21 February, 2007

Aryans Battle Jews for Free Speech in Canada

Posted by alex in Canada, free-speech martyrs at 11:26 pm | Permanent Link

Marc Lemire’s Constitutional Challenge of Internet Censorship to be heard in February, 2007 – Toronto

The culmination of three years of research will be brought down on the censors, across 20 hearing days in Toronto .

Headed up by lead defence counsel and courageous civil liberties lawyer Barbara Kulaszka , we are going to bring down the most serious challenge the Canadian Human Rights Act has ever faced. The battling Barrister Doug Christie has also intervened on behalf of freedom of speech and will have a tremendous effect during the hearing! The defence team includes, three world-renowned expert witnesses, including Dr. Michael Persinger, who is right now on TVO being voted on as 1 of the top 10 best University Lecturers in Canada ! Other experts include; the computer/internet genius Bernard Klatt and Professor Donald Downs from the University of Wisconsin . Fact witnesses will include, Canada ’s leading internet freedom fighter – Paul Fromm. Opposing Barbara Kulaszka and Doug Christie will be the thought-control fanatics at the Canadian Human Rights Commission, who pretend to represent the “general public” interests. Others at the hearing will be complainant Richard Warman, Federal Attorney General of Canada, Canadian Jewish Congress, Bnai Brith and the Simon Wiesenthal Centre.

Please come by the hearing and show your support. We must stand together and in a united voice denounce the “Human Rights” Commission, this horrible law and their apparatchiks’ that enforce it. Your presence in the hearing will show beyond a doubt that Canadians will defend Freedom of Speech and support the victims of state sponsored repression.


  • 4 Responses to “Aryans Battle Jews for Free Speech in Canada”

    1. Stronza Says:

      That’s a cute cartoon, yes, but this court challenge cannot be allowed to win any more than I can swing a bull by the tail. The entities being challenged are our betters, for heaven’s sake.

    2. Arminius Says:

      I wish our Canadian friends good luck, but do not believe, they will succeed. Their belief in fair, impartial justice has no base whatover. And what Canadian courts are worth when a confrontation with Zionist policies/goals is attempted, has been shown many times over in the years past. The carefully chosen-CHOSEN- judges know before the start on which side they will fall, hearings are just a pretence for dummies.
      There is no independence of the justice system- anywhere- where Jews run the government machine.
      The lurking crocodiles in the cartoon say it all.

    3. Hoag Says:

      Gonna be a uphill battle goy brothers!

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    4. Whiteman Religion Tools Says:

      Looks like the European chosen Caucasian whiteman religionists may not be so bad afterall even as they hijacked the ancient jews religion using the hated martyred traitor spy peasant messiah and turned it against the vipers for the past 2000 yrs only to see the modern day theft of the old jew state that has reignited the world into the new Crusades. We know how everything has become fucked up since the serpents slithered back into power using the slave apes and spics then stole the medical legal financial educational media and governmental fields and todays modern day new King Abe aka chimphead Bush who is as commie and marxist as his hero murdering killer of the white race.
      Dont count out the white religionists as they can be useful even as jews know in the end somebody gonna have to give up the power through war death and destruction since white religionists must convert them or destroy them. Maybe that day is approaching. Whiteman religionists can be used as tools to defeat the snakes in the end.

      Jewish Left, Christian Right
      Ready For Hate Bill Battle
      By Rev. Ted Pike

      Last November, I sounded the alarm that with Democrats in control of Congress, the Anti-Defamation League could reintroduce its federal “anti-hate” bill any time after January 3 (See, http://truthtellers.org/alerts/democratscontrolpasshatebill.html
      Democrats’ Control Means Hate Bill Will Pass). They did, January 5.

      Since November, I have been interviewed on 65 radio and TV national talk shows, warning that Democrat control means almost certain passage of the hate bill-unless America erupts in protest. During the past 3 months, thanks largely to the faithfulness of Jeff Rense to post my warnings to his huge audience, Congress (especially the Judiciary Committee members) has been besieged with calls. Legislative aides have also been peppered with my flyer, “Anti-Hate Laws Will Make You a Criminal.”

      Liberal Jews Worried

      This mounting threat to survival of the hate bill in House Judiciary has not gone unnoticed by liberal Jewish activists. The powerful Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), in a recent action alert, calls its myriad members and member agencies to help pass the federal hate bill. JCPA says this legislation will give the federal government control over hate crimes prosecution in the states; it will also establish “bias motivation” as a pretext for federal jurisdiction. JCPA thinks these are good things! The organization decries present limits on federal power to sweep in and intervene when a homosexual or transvestite alleges a bias-motivated incident.

      JCPA is just one of the Jewish organizations backing the ADL’s push for a hate crimes bureaucracy in the US. In 2004, JCPA adopted a resolution calling for federal hate crimes legislation. This year the Jewish Security and Bill of Rights Task Force also “identified this bill as a top priority,” according to JCPA. JCPA urges Jews to schedule meetings with their members of Congress, and urge lawmakers to co-sponsor the hate bill and promote it when they return from the present recess.

      The Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) also confirmed Jewish leadership in “anti-hate” legislation in a recent article titled, “Jewish Groups Back Bias Bill.”

      “US Jewish groups are backing a proposed bill that would expand prosecution of hate crimes,” reports JTA. “The Anti-Defamation League is leading the lobbying for the bill and the National Council of Jewish Women and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs are considering making it one of two bills their activists bring to their “lobbying days” during national conference this winter.”

      Religious Right Aroused

      Fortunately, the religious right is also, at last, mobilizing in response to the hate bill. As late as a week or two ago, a number of the largest conservative organizations did not even know there was a hate bill in the new Congress. Such ignorance has vanished. Largely as a result of my recent article (published by Rense and extensively quoted in a Feb. 15th article by World Net Daily) and behind-the-scenes influence on these organizations by NPN supporters, the slumbering giant is at last arousing itself for battle.

      Several of the very largest political action groups, Focus on the Family and American Family Association, have assured us that defeat of the hate bill is now a top priority for them. Today, Focus on the Family said Dr. Dobson will boldly, immediately, oppose the hate bill, calling his millions of followers to action. Focus on the Family is now urging protest to the 40 members of the House Judiciary Committee. AFA’s national alert against the hate bill was emailed yesterday to 3 million subscribers.

      Meanwhile, smaller new right organizations like Exodus International, Liberty Council, American’s for Truth and the Constitution Party are springing up with calls for action against the David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act, HR 254.

      Moment of Crisis

      Who will prevail in this raging battle? Will the USA remain the last great nation with freedom of speech, or will we be muzzled by the ADL speech bans now shackling Canada and Europe?

      The outcome depends on you.

      If “we the people” speak loudly enough-earth shakingly enough-especially calling all members of the House Judiciary, we can save freedom during this session of Congress. This means two more years of free speech for you and your children.

      That’s a pretty big payoff for an hour of calling Congress tomorrow.


      HR 254 is presently assigned to the House Judiciary Committee, but as a streamlined version of a bill that previously passed in the House, it could race forward to passage very quickly. Call all 40 members, available at http://www.truthtellers.org and protest.

      Also call your House member and two state senators at 1-877-851-6437. Send them and their influential legislative aides Rev. Ted Pike’s flyer, “Anti-Hate Laws Will Make You a Criminal.” All this information is available at http://www.truthtellers.org.