting for control but on good terms with Zarqawi’s people would have none of it because they had brought the Aussie there on his promise to tell no lies. At least that’s the way I read between the lines. So the Aussie lived to tell the story.

      The Aussie said that he believes the invasion of Iraq was the best thing that ever happened to Al Qaeda.

    3. Reed Haney Says:

      What the hell is this article all about, except a lot of hot air about nothing. I mean, what the FUCK does this have to do with winning our war? All talk and no action is the path of whimps and loosers. Ya’ll need to stop jerking off into each other’s mouths and get out and do some street activism. And what kind of example is Alex setting for whites, anyway? He had a child out of wedlock (sounds just something a nigger would do) and now his bitch girlfriend has flown the coop. This shit is the TRUTH, btw, just in case any of you cock-gobblers say otherwise. I got it from Alex’s uncle Harold. Call him up if you don’t believe me.