23 January, 2007

Monday’s FTL Archive

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 6:12 pm | Permanent Link

ftl_01_22_07_p1.mp3 (11 MB)
ftl_01_22_07_p2.mp3 (17 MB)

Archive, Podcast, Shownotes: here 

  • 4 Responses to “Monday’s FTL Archive”

    1. durendal Says:

      crypto rasist continuosly stated that the show was political, hence noone needed to know about her prostitution.

      that is quiet incorrect. politics deriving from the greek “polis” or city state encompases any aspect of life. if a woman is a prostitute it does affect politics and this is simply because her thoughts about sexuality etc can influence young womens views toward sexuality and banging guys. Causing disease unwanted pregnancy etc. which not by a long shot effects the state in both the public health and the purse.

      furthermore, blacks have been independent in africa prior to the portugeese arriving. and when explorers such as h.f. fynn trecked the continent, he describes the atrocities of chakka zulu along with no use of the wheel, mathematics etc.

    2. Anti-European Says:

      That show was great for one reason: Linder takes a (very amusing) stand against WN idiocies. He basically drew a red line through the whole scene, on one side what he is doing, on the other everyone else (about 90%, I’d say). That remark about a spelling test for the forum was particularly funny.

      White Nationalism is a nowhere quasi-ideology erected to cater to the vanity of inferior specimens of “white”. VNN is where intelligent, which does not mean complacent, opponents of Jewry shall congregate in force. No cultists, dress-up Nazis, disgruntled Scotsmen need apply.

    3. durendal Says:

      i disagree. most of us do agree that our education system is failing. therefore a lot of us WN’s may not be english savvy or the like. just because our right half of the brain does not function as well as others doesnt mean our left (to which i may add that is the reason why we hump all other races) is not functioning. my friend is not the greatest literature freak, but he sure as hell can build one mean engine. This literal superiority is a joke.

      so as for myself i commend all you who cannot write a beautiful sentence. save that for all the future tennysons. Our bright future rests among the chesty pullers and legionairres out there.

      on another note Theseus what the fuck are you doing talking to that black for 2 hours on the phone? let me tell you your grand delusions about a unified front against the jews is only a recipe for disaster. all we need is this nonsense to occur and when we are in our graves we will see some cunt or some zit freak rewrite history claiming that blacks are great and they “helped” us in our revolution. so lets stay away from them. we know what black racialists want we see it and feel it everyday we dont need this on our show.

    4. Anti-European Says:

      Yeaaaaa. Chesty Pullers and legionairres. Count me out.