11 February, 2007

Listen Live: Monday Free Talk Live

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 4:27 pm | Permanent Link

Show Concluded.

6 PM EST: Music – Blues without Niggers
7 PM EST: The talk begins.

We have a special guest on Monday’s VNN FTL: Bill White with ANSWP.

Skype ID: vnnfreetalklive
Phone: 660 675 4388

I’d like to thank Kike Herder for assembling this 10 minute montage of the January 15, 2007 show.

For those with plain old telephones we have a conventional phone number: 660 675 4388, though we prefer skype calls. Regardless, please attempt to send a chat message with skype before calling.


1) Send a chat message to vnnfreetalklive with skype.

2) The host will accept your chat message, tell you approximately when you’ll be coming on, and will call you back.

3) When skype rings turn off the live feed, since there is a delay.

Note: to use skype you’ll need a headset and PC.


You’ll need winamp, itunes or any other type of software that can load .pls.

This Monday at 7 PM CST / 8 EST / 23:00 GMT click this icon:

  • 12 Responses to “Listen Live: Monday Free Talk Live”

    1. Olde Dutch Says:

      Oye vey. You must be hard up for guests.

      You know Beck, Springer is a very common German name too. ;)

    2. SSteve Says:

      Two killer white blues bands are Steve Guyger, who I believe is a native of Philly burbs, and Rod Piazza and the Mighty Flyers; hope to hear them tonite, Butterfield’s band was mostly white too, although jew Bloomfield may have been in it. Let’s not forget Charlie Musslewhite either.

    3. Geoff Beck Says:

      Thanks Steve. I’ll look into those bands.

    4. Dave Jones Says:

      Where do you post your playlist Geoff?. Great pick of ‘Toonz’
      Sure miss the Music for Whites show maybe Alex or Stan could bring something similar back. We need more good nigger free music played.

    5. VLC Says:

      wait, did I just hear BillWhite say he didn’t want to be part of a movement that is a jewish caricature of National Socialism ?

    6. New America Says:

      I think the word Alex was looking for is “infantilism.”

      This is the result of the Children of the Sixties having children, who remain even less developed, psychologically – a pattern that continues with ever greater force, unto the present day.

      I think the great news is that we ARE maturing; historically, our “Leaders,” with the exceptions of Rockwell, Pierce, and precious few others, have defined themselves virtually exclusively in terms of what they were against, and they never identified the root cause of their Nemesis – JUDAISM, which is the exact opposite of Christianity.

      By being focused and aware of how Jews are nodes through which JUDAISM operates, we don’t chase the Shadows on the Wall of the Cave; no, we are out in the Light, for a welcome change.

      As a result, we are defining ourselves in terms of what we are are FOR, and are moving towards OUR choices. That these are so broad and *ahem* “diverse” as Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic, and Bill White’s conception of a National Socialist State.

      And what is the common theme that unites them?


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    7. dean yates Says:

      MT. state leader for nsm-america (ANSWP) calling…subject=N.W. four state group meeting.
      Also-need more serious contacts to communicate, even if 90% of us have true white ties…the jew still needs to know we won’t take it!

    8. dean yates Says:

      My phone = 406-542-7461

    9. Bill White Says:


      You should probably post it over on the Yahoo group.


    10. New America Says:

      A poster on Bob Whitaker’s site just nailed an important idea of what we are really trying to do – from Linder’s clever writings to White’s “No Apologies” ANSWP, to Covington’s Northwest Republic trilogy – and model – and Peter Shank’s broadcasts.

      This poster just NAILED the reason why it has been so difficult to make headway.




      Doesn’t that just explain so MUCH about why we get an incredible degree of resistance to our slightest efforts?

      With THAT as our model, we can move forward a bit more confidently, and a LOT more intelligently.

      Think of what Sam Francis could have done with THAT idea, and a little bit less attachment to the “paste jewels of middle-class respectability.”

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    11. anti Says:


      Doesn’t that just explain so MUCH about why we get an incredible degree of resistance to our slightest efforts?”

      Yea, and I put that explanation across a long time ago. White Nationalists creep their way into the psychiatric approach as usual, and then it’s all, “DAYUMN! dat’s de AYINSWER!”

      Unfortunately, you guys aren’t “deprogramming” anyone but those who are already looking for an out. The true cult adherent cannot be “deprogrammed” without years, YEARS, of psychiatric attention.

    12. New America Says:

      anti wrote:
      14 February, 2007 at 10:04 am


      Doesn’t that just explain so MUCH about why we get an incredible degree of resistance to our slightest efforts?”

      Yea, and I put that explanation across a long time ago. White Nationalists creep their way into the psychiatric approach as usual, and then it’s all, “DAYUMN! dat’s de AYINSWER!”

      Unfortunately, you guys aren’t “deprogramming” anyone but those who are already looking for an out. The true cult adherent cannot be “deprogrammed” without years, YEARS, of psychiatric attention.

      in reply:
      This is true; it takes an incredible amount of pain for people to deal with the substantial issues they have internalized, and refuse to deal with in a forthright, constructive manner.

      This pretty much deals with an entire complex of issues around co-dependency – at which point we realize the simple answer is to lead by example, and wish them well.

      What I have noticed is an incredible amount of “double-bind” thinking; we are literally told “black is white” so often, that we simply are literally neutralized into impotence. It’s like the Pavlovian experiment where a dog is giving opposing stimuli simultaneously; he lies helplessly in the middle of the floor, shaking in helplessness induced fear – learned helplessness.

      It takes the power of Will to take that all-important First Step, and, even then, you are knocked down again and again.

      In time, you learn to Stand, and then Stand On Your Own, and then to Walk.

      The patriotards and conservatives simply have us trapped in the middle, in a state of learned helplessness.

      That’s what I like about VNN, and Bob Whitaker; for the first time, we aren’t fighting a nebulous “Them.”

      For the first time we can SEE and UNDERSTAND the Enemy, and move forward, relentlessly, with confidence.

      People complain about Bill White’s version of AMERICAN National Socialism, and Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic Trilogy of novels, and I wondered why these elegant ideas were treated with such animosity.

      No more.

      It is simply, and I will be diplomatic about this, the Shock of Truth to someone who have lived in the Cave all of their lives. Not only is there an entire World outside the Cave, it is a much better world…BUT, you must leave the Cave to entire it, and then, you must work, daily, ruthlessly, relentlessly, to make the world into the New World.

      The JEWS are doing all in their power to remake your world – both Inside the Cave, and Without – into THEIR World.

      If we don’t FIGHT this – consciously, intelligent, and ruthlessly, starting with OURSELVES – then we lose by. and for, the worst of all reasons.

      We lose by default, out of ignorance, and cowardice, and we lose FOR our unwillingness to even begin to develop something better.

      We will have nobody to blame, but our selves, and the works of our Ancestors for millenia past will have been wasted…

      And, bluntly, the true cult adherent can not be changed, until he is ready, whether it takes hitting rock bottom, or whatever it takes. Indeed, anti makes an excellent point – we can’t do anything for them, and precious little about them.

      It is our duty to act – ACT – as a Vanguard.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!