2 February, 2007

Listen Live: Friday Free Talk Live

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 9:51 am | Permanent Link

Show concluded.

Join Dietrich tonight .

7 PM EST: Music and selected audio cuts.
9 PM EST: The talk begins.

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  • 10 Responses to “Listen Live: Friday Free Talk Live”

    1. BeheadBushCrook Says:

      Exxon Mobil Posts Record Annual Profit

      The Associated Press
      Thursday, February 1, 2007; 4:51 PM

      HOUSTON — Oil giant Exxon Mobil Corp. on Thursday posted the largest annual profit by a U.S. company _ $39.5 billion _ even as earnings for the last quarter of 2006 declined 4 percent.

      The 2006 profit topped the previous record, also by Exxon Mobil, of $36.13 billion set in 2005. The record earnings amounted to roughly $4.5 million an hour for the world’s largest publicly traded oil company, which produces about 3 percent of the world’s oil.

      A worker delivers fuel to an Exxon station in Keller, Texas, Saturday, Jan. 27, 2007. Exxon Mobil Corp. on Thursday, Feb. 1, 2007 posted the largest annual profit by a U.S. company, $39.5 billion. The 2006 profit topped the previous record of $36.13 billion which Exxon set in 2005. (AP Photo/Donna McWilliam) (Donna Mcwilliam – AP)


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      It also equals the approximate gross domestic product _ a measure of all goods and services produced within a country in a given year _ of countries like Ecuador, Luxembourg and Croatia.

      Also eyepopping was Exxon Mobil’s revenue, which rose to $377.64 billion for the year, surpassing the record $370.68 billion it posted in 2005.

      “Exxon Mobil continued to leverage its globally diverse resource base to bring additional crude oil and natural gas to market,” said Rex W. Tillerson, chairman of the Irving, Texas-based company.

      Still, it marked the first time since the third quarter of 2002 Exxon Mobil had a year-over-year quarterly earnings decline.

      Exxon Mobil’s record annual earnings followed a year of extraordinarily high energy prices as crude oil topped $78 a barrel in the summer _ driving up average gasoline prices in the United States to more than $3 a gallon. Prices retreated later in the year.

      The fourth-quarter decline reflects lower profits from Exxon’s refining and marketing operations and a sharp dropoff in natural gas prices.

      The company said earnings from exploration and production were $6.2 billion for the quarter, down from about $7 billion in the fourth quarter of 2005. Earnings also fell on the refining and marketing side to $1.96 billion in the most recent quarter from $2.4 billion a year ago.

      Oil production for the quarter was up slightly from a year ago, while natural gas production was off slightly.

      The company said it ended 2006 with $32.8 billion in cash, and debt of $8.3 billion. Tillerson and other company executives plan to meet with Wall Street analysts March 7 to discuss ongoing business plans.

      Exxon Mobil’s results for the October-December period mimicked those of U.S. competitor ConocoPhillips, which last week said its fourth-quarter profit fell 13 percent _ also primarily because of lower natural gas prices and refining margins. But hefty earnings earlier in the year helped Houston-based ConocoPhillips post its most profitable year on record, earning $15.55 billion.

      ConocoPhillips is the nation’s third-largest integrated oil company behind Exxon Mobil and Chevron Corp., which is scheduled to report 2006 results Friday.

      Also Thursday, Royal Dutch Shell PLC reported a 21 percent rise in fourth-quarter earnings, buoyed in part by high energy prices and the sale of some operations. Net profit came to $5.28 billion, up from $4.37 billion. But excluding divestitures and other one-time items, Shell’s earnings from oil production fell 3 percent, while fourth-quarter sales were flat at $75.5 billion.

      The Anglo-Dutch company also said it had taken important steps to bulk up its proven reserves, which were revealed to have been inflated in a 2004 accounting scandal.

      At Exxon Mobil, profit for the fourth quarter of 2006 declined to $10.25 billion from the $10.71 billion Exxon earned in the 2005 quarter _ a record quarterly profit for any U.S. public company. That best-ever profit came when the price of both natural gas and crude oil skyrocketed in the wake of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, which damaged wells, pipelines and refineries in the key energy-producing Gulf of Mexico.

      Analysts largely have predicted declines in fourth-quarter earnings for the big U.S. oil companies because of the moderation in prices.

      Exxon Mobil’s per-share earnings in the fourth quarter rose to $1.76 from $1.71 as the company reduced the number of shares outstanding. Wall Street analysts polled by Thomson Financial had forecast earnings of $1.51 a share.

      Excluding special items, Exxon Mobil earned $9.84 billion, or $1.69 a share, in the final three months of 2006.

      Quarterly revenue fell to $90 billion from $99 billion in the year-ago period.

      For the year, Exxon earned $6.62 per share in 2006 versus $5.71 per share in 2005.

      Exxon shares rose 47 cents to $74.57 in afternoon trading on the New York Stock Exchange. They have traded in a 52-week range of $56.64 to $79.

    2. LincolnTheWorldHero Says:

      Whoever the hillbilly inbred trailor trash southerner is that constantly trashes Americas greatest hero needs to go to school and learn how to read and write.
      We must understand that Abraham Lincoln was the ultimate American liberator heroic figure and noone comes close. Mr Lincoln dared challenge the southern elite with their 5 million terribly beaten down human slaves who were nothing but property to those bastards and worked for nothing except a few clothes on their back and food with basic shelter a dog wouldnt sleep in.
      We must lionize Mr Lincoln for he was brave to do what he did in the face of opposition and dissent from even his own northern people. Not only did he bravely take charge and close 100s of newspapers but he arrested those who dared challenge his authority rightly so.
      These slimewad southern whites felt they were superior to African black slaves and that they somehow were supreme in intelligence.
      We know that Mr Lincoln and the great heroic military in navy blue understood that America could not live with the evils and horrors of slavery and that every man and woman was created equal and free thus slavery should be abolished and amends made with 40 acres and a mule of the southern bastards property.
      President Lincoln has gone down in history as the greatest American ever and the greatest human being to live on this earth.
      Northern brave whites by the millions joined up to liberate our black brothers and sisters and millions also died or were seriously wounded in the process.
      Records show that half a million heroic brave white northern troops were killed or died to liberate the African black slaves in the wrestched south while 1.5 million sustained injury.
      We salute these brave heros who gave their lives and are buried in Arlington to this day.
      What better cause for the northern people than to fight for the liberation of our black brothers and sisters who are just today only beginning to realize the beauty and sacrifice these brave lionhearted blue troops made just ofr the freedoms enjoyed today all across America.
      We want to thank these brave men who gave all just to liberate the black slaves and make them equals in our society as we witness today for without their sacrifice and the resulting 100 years of assistance to the African blacks they would have probably continued to be slaves to those evil southern whites who considered themselves supreme to any other race but the white race. This is nauseating to say the least but proves the northern whites were superior in mentality for their sacrifice and for felling they were not superior but all the human race was equal regardless of color of skin. For that the white northern descendants should be praised.
      Yes there is still much more to do but in the end we feel the human race will be blended into one beautiful colored race and the differences of the races will be melted together into one big happy human race family of the same color and traits.
      President Lincoln is the hero of GW Bush also and he quotes him all the time while he also bravely sends millions to liberate Iraq and Afghan as we know oveer 3000 have died helping them along with 30,000 wounded. Mr Bush says he stand in silence every day adoring Mr Lincolns portait in his bedroom and thinks of how wonderful and great a hero he was to have the courage to liberate 5 million slaves so long ago and witness the assimilation and blend into western civilization as they have done.
      Again we must give great thanks and praise to the great brave Union army of Mr Lincoln and the millions who so valiently fought to liberate the African black slaves from the clutches of the evil supremist whites in the rogue southern states who trampled them like cattle and abused them as equal human beings with torture and beatings and death while working them to death in their field and homes to make them millions off the blood sweat and tears of the black race.
      We know nothing can reverse the evil of slavery but we are very grateful that todays northern cities and nation has been completely liberated from the stench and evil of the white slave slavemasters and that today all races are coming together into the human race as one people.
      We could never have done this without the great sacrifices and bravery of President Lincoln and the millions of heros from the Union army who died and were injured all to liberate the African race and make them equals as they are.
      Maybe President Lincoln should have destroyed every single southerner and left them all dead as many suggested but he showed his kindness and mercy by sparing their lives so we could all live today in equality.
      We know Mr Bush feels the same way as Mr Lincoln and we appreciate his efforts to liberate the mideasterners and those who sacrifice their lives and limbs.
      Thank you to the descendants of the Union army who also fought beside the black soldiers and have worked had ever since to make everyone equal and free as one human race without color distinctions.
      Thankfully the evil south was wiped off the map and theevil white supremists fought ever since and even jailed to this day for the horrors they committed.
      We at least know there are good decent whites who will stand up and die to liberate the black race and make them equal to themselves. These are great heroic people because we are not even sure that blacks would have done the same for them if the situation was reversed but shows that they are a and were a special group of humanitarians.
      So instead of asking whites to apologize for slavery they should be commended for liberating the black race and destroying the evil white supremists and evil southern nation who wrongly thought they were superior humans when in fact the Union army and Mr Lincolns sacrifice to kill a million of them and teach them a lesson proved that the human race was equal and that all races and colores can live together and blend into one equal human race and now we witness the whole world coming together as one human race as we feel this will be end result as John Lennon said in his song Imagine where there will be no races no nations no continents and everyone will be the same color and intelligence as one people under the single world race.

    3. Lincoln was a pussy Says:

      LincolnTheWorldHero slobbered:
      2 February, 2007 at 1:56 pm

      Whoever the hillbilly inbred trailor trash southerner is that constantly trashes Americas greatest hero needs to go to school and learn how to read and write. blah blah blah 14 more paragraphs of inbred nonsense.

      Spoken like a true inbred trash, hook-nosed hatemonger. Every word is pure projection. The next time you scribble words, take the crack pipe out of your mouth and your nigger lovers dick out of your ass, stupid. You’ll make more sense.

    4. Stan Sikorski Says:

      LincolnTheWorldHero – Are you serious? Lincoln was a racialist on one hand and what we call around here, an ‘appeaser’. He wanted to free the slaves and send them to their own land in afreeka. The civil war was about money pure and simple and we all know who clutches every penny in their knarled grasp – the kikenvermin – the jew. Who by the way brought the damn niggers over here in the first place and were a large share of the ownership of said duskies.

      I hope you’re just playing devils advocate but if not you have some reading to catch up with.

    5. James Hawthorne Says:

      Great show – lots of good content – great host – Friday is moving forward !

    6. Me Says:

      4 Niggers Get Probation for Hate-Crime attack against Aryans

      “Four of nine black teenagers convicted in the racially charged beating of three white women on Halloween were sentenced to probation Friday.”

    7. New America Says:

      On the issues of money and debt:

      1. The “interest free” system is Isalmic – it’s called shari’a – several successful shari’a banks have been running in Dubai, with more than enough sophistication for Western corporate financial structures. A useful tool they offer is, in effect, the use of limited partnerships as an organic alternative to the goddamn JEWISH mechanistic tool of interest. That idea might have a lot of value in Harold Covington’s future Northwest Republic, as a critical part of a National Socialist economy. A VERY organic, RACIALLY based foundation for more development.

      2. Alex referred to NORFED – the silver backed currency. That the Feds see fit to try to stop it seems to say they are afraid of alternative specie-based currencies.

      3. Alternative currencies are coming along; it seems Federal law allows these, up to a point. Here ‘s the link to wikipedia:


      A good show.

      A strong beginning.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    8. Theseus Says:

      This has *got* to be one of my (drunk) friends.

      T.S.B., ‘zat you?!? If so, leave me a msg when you call, nukka, the surf’s up.

    9. jackumup Says:


      The show was 100 times better than last week, you sounded alittle less nervous, I think its going to be a winner. Since it’s on Friday nights I offer this as a spot phrase

      “Spend your Friday nights drunk with Dietrich and CNN”

      What do think, catchy huh? I copy righted it but I’ll let you use it.

    10. Mark_in_Cali Says:


      Thanks, for having me on, but it would be great to work out the voice lag from hell. Other than that it was a great time.

