13 January, 2007

Join VNN for Marchin’ Lootin’ Koon Day

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 1:00 am | Permanent Link

Another Koon Day Passes!

FTL archive up soon.

On January 15th join VNN as we present audio selections from Peter Shank’s January 15th, 2006 broadcast detailing the foul deeds of the plagiarizer, communist, Zionist agent, and whore monger known as Martin Luther King. This special broadcast also features clips from William Pierce, Goyfire, Craig Cobb Reports, Matt Hale, George Lincoln Rockwell, and others.

At 7:00 PM CST on Monday, January 15th join VNN for a Live Broadcast of FTL.

For those who yet to download and install skype we now have a phone number which you may use to join the show: 660 675 4388


1) Send a chat message to vnnfreetalklive with skype.

2) The host will accept your chat message, tell you approximately when you’ll be coming on, and will call you back.

3) When skype rings turn off the live feed, since there is a delay.

Note: to use skype you’ll need a headset and PC.


You’ll need winamp, itunes or any other type of software that can load .pls.

This Monday at 7 PM CST / 8 EST / 23:00 GMT click this icon:

  • 30 Responses to “Join VNN for Marchin’ Lootin’ Koon Day”

    1. Socrates Says:

      Re: MLK, Jr. Day: hey, don’t forget to mention that MLK, Jr.’s top aide/advisor was the Jewish communist Stanley Levison. An important detail that Joe Sixpack needs to hear.

    2. AmeriKwa Says:

      The Groundhog’s day is February 2. Granted, it’s not a federal holiday; nobody gets off work. But still,Discrimination itz.

    3. Wade Thalweg Says:

      Thank God

      I was going thruogh withdraw, now I can get my FTL fix just when I need it most, on that commie bastards big day.

    4. honkey tonk man Says:

      What ever happened to Peter shank? I really enjoyed his radio show. Anybody know?

      ….anyway ,I always listen to Free Talk Live. Great show!

    5. Geoff Beck Says:

      We now have a regular phone number that callers can use to contact the show. We will announce the new number soon.

      VNN encourages the use of skype, but we now have an alternative to skype: http://www.skype.com

    6. Mark Says:

      Mr. Shank has been tending to his family for a while now. He has stated he has not retired and will return sometime in the future. Godspeed to him!

    7. William Joseph Simmons Says:

      I’m happy to see that the word is being spread that the Zionist agenda is being spread in these so called “equal rights” movements. Brain dead acolytes of these movements run around feeling a smugness as they spread their sanctimony, never realizing they are but tools of the Jews.

    8. Coup d'Etat Says:

      Oh, it’s going to be nigger day again! It should be a very shameful day for them, having to pay respects and celebrate that a nigger whose Doctorate degree was developed from plagiarism. This is the sort of leaders they look up to while jews make fools out of them. Figures — that after all these years the niggers still don’t get it. The jews have made a mockery on two sides. They made a mockery out of MKL and its followers, and the jews made a mockery of our laws regarding equality and affirmative action.

    9. Martian Looter Bling Says:

      Eat my Schwartz!

    10. Beast Says:

      That coon was a card carrying Communist who was a puppet on the end of the jews’ strings. And his only dream was the white pussy.

      The government named a day after him.

      This should tell us something.


      Link to Strom’s real crime.

    11. Tim Says:

      My old barber insisted that Ralph Abernathy (second to MLK at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference) once said “…Martin has a pussy problem” to the press. Horny bastard MLK was well known for his sexual indescretions, including hookers. I tried to find a link to the “pussy problem” quote, but struck out. Maybe one of you have something solid on this. It would be worth bringing up on the show.

    12. America First Says:

      For those un-aware of MLK’s sex expolits in Stockholm when they gave that criminal a Noble prize. The savage puppet went crazy with beautiful White women all the place and thought no one one would ever know what his conduct was back in the earley 60’s, but a Swedish newspaper reporter wrote about it. I read a translation of it once and it is TNB all the way.

    13. Geoff Beck Says:

      America First:

      If you have the recording send it to me and I will play it on the Marchin Lootin Koon broadcast. This would be very helpful indeed, since most of the information about King is only in print.

      If anyone knows of other audio recordings detailing MLK obsenities, fraud, and deception please post the link.

    14. Al & Fred Nobel Says:

      “they gave that criminal a Noble prize”

      and he also received the Nobel prize. . .

    15. jackumup Says:

      Our American forefathers souls weep in pain at the very sound of that monkeys name!

    16. sgruber Says:

      Any aspect of life where a nigger is held up for praise, is finished, a ghetto.

      This definitely applies to “affirmative action.” If the business you work for promotes a nigger over you, then it isn’t a business any longer, it’s a dead (bureaucratic) part of the company. The part that makes no money, and it doesn’t mean a damn what goes on with it.

      Look at the USA. Not only must we goosestep for Michael, the pussy thief, but also we must suffer Congo-lezzie Rice pretending to run the State Department – lawdie! She bossin’ round them white boys. Tell ’em ta make peace HUH. Of course the world collapses in war, which is just the way the boys want it.

      Next we’ll have Barack Hussein Obama, the Coonchurian Candidate, running the country as President, and that will be the end. The other countries of the earth will laugh themselves to sleep at the thought of the little joke that’s pleased to style itself a country.

      Black means rot. Run from rot.

    17. -JC Says:

      The civil rights movement, same era as the Vietnam war, has birthed this foolishness: Non-Hmong children not even allowed to move to the back of the bus in St. Paul. “Students kicked off school bus in St. Paul for speaking English” http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=19390

    18. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      As always, MLK would have lived out his worthless nigger life in obscurity, except for his various trips to prison, if it wasn’t for the kikes. Of course he was a worthless oxygen waster like most of his race, but he was elevated by hymie from the beginning. The source of these outrages against white civilization is invariably the kike.

    19. Is Alex going to be on FTL? Says:

      Is Alex still going to be on FTL?

    20. GB Says:

      >> Is Alex still going to be on FTL?


    21. jackumup Says:

      What if Mothe licken koon was never sacrificed?, what would he be doing today? The same thing he’s doing now. Nothing, because he would have been arrested, convicted, and sentenced for a crime. Why, because he’s a monkey in a suit that’s all, that’s why he plagiarized and had sex with hookers that’s all he was capable of. He had a dream, a dream of fucking white woman and having bling-bling

      (fucking niggers!)

    22. sgruber Says:

      Mr. Beck, when you talk, there’s a loop of a lady saying “You’re listening to Vanguard Radio” playing. She has said it a few dozen times now and is drowning you out. Please turn off this loop or ask Mr. Sikorski to turn it off so that we can hear you. Thanks.

    23. Geoff Beck Says:


    24. Mr. Antisemite Says:

      I celebrated Martin Luther coon’s holiday today. I held up a liquor store and den I spend dah money in a ho house.

    25. Tapir Says:

      Thanks for quoting Ellul’s “Propaganda”!!

      Here’s my favorite passage:

      This need of a certain cultural level to make people susceptible to propaganda2 is best understood if one looks at one of propaganda’s most important devices, the manipulation of symbols. The more an individual participates in the society in which he lives, the more he will cling to stereotyped symbols expressing collective notions about the past and the future of his group. The more stereotypes in a culture, the easier it is to form public opinion, and the more an individual participates in that culture, the more susceptible he becomes to the manipulation of these symbols. The number of propaganda campaigns in the West which have first taken hold in cultured settings is remarkable. This is not only true for doctrinaire propaganda, which is based on exact facts and acts on the level of the most highly developed people who have a sense of values and know a good deal about political realities, such as, for example, the propaganda on the injustice of capitalism, on economic crises, or on colonialism; it is only normal that the most educated people (intellectuals) are the first to be reached by such propaganda… All this runs counter to pat notions that only the public swallows propaganda. Naturally, the educated man does not believe in propaganda; he shrugs and is convinced that propaganda has no effect on him. This is, in fact, one of his great weaknesses, and propagandists are well aware that in order to reach someone, one must first convince him that propaganda is ineffectual and not very clever. Because he is convinced of his own superiority, the intellectual is much more vulnerable than anybody else to this maneuver…

      Touches on Alex’s point about reaching the upper-middle class.

      P.S. This is a Tapir !

    26. -JC Says:

      Loved Dan Rather rapping Rocked by Rape and hope you’ll make it available as a separate download. It has been a gread day of listening. Thank you.

    27. lawrence dennis Says:

      Much of the info on Martin ‘Pimp Daddy’ King is available in one place:


    28. saltriver Says:

      Martin Luther King had a nigger’s dream. I had a white man’s dream. MY DREAM CAME TRUE.

    29. Dudeman Says:

      Post dat FTL shiat my brotha!! I gots ta be havin my VNN fix!!

    30. SSteve Says:

      KUDOS to VNN for a mind opening broadcast!!!!
      I was fortunate to be able to listen on and off during coon day, and it was enligtening to say the least. The interview with the KGB agent about “demoralizing” helped me understand how our fellow Whites can remain lemmings even after we show them the facts. That particular interview also helped me understand some of Mr. Linder’s strategies that I before had some doubts about.