3 February, 2007

Forum Back Up (6:45p CST 2/3/07)

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, VNN at 7:46 pm | Permanent Link

  • 5 Responses to “Forum Back Up (6:45p CST 2/3/07)”

    1. Anchorage Activist Says:

      Super job getting it back up two days ahead of schedule. And, as Billy Bob posted on the forum, it “drives like a Ferrari”.

    2. Ironguard1940 Says:

      I cannot pull the forum up as of 8:30 AM EST on 2/4/07.

    3. Ironguard1940 Says:

      A slight correction. I cannot pull the forum up on my ISP (AOL), but I can pull it up on Internet Explorer.

    4. alex Says:

      It’s up. It may take your ISP a few hours to adjust (or even a day or two) but it’s there and working.

    5. jim Says:

      what are you thinking letting that peice of shit miller be involed with your site