2 January, 2007

“I worked for the circus…”

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa, Diversity, diversity is hate, Mexcrement at 9:13 pm | Permanent Link

[Posted first as comment, but too good not to put front and center so no one misses it. This, friends and enemies alike, is what “diversity” really means.]

I worked for the circus in the early nineties, a 22 year old ultra-liberal, knowing nothing about the horrors of the circus or the sex lives of its mostly hispanic employees.

I had only been there a week or so, and as i rounded the corner of a trailer one evening post show, i came upon one of our trapeze families, from Guatamala- it was two of the brothers, having anal sex and screaming like cats, and the dad standing there slapping his leg, laughing. I was terrified, and split, but was to see a lot of that sort of behavior.

It became clear that all of the men were having some form of homosexual relations with each other, those who did not ‘recieve’ in the sex act and who never did didn’t consider themselves homosexual-only the flaming faggot types were truly considered ‘gay’.

The same guatemalan family(they had several names) also used the younger sister, a pretty 8 year old named Noella, as a sex toy.. and they all considered it normal.

I would also like to say that most performing circus elephants in this country carry human strain TB, which they caught from their filthy handlers, mostly black, hispanic, homeless, running from the law etc. One of our baby elephants, who is still shown on the flyers years later, died from herpes.. also supposed to have come ’somehow’ from handlers.

Our peruvian family of horse trainers didn’t believe in breeding outside of the immediate family, considered it some sort of reverse incest, in fact. Thus many of their babies were born with extra fingers and unjointed arms.

We had portable toilets but the dirty spics would just shit anywhere- and we would step on it in the dark.

  • 14 Responses to ““I worked for the circus…””

    1. honkey tonk man Says:


    2. Mark Says:

      Incest and pedophilia in the third world is usual. http://www.psychohistory.com/htm/06a1_incest.html

    3. furandloathinginDFW Says:

      What struck me the most, was how even though these brown people were from all different parts of the united states, mexico, central and south america, varied in their appearance, and were from differing social classes etc., even looked DOWN upon one another- they all had these same repulsive personal habits.
      The men were all having sex with each other, including the married ones, and the women just turned their heads- it was really just so strange.

    4. Steve Says:

      “Our peruvian family of horse trainers didn’t believe in breeding outside of the immediate family, considered it some sort of reverse incest, in fact. Thus many of their babies were born with extra fingers and unjointed arms.”

      Did they get any kickbacks for producing new circus freaks?

    5. America First Says:

      N.P.R. with it’z filthy anti-White daily barage, would never tell the truth of this. NPR is getting more blantantly ant-White daily, and the only left this jewish tax supported radio network to do is start calling for attacks on White’s daily. As for daily there is not a day with Holycost b.s. or mentioning Nazi out the blue on any subject.

    6. jackumup Says:

      “Hey! you racist bastards!. You must learn to except diverse cultures in order to enrich you quality of life and enhance this wonderful and ever changing world as a citizen of mother earth.” Now past me on of those guatumalum kids.

      M Jackson
      Never Never Land CA 12891
      (still open 24/7 HEE HEEE)

    7. furandloathinginDFW Says:

      Steve asked:
      “Did they get any kickbacks for producing new circus freaks?”

      I dunno, but they rarely had the extra fingers removed which is a simple operation-we didnt offer freaks as part of the actual show, but they were there just the same. Not just the inbreds.. transexuals, rapists, murderers, you name it.
      One year one of our ‘prop boys’, the little dark mestizos that shoveled the elephant shit and set up the props, raped a mentally challenged local girl, which prompted the towns officials to come and line up all our mexicans and question them, which was useless, they all looked very much alike.. then we just moved on the next day.

    8. Mati The Estonian Says:

      to Mark: about that incest link – its intresting but as far as I now medical doctors (specially shrinks) are mostly jews. So I kind of causios about this issue being so wide spread first and second if jews pushing something its hurtful to white men. I am not pro incest or pro molesting like 5y old kids but like I said – if jew pushing something then I am getting some serious paranoia attack …
      ANY ONE nows some similar study made by non jews ?

      I have few kids my one (link in the end) I have allways but them on my laps we have allways done some kissing (not in lips and privet parts) not to mention lots of hugging. But when I was in states I did keep small girl in my arms and some “politically correct” old lady (very jewish looking) came to me and told Iam holding my 5y girls “inproperly” ?! Its very usual way to hold a child by his leg and hi is resting in you hip – some waist area by you left (usually) side …
      I allso heard a story when finnish mother was putting his 1y (something) kid in baby carriage and he was sleeping outside of Starbucks. And some older lady (no info about her “associations”) was calling Police like “chilc abandoment and edangerment etc. Crying out laud – mother was like 10 feet away – just a window between them. No one even looks differently if something like my case and that finnish lady (she went court by the way and sehe did get some punishment) case happens in Estonia. Everyone leaving they kids OUTSIDE of coffehouses and EVERYONE keeps they kids close thats the way it is. When girls get like 8-10 she usually gets to big to carry like that but nice firm closeness and feel of love and security makes child happy and healty. If now one dares touch his kid anymore or give a nice smootch on the cheek – I heard story from US that YOU cant under any sircumstances kiss You kid in public (sorry guys I dont have link or anything ) so kids rised like this – no apperant love from mo&pa – kids like this WILL BECAME as gang members drug users and race traitors …

      And take a look – my bunch ;-) pic is made in Virginia. USA. And smaller girls are twins by the way and guy with blue googgels are they brother and bigger girl with a small dude next to me are allso bro&sis – 2 moms You now ;-)

    9. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      Re Mati:
      What is the situation like with non-white immigrants in Estonia? I visited Tallinn about five years ago and didn’t see any niggers but was disappointed to see a McDonalds just inside the gate of the old city and the biggest embassy in town seemed to be the American. Although I’m sure you haven’t been ‘blessed’ with Hispanics no doubt there are wogs and niggers lining up to get at all those Estonian girls.
      It is not surprising that during the Middle Ages in Europe actors and circus performers were not permitted to remain inside city gates after dark. The rulers in those days knew what their general character was like. How times have changed.

    10. furandloathinginDFW Says:

      mati your kids are beautiful..

      As far as I know there was not a single kike @ the circus, these latrinos weren”t hired or influenced by jews.
      One might argue, well it WAS the circus, maybe they are just all sex freaks, but that fact was most of the hispanics were ordinary, migrant types no different than the ones that stand on the side of the road waiting for work.
      They were from literally worlds away from lets say, the Peruvians, who were a famous performing family in their country and considered themselves ‘better’, regardless they were all taking part in this type of sexual activity.

      Since the show I also worked in a couple of different factories, in Texas so of course they almost entirelly Mexican, and lo, the same sort of stuff was going on. I have no reason to belive anything but that incest, adultury and rampant homosexuality is a normal, accepted part of all hispanic culture.

      Something else- I cannot speak for the men, because I am female and didn’t use the guys restrooms/locker rooms but, in the factory, the female spics would take a shit, wipe, and throw the used wad of toilet paper face up, on the floor, when the ‘basura'(trash) was right there. Also someone was wiping boogers on the wall next to the toilet with such regularity that I ended up putting up a sign in spanish saying ‘no moco en la pared’, (don’t wipe boogers on the wall)

    11. furandloathinginDFW Says:

      Mati your kids are beautiful..

      As far as I know there was not a single kike @ the circus, those latrinos weren”t hired or influenced by jews.
      One might argue, well it WAS the circus, maybe they’re just all sex freaks, but that fact was most of the hispanics were ordinary, migrant types no different than the ones that stand on the side of the road waiting for work.
      They were from literally worlds away from lets say, the Peruvians, who were a famous performing family in their country and considered themselves ‘better’, regardless they were all taking part in this type of sexual activity. I do not doubt that other races are involved in the same sort of behavior, besides why would the jew make up stuff about other races? They want us to love them!

      Since the show I also worked in a couple of different factories, in Texas so of course they were staffed almost entirelly with Mexicans, and lo, the same sort of stuff was going on. I have no reason to believe anything but that incest, adultury and rampant homosexuality is a normal, accepted part of all hispanic culture.

      Something else- I cannot speak for the men, because I am female and didn’t use the guys restrooms/locker rooms but, in the factory, the female spics would take a shit, wipe, and throw the used wad of toilet paper face up, on the floor, when the ‘basura'(trash) and the toilet were right there. Also someone was wiping boogers on the wall next to the toilet with such regularity that I ended up putting up a sign in spanish saying ‘no moco en la pared’, (don’t wipe boogers on the wall)

    12. -JC Says:

      Nice-looking family. I have an Estonian friend, who married recently and moved to Latvia: We met when she was working in California as an “au pair” for one of my clients. She was very naieve about race and, being blond & blue-eyed, was persued by Mestizos. We had a number of interesting conversations about race and she was both quite open to learning and appreciative: It had apparently never occurred to her. I suspect that there are few swarthy people in Estonia.

    13. Mati The Estonian Says:

      Luckily wheter in Estonia are little bit to could and “levels” are still low (not like Finland where they allready have a BIG problem with all those blacks from Africa).
      In Estonia we only have few blacks and our skins are made them feel quite un-welkommed. Second we have a big problem with russians from soviet time. So our immigration laws was made after SovietUninon collapse in 1991 and they are quite tight. But some liberal shithead allready trying to loose them in specifically for muds. For different reasons they are atleast non unsucsessful.
      Wich comes to educating white girls about racial issues its far behind and things looking quite greyish. I and some other guys are trying to educate girls but problem is we can do it only immediate surroundings no wide spread information distribution. For good side I must tell nigger aint that popular in Estonia except with few of our “home” kikes – you now those media types. Main proble are russians. They are very badly eduacated about history – most of them stll belive that Hitler did kill more russians then Stalin/sovietjews (million against 50 million – jews did kill 50 times more russians then You can blame Hitler – on half of them BEFORE Hitler came to power). So every time this immigration and race questions coem to public our home-kikes will play “the russian card”. Its kind of frustrating but good side is russians in Estonia getting younger (old ones die of you now) and more educated and some cases they are more racially aware then estonians – wich is quite good. When we estonians are able to get most of issues with russians behind us before the mud-legislation we can sucsesfullt rule all muds out from Estonia.
      What comes to McDonald then it was but there allmost right after we gained reindependnce from jew-soviet-union – so it was kind of bad thing from very bad thing. Secondly it did introduced for most estonians new type of handling business and clients (not all good things but some improvment to). And this McDonald is not very popular anymore – just marginal so I dont worry about this TOO much.

      PS. Thanks for good words about family ;-)

    14. Theseus Says:

      Funny story, and great looking fam, Matti.