19 February, 2007

Middle-Aged Mudshark Trapped in Mulatto Hell

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Kirksville at 12:01 am | Permanent Link

[From Kirksville Today…]

February 19, 2007 @ 2:41 pm · Filed under Uncategorized · Edit

Scene: Wal-mart

Time: noon on a Monday

Your reporter is in line, waiting to check out a small purchase. Ahead of him is a middle-aged woman. No ring on her finger. Trying to use her WIC checks to buy some food. Food for her 150-pound nine-year-old mulatto, an ugly, pudgy larval DMV jemima. The kid is whining and screaming. Drops to the floor mewling for some kind of sugar dope. Hawks up a loogie and spits at her white mother. “You’re grounded from Wal-mart for a month.” In about three years, this baby black beast will be big enough to beat up the mother who made the eternal mistake of hooking up with a nigger.


  • 11 Responses to “Middle-Aged Mudshark Trapped in Mulatto Hell”

    1. Omega Man Says:

      The scene described is unfortunately all too common in the latter day ‘kwa. Notice that the nigger pappy is nowhere to be found in most of these situations. Probably still sleeping off the blunt/40 oz hangover from last night, it being Monday noon and all… But the bitch had better be back with some chicken wings when he gets up at 3PM!

    2. Steve Says:

      Hopefully she shops daily at many stores… white girls who see her might think twice about mating with a nig.

    3. chris Says:

      She’ll serve as an excellent example for future women once the New Nation has arrived, she’ll live on the outskirts of town, shunned, stigmatized for the whore she is. Of course her spawn will have been shipped off to be with his kind in Africa – perhaps it’ll be best if she joins him. In all seriousness though, I think she’d decline. I can hear her now, “I never liked that nigger chimp anyway, but the social service department told me they’d throw me in jail if I euthanized his fucking ass”

    4. Nordic Jew Smasher Says:

      I think what’s most remarkable is that the ostensibly “pro-White” reporter is giving money to Walmart.

      No wonder you Noughtsies have zero power – you have zero brains. That’s why you’re Noughtsies.

    5. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      One thing that may help to lessen this rampant bestiality is high definition TV. I’ve read that it doesn’t treat porn stars kindly, and I can imagine what close-ups of black hides must look like. To me, the vagina on a real dark-skinned (or as the darkies say, “skinded”) negress looks like a deep wound on a cape buffalo’s rump. Who the hell wants to see that in hi-def?

    6. Hoosier Says:

      # Nordic Jew Smasher Says:
      20 February, 2007 at 1:21 am

      I think what’s most remarkable is that the ostensibly “pro-White” reporter is giving money to Walmart.

      No wonder you Noughtsies have zero power – you have zero brains. That’s why you’re Noughtsies.

      It could be worse. We could be anti-racist trash, or a whiny Jew, like you, “Nordic Jew Smasher,” who has no life, and so tries to disrupt a pro white blog. “Noughtsies” is one of the lamer insults I’ve heard for awhile. As it’s said, just say “no” to drugs, NJS.

      Oh, yes, it could be much worse. We could be – you. Whine away in your impotent fear and hate. You’re a bug on the windshield.

    7. Campbell Says:


      Stay out of Walmart. It’s a depressing place to shop, and not good for your mental health, and besides, it only serves to support the capitali$t/Chinese/ corrupt/kikeness that is the ‘kwa. Every dollar that remains in your pocket, my White brothers and sisters, is kept out of the kike’s pocket. Screw that chinese-chunk they sell. Let the mexies, niggers and fat, race-mixers have it. Buy carefully…from Whites only, or do without!

    8. alex Says:

      # Nordic Jew Smasher Says:
      20 February, 2007 at 1:21 am

      I think what’s most remarkable is that the ostensibly “pro-White” reporter is giving money to Walmart.

      No wonder you Noughtsies have zero power – you have zero brains. That’s why you’re Noughtsies.

      Crack smoker, of course, never buys anything himself. He exists solely on air, as pure ego. He has no kids, no money, but he can make anonymous gibes over the computer, at least when the public library is open.

      I’ve produced two new people and saved lots of money the last few years. What have you done?

      Nothing. You’ve been challened by me multiple times to tell us what you are doing. You won’t respond because you have no answer.

      I needed some microcassette tapes. I walked up to Wal-Mart. About five mile round trip. I could either buy them at Wal-Mart or at Radio Shak. Both made in china, wal-marts are cheaper.

      So, Nordic Pussy, fuck you. I live more in line with my principles than any WN I know of.

      You buy stuff too. You’re just a little pussy who pretends everyone else is the problem.

    9. alex Says:

      Stay out of Walmart. It’s a depressing place to shop, and not good for your mental health, and besides, it only serves to support the capitali$t/Chinese/ corrupt/kikeness that is the ‘kwa. Every dollar that remains in your pocket, my White brothers and sisters, is kept out of the kike’s pocket. Screw that chinese-chunk they sell. Let the mexies, niggers and fat, race-mixers have it. Buy carefully…from Whites only, or do without!

      It isn’t that simple. Just because someone’s white doesn’t mean they’re WN. Also, White supplier for many goods do not exist. Certainly not in small towns. Wal-mart is extremely cheap, and I have more money left over after shopping there. It’s easy to make gibes about chinese slaves and low-quality product but the fact is Wal-mart stuff is good enough for purposes, and it’s cheaper than pretty much anywhere else. We have to suffer the downside of globalization in the wage rates, we’d better take advantage of the upside, until we can change the system. Many say buy from Whites, but these White suppliers are not there.

    10. Campbell Says:

      Alex said,”Just because someone’s white doesn’t mean they’re WN.

      Ofcourse, WN’s are rare indeed, but still I’d rather give my money to a White man… if at all possible.

      “Also, white suppliers for many goods do not exist.”

      True, and it’s shame, however we can try and shop locally from White individuals. For example, farmers markets are great for locally grown produce. Also, rather than buying clothing from the kike, find a local White seamstress, if at all possible. They used to be homemakers, who made money on the side by sewing for others. Ofcourse, when it comes to electronics and appliances, we’re screwed. Most of it is made in the third world, and the cheapest store to buy these products is probably Walmart.

      I realize that living in a smaller town limits your shopping choices. I don’t have that problem, because I live in the DFW area, however, every time I decide to NOT spend that dollar at a Walmart and buy White, or not buy at all, the kike machine loses.

      I truly feel empowered when I decide not to buy from the jew, and I have discovered that the older I become, the less I need.

    11. Flavius Says:

      I think we should shop online and/or from the local White racialist owned store 14/88.