2 February, 2007

Reader Mail: 02/02/07

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 9:02 am | Permanent Link


Too many jews’ ass-kissers.
You missed a shit fleck in your ’70s porn star ‘stache….

Mazel Tov!

N.B. Forrest


Hi Alex,

you might be aware of its existence already, but here is the url of a new anti-goyim kike blog that I recently ran into : http://cohenreport.blogspot.com/

Cheers, man.




Behold Their [Leftist] Power

Just think: a very tiny racial minority can dramatically influence elections in America [1].

Furthermore, and somewhat related, we recently read that up to 75% of the money which funded left-wing “anti-racism” political groups in America came from Jews [2].


[1] Jews make up only 2.4 [two-point-four] percent of the U.S. population

[2] http://www.aliciapatterson.org/APF1001/Kaufman/Kaufman.html [scroll about half-way down the page]


Why would God want to bless America?
NEW ORDER Question


He already did. He gave America tremendous amounts of clean water, lakes, rivers, two oceans, a massive wealth of minerals, huge forrests, beautiful mountains, and last but not least–a great distance from Europe.


You forgot to mention that this 5% of the world’s population has 70% of its lawyers, gobbles up 25% of its energy resources, and has the biggest slobs on Earth, who feel they have an inalienable right to pitch their empty beer cans and worthless trash along the public right of way, as they merrily sprawl out across America the Beautiful and despoil its lakes, rivers, oceans, forests, mountains and treasures.

You also failed to mention the crumbling U.S. infrastructure, its ballooning national debt, its shaky, casino economy, its unending meddling and military adventures — a “great distance” from America!—a lowering of the quality of life, a treadmill, rat-race existence with the outsourcing of jobs and diminished wages, increasing societal dysfunction, trash TV, plummeting educational standards and a general dumbing-down, unchecked crime, filth, pollution, race-mixing, depravity and corruption of every description, as well as a radical alteration of the national demography since 1945, i.e., all since we “beat Hitler” in Word War II!

Kind of makes you proud and gives you goose-bumps knowing that you are an “American”—just like Barack Obama, Alberto Gonzales, Howard Stern, and everything
red, yellow, black and white with U.S. citizenship.

Glory, hal-lee-loo-YAH! We’re sure the Almighty is impressed.



Another interesting article on AIPAC:



LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Two 13-year-old boys videotaped themselves sexually assaulting a 5-year-old girl and recorded sexual contact between her and two other young children, police said. Police said the mother of one of the victims found the videotape Jan. 18. The assault was believed to have occurred within the past year at one of the boys’ homes, about a block away from an elementary school.

Police believe all the children are related.

The tape shows the boys assaulting the girl with an object, and she is also seen having sexual contact with another 5-year-old girl and a 3-year-old boy, police said.

“What they were trying to do is basically simulate sex acts,” said officer Katherine Finnell.

Finnell said police did not know where the parents of any of the children were during the assault and taping.

The 13-year-olds were taken to Lancaster County Juvenile Detention Center, Finnell said.

Both boys were on juvenile probation when the tape was found. One was sentenced in December for burglary and criminal mischief. The other boy had been on probation for burglary and assault since August.




Holland’s Culture: Nearly Doomed

We knew that Europe’s culture was in deep trouble after 50 years of Jews and liberals pushing multicultural baloney there. But it’s even worse than we thought. Look at this amazing number from Holland: Rotterdam is now 40% Muslim. Wow. For a mild-mannered, White country, that’s extremely serious. In fact, even if Holland wanted to reverse the Muslim population numbers and expel them, it would be very difficult to expel that many Muslims without endless riots breaking out.

In a nutshell: if Holland doesn’t do something, and darn quick, about its racial situation, Holland is doomed to become a violent, unmanageable, third-world country:




A Pot? Melting? Where?

In George W. Bush’s State of the Union speech on Tuesday night, he mentioned America as being a “melting pot” of, apparently, ethnic groups [1].

However, if one reads the American citizenship law of 1790, he will discover that America’s founders did not intend for the United States to be a multi-ethnic country [2]. In fact, that law mentions “White” people only as prospective citizens.

Furthermore, the two major figures who pushed the bogus idea that America was designed to be a racial “melting pot” were both Jewish, i.e., the poet and immigration activist Emma Lazarus, who wrote the poem found on the Statue of Liberty in New York which suggests that America should absorb the world’s huddled masses of immigrants, and the writer/playwright Israel Zangwill, who invented the term “melting pot” to describe America. In other words, two non-Whites were central to pushing the phony idea that America was designed to be multicultural.

Our question: why is Bush mentioning false ethnic claims that were advocated by non-Whites?

[1] the speech: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,21110566-2703,00.html [scroll about 1/3 down the page to see the “melting pot” comment]

[2] quoting the citizenship law of 1790: “Act of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat 103-104): That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years…”



Online Book “Germany and England” by Nesta Webster

Overall, this is a very good book that all citizens should read. It starts out kinda slow, but then later “the gloves come off.” It makes great points about Nazi Germany circa 1938. In fact, we call this book a “must-read.” The book isn’t perfect, mind you – e.g., we think that mentions of Freemasonry are a waste of time – but it’s good nonetheless.

Note especially the part in the book about France signing a pact with the Soviet Union in the mid-1930s. What the f*ck was France doing signing any agreement with the world’s first mass-murdering, totalitarian state? What a red-flag that was. This is the author’s point, of course: instead of opposing Germany, we [the “allies”] should have opposed the Soviets instead. But no. Instead we sided with a cruel thug [Stalin] who presided over a Jewish-built state of previously-unheard-of brutality and violence [the Soviet Union]. That’s like siding with [serial killer] Ted Bundy rather than siding with a speeding motorist.

Observe this key quote from the book about that pact between France and the Soviets:

“The Franco-Soviet Pact, deplored by all right thinking Frenchmen, was really the beginning of all the trouble in Europe from 1934 onwards, for Germany, finding herself flanked on both sides by hostile Powers, one wholly and the other in part inflamed with hatred of Hitler as the opponent of Bolshevism, now started to re-arm openly.” – from Chapter 3.



Documentary maker barred
from filming Carter speech

Brandeis University Says Director
Jonathan Demme Can’t Film Carter Speech
Fox News Sunday, 21 January 2007

WALTHAM, Mass. — Brandeis University has denied Academy
Award-winning director Jonathan Demme permission to film
a speech by Jimmy Carter that he wanted to include in a
documentary about the former president.

Demme said he had hoped Tuesday’s speech and the planned question-and-answer session afterward would be part of a powerful ending to his documentary, He Comes in Peace.

“They have in a way diminished everyone’s ability to add to the debate, including the Brandeis students themselves,” Demme told The Boston Globe.

Carter’s use of the word “apartheid,” in his new book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, has angered many in the American Jewish community because it appears to equate South Africa’s former apartheid system with Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.

Brandeis is a nonsectarian university where half of the students are Jewish. Last fall, Carter turned down an invitation to discuss the book at the suburban Boston campus because it came with the suggestion that he debate Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, a harsh critic of the book.

Brandeis agreed to remove the conditions after the subsequent outcry by some students and faculty.

Demme, who has directed more than 25 films, including Silence of the Lambs, said Carter’s visit to Brandeis was “a dream come true” because he felt he had not captured the widest spectrum of views on Carter’s book.

Brandeis spokeswoman Lorna Miles said there was no room for Demme in the 40-person media pool.

She said the university had previously decided to exclude
documentary crews due to their special logistical challenges,
particularly because documentary crews needed signed releases from participants.

“I conveyed my regrets to Mr. Demme — and I have utmost
respect for his work — but we simply do not have the staff
or the flexibility to accommodate this,” Miles said.


SEE RELATED Associated Press story:



Three-judge panel in Ohio to weigh arguments for ‘German heretic’

PRESS RELEASE from Irmgard Rimland Zündel

NSNS Saturday, Saturday, 13 January 2007

CINCINNATI, Ohio (1/13/2007) — The civil liberties claims of Ernst and Ingrid Rimland Zündel will be heard January 24, 2007 by a three-judge panel in Cincinnati, it was announced today by Zündels’ lawyer, Bruce Leichty.

Ernst Zündel is the controversial German-born publisher whose views on the “Holocaust” have put him at odds with mainstream historians and prompted his detention and prosecution in Germany, where he faces a prison term of up to five years for his speech.

The appeal to be heard in Cincinnati is not legally related to the German trial but may still send an important signal about whether Zündel should have ever been exposed to prosecution in Germany in the first place, says Leichty.

The Zündels and Leichty contend that Zündel was effectively kidnapped by U.S. federal agents in February 2003 and that his deportation to Canada without a court hearing was illegal under U.S. law, especially since he was awaiting processing for U.S. permanent residence as the husband of a U.S. citizen, Ingrid Rimland.

Ingrid Rimland has compared the seizure of her husband to the experience of seeing her father seized by Stalinist secret police when she was a young girl growing up in the Mennonite community of Halbstadt in the Ukraine.
Rimland later wrote a fictionalized account of her postwar sojourn as a refugee to a Mennonite colony in Paraguay, The Wanderers, and spoke to a number of Mennonite audiences about her experiences in the 1980’s.

“Because of the lack of any genuine authority for Mr. Zündel’s arrest and removal, it is clear that he was targeted for his unpopular beliefs and for daring to publicize them,” says Leichty.

“Mr. Zündel can best be understood by Mennonites as a type of heretic that the Western world bitterly fears and is not prepared to allow. In our culture, theological heresy is no longer regarded as a threat, but an increasingly vocal minority in the West wants to make political heresy
or `hate speech’ a crime.”

A number of European countries criminalize speech that departs from certain officially-approved accounts of the “Holocaust” and World War II.

Besides Zündel, two other historians, Germar Rudolf and David Irving, are being held behind bars in Germany and Austria for crimes consisting solely of speech. [Note: Irving has since been released.]

Leichty notes that all of Zündel’s conduct and speech was and is considered legal in the United States, and that he was cleared of suspicion of any criminal activity by the FBI in an investigation concluded shortly before the illegal arrest in 2003, but that powerful forces acting within the U.S. government or to influence the government were obviously
“hell-bent” on expelling Zündel from the U.S.

Comparing Zündel’s kidnapping to the “extraordinary renditions” by the CIA of persons of mostly Arabic origin, Leichty said, “The Court of Appeals in Cincinnati will be asked to ensure that a political figure like Zündel cannot simply be taken from this country without the constitutional protections that residents of the United States have always enjoyed — including their day in court.” Zündel filed a petition for habeas corpus in Tennessee before he was removed, but the federal judge in Knoxville handling that case denied his petition without a hearing.

After another Cincinnati panel told the Knoxville court in 2005 that the Knoxville court had to at least consider Zundel’s petition, a hearing was held in Knoxville in October 2005 at which Leichty and Ingrid Zündel appeared, but the Knoxville court still ruled that it had no “jurisdiction” over Zundel’s habeas petition since Zündel had waived his right to any such relief upon entering the United States under a program known as the “visa waiver program.”

The Zündels have pointed out repeatedly in their legal papers that Ernst Zündel’s last entry into the U.S. was not in fact under the visa waiver program — indeed that the authority of the Attorney General to admit anyone into the U.S. under the visa waiver program had lapsed as of the time of Zündel’s last entry — but that even if Zündel had entered as a “visa waiver” entrant, a federal court must have jurisdiction under the United States Constitution to hear habeas claims of someone in his position who is suddenly detained.

After he was deported to Canada in 2003, Zündel spent two years in solitary confinement in Ontario while he was subjected to a trial to determine whether he was a risk to the national security of Canada.

Zündel spent almost all of his adult years in Canada, where he established a successful business as a graphic artist and became interested in politics. His activism for German causes brought him into conflict with prominent Jewish groups in Canada and he spent years litigating with the Canadian
government over his speech, before moving to the U.S. in 2000 to marry and live with Ingrid Rimland. His earlier trials in Canada were the first trials where claims about the Holocaust were subject to testing and cross-examination, and have in turn been the subject of a number of books
and videos.

His latest “national security” trial in Canada during the years 2003-05 allowed the government to introduce secret evidence against him, and was presided over by a former counsel to the Canadian national intelligence service.

At the conclusion of that trial, Zündel, a lifelong pacifist who has had numerous associations with controversial dissidents, was labeled a racist and white supremacist leader, and was declared a risk to Canada’s national security. Ernst and Ingrid Zündel have denied that they are racists or white supremacists, although they acknowledge they are advocates of the virtues of European culture.

Ingrid Zündel and Leichty plan to speak to supporters and persons wishing more information about the case at a meeting to be held in Cleveland on Monday, January 22, at 7 p.m. at Ampol Hall, 4737 Pearl Road, Cleveland, OH

At that time, a documentary about Zündel’s activism will also be shown. Admission is FREE. For more information contact:

Ingrid Rimland Zündel, (865) 774-7756 / (865) 774-7758 (fax)


They Do As They’re Told

… don’t they?

“American” politicans promoting freedom of speech …


U.S. Drafts Holocaust Denial Resolution
Associated Press Writer

January 22, 2007, 4:51 PM EST

UNITED NATIONS — The United States has drafted a U.N. resolution condemning the denial of the Holocaust, a spokesman said Monday, a month after Iran provoked widespread anger by holding a conference casting doubt on the Nazi genocide of Jews during World War II.


The day after Edison died the New York Times contained extensive coverage of Edison’s life, with the only negative opinion coming from Tesla who was quoted as saying, “He had no hobby, cared for no sort of amusement of any kind and lived in utter disregard of the most elementary rules of hygiene” and that, “His method was inefficient in the extreme, for an immense ground had to be covered to get anything at all unless blind chance intervened and, at first, I was almost a sorry witness of his doings, knowing that just a little theory and calculation would have saved him 90 percent of the labor. But he had a veritable contempt for book learning and mathematical knowledge, trusting himself entirely to his inventor’s instinct and practical American sense.” When Edison was a very old man and close to death, he said, in looking back, that the biggest mistake he had made was that he never respected Tesla or his work.[12]




The “Doctor” and His Streets

It says a lot about modern America that hundreds of streets are named after a Black plagiarist who associated with Marxists:




Women in Politics

With the beginning of the new year, this is a good time to mention a topic that we should mention more often: women being involved in Western politics.

To put the matter bluntly, we don’t agree with the idea of women being involved in politics. Why not? Several reasons:

1. Men built the West. The ideas, values, customs and traditions of the White countries came from White males. How will the West remain Western if large numbers of women manage it?

2. Women aren’t, as a rule, natural leaders. They are instead natural followers who got their ideas and values from male society. Followers can’t keep the West socially, politically and racially intact in the long term. Women are quick to embrace minorities and special quotas favoring minorities. Women are easily swayed by emotional arguments – especially ones that “help” minorities. They usually think that the government will cure any problem. Their emotions often dictate their actions, since their brain circuitry is set up differently than men’s. In short, female attitudes won’t work in our Western societies in the long run. In fact, more than one writer has mentioned that fact already. So our opinion isn’t unique. But it’s rarely stated in public, since such an opinion is now labeled “sexism.”

3. Women should, whenever possible, be at home raising kids instead of being out of the home for most of the day. There is nothing more natural than women raising children full-time. Granted, a few women can’t have kids, or, they are not suitable child-raisers. That’s fine. But most are perfectly suited for child-raising. In fact, before the unnatural ideas of feminism came along, women-staying-at-home-to-raise-children was considered normal and routine. How sad that Western culture has become so warped that the idea of women-staying-at-home is now considered to be abnormal in many areas of society [especially in the media, academia and Hollywood].

Let us be even more blunt about this topic: women having and raising children at home is a very White, Western value. But feminism isn’t a White, Western value. In fact, feminism-as-we-know-it was pioneered by Jews in the 1960s and 1970s. Jews aren’t genetically Western, but are instead a unique mixture of Arab and other genes – a hybrid oddity. [Why is a hybrid oddity calling the tune in our White countries? Don’t they have their “own” country – known as “Israel?”].

If White people want to keep the West in a traditional, productive mode, they should consider this important topic at length.


Guilty verdict in Thompson murder case
Former business partner Michael Goodwin faces life without parole in the deaths of the racing legend and his wife.
By John Spano and Tami Abdollah, Times Staff Writers
January 5, 2007

Collene Campbell arrived in court Thursday wearing the St. Christopher medal her brother, slain racing legend Mickey Thompson, wore during his races. It lay over a diamond necklace her mother gave her on her deathbed 11 years ago, asking Campbell not to take it off until her brother’s killer was brought to justice.

On Thursday, after nearly 19 years, 74-year-old Campbell was released from those mystic bonds.

A Pasadena jury convicted Michael Goodwin of murdering his former racing-promoter partner and Thompson’s wife, Trudy, in 1988, thus writing the climactic chapter in one of Los Angeles County’s most enduring murder mysteries.

“I wish I could look up and touch Mickey and Trudy and say, ‘We won!’ ” Campbell said after the verdict, her eyes welling with tears. Later she waved a black-and-white checkered racing flag in triumph.

Campbell, a former mayor of San Juan Capistrano, fought tirelessly on behalf of her brother, who was killed a few years after her son — whose body was thrown from an airplane in an unrelated case.

In the Thompson case, after almost two decades of police investigation and 10 shows about the crime on national television, jurors said no one believed that Goodwin — inventor of Supercross, motorcycle races staged in NFL stadiums — was innocent. They said they never considered that they would not reach a unanimous verdict, and the fact that Goodwin did not testify did not matter.

“All I could say to her [Campbell] was, ‘I’m glad you’re pleased,’ ” said the jury foreman, who asked not to be identified by name. “We didn’t do it just for her, but because we wanted to do the right thing. We all hope this will bring an end to a long, painful period in her life.”

Goodwin, who has been in custody five years, is to be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. His lawyer, deputy Public Defender Elena Saris, said she planned to appeal and would ask for a new trial.

Pleading for her client, she argued during trial that Goodwin might have been a “jerk,” an “egomaniac” and a “braggart” but was not a murderer.

The Thompsons were gunned down in the driveway of their home in the eastern Los Angeles County community of Bradbury on March 16, 1988, by two hooded gunmen who escaped on bicycles. The killers were never identified or charged, and there was no crime scene evidence connecting Goodwin to the slayings.

But prosecutor Alan Jackson argued that the state of Thompson’s home, with thousands of dollars and expensive jewelry untouched, showed the motive to be vengeance and that Goodwin, left bankrupt by a dispute with Thompson, was the only person with a hatred strong enough to plan the carnage.

Thompson, the first American to reach 400 mph in a piston-driven vehicle, was one of off-road racing’s earliest promoters. He and Goodwin joined briefly to promote motor sports in Southern California but had a falling out; Thompson won a $514,000 judgment against Goodwin that was pending at the time the couple were killed. It has not been paid. Goodwin declared personal and business bankruptcies as a result of the judgment.

Prosecutors said Thompson was shot repeatedly but was kept alive and forced to watch the murder of his wife before he too was shot in the head.

Jackson overcame significant legal obstacles in prosecuting the case, including the fact that some witnesses came forward years after the slayings.

Campbell played a central role in the long investigation, hiring private investigators, offering a $1-million reward, prodding police and prosecutors and becoming a national crusader for victims’ rights.

“She’s just like her brother,” said her husband, Gary, with whom she attended the trial before Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Teri Schwartz.

“She never quits; she never gives in,” Gary Campbell said.

He said the long investigation pulled the couple from optimism to desperation. Goodwin was the prime suspect from the beginning, but for years there was not enough evidence to charge him. As the murder inquiry continued through several sets of investigators, a federal court in another case convicted Goodwin of bank fraud in 1995, but he was released from prison two years later.

The Thompsons’ slayings fascinated many in the media and were the repeat subject of television shows such as “America’s Most Wanted.” Gradually, more witnesses appeared, many of them saying their memories had been jogged by the shows.

Eventually, 15 people testified that they had heard Goodwin threaten Thompson’s life or those of Thompson’s associates. Five years ago, prosecutors in Orange County — where much of the Thompson-Goodwin business rivalry played out — charged Goodwin with murder. But the Campbells were devastated when an appeals court threw out those charges three years ago, ruling that there was no evidence Goodwin had planned the crime there.


Alex, here is an interesting film for you. The title is called ‘Africa Addio.’

It is a masterpiece with beautiful music. I think it is the best and most exposing documentary ever made about the behaviour of blacks, but the multicult enforcers suppressed it so the masses never heard of it.

In the USA a censured version called ‘Africa Blood and Guts’ was released; but the directors Gualtiero Jacopetti and Franco E. Prosperi dissociated themselves from that version.

I think it’s a pretty Nice film, truly revealing of the beastlike behaviour of niggers.

In Aryan Loyalty,

Karl (Liverpool, England)


Hello again Alex, sorry to bother you once more..

Here is an interesting news article given to me by my Austrailian friend, she lives through all this crap and now has a news story to back it up.

‘The crime spree, which left a man seriously injured in a smash with a stolen car yesterday morning, has been blamed on a gang of Aboriginal youths who have terrorised Adelaide for more than three years.’


In Aryan Loyalty,

Karl (Liverpool, England)

  • 4 Responses to “Reader Mail: 02/02/07”

    1. Needed a laugh Says:

      The “Cohen Report” is brilliant sarcasm. Great writing to show whites what the real story is. Go to Cohen’s “profile” and click on the link to http://prir2.blogspot.com/ (The Plymouth Rock Institute of Research). More brilliant stuff by whites to show the way. It’s hilarious and sticks the knife in jew bullshit.

    2. Bob Stevers Says:

      That Cohen report isn’t anti-gentile, it’s obviously made by a jew hating white nationalist and it is funny as hell. Follow the links. The same guy has another site that makes fun of us fighting for Izrayal:


    3. Coup d'Etat Says:

      In reference to the U.S.’s citizenship law of 1790:

      …’ “may be admitted to become a citizen thereof, on application to any common law court of record, in any one of the States wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such court, that he is a person of good character…” ‘

      It’s very clear that citizenship was not granted automatically. Notice the word “may”, unlike the works today where the process is a step-by-step procedure to allow anyone in regardless of color (and are liberals). Another important aspect to this are the last words “good character.” This strongly implies that non-Whites do not have good character. This tells me that our forefathers knew a great many things about non-Whites and the trouble they can cause. They also knew there were potentially aggressive with no conscience.

      Since citizenship standards were modified in the 1800’s, it is very well-known that jews came here by the basket loads during that time and should be noted the great conflict of interest they had against our laws, which I strongly feel that the modification can be modified back to its original citizenship law. It’s obvious that the jews’ intentions were (back then and even today) to destroy this country which is a direct violation of all orginal laws made by our forefathers.

      In reference to “Jew Murders Aryan”: There are specific patterns of characteristics that a jew always exhibits. One, the strong love of money. The love of money is so strong with jews that if anyone gets in its way, a severe consequence will result, including murder. Two, the cold, calculated way the jew gets revenge against its oppressor. Jews act like mobsters or gansters that have no conscience. The way the killings were played out shows the method of that “no conscience” and severe hatred that is undeniably the workings of a jew. Jews behave no differently than they did in the early 1900’s. Many were imprisioned from petty crimes to crimes of horrendous levels. All have the same basic pattern. The motivator back in the day was money and is the same motivator today.

    4. me again Says:

      Jewish is at least 20% of the total population in America with a wide range of “raciality”, but mostly white, overall. “white person” is a different meaning from White Nationalist, which is false and imaginary, and inconsistent. Jewish and the subsequent mixtures of the last 500 years alone have mostly been ‘white persons’ within the meaning of the law. Anyone, without regard to origin, culture, religion etc, who is 1/16th or less Black and 1/4 or less Asian is a “white person”. Maybe with even more of these races. Amost any ‘Jew’ especially from Europe, would have to fit this standard. Further mixing just createws even whiter people- I repeat, 20% overall is JEWISH!

      You cant have it both ways- things are either consistent or they aren’t. WTF is wrong with you people?