27 February, 2007

Reader Mail: 02/27/07

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 4:50 pm | Permanent Link



Is Your Christianity Kosher?

First, the Jews arranged for the Nostra Aetate Declaration [1], an official church announcement made in 1965 which said that the Jews didn’t kill Jesus Christ. What a big win for world Jewry.

Now, another thing which is good-for-Jews – the “interfaith” movement – is sweeping through America, and that movement is often steered by Jewish groups:


[1] http://www.fisheaters.com/jewsvaticanii.html





The Next Conservative Movement?

We like the general idea of this. It’s a good plan. The only question we have is: would the plan be taken far enough by White people? Many good plans turn sour because they aren’t taken as far as they should be – in other words, they’re only taken half-way [sort of like building a house and then stopping construction before the roof is put on]:



• National Geographic: Aryan Brotherhood (Sunday, 8 p.m., NGC): You’ll go inside maximum security prisons where the Aryan Brotherhood — the white supremacist group — remains alive and well.


– down payment of 20 percent and monthly payments of approximately no more than 35 percent of documented pre-tax income



Earlier this month, now known as Black History month and formerly known as February, a friend emailed me a copy of George Washington’s farewell address to the nation.

Our first President and most famous Founding Father was born 275 years ago on February 22. He wrote his farewell on September 17, 1796, after a lifetime of service as a revolutionary leader, statesman, and president of our new nation.

First and foremost in the address, Washington expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to be of service and his admiration for the “people” of the United States. He did so in a manner so humble that it would be incomprehensible to modern politicians.

He emphasized that the constitution should be “sacredly maintained” in order to secure our “permanent felicity as a people” (yes, I had to look it up. It is happiness or contentment).

His reiterated concern in the document was not about government, territory, nor gross national product. He didn’t mention “inclusion,” “diversity,” or “sexual preference.”

He mostly writes about “liberty” and the “unity of government which constitutes you one people.”

Liberty and one people. He had a passion for both.

He wailed against the influence of political “parties” and promoted a system of checks and balances between governmental units to avoid the “dangers of despotism from without, and especially from within.”

He advocated the wisdom of allowing our system to mature by being slow to change our constitution and giving our young nation the chance to make it work.

I must admit that I did not read Washington’s address until after President Bush compared the Revolutionary War with his “War on Terror” and arrogantly surmised that Washington believed that “the freedoms we secured in our
revolution were not meant for Americans alone.”

The inference here is that it somehow is our duty to spread democracy around the globe and that Washington would eagerly say “bring it on.”

Bush made these comments at a Presidents Day (what a national disgrace that this great man no longer deserves a special day in his honor) celebration at Washington’s Mount Vernon estate.

Let me quote a few passages from Washington’s address that give insight into how he really felt American foreign policy should be shaped:

“….observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all.”

“The nation which indulges towards another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness, is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest.”

“….history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government.” Note: he knew the difference between a constitutional republic and a democracy, which is basically one creature, one vote.

“Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world…”

Based on Washington’s actual advice and warnings, not what Bush says he believed, do you think that a man such as Washington would:

1. Look at the history of the past 200 years, in particular the past 60 years, and be fine and dandy with America’s role as world policeman and our meddling in such remote places as Bosnia, Somalia, etc.?

2. Compare the valiant struggle for liberty, waged on American soil by an outnumbered and outgunned citizenry, to the way Bush is waging his “War on Terror” and try to convince Americans that they are the same?

3. Agree that we have avoided foreign entanglements and say that we have treated other nations with “good faith and justice,” especially in our Middle East policies?

4. Have the audacity to use a national holiday, created to honor past Presidents, to advance his political agenda and have the gall to use the property of a former President to peddle his delusions?

5. Feel that is it acceptable to waste American money and American lives to conduct a crusade to bring democracy to the entire planet by invading other countries and enforcing it at gunpoint?

It is a comment on our times that schools, so eager to teach toddlers about gay marriage, Black History, and hate crimes, have gotten away from teaching about George Washington. In fact, one school in Louisiana has taken Washington’s name off the school entirely because he was a slave owner.

Washington was a man of great vision and tremendous courage, who monumentally sacrificed to create, secure, and humbly lead a nation. Bush, on the other hand, is a modern day politician whose legacy with be a massive ignorance of history and an arrogance that knows no limitations.

My hope is that Americans are smart enough to see the difference.


However, given China’s unsatisfactory human rights record it is not surprising that it backs the vilest regimes in Africa. When Western nations imposed sanctions on Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, China stepped in with aid, arms and electronic communications technology for the corrupt tyrant. From then on Mugabe launched operation Murambatsvina, in which 700,000 had their homes or businesses destroyed. China neutered all attempts at discussion, let alone condemnation, at the UN Security Council.


– it is an asset-price boom, not an economic boom.


Lenin, the former big shot commie, was waaaAAaayyy too narrow when he famously said, “The way to crush the
bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.”


“Global monetary growth is mammoth, a confirmation of my claim that we have already entered the Weimar Modern Era of unbridled money growth. Never in the history of central bankers has the hidden coordination, influenced pressure, gargantuan money creation, doctored statistics, and interference with financial markets been so broad, so deep, and so profound. My allegation is clear, that we now live in Weimar times. Collectively, they have abused the privilege of printing money, and in doing so, have guaranteed a gold bull market.”


After averaging a manageable $80 billion annually during the 1980s, the trade deficit soared into the $300 billion range in the 1990s. And by 2003, this figure had exploded to over $500 billion. That’s about 5 percent of GDP, a level that, when it has occurred in other countries in the past, has preceded a sharp decline in the value of the local currency.

Why are we buying so much more than we’re selling? One reason is that it’s a lot cheaper to make most basic products in places like China, where smart, highly motivated people will work for about a tenth the prevailing U.S. wage. So U.S. companies, in order to take advantage of this differential, are closing factories here and setting up new ones over there. Powerhouse discount-store chains, Wal-Mart especially, is driving the process by buying from a growing network of Chinese plants, passing some of the savings along to customers, and either driving its competitors out of business or forcing them to buy from cheap foreign sources as well.
As a result, low-wage foreign factories are now flooding the United States with incredibly cheap stuff, much of which used to be made here. And where not so long ago our trade with China was more or less in balance, we now run a deficit that exceeds $100 billion annually.


– Foreign investors now own about $8 trillion of U.S. financial assets, including 13 percent of all U.S.


“A guy found out his wife was having an affair with the butcher,” said a Frenchmen at a dinner party last weekend. “So he went to the butcher and said, ‘I have only one demand to make…that you keep her.'”

This brought a roar of laughter. We’re not sure why. It didn’t seem that funny to us. But it shows that people lose interest.

As we age, our passions become fewer and less intense. Finally, we don’t care about anything at all – then, we’re dead.

There was a time when people worried desperately about the U.S. money supply figures. A little blip up would send the bond market into fits of hysteria. Investors (the so-called ‘bond vigilantes’) would rush to dump their bonds, thereby sending yields upwards. Higher yields cooled economic activity, which had the effect of reducing inflation.

But who pays any attention to money supply numbers any more? No one. They’re forgotten; considered irrelevant.

People used to worry about paying too much for stocks, too. But the Dow has been above 10,000 for so long – with the average stock trading at around 20 times earnings – people have come to expect it. They think it is normal.

And the federal budget! We remember when Republican politicians would get worked up into a hot sweat over a budget deficit. They felt it was irresponsible to spend more than was taken in. It was a stain on your record…a blemish on your honor. It was dangerous to the nation’s credit…it was a burden upon the taxpayers…and it was a threat to the

Now, a Republican president proposes the biggest deficits…the biggest budgets…and the biggest national debts in history…and every pet political hack in Washington – Republican and Democrat – purrs with cool contentment. ‘Deficits don’t matter,’ they’ve learned.

Decent, sober citizens used to fear war, too. No public issue was more important – it was not only a matter of life and death, but of national honor. For the first 150 years of its existence, the United States avoided foreign wars. Even as recently as the 1960s Lyndon Johnson had to bamboozle the American people to get the country into Vietnam. LBJ said that he wouldn’t send American boys to do the fighting that Vietnamese boys should do. And then, when he did send American boys, the public put up such a howl that they had to be pulled out.

Now, American boys are garrisoned all over the world. And now they fight enemies that can never be defeated…so the wars can go on forever. But who worries? Perpetual war is considered normal.

There was a time, too, when the trade deficit numbers came around like meter maids. People kept an eye on them…and rushed to get out of their way. Now, they show up and nobody even bothers to look up. It is as if all the parking tickets had already been fixed, even before they were written.

What is the penalty for running a $763.6 billion trade deficit? Has anyone asked? Does anyone care? People have come to take trade deficits for granted – like an old shoe or an old spouse. Yes, they get a little bigger every year, but that just makes them more comfortable, doesn’t it?

Stock market buyers paid no notice to the higher trade deficit numbers. They sent the Dow up 102 points. Bonds held their ground. Even more remarkably, the dollar stayed about where it was.

When nothing bad happens for a very long time, people come to assume that nothing bad ever will. It is as if they closed the windows and turned the gas on. The slow hiss of the gas worries them at first. But as long as nothing blows up, they get used to it. Finally, ‘It’s no problem,’ they say to themselves…

…and light up a cigarette.


“In the racial state, finally, the volkish philosophy of life
must succeed in bringing about that nobler age in which
men no longer are concerned with breeding dogs, horses
and cats, but in elevating man himself, an age in which
the one knowingly and silently renounces, the other
joyfully sacrifices and gives.”

— THE BOOK, II:2/405 (HM edition)

He was—and IS—right!


Foreclosures in the Denver area, we found out yesterday, are running at five times the level of 2003. According to the local news from Denver, there are whole neighborhoods that are sinking under foreclosure. In some of them, as many as one in four houses are in foreclosure. Imagine if you owned one of those that wasn’t. You couldn’t expect to sell it for a reasonable price – if you could sell at all.



Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 12:00:37 -0500
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: “Mbeki Puts on Thinking Cap to Wrestle With Crime” By ilana mercer, WorldNetDaily.com

Dear Ilana Mercer,

You are a very good writer; that is a given. I guess you have to be in order to make a living at it, which is what I suppose you do.

I like your informative and honest articles about South Africa. Some people are not willing to acknowledge the complete corruption of the area, nor the genocidal, anti-white nature of the country, particularly directed against the Boer farmers.

I see that your family made it out of there–for obviously good reasons (i.e., your safety).

And yet there is something about you that I find a little disturbing–in particular, this paragraph at your website:


“Mercer was born in South-Africa, from where her father, Rabbi Ben Isaacson, was forced to flee due to his anti-apartheid activism. The family departed for Israel in the 1960s, where Mercer spent her formative years. She returned to South-Africa in the 1980s, married and had a daughter.”

I’m a big fan of the saying that we shouldn’t blame the children for the parent’s sins. And so I ask you this point blank, not really expecting an answer:

If apartheid still existed in South Africa, which merely allowed whites lebensraum, would you campaign against it and promote what ultimately became what we see now, as your father did? That’s all I want to know.

Mark Farrell

—- Ilana wrote:


My apologies; I’ve misled readers about my native South Africa. I called it the most violent place on earth outside a war zone. I was wrong. BBC World recently — and reluctantly — disclosed that South Africa jostles with Iraq and Columbia for the title of most violent country in the world, war zones

President Thabo Mbeki ignored the BBC?s otherwise incontinent exhilaration about everything else South-African, choosing instead to frame as racism the network’s newfound realism vis-à-vis crime. Mbeki wields this ad hominem like an assegai. He is, however, much less adept at logic.

More on Mbeki’s response to the reality of crime in South Africa in my latest WND column, “Mbeki Puts on Thinking Cap to Wrestle With Crime.”

Comments on ‘ Mbeki’s Thinking Cap’ are
welcome here.

Best to all,




Well, here it comes. Lets see if the neocons in congress block this one. If they do then we live with it. Then they can do “conscription” of your children to fight in wars, or anyother “service” they deem necessary… and anyone can imagine what that might be…… give the types of torture we heard about. This is bad folks, call your congressman and tell them to vote for taking this out of the budget bill or support legislation to overturn it.


Making Martial Law Easier

A disturbing recent phenomenon in Washington is that laws that strike to the heart of American democracy have been passed in the dead of night. So it was with a provision quietly tucked into the enormous defense budget bill at the Bush administration’s behest that makes it easier for a president to override local control of law enforcement and declare martial law.

The provision, signed into law in October, weakens two obscure but important bulwarks of liberty. One is the doctrine that bars military forces, including a federalized National Guard, from engaging in law enforcement. Called posse comitatus, it was enshrined in law after the Civil War to preserve the line between civil government and the military. The other is the Insurrection Act of 1807, which provides the major exemptions to posse comitatus. It essentially limits a president’s use of the military in law enforcement to putting down lawlessness, insurrection and rebellion, where a state is violating federal law or depriving people of constitutional rights.


[From The Beautiful and the Damned, p. 270-1]

In April war was declared with Germany. Wilson and his cabinet — a cabinet that in its lack of distinction was strangely reminiscent of the twelve apostles — let loose the carefully starved dogs of war, and the press began to whoop hysterically against the sinister morals, sinister philosophy, and sinister music produced by the Teutonic temperament. Those who fancied themselves particularly broad-minded made the exquisite distinction that it was only the German Government which aroused them to hysteria; the rest were worked up to a condition of retching indecency. Any song which contained the word “mother” and the word “kaiser” was assured of a tremendous sucess.





Professor Shamir WEZ:

Praise the Prophets! Jews who have made Yeridah are making Aliyah and coming home! I am so excited! Perhaps this will inspire Alaska Judy to come home. There are only 8 days left till Purim. You had better be ready. LIBG! TYIJ!

Donald E. Pauly
Zionist Rastafarian
6th in Adar, 5676


There’s no place like home:
Israeli campaign woos expats
By Tom Tugend
February 20, 2007

LOS ANGELES (JTA) – The message from the Israeli official addressing more than a hundred Israeli expatriates at a Los Angeles synagogue was simple and direct: “We want you to come back.”

Translating the catchy slogan into reality is complex, Immigrant Absorption Minster Ze’ev Boim acknowledges.

In the early decades of the Jewish state, Israelis abandoning the homeland were scorned as weaklings, traitors and
“yordim,” those “going down” from Israel to the diaspora. But the Israeli government for some time has been wooing the growing number of citizens abroad.



Book About the UN/UNESCO

We have not yet read this. By the way, UNESCO created the infamous 1950/1951 “race statement” which declared that “race” doesn’t really exist and that all humans are basically equal [1]:


[1] “Muslims and Jews are no more races than are Roman Catholics and Protestants;” — from UNESCO’s “Statement on the Nature of Race and Race Differences,” June, 1951; that UNESCO committee was chaired by Jewish professor Ashley Montagu; that race statement can be found here:


[a .pdf file] [he was right on one count: Muslims aren’t a race]





The Financial Times reports: “After watching the formal stock market’s main index soar by 249 [percent] over the last 13 months, Vietnam’s emerging middle class is in the throes of stock market mania and students, civil servants and state enterprise managers with cash to spare are all rushing to buy shares and dreaming of windfall profits.

“The recent bull-run on the formal exchange, with 107 listed companies, has been propelled partly by foreign investors, eager for exposure to one of Asia’s fastest-growing economies.”

Why is the Vietnamese stock market manic? Part of the answer is that Vietnam is privatizing and embracing elements of the western, capitalistic system. But the more important part of the answer is that there is a lot of money around and it will go anywhere where the going is good.

The Financial Times continues: “‘It’s a frenzy,’ says Jonathan Pincus, the U.N.’s chief economist in Hanoi. ‘All the chatter in Hanoi is about people investing in the market. I don’t know if anyone knows what these companies are worth, but they are buying the paper.’

“Until recently, Vietnamese tended to put what savings they had into more traditional assets such as gold or real estate. But in the past year the number of trading accounts in the Vietnamese stock market has almost quadrupled from 32,000 to about 120,000.”


Four Hits for Israel Baseball League

With its inaugural season set to start in June, the fledgling Israel Baseball League has tapped three former Major Leaguers to manage teams and, in a page straight from Hollywood, signed a 45-year-old American to take the field.

The league announced the hiring of three managers: former New York Yankee Ron Blomberg, 58, who made history by becoming baseball’s first designated hitter and later wrote an autobiography titled “Designated Hebrew”; Ken Holtzman, 61, the winningest Jewish pitcher in Major League history, with a lifetime 174-150 record (Sandy Koufax went 165-87), and Art Shamsky, 65, a member of the “Miracle Mets” of 1969 and author of “The Magnificent Seasons: How the Jets, Mets, and Knicks Made Sports History and Uplifted a City and the Country.”



Aggressive Tactics Of Shoah Deniers Eyed After Attack on Wiesel

Rebecca Spence | Fri. Feb 16, 2007

The recent assault on one of the world’s most recognizable survivors of Nazi death camps [sic – Wiesel stayed with the nazis rather than go with the Soviets. Lying is as jewish as swindling], Elie Wiesel, has several Jewish communal leaders warning that Holocaust deniers are resorting to increasingly aggressive tactics.

In the attack, which occurred February 1 but was not picked up by the media for several days, the author and Nobel Peace Prize winner was dragged off an elevator at San Francisco’s Argent Hotel. Wiesel was in town to speak at a global conflict resolution conference sponsored by the RockRose Institute, a not-for-profit organization that promotes nonviolence.

Following the incident, Eric Hunt, a known Holocaust denier, wrote on an antisemitic Web site reportedlybased in Australia that he had accosted the 78-year-old author of the best-selling Holocaust memoir “Night” in order to “get a confession out of the ‘Pope of the Holocaust Religion’.”

According to a sergeant of the San Francisco police, Neville Gittens, a young man asked Wiesel if he could interview him. When Wiesel suggested that they do the interview in the lobby, the man accosted him and tried to pull him off the elevator and into a sixth-floor room. When Wiesel screamed, the suspect fled. Wiesel was unharmed. Authorities are still searching for the assailant, who they now believe is located on the East Coast.

Jewish communal leaders say this is the first known case of a Holocaust denier taking violent action. They point to the recent Holocaust-denial rhetoric coming out of Iran as helping to foment a climate in which deniers are becoming more emboldened.

“The one thing that Iran has achieved with the Holocaust cartoon competition, with the continuous challenges to the concept of Shoah, and now with the conference, is that it’s put it on the front of the agenda of the hatemongers and the extremists,” said Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League. “When you repeat a hateful canard often enough, chances are it may reverberate by an individual wanting to show how seriously he takes this hatred.” [Does that apply to White victims of niggers inspired by gang-rape pornography produced by jews Foxman gives awards to? Jostling a jew is called “violence” – in that lie you get a sense of the brazen reversal of reality that has been characteristic of jew-mentality for thousands of years.]



Scholar Pulls Book Revisiting Blood Libel

Says Press Distorted His Work, Pledges Proceeds to ADL

After unleashing a torrent of criticism both in his native Italy and around the globe, an Israeli professor has ordered his publisher to halt distribution of a new book that suggests a possible historical basis for the centuries-old charge that Jews murdered Christians and used their blood for ritual purposes.

Ariel Toaff, a professor of medieval and Renaissance history at Israel’s Bar Ilan University, said in a February 14 statement that, while he stands by his research, he is recalling the book, “Pasque di Sangue” (“Bloody Passovers”), in order to reframe those sections of it that he feels have been misunderstood by readers and mischaracterized in the press. To further allay criticism, Toaff promised to donate any money he may have earned from book’s early sales to the Anti-Defamation League, which only days before had condemned the scholar.

Though Toaff’s move appears to have quieted the ADL and Bar Ilan — both of which said they were “satisfied” by the professor’s defense of his work — many scholars, in both the Jewish world and beyond, continue to question the historian’s methods and conclusions.

The controversy was set into motion February 6, two days before the book’s official release, when the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera ran an enthusiastic review by Sergio Luzzatto, a professor of modern European history at the University of Turin. The review, which Toaff has since singled out as the leading factor in prompting the uproar, ran under the heading: “Ariel Toaff’s Disconcerting Revelation: The Myth of Human Sacrifice Is Not Just an Antisemitic Lie.”

According to Luzzatto, Toaff’s “courageous” book argues that some Christian children, or “perhaps even many,” were killed by fundamentalist Ashkenazic Jews between 1100 and 1500. Furthermore, Luzzatto has Toaff describing unleavened bread baked with dried blood possibly taken from murdered Christian children.

Though it is now clear that the review was in many ways at odds with Toaff’s actual findings, it nevertheless set the tone for the discussion that followed — including a swift and ferocious critical backlash.

Italy’s rabbis — who for a half-century were led by the professor’s father, Elio Toaff — issued a statement saying that, “No precept nor custom on the ritual use of human blood ever existed in the Jewish tradition. On the contrary,such use is simply deemed horrific…. The only blood that was shed was that of the many innocents Jews that were massacred because of this unjust and heinous accusation.”

After briefly employing a wait-and-see attitude and defending its professor’s academic freedom, Bar Ilan soon changed its position. Expressing “serious reservations” about the book, a university spokesman said that “senior officials and researchers condemned in the past and condemn today any attempt to justify the awful blood libels against the Jewish people.”

Meanwhile, in New York, Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, said in a statement: “It is incredible that anyone, much less an Israeli historian, would give legitimacy to the baseless blood libel accusation that has been the source of much suffering and attacks against Jews historically.”

As the furor gained momentum — including calls from some quarters that Toaff be removed from his post at Bar Ilan — the professor struggled to defuse the situation. Though he said in early interviews that ritual murders “might have taken place,” he later said that he does not believe that they did and that saying otherwise was, in The Jerusalem Post’s words, an “ironic academic provocation.”

Determining the true thrust of Toaff’s thesis has not been easy. The book was just released a few days ago, and only in Italy. It has not been translated, and few experts in the field have had the chance read it. Repeated attempts by the Forward to reach Toaff were unsuccessful. Nevertheless, in published interviews and newspaper accounts, the broad outlines of the author’s thinking have begun to emerge.

The book reportedly rests on the premise that from the time of the first Crusade in 1096 onward, certain Ashkenazic fundamentalists may have engaged, not in ritual slaughter, but in religiously inflected revenge killings prompted by persecution and forced conversion. Toaff writes in his book’s introduction that such acts may have been “instinctive, visceral, virulent actions and reactions, in which innocent and unknowing children became victims of the love of God and of vengeance.”

In supporting his claim, Toaff draws from the confessions extracted from the 16 Jews accused of murdering the 2-year-old Simon of Trent in 1475. Though the confessions have long been regarded as historically suspect, Toaff has defended them as potentially viable sources.

“I found there were statements and parts of the testimony that were not part of the Christian culture of the judges, and they could not have been invented or added by them. They were components appearing in prayers known from the [Jewish] prayer book,” he told Ha’aretz.

Toaff has argued that certain revenge killings, coupled with the use of dried blood for medicinal purposes — a “real craze” in Germany at the time, he told Ha’aretz — could have helped to fuel the blood libel myth.

Though news of Toaff’s thesis has been met with skepticism in the academic world, scholars have, nevertheless, been quick to point out that Toaff is not the only medieval Jewish historian to have cast a critical eye on the version of history in which Jews emerge blameless in the face of the blood libel charge.

“To understand Professor Toaff’s book, we have to take at least one step back,” said Adam Mintz, the rabbi at New York’s Kehilat Rayim Ahuvim. In taking this step, Mintz, who is also a visiting lecturer in Jewish history at Queens College of the City University of New York, pointed to the work of Israel Yuval, a historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Yuval himself caused an uproar with an article he published in 1993 in the Israeli journal Zion. As with Toaff, Yuval’s study began with the first Crusade, when German Jews were faced with a choice between conversion and death. Not only did some Jews choose to die rather than be baptized, but in some cases they killed their children as well. Yuval’s innovation was to suggest that, in seeing these killings, Christians may have come to believe that it was their own children who were being killed.

The year after Yuval’s article was published, the same journal devoted a double issue to his thesis in which it was attacked by five different scholars. What the critics took issue with, Mintz said, “was the suggestion that the Jews somehow brought the blood libel upon themselves. It was as though Yuval had said that the Jews brought the Holocaust on themselves.”

Yuval, whose book “Two Nations in Your Womb: Perceptions of Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages” was just released in English last year, said he has followed the Toaff affair with great interest. Asked if he felt any kinship with the beleaguered Toaff, he demurred. “Having myself been persecuted doesn’t make me any more sympathetic to Toaff’s theories,” he said. “I think they are untrue.”

Yuval acknowledged surface similarities between his work and Toaff’s, but what he stressed were the essential differences. “My point of departure was that the blood libel was a lie, a misunderstanding, something that never happened,” he said. “What he did was go one step further: He took the fiction and made it into a reality.”

Echoing Yuval’s sentiment was Anna Foa, a professor of history at Rome’s La Sapienza University who wrote a stinging critique of the Toaff book in the newspaper La Repubblica on the day the title was released.

“This is not a history book,” she later told the Forward. “It’s a novel.”




Despite fears of upsetting a top Israeli and American ally in the Muslim world, Jewish organizations are reluctant to respond to Turkish calls to fight a congressional resolution recognizing the Armenian genocide.
Article tools

In the past, Jewish groups have aided Turkey’s efforts to prevent the United Stated from applying the term “genocide” to the killing of 1.5 million Armenians by the Turks during World War I. But this time around, the Forward has learned, Jewish organizations are declining to commit to the issue, fearing an uphill battle with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has vowed to push the resolution through.



Warhol’s Tribe

This week marks the 20th anniversary of the death of Andy Warhol — as good a time as any to reminisce, in these pages, about the famed artist’s place in Jewish history. Although Warhol is best known for his portraits of such pop icons as Elvis Presley and Jackie Kennedy, in 1980 he also completed a set of 10 portraits of Jewish icons, commissioned by art dealer and gallery owner Ronald Feldman. By the time they collaborated on the series, Feldman and Warhol had been friends for almost 10 years. The two men met in the early 1970s, when Feldman and his wife opened Ronald Feldman Fine Arts in the Stable Gallery building on East 74th Street in Manhattan, where Warhol had first showed his famous Campbell’s Soup Can paintings. Even after Feldman’s gallery relocated to SoHo, Warhol would stop by every Saturday with his dachshund, Archie, to chat and ask for ideas.



State Department Defines Antisemitism

On October 16, 2004 President Bush signed into law the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act, which establishes a special department within the U.S. State Department to monitor global anti-Semitism, reporting annually to Congress. As one of the major steps in the implementation of that law, Secretary of State Condaleeza Rice swore in Gregg Rickman as head of the State Department’s office of global anti-Semitism on May 22, 2006. …

Mr. Rickman will not have to define anti-Semitism. His state department office has already done that for him. In its “Report on Global Anti-Semitism” and its “Global Anti-Semitism Report,” the U.S. State Department lists the following set of beliefs as anti-Semitic:

1) Any assertion “that the Jewish community controls government, the media, international business and the financial world” is anti-Semitic.

2) ”Strong anti-Israel sentiment” is anti-Semitic.

3) ”Virulent criticism” of Israel’s leaders, past or present, is anti-Semitic. According to the State Department, anti-Semitism occurs when a swastika is portrayed in a cartoon decrying the behavior of a past or present Zionist leader. Thus, a cartoon that includes a swastika to criticize Ariel Sharon’s brutal 2002 invasion of the West Bank, raining “hell-fire” missiles on hapless Palestinian men, women and children, is anti-Semitic. Similarly, when the word “Zionazi” is used to describe Sharon’s saturation bombing in Lebanon in 1982 (killing 17,500 innocent refugees), it is also “anti-Semitic.”

4) Criticism of the Jewish religion or its religious leaders or literature (especially the Talmud and Kabbalah) is anti-Semitic.

5) Criticism of the U.S. government and Congress for being under undue influence by the Jewish-Zionist community (including AIPAC) is anti-Semitic.

6) Criticism of the Jewish-Zionist community for promoting globalism (the “New World Order”) is anti-Semitic.

7) Blaming Jewish leaders and their followers for inciting the Roman crucifixion of Christ is anti-Semitic.

8) Diminishing the “six million” figure of Holocaust victims is anti-Semitic.

9) Calling Israel a “racist” state is anti-Semitic.

10) Asserting that there exists a “Zionist Conspiracy” is anti-Semitic.

11) Claiming that Jews and their leaders created the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia is anti-Semitic.

12) Making “derogatory statements about Jewish persons” is anti-Semitic.


The Jewish Mob in America

There are many more Jewish gangsters in America than Italian Mafia members. By the early 1990s there already were some 5,000 hard-core Jewish gangsters from the former Soviet Union operating in the New York area alone. That’s
more than the members of all of the Italian Mafia families in the United States.



Ethno masochism corner pass the sick bag.



First submission in the goy politician grovelling competition at AIPAC how will the Jews mark it out of10?

Mrs Clinton held forth notably thus:

I don’t need to remind this group that about a month ago the Iranian government hosted a conference in Tehran whose sole purpose was to deny the Holocaust.
Now that conference was beyond the pale of international discourse and acceptable behavior and we must not treat this situation as business as usual. The gathering was hosted by the leader of the member of a United Nations state and by a leader that has raised serious international concerns over his country’s nuclear ambitions and who has called for Israel to be wiped off the map.

To deny the Holocaust places Iran’s leadership in company with the most despicable bigots and historical revisionists. It is an insult, not only to a memory of the millions of Jews who suffered and died in the Shoah but also to the troops of the U.S. and its allies, who in the fight to liberate Europe from Nazism bore witness to the reality of the Holocaust.



In China, a genre of self-help books purports to tell the secrets of making money ‘the Jewish way.’



If you ever wonder why you never read of the following in the mainstream media, just think on this quote by Upton Sinclair. Never heard of him before apart from the quote but it sums up the situation.

“Its difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it”.

And that applies to not just our politicians, but to journalists, teachers, historians-especially historians- and many more of the professional classes.


The Great Dollar Crash of ‘07

Tuesday, 06 February 2007
By Mike Whitney

The massive equity bubbles which arose from artificially low interest rates and the deliberate destruction of the dollar by reckless increases in the money supply have shifted trillions of dollars from working class Americans to the predatory aristocrats at the top of the economic food chain. The gulf between rich and poor has grown so wide that it now poses a direct threat to our increasingly fragile democracy.

“Whatever future developments may prove to be, my best guess is that the US will continue to maintain a façade of Constitutional government and drift along until financial bankruptcy overtakes it.” Chalmers Johnson, “Empire V. Democracy: Why Nemesis is at our Door”

02/06/07 “ICHBlog” — – Every time a US Dollar is traded, a check is issued on an account that is overdrawn by $8.6 trillion. (That is the present size of the national debt) It is, without question, the biggest swindle in history. Flimsy sheets of faded-green scrip are eagerly exchanged for costly goods and services without any regard for the real value of the currency.

And, the real value of the currency is absolutely nothing!

How is it that this scam persists when people appear to be aware of the massive debt and deficits which underwrite the dollar? Do they still believe in that puerile fairy tale about “the full faith and credit” of the United States backing up every greenback? Or are they pacified by the wizened graybeards, like Alan Greenspan and Hank Paulson, who soothingly bray about the “strong dollar policy”?

What gibberish.

In truth, the dollar rests on the crumbling foundation of consumerism and oil. The American consumer’s gluttonous appetite for spending has kept the greenback flying high for decades. Economists marvel at America’s lust for electronic gadgetry, the latest fashions, and useless knick-knacks. They call our profligate spending “the engine for global growth”; and indeed it is. No other country in the world is nearly as addicted to binge-spending as the US consumer. As long as he can beg, borrow or steal his way into the shopping mall; the orgy of spending is bound to continue. (Consumer spending is 70% of GDP)

Regrettably, there are signs that the US consumer is beginning to buckle from the weight of personal debt. The Associated Press reported just this week that “people are saving at the slowest rate since the Great Depression… and the Commerce Dept stated that the nation’s personal savings rate for 2006 was a negative 1%, the worst showing in 73 years.”

Additionally, credit card debt has skyrocketed, which is an indication that homeowners are no longer able to siphon easy-money from their home-equity. The nose-diving real estate market has slowed refinancing to a dribble; cutting off the additional $825 billion of cash which was extracted from home-equity just last year.

Clearly, the well is running dry; the housing bubble is hang-gliding into the abyss and there’s nothing Fed-master Bernanke can do to save it from its inevitable crash-landing.

The central banks around the world are now watching for any sign that the American consumer is about to give up the ghost. As soon as that happens, bank managers everywhere will swing into action, ditch their U.S.Dollars and head for the exits. When the “global engine” sputters to a halt; it’ll be curtains for the greenback.

The Oil-extortion Racket

The dollar’s link to oil has helped to keep it afloat but, in truth, it’s just another dismal rip-off. More than 70% of the world’s oil is denominated in USD; a virtual monopoly for the USA. Until last year, even Russia was using dollars in its oil transactions with Germany. Imagine a comparable deal, like the US purchasing oil from Canada in rubles?!?

It’s lunacy; and yet this is the system the US hopes to preserve so it can maintain its unique status as the world’s “reserve currency” and keep expanding its debt into perpetuity. It explains why the Federal Reserve has been able to increase the money supply by a whopping 15% for the last 6 years! Trillions of dollars are now circulating in the oil trade keeping the value of the dollar high by creating artificial demand.

The other reason the dollar hasn’t succumbed to hyperinflation is because the current account deficit is running at roughly $800 billion per year. The Asian giants (China and Japan) and the oil exporting countries are mopping up more than $700 billion of our red ink every year!

The dollar’s link to oil forces central banks to maintain humongous stockpiles of USD to pay the steadily rising price of oil that keeps their industries and vehicles running. Otherwise they would have chucked the flaccid greenback years ago and converted to the more steadfast euro.

The so-called ‘global economic system’ has nothing to do with competition, free markets or private enterprise; that’s just public relations gobbledygook. In practice, it is the world’s biggest extortion racket, wherein, the “Godfather”– Uncle Sam– holds a gun to the heads of his subjects and forces them to use our fiat-paper to purchase the oil that lubricates their economies.

Why would anyone accept a personal check from a nation that owes the bank more than $8.6 trillion dollars?

Why, indeed?

It’s blackmail, pure and simple; and yet, the Chinese, Japanese etc. continue to play along knowing full-well that we neither have the inclination nor the resources to pay them back in kind?

It’s madness.

Every so often, a rebel nation will try to break the shackle of greenback-tyranny and operate outside the US-run system?

For example, Saddam Hussein switched to euros 6 months before he was carpet-bombed in Shock and Awe. His defiance only hastened his ultimate downfall.

Now Iran and Venezuela are threatening to convert to euros. Is it any surprise that they are both on Bush’s axis-of-evil hit list?

Russia has already made the conversion to euros and rubles (and has considerably depleted his supplies of USD) but, of course, regime change is more difficult when a state has nuclear weapons. Instead, the mainstream media is conducting an impressive “Swift Boat” campaign against Putin, smearing him as a “Russian autocrat” who is “rolling back democracy”. At the same time, the Bush administration is threatening to deploy missile systems in Eastern Europe and ratcheting up the pressure in the former Soviet republics.

Bush would rather restart the Cold War than abandon the supremacy of the greenback.

But, why? Is Dollar-primacy really that crucial to our economy?

The greenback is the baling wire that keeps the global economy in the hands of the doddering old misers at the Federal Reserve. It’s the cornerstone of the whole wretched system; a system which now includes torture, extraordinary rendition, and myriad other war crimes.

The young Muslim men who are abducted off the streets of Europe and Asia and taken to CIA Black Sites where they are waterboarded or stacked in naked pyramids; are tortured in defense of the crumpled piece of green paper we carry in our pants pockets.

Think I’m kidding?

Just look at Bush’s budget for 2007-2008; $700 billion for foreign wars?!? There’s no way the US can pay off that debt through the normal means of increasing exports. In fact, Bush has already said that he plans to preserve his unfunded tax cuts whether they produce massive deficits or not.

What Bush plans to do is force the foreign central banks to hold more dollar-based assets, thus, thrusting our gigantic debt onto our trading partners. According to Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster, “US debt was up 10.1% to $4.085 trillion and accounts for 58.8% OF ALL THE CREDIT ISSUED GLOBALLY LAST YEAR. The US is producing more debt than the rest of the world combined.

As long as foreign lenders are willing to take our paper, Bush will keep expanding our debt. As Chalmers Johnson opined, “We are dependent on ‘the kindness of strangers’”. (The Blanche Dubois economy)

Of course, if the central banks grow tired of this pyramid-scheme and dump the dollar; the world can get on with the business of addressing global warming, poverty, AIDs, Peak Oil, nuclear proliferation etc. That won’t happen as long as the dollar reigns supreme and a small cadre of unelected racketeers at the Fed continue Gerry-rig the system.

Economic justice and equitable distribution of wealth begin with greater parity among the currencies. That requires “regime change” for the greenback and a loosening of its tyrannical grip on the system.

Sleepwalking in the Weimar U.S.A.

The good news is that the Bush administration is pushing the dollar towards extinction anyway. Another few years of $800 billion trade deficits, lavish unfunded tax cuts for the mega-rich, and a Pentagon budget of $700 billion-plus; and the old greenback will be going the way of the Dodo. Jim Willie of GoldenJackass.com summarized it this way:

“Never in the history of central bankers has the hidden coordination, influenced pressure, gargantuan money creation, doctored statistics, and interference with financial markets been so broad, so deep, and so profound. My allegation is clear, that we now live in Weimar times, as has been warned for two years worth of scribbles. Collectively, they have abused the privilege of printing money, and in doing so, have guaranteed a gold bull market. … The more heavily the counterfeit press dispenses electronic dollars, devoted to operations, to credit, to consumer spending, to military adventures, to good old fashioned fraud, the gold bull benefits from ample new oxygen and blood flow”.

Willie is right; the system is rotten to the core. Once the dollar crashes, other currencies rush in to fill the void generating greater competition between the energy and manufacturing giants. A new paradigm will emerge distributing power more equitably among the states. It’s a way to resuscitate a system that is currently held together through force of arms.

Besides, how long will China and Japan continue to abet Washington’s war-mongering adventurism? My guess is that the daggers have already been sharpened in Beijing, Caracas, Delhi and Moscow. Everyone is just waiting for Bush to cross that invisible line in the sand before they fling their greenbacks into the jet-stream and wait for Goliath to tumble.

That “invisible line in the sand” is Iran.

The world is at a crossroads and everyone who can fog a mirror knows it. The superpower model of global governance has failed miserably. We need more responsible stewardship of the planet and its resources.

How can we build our economies when a handful of western plutocrats control the spigot for quickly dwindling oil reserves? How can we attack climate change when those same blinkered reprobates employ pseudo-scientists to dispute global warming? How can we address nuclear proliferation when neocon militarists believe in “useable” low-yield, bunker-busting warheads?

The model is hopelessly shattered. We’d be better off boarding-up the White House and the Federal Reserve and starting from Square One.

The world needs a break from Washington’s wasteful spending and unprovoked wars. At the same time, foreign creditors are increasingly reluctant to keep financing America’s extravagant consumption. And, no one is hoodwinked by Bush’s “war on terror” scam; a conflict that was clearly concocted to assert control over the world’s remaining resources.

The world is realigning according to mutual interests and a shared vision of the future. The rise of energy alliances in Latin America and Asia (particularly the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) which now controls most new oil deposits and output) signals the waning of western influence and the ascendancy of a new energy paradigm. Power is progressively shifting away from Washington.

That’s bad news for the greenback which depends on its linkage to oil to sustain its enormous debt.

The dollar now faces challenges from all directions. Western elites have savaged the country’s economic base by hollowing out our manufacturing base in order to destroy the American labor movement.

Free trade has transformed the US into the biggest creditor nation in history. The country exports nothing but bombs and misery.

Also, as Congressman Ron Paul notes, “Most knowledgeable people assume that inflation of the money supply is not only going to continue, but accelerate. This anticipation, plus the fact that many new dollars have been created over the past 15 years that have not been fully discounted, guarantees the further depreciation of the dollar.”

Eventually, the markets will catch on, foreign lenders will stop buying our Treasuries, and the dollar will fall through the floor.

The laws of gravity apply to economics as well as science.

Red flags are going up everywhere. China’s central bank issued a warning in December about the risks of the weakening dollar:

“If external capital stops flowing into the US, a significant drop in the dollar may occur with consumption and investment shrinking, interest rates rising, and financial markets experiencing turbulence, endangering global financial and economic stability. There could be adjustments to how European private capital, Asian foreign exchange reserves and oil export proceeds are invested.”

Yes, of course, a complete economic meltdown with capital fleeing the United States to foreign countries and the American economy collapsing in a heap.

The Chinese central bank statement adds:

“If the US current account deficit continues to grow faster than GDP, then the investment value of US assets may be subject to doubts and challenges and the willingness of investors to continue holding and buying US financial products may weaken. This could cause changes in capital flows, the exchange rates of major currencies, and the value of foreign exchange assets.”

The Chinese bank is giving the Bush Team a chapter out of Econ. 101: “If you keep spending more than you are taking in; the stock market will fall, the dollar will plummet, and the US economy will tank”.

What could be clearer than that?

The administration, however, chooses to ignore the basic laws of economics and pursue a madcap plan to wage aggressive war across the planet and pilfer the world’s oil reserves.

So far, the results have been less than reassuring.

The Decline of U.S. Sovereignty; blame it on the Fed

The United States set off on the road to perdition when it transferred the power to create money to the privately-owned Federal Reserve. It’s been downhill ever since.

The man who can set interest rates and create money is more powerful than the man who can move armies and change laws. By conferring that authority on the Federal Reserve we have assured that the policies that govern our economy are decided by unelected members of the ruling elite whose choices will naturally reflect the interests of their class.

The wealth gap that has opened up like a yawning chasm between rich and poor in America originated with the class-based policies of the Fed. The massive equity bubbles which arose from artificially low interest rates and the deliberate destruction of the dollar by reckless increases in the money supply have shifted trillions of dollars from working class Americans to the predatory aristocrats at the top of the economic food chain. The gulf between rich and poor has grown so wide that it now poses a direct threat to our increasingly fragile democracy. That’s why Thomas Jefferson said:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of our currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing of power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

Free people cannot control their own destiny unless they control their own currency. The Federal Reserve must be abolished.

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  • 5 Responses to “Reader Mail: 02/27/07”

    1. Graham Wellington Says:

      “Jesus was a kike”


    2. Briseis Says:

      You know, whether he was or wasn’t – the whole Jeebu thing doesn’t seem relevant to our survival presently. All the stories and rules and moralizing won’t save us against the devil in human form. Save your self and your kin now, fight Jewish evil as best you can, stay out of debt, if you must use credit, use it sparingly and pay it off every month, buy less stuff, create networks with other whites to sghare stuff and help each other, alwyas think of how another white can benefit before you part with your money or time- Even if those people aren’t WNs, even if you can’t ‘convert’ other whites, if you do these things , you are still putting a nail in the dreidel.
      Giving to each other is an act of reciprocity, giving to them is like bleeding to death.

    3. Mati The Estonian Says:

      OK – after quite many years of reading about the Jesus=Jew subject I came for a few conclusions…
      Jesus WAS NOT a JEW, he was a semite. As most of people STILL living in Palestine. There was no jews in and around year 1AD. There all where semitic people. The word jew did not excisted before 1700 – look at a Oxford Dictionary.
      There was however shism between different semitic tribes. One of many was tribe Jesus belonged and different tribe where the parishees came from. So parishees where the tribe coming from Babylon with they Talmud and started practising usury and “stuff”. But they forget about one little thing – when thay started to write and belive in Talmud G renounce them and made a new covenant- this time with cristians and that was the reason parishees wanted Jesus dead (including the usury thing and I guess few more we dont know about).
      So basically todays and yesteryear jews where RELATED to Jesus more or less like all nigger are related to eachothers but thats it.
      So if someone can add something or correct pleas do so – because all this is written from memory and rev.Ted Pike was one of the sources if I remember correctly.

    4. Aquinas Says:

      ‘Jews’ are the remainder of the Pharisee sect against whom ‘Jesus’ railed in the New Testament. ‘Jesus/God’ is the Logos (“…In the beginning was the Word[Logos], and the Word[Logos] was with God, and the Word[Logos] was God…..”etc. The Logos might also be considered as the universal-reflective thought [truth?] demonstrated by Socrates/Plato.

      ‘Jews/Pharisees’ reject the Logos. They claim there is no demand for this reflective conscience or philosophic consciousness in their Torah, cleaving instead to a more material or fleshly outlook. Christians disagree and think the ‘Jews/Pharisees’ are basically heretics from ‘Israel’ which is to be found in the Christian/Catholic Church.

      Paul describes the situation in his epistles. It is a scheme that ensures ‘Jewish/Pharisee’ rejection of the Logos every bit as much as it demands ‘gentile’ acceptance of the Logos – it makes ‘Jews/Pharisees’ the killers of the Logos! Paul was a super-elite pharisee before his ‘Damascene Conversion’.

      This dispute captures the philosophic and commercial turmoil in the Roman Empire then; as now. All WNs should carefully consider this theological problem. The sooner the better.

      Are you for the Logos, White Man?

      Or what would you say?

    5. john Says:

      Just another example of how the christians love to take it in the ass for jewish favor.