22 February, 2007

Goyfire 48 Released

Posted by alex in Goyfire at 12:25 pm | Permanent Link

Download: GoyFire_48.mp3 (65 MB)
Archive and Podcast: here
Shownotes: here

Listen to Goyfire 48 now: 

  • 4 Responses to “Goyfire 48 Released”

    1. The noble Tapir Says:

      Im very offended

    2. Theseus Says:


      Only IGnoble tapirs are offended by Goyfire.

    3. Hatchet Jack Says:

      Another great broadcast of Goy Fire!

    4. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Wow, truth radio is finally here! Who’d a thunk it? Having spent most of my life living in St. Louis, I can relate to the Destroyit discussion. If you have the ability to look past all the nigger filth and destruction, to imagine what those old neighborhoods were like pre-Jew-sicced nigger, it can be profoundly depressing. At one time, life in St. Louis really was as it’s depicted in the movie “Meet Me In St. Louis”. Even better, because, and this isn’t in the movie, right about the time the movie took place St. Louisans voted overwhelmingly to keep their neighborhoods racially segregated. Unfortunately even back then the courts intervened, and the beginning of the end was underway. I’ve seen that famous house from the movie, at 5135 Kensington, more than once, before the nigger mayor, one Freeman Bosley Jr., allowed it to be torn down, because the neighborhood had gone black and the inevitable had happened. I no longer live in St. Louis but I’d like to see someone who does – besides those jazz fans over at the Council of Judeo-Conservative Citizens http://tinyurl.com/29njpq
      – create a blog and add it to the VNN list.