23 January, 2007

Jewing Beer

Posted by alex in jews jewing jewily at 11:46 pm | Permanent Link

Beer Not Hebrewed

Jews bitch about everything. That’s their MO, moan and groan and create problems for everybody else and then claim they are being persecuted. That’s Jews.

Jews have their Kosher tax on virtually everything you buy. Plus, you have to pay that much extra for the things you buy to be advertised on JewTV. The products you buy obtain their advertisements from Madison Avenue, a Jewish stronghold. There, you pay twice. Thrice, if you count the mandatory Kosher tax.

Jews have their Manischewitz-does anybody complain? Do Gentiles bitch and moan?

Kosher – is a Hebrew word meaning “fit and proper”. A food or drink is considered Kosher when it conforms to Jewish dietary laws and is prepared under the strict supervision of a Jewish Rabbi. The rabbi certifies that certain requirements for content or preparation, as set out by Jewish dietary laws, have been satisfactorily met. All Manischewitz Wines® are supervised by a Rabbi during production.

And people don’t like Jews? And never have for over 3000 years! Imagine that!

Beer commercial ‘leaves sour taste’

B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) chairman Michael Lipshutz told the AJN that the Beck’s beer commercial should specify a “German beer purity law” to distinguish it from Nazi Germany’s racial “purity” laws.

The audio track for the commercial, which has aired on Foxtel’s Comedy Channel, mentions “the German Purity Law” and also emblazons the words across the screen.

James Tait, corporate affairs manager for Beck’s importer Lion Nathan Australia, said the advertisement “has been running in Australia and other parts of the world for several years”.

“The German Purity Law is a brewing law that ensures only natural ingredients are used. It has been around since 1516 and the ad is clear that it [the purity law] relates to the product.”

Foxtel corporate affairs manager Rebecca Melkman said the pay-TV provider, after reviewing the commercial, “believes it complies with the code. In our view, the commercial clearly refers to the German Purity Law as a method of brewing beer – it is a well-known beer brewing method that is described in detail in the commercial.”

She said she was unaware of any previous complaints regarding the commercial.

Lipshutz said the airing of the commercial in the general media could cause offence to some people, particularly those who were affected by the Holocaust. “I think it is insensitive. It leaves a sour taste.”

In a letter to the AJN this week, London resident Todd Tobias, who saw the ad on the Comedy Channel during a recent visit to Melbourne, said that while he wasn’t offended as a Jew, he was “surprised at the unfortunate, evocative, and in some ways darkly humorous misuse of words”.

Lipshutz said the ADC would investigate the commercial.

  • 18 Responses to “Jewing Beer”

    1. Anti-Woman/European Says:

      “I think it is insensitive. It leaves a sour taste.”

      Unlike Beck’s, thanks to purity.

    2. NAPOLEON Says:

      hey lipshit! the train is off to auschwitz.

    3. Michael Mavros Says:

      Buy Beck’s beer

    4. N.B. Forrest Says:

      “The German Purity Law is a brewing law that ensures only natural ingredients are used. It has been around since 1516 and the ad is clear that it [the purity law] relates to the product.”

      Yada, yada, yada….shut da fuck up, Nazi. G_d’s Mentors have bleated their displeasure in a particularly nasal manner, so repent at once with sincere tuchus osculation or it’s right into the semen vat, asshole.

      “It leaves a sour taste.”

      Well, I hear that tapir meat does too, but I’d still like to sink my choppers into a drippin’-rare Jew Yawk strip.

    5. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Hey Izzy, c’mere for a minute. Do us all a favor and http://tinyurl.com/26spf4
      Thanks a bunch.


      I have actually had kosher vodka from occupied Palestine. A “friend”of mine gave it to me as a gift for Marchin’ Lootin’ Killin’ Day. The vodka (from sugar cane & $7.00 a fifth) taste like piss & was the worst garbage i ever consumed. By the way, how about kosher Old Dutch Cleanser?………

    7. Nasorean Says:

      There is no such thing as the “German” Purity Law of 1516. It is called the “Baviarian Purity Law of 1516.” “Germany” did not exist until 1871. The Bavarian Purity Law means that the beer is kosher for Aryans.

    8. H.Schneider Says:

      Arbeit macht Frei and Becks should be the choice in quality beer !The chosen ones are the greatest irritant only comparable to a pimpel on the ass.

    9. Dave Jones Says:

      OY VAY!! does their moaning never f*cking end? Is there nothing that doesn’t offend the finely tuned sensibilities of the poor downtrodden kike?. Someone PLEASE put these assholes out of my misery.

    10. Mr. Antisemite Says:

      I’ll grow old waiting for the Germans to tell the jews to fuck off. How many more years of insults and injury do we have to endure?

      Come on M.F.ers. Let’s get the ball rolling in my live time!!

    11. Spot the Jew! Says:

      # Nasorean Says:
      24 January, 2007 at 4:02 pm

      There is no such thing as the “German” Purity Law of 1516. It is called the “Baviarian Purity Law of 1516.” “Germany” did not exist until 1871. The Bavarian Purity Law means that the beer is kosher for Aryans.

      Yeah suuuuuure. Let’s play spot the Jew!

      After the mid 15th century, it was known as the “Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation”.



      Don’t have a comment, just want some free publicity. Suckers!

    13. Dudeman Says:

      I bet I know how you could make them shut up. If Beck offered to put a kosher symbol on their beer and pay them kosher tribute. Like all things kike, their whining can be bought off. They have no honor. They are parasites.

    14. Cormac Says:

      Hey I drink BECKS beer ! now I like them even more… FUCK YOU UNCLE jEWIE your’e gonna die biyach !!!

    15. ~MisforMischief~ Says:

      Well we have 3 words, that may very well be acceptable separately , are “verboten” when strung together, thus creating an exponential paranoia reaction. First , well, anything German period, then comes the frightening “purity”, such a horrific word and totally antithetical to the ZOG operating system- advocating anything pure and good , healthy , smacks of eugenics, and possibly even “Eugenic/Nazi Propaganda” (Becks for the Uber-Mensch?, hey it sure beats the hell out of the Schlitz Malt Liquor bull crashing through the wall).
      Finally, we have “Law”, meaning something is/was implemented and must be followed, a program, a system with consequences if not obeyed… & before you know it, it’s a virtual AlchoHolocaust! Lesser beers sent to camps or worse!
      and this reminds me, itz a perfect moment for a jewcott- while you’re out renting another Mel Gibson flick and buying a case of Becks, DON’T buy the stuff from these places…(shows you places regionally, shops, malls, etc)


    16. jackumup Says:

      WE should all sit down to a traditional jewish meal (Take out Chinese) drink a traditional jewish wine (Madog 50-50) and celebrate traditional jewish buety (madeline Albrecht, Babs streisand) in our traditional jewish homes (dirty condominiums)

    17. Joe Says:

      You people are pathetic. You kill 1/3 of the entire world jewish population a few decades ago, and now they rule the world. I wouldn’t admit how much power jews have if i were you… it makes you look bad.

      I know some of you will respond that the ha-ha-holocaust never happened, but that’s just crazy-talk.

    18. Antagonistes Says:

      I have before me a bottle of Warsteiner Premium Varum. It also says, on the label, “Naturally Brewed According to the German Purity Law.”

      Good stuff–I drank six bottles one night when I was pouring concrete.
      Kept me loose and quieted my chattering mind.

      How did the Jews, those geniuses, let Warsteiner get by them? How could I, a humble Aryan, find this when they could not?

      There is also a beer called “Hebrew–the Chosen Beer.” I do not take offense at this because I can recognise a joke. But this beer, believe it or not, costs about a dollar a six-pack more than the most expensive well-known German pure brands.