2 December, 2006

Wiggers, Fags & Cannon Fodder: Great Options for White Males!

Posted by alex in academia, Alex Linder, Big Fag, graphics/toons at 10:43 pm | Permanent Link

[Graphics referred to in text pasted below. This article, originally written for TAA4, will appear in White Patriot Leader #2.]

Why “They” Promote Homosexuality in Public Schools…and Everywhere Else

By Alex Linder, editor of Vanguard News Network (govnn.com) and Kirksville Today (kirskvilletoday.com)

Your child sees signs and stickers like these every day of his life if he attends a public school. They are inducements to homosexuality from a system bent on destroying him morally and intellectually. What even the conservative critics won’t tell you is the deeper meaning of the campaign: It is part of a race war carried on by jews bent on abolishing whites. As such, it dovetails with equally ubiquitous race-mixing propaganda. Behavior that produces fewer, dumber, more irresponsible white men and women will be promoted, uniformly, by the jew-produced mass media.

The fewer self-controlled white males and females there are, the fewer stable families, the better for the jews bent on our genocide. Thus, they harass our youth, continually enticing them to promiscuity and homosexuality in the name of tolerance, diversity, or some other bogus good. We’ve said before that schools aren’t interested in teaching your child, they’re interested in “adjusting” his attitudes to conform to The Agenda. Even such basic attitudes as thinking a family is composed of a man and woman and children! The idea that normal families are best is “heterosexist.” In the GSA, your child can join up with queers to fight this evil “heteronormativity.”

Note how widespread is this madness. The graphics at right are taken from all over: Walter Johnson High School, James Madison University, Yale’s School of Management — there’s even a GSA at a school for the deaf! So far from being persecuted and needing safe zones, the homos and their helpers occupy the high ground, from which they assault anybody who doesn’t agree that queerness is something wonderful, to be “celebrated.” Normals need the safe zones!

Outlook is Walter Johnson H.S.’s gay/straight alliance. We strive to create an environment that is free of harassment–verbal, physical, and emotional–for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and straight ally students and staff. Free of “harassment” (read: criticism) for them — plenty of harassment for you — unless you’re an “ally.” Just imagine the Walter Johnson administration’s reaction if one of its students printed up a flyer citing studies showing that youth exhibiting same-sex attraction are (compared to peers):


– 6 times as likely to have attempted suicide
– 4 times as likely as to suffer major depression
– 3 times as likely to suffer general anxiety disorder
– 4 times as likely to experience conduct disorder
– 5 times as likely to have nicotine dependence,
– 6 times as likely to suffer multiple disorders.


Not hard to believe, is it, seeing twisted kids to the right?

Makes you wonder where they got the “gay” from. Sounds like being a queer is the exact opposite of being gay. All major-media agitprop terms are like that: reverse them to get the truth. Love is hate, and hate — this publication, if you believe the queer-promoting jews — is love. No normal person wants his son to grow up to have 500 sex partners and die at 43. But, statistically, that’s what fags do. The “gay” movement, the GSA, the jews – they lead astray.

The homos lie that 10% of males are homosexual. The actual figure is less than two percent, and about one percent for women. Where does this tiny minority get its power? The answer is simple: from the jews. We’ve seen in previous issues that the jews set up the NAACP so they could use blacks to put the crowbar to white society. So it is with homosexuals. Jews believe that sexual looseness, in any form, works against anti-semitism. That is why they promote homosexuals as cool and hip and stylish on tv. in sitcoms and on makeover shows — not because they “like” homosexuals. Open, brazen, out-of-the-closet, flaunting queerism is seen as “good for jews” by the people who own our newspapers and tv stations and politicians, so homos are portrayed not as the unhappy diseased people they are, but as celebrities — and everybody who wants to get ahead conceals his natural distaste. Thus does a tiny minority — two of them — hold sway over the other 98 of us.

Unlike coloreds, homos do have brains, and money, too. They feel the Zeitgeist is on their side, and this encourages them to push harder than ever. What they seek is a radical restructuring of society. Their opponents won’t have a label or a legal leg to stand on. They’ll just be haters, and if they try to act on their bigoted belief, they’ll be subject to hate-crimes law. In short, Big Homo moves to ensconce itself as yet another protected class lording it over white males.

How They Achieve Their Aims

Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen in After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the ’90s came up with a three-stage strategy to desensitize, jam and convert the American public to homo-acceptance. Desensitize by flooding the public with queers. Jam by terrorizing any opposed to queers. Send HIV+ cruiser Matt Shepard’s mom on tour to promote homos as civil rights seekers, round two.

As for the third stage, conversion, they say: Whereas in Jamming the target is shown a bigot being rejected by his crowd for his prejudice against gays, in Conversion the target is shown his crowd actually associating with gays in good fellowship. Once again, it’s very difficult for the average person, who, by nature and training, almost invariably feels what he sees his fellows feeling, not to respond in this knee-jerk fashion to a sufficiently calculated advertisement.

And so the public is conditioned — not to say brainwashed — to tolerate, then embrace homoism. Don’t let them sucker you into it, America.

Homosexuality remains what it has always been: the diseased, disturbed pathology of a tiny, tiny minority.


Discuss this article at vnnforum.com.


Did you know?

‘AIDS’ was originally called Gay-
Related Immunodeficiency Disease.















  • 18 Responses to “Wiggers, Fags & Cannon Fodder: Great Options for White Males!”

    1. lawrence dennis Says:

      Notice the use of bright and varied colors. This same trick is used by toy companies to “juice up” the interest of children in their foreign-made plastic products. It is a technique of advertising/design that children have been conditioned to respond to with positive interest.

    2. JewYork Says:

      Jewish comedy kills.

      It starts with the twist-humor in the first phase of deconstruction of society. Take for example the beaners”, the Jewsmedia is adding a little twisted humor to it. As was/is the African savages comedy stand-up/comedy show. Archie Bunker stigmatize folks with laughter, and so is with gay-laughter in the 70s,where homosexual stand-up/down comedy-show was routine. Yesteryears jokes are rather bigoted to younger audience, where as for the older folks, is humor still.

    3. Myles Says:

      Excellent editorial, Alex. At the university I attended those ‘Gay Safe Zone’ signs were very pervasive, almost to the point of oppression; hallways, doors, bulletin boards, everywhere. Almost religious in nature, anyone who can’t see the obvious agenda behind the onslaught of pro-faggot propaganda needs to have their head examined.

    4. Hoosier Says:

      Instead of a GLBT (Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transgendered) alliances, why don’t they form GLBTPIBN alliances? That would be Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transgendered-Pedophilia-Incest-Bestiality-
      Necrophilia alliances.

      After all, doesn’t a man have the “right” to marry a rotting corpse and bang away at it in the privacy of his own home? Isn’t it “beastiophobia” and “hate” if you object to a woman blowing her German Shepard in public?

      Isn’t it “illogical” for you to want to kill a man down the street who wants to fuck your 10 year old son? Carefully doctored studies reveal he may have been born that way – so he should have “rights.” There may be pictures on the Internet of animals in the wild mounting younger ones of their own sex – proving it’s “natural.”

      Seriously, It all drops off a cliff, metaphorically speaking, right into a stinking, shit filled cesspool once you get away from “normal-hetero-only.” If you’re for queer marriage, you might as well give in to all the rest. Of course, Jews would be leading the charge, as we on this blog, we the enlightened ones, know.

    5. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Quite alarming. The public school system will become increasingly ignored as White parents who can afford to do so send their kids to some sort of private school.

      It is time for WN to form their own communities and make their own institutions. Let’s stop dancing to the jew tune.

    6. New America Says:

      THIS is a wonderful place to look for ideas, analysis, and commentary.


      “The Man Shortage” essay says a sea-change is taking place, one way or another.

      The soft response is, of course, to be a homo, or a whigger – or, all too often, BOTH, as the two concepts go quite well together.

      We have needed time to develop the appropriate range of harder responses, as we have had to construct a new foundation based on seeing the Truth, and overcoming the lies, with Assertiveness, in dealing with women, while harnessing the interally disciplined power of Aggression, applying to first to our selves, so we can discover the source that allows us to Creatively Destroy, who does not work, to make room to Creatively Build, what can work.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    7. Mark Says:

      A good list of fallacious arguments and manipulations used against men, specifically white men, and especially pro-white white men. All of this originates from elitist Jews, who try to pathologize everything they dislike.

      The Catalog of Anti-Male Shaming Tactics


      Friday, 09 June 2006

      “Shaming tactics.” This phrase is familiar to many Men’s Rights Activists. It conjures up the histrionic behavior of female detractors who refuse to argue their points with logic. Yet women are not the only ones guilty of using shaming tactics against men. Male gynocentrists use them, too.

      Shaming tactics are emotional devices meant to play on a man’s insecurities and shut down debate. They are meant to elicit sympathy for women and to demonize men who ask hard questions. Most, if not all, shaming tactics are basically ad homimem attacks.

      Anyway, it might be helpful to categorize the major shaming tactics that are used against men whenever a discussion arises about feminism, men’s issues, romance, etc. The following list contains descriptions of shaming tactics, some examples of quotes employing the tactics, and even color-coded aliases for mnemonic purposes. Enjoy.

      Charge of Irascibility (Code Red)

      Discussion: The target is accused of having anger management issues. Whatever negative emotions he has are assumed to be unjustifiable. Examples:

      * “You’re bitter!”
      * “You need to get over your anger at women.”
      * “You are so negative!”

      Response: Anger is a legitimate emotion in the face of injustice. It is important to remember that passive acceptance of evil is not a virtue.

      Charge of Cowardice (Code Yellow)

      Discussion: The target is accused of having an unjustifiable fear of interaction with women. Examples:

      * “You need to get over your fear.”
      * “Step up and take a chance like a man!”
      * “You’re afraid of a strong woman!”

      Response: It is important to remember that there is a difference between bravery and stupidity. The only risks that reasonable people dare to take are calculated risks. One weighs the likely costs and benefits of said risks. As it is, some men are finding out that many women fail a cost-benefit analysis.

      Charge of Hypersensitivity (Code Blue) – The Crybaby Charge

      Discussion: The target is accused of being hysterical or exaggerating the problems of men (i.e., he is accused of playing “Chicken Little”). Examples:

      * “Stop whining!”
      * “Get over it!”
      * “Suck it up like a man!”
      * “You guys don’t have it as nearly as bad as us women!”
      * “You’re just afraid of losing your male privileges.”
      * “Your fragile male ego …”
      * “Wow! You guys need to get a grip!”

      Response: One who uses the Code Blue shaming tactic reveals a callous indifference to the humanity of men. It may be constructive to confront such an accuser and ask if a certain problem men face needs to be addressed or not (“yes” or “no”), however small it may be seem to be. If the accuser answers in the negative, it may constructive to ask why any man should care about the accuser’s welfare since the favor will obviously not be returned. If the accuser claims to be unable to do anything about the said problem, one can ask the accuser why an attack is necessary against those who are doing something about it.

      Charge of Puerility (Code Green) – The Peter Pan Charge

      Discussion: The target is accused of being immature and/or irresponsible in some manner that reflects badly on his status as an adult male. Examples:

      * “Grow up!”
      * “You are so immature!”
      * “Do you live with your mother?”
      * “I’m not interested in boys. I’m interested in real men.”
      * “Men are shirking their God-given responsibility to marry and bear children.”

      Response: It should be remembered that one’s sexual history, marital status, parental status, etc. are not reliable indicators of maturity and accountability. If they were, then we would not hear of white collar crime, divorce, teen sex, unplanned pregnancies, extramarital affairs, etc.

      Charge of Endangerment (Code Orange) – The Elevated Threat Charge

      Discussion: The target is accused of being a menace in some undefined manner. This charge may be coupled with some attempt to censor the target. Examples:

      * “You guys are scary.”
      * “You make me feel afraid.”

      Response: It may be constructive to point out that only bigots and tyrants are afraid of having the truth expressed to them. One may also ask why some women think they can handle leadership roles if they are so threatened by a man’s legitimate freedom of expression.

      Charge of Rationalization (Code Purple) – The Sour Grapes Charge

      Discussion: The target is accused of explaining away his own failures and/or dissatisfaction by blaming women for his problems. Example:

      * “You are just bitter because you can’t get laid.”

      Response: In this case, it must be asked if it really matters how one arrives at the truth. In other words, one may submit to the accuser, “What if the grapes really are sour?” At any rate, the Code Purple shaming tactic is an example of what is called “circumstantial ad hominem.”

      Charge of Fanaticism (Code Brown) – The Brown Shirts Charge

      Discussion: The target is accused of subscribing to an intolerant, extremist ideology or of being devoted to an ignorant viewpoint. Examples:

      * “You’re one of those right-wing wackos.”
      * “You’re an extremist”
      * “You sound like the KKK.”
      * “… more anti-feminist zaniness”

      Response: One should remember that the truth is not decided by the number of people subscribing to it. Whether or not certain ideas are “out of the mainstream” is besides the point. A correct conclusion is also not necessarily reached by embracing some middle ground between two opposing viewpoints (i.e., the logical fallacy of “False Compromise”).

      Charge of Invirility (Code Lavender)

      Discussion: The target’s sexual orientation or masculinity is called into question. Examples:

      * “Are you gay?”
      * “I need a real man, not a sissy.”
      * “You’re such a wimp.”

      Response: Unless one is working for religious conservatives, it is usually of little consequence if a straight man leaves his accusers guessing about his sexual orientation.

      Charge of Overgeneralization (Code Gray)

      Discussion: The target is accused of making generalizations or supporting unwarranted stereotypes about women. Examples:

      * “I’m not like that!”
      * “Stop generalizing!”
      * “That’s a sexist stereotype!”

      Response: One may point out that feminists and many other women make generalizations about men. Quotations from feminists, for example, can be easily obtained to prove this point. Also, one should note that pointing to a trend is not the same as overgeneralizing. Although not all women may have a certain characteristic, a significant amount of them might.

      Charge of Misogyny (Code Black)

      Discussion: The target is accused of displaying some form of unwarranted malice to a particular woman or to women in general. Examples:

      * “You misogynist creep!”
      * “Why do you hate women?”
      * “Do you love your mother?”
      * “You are insensitive to the plight of women.”
      * “You are mean-spirited.”
      * “You view women as doormats.”
      * “You want to roll back the rights of women!!”
      * “You are going to make me cry.”

      Response: One may ask the accuser how does a pro-male agenda become inherently anti-female (especially since feminists often claim that gains for men and women are “not a zero-sum game”). One may also ask the accuser how do they account for women who agree with the target’s viewpoints. The Code Black shaming tactic often integrates the logical fallacies of “argumentum ad misericordiam” (viz., argumentation based on pity for women) and/or “argumentum in terrorem” (viz., arousing fear about what the target wants to do to women).

      Charge of Instability (Code White) – The White Padded Room Charge

      Discussion: The target is accused of being emotionally or mentally unstable. Examples:

      * “You’re unstable.”
      * “You have issues.”
      * “You need therapy.”
      * “Weirdo!”

      Response: In response to this attack, one may point to peer-reviewed literature and then ask the accuser if the target’s mental and/or emotional condition can explain the existence of valid research on the matter.

      Charge of Selfishness (Code Silver)

      Discussion: This attack is self-explanatory. It is a common charge hurled at men who do not want to be bothered with romantic pursuits. Examples:

      * “You are so materialistic.”
      * “You are so greedy.”

      Response: It may be beneficial to turn the accusation back on the one pressing the charge. For instance, one may retort, “So you are saying I shouldn’t spend my money on myself, but should instead spend it on a woman like you —and you accuse me of being selfish?? Just what were you planning to do for me anyway?”

      Charge of Superficiality (Code Gold) – The All-That-Glitters Charge

      Discussion: The charge of superficiality is usually hurled at men with regard to their mating preferences. Examples:

      * “If you didn’t go after bimbos, then …”
      * “How can you be so shallow and turn down a single mother?”

      Response: Average-looking women can be just as problematic in their behavior as beautiful, “high-maintanence” women. Regarding the shallowness of women, popular media furnishes plenty of examples where petty demands are made of men by females (viz., those notorious laundry lists of things a man should/should not do for his girlfriend or wife).

      Charge of Unattractiveness (Code Tan) – The Ugly Tan Charge

      Discussion: The target is accused of having no romantic potential as far as women are concerned. Examples:

      * “I bet you are fat and ugly.”
      * “You can’t get laid!”
      * “Creep!”
      * “Loser!”
      * “Have you thought about the problem being you?”

      Response: This is another example of “circumstantial ad hominem.” The target’s romantic potential ultimately does not reflect on the merit of his arguments.

      Charge of Defeatism (Code Maroon)

      Discussion: This shaming tactic is akin to the Charge of Irascibility and the Charge of Cowardice in that the accuser attacks the target’s negative or guarded attitude about a situation. However, the focus is not so much on the target’s anger or fear, but on the target’s supposed attitude of resignation. Examples:

      * “Stop being so negative.”
      * “You are so cynical.”
      * “If you refuse to have relationships with women, then you are admitting defeat.”
      * “C’mon! Men are doers, not quitters.”

      Response: The charge of defeatism can be diffused by explaining that one is merely being realistic about a situation. Also, one can point out that asking men to just accept their mistreatment at the hands of women and society is the real attitude that is defeatist. Many men have not lost their resolve; many have lost their patience.

      Threat of Withheld Affection (Code Pink) – The Pink Whip

      Discussion: The target is admonished that his viewpoints or behavior will cause women to reject him as a mate. Examples:

      * “No woman will marry you with that attitude.”
      * “Creeps like you will never get laid!”

      Response: This is an example of the logical fallacy “argumentum ad baculum” (the “appeal to force”). The accuser attempts to negate the validity of a position by pointing to some undesirable circumstance that will befall anyone who takes said position. Really, the only way to deal with the “Pink Whip” is to realize that a man’s happiness and worth is not based on his romantic conquests (including marriage).

    8. Hoosier Says:

      There you are, New America, greetings to you and yours! A quick “Hoosier” update – I’m still reading “Mein Kampf.” I found an unkosherized, unabridged version at the library – copywrite 1939- published by The Chamberlain Group. It’s better than the Manheim version.

      Its a very pleasurable read, and I still get surprised at the accuracy of Hitler’s analysis and his clarity of thought. Hitler is an honest, intelligent man and openly admits mistakes he makes. He certainly doesn’t try to make himself out to be a saint. He speaks highly of his parents, despite childhood conflicts – which indicates a man of character and maturity.

      It indicates he resolved and moved past childhood problems, from a TRUE (not Jewy defined) psychological standpoint. He’s hardly the “twisted, tortured soul” he’s so often portrayed as.

      I’m trying to re-find the passage where he defines the basis of national socialism. it’s about a paragraph, but so clear. and streamlines so much complexity, that even someone as easily as confused as I can be, grasped it immediately.

      I don’t think Hitler should be deified, as he was a man, after all – and made mistakes. I don’t think “Mein Kampf” should be consider a “bible” either. But still, it’s a great source of inspiration and ideas.

    9. Hoosier Says:

      I wanted to add: sorry Alex and VNN for veering off topic – I like to “talk” to New America and others from time to time, and it’s kind of an ongoing “conversation.”

    10. alex Says:

      Notice the use of bright and varied colors. This same trick is used by toy companies to “juice up” the interest of children in their foreign-made plastic products. It is a technique of advertising/design that children have been conditioned to respond to with positive interest.

      Good point. We must teach kids to see that rainbows have nothing to do with fags, and the bright colors indicate danger, as with poison tree frogs.

    11. New America Says:


      Thanks for putting forth the effort needed to see clearly, by removing as many JEW filters as possible.

      I like Mein Kampf simply for its clarity of analysis, and it remains a source of creative ideas, as we are facing a situation that, in many aspects, is not unlike the one faced under Weimar Germany.

      That’s what I like about Harold Covington’s Northwest Trilogy; he assumes that, as so much becomes so much worse, the ONLY truly viable, long-term solution will be along the lines developed by Brigham Young, within the confines of a RACIALLY based, technologically preeminent, National Socialist Republic.

      Bill White has argued that, demographic projections aside, we still hold, by far, the balance of power in America; my rebuttal is that demographics is one things, psychographics, quite another – it is the Living Hand of our choices today, that overpowers the dead hand of mere numbers of bodies, tomorrow.

      I have seen, in my own family, how I have become personna non gtrata – Hell, I’ve become reviled – for my position that White Nationalism is at LEAST worth discussing. This, in spite of a lifetime of doing no end of good for my family members…

      This is what I like about VNN, and Peter Shank, and Bill White; their focus is not on the perpetual impotence of the Conservatives and the Libertarians, and the professional victimhood of the Patriots.

      Rather, their focus is on the fact that we make choices – we have the Awareness to make intelligent choices, and can do on the conscious acceptance of the importance of RACE, writ large, as a primary factor in those considerations.

      The problem is, historically, we have allowed the JewTube to tell us White Nationalism is, and their choice is of illiterate, gap toothed morons with rotted teeth in their poorly groomed, morbidly obese bodies.

      It takes a conscious effort of WILL to see through the facades the demons who walk the Earth is shoe leather put before you, and it begins with turning the JewTube OFF, and replacing it with something constructive; Hell, at THIS stage of the game, ANYTHING constructive. From that all-important starting point, based on a dramatic shift in direction from the Lie to the Real, we can move forward, with an explicit RACIAL focus to our thinking.

      The Goddamn JEWS mastered this, and it is their greatest strength; they think RACIALLY first, foremost, forever, and NEVER admit it, while giving us one excuse after another as to why they do better than we do. “We work harder, we work smarter, we have more intelligence.”


      They are DISCIPLINED, as a RACE, well above anything we can imagine; look in the phone book under the words JEWISH and HEBREW, and see the vast number of organizations. Most of these have overlapping memberships, and they ALL work in the fulfillment of the ONE COMMANDMENT of the Goddamn JEWS, “is it good for JEWS?”

      This is why the rabbi is of such tremendous importance to them; no matter how impecunious his circumstances may be, the rabbi carries within him this ONE COMMANDMENT, making sure that all issues to which he is a part carry forward the ACTIVE fulfillment of the ONE COMMANDMENT.

      In microcosm, Brigham Young came closer to this than many could imagine, and his transformation of the barren desert, into Our Beloved Deseret, is a mute testimony to what CAN be accomplished by us, in the middle of nowhere, with nothing, IF we can develop the organizational focus so necessary to accomplish anything other than entering the Dreamstate of the JEW-controlled First Virtual Reality, television.

      I return to Mein Kampf, ocassionally, for inspiration and balanced ideas to deal with temporal issues; to grasp the larger issues of RACE in their proper context, I keep “Imperium” as my guiding light, often reading it for Illumination before bed. Now THERE is a source for Dreams!

      I also bear in mind that all I can do, is all that I CAN do; Devi’s description of the Men Above Time inspires me, and I carry this small fragment of a 3 x 5 card to reminds myself to avoid feelings of despair as I see my RACIAL kinsmen in their desperate, self-chosen plight:

      “They do nothing to compell others — nothing, at least, beyond certain limits, even if they live in the world. They know they cannot force the evolution of things, nor suppress the part played by Time in the lives of those who are still submitted to its iron law. Again, like the Sun, they shine. If the seed is alive, it will ripen sooner or later, never mind when, Violence would only help to produce an artificial growth. And if the seed be dead? Let it be! There are new seeds; new creations, for ever and ever. The people who live in eternity can wait.”

      Devi is right; “the people who live in eternity can wait.”

      We can’t.

      The Goddamn JEWS have waited for us, and have lain in waiting for us, for centuries, until we accept THEIR terms of reference, THEIR analytical framework, and THEIR values, for US.

      Our greatest challenge is to not waste energy fighting their snares, directly , but avoiding their traps altogether, and building the foundation, one thought at a time, one word at a time, one Idea at a time, and one Ideal welding them all together – a place for ourselves (hopefully), and our posterity (certainly!), where none may make afraid.

      It all starts with one thought, and the Will to make something of it.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    12. Hoosier Says:

      Thanks for replying, New America. I’m planning on having “Mein Kampf” read by December 20th – barring death, dismemberment, or an unavoidable emergency, my usual disclaimer. The Covington series is on my mental list of things to do. Yes, I agree, the libertarians and other groups are avoiding race issues, and so miss most of the point. They are destined to go nowhere fast.

      I have a tentative plan to start some things locally – flyer ideas at this point, but subject to change. I’ve been kind of sitting around waiting for “someone” to start something or have something going in my city. I do believe they had Klan rallies years ago,

      To the best of my knowledge, no one is doing anything. SOMEONE has to start things – why not me? It seems one has to start doing something, and then one GROWS or evolves to fill the position – not the other way around. I may not have big brass balls at this point, but I have SOME balls, at least enough to get started.

      I’ve tested the waters a bit, and it seems that the Jews have a lock down on criticism of Jews Jewing Jewily. I get blank looks from people when I bring up the subject of the tribe. Perhaps not so surprisingly, the only other “Jew Wise” person I’ve talk to has been a negro minister – a deacon of some kind.

      He is the deacon of the 3rd street Baptist mission and Jehovah’s pool parlor, or something like that. – it was a real niggerly thing. Still, he knew the score on the Jews. Funny though, every time I “name the Jew” I’m get some good luck – so there’s always “something in it for me.”

      People are fed up with fucking Mexicans, that’s for sure – as they slowly and surely turn my city into shitsville. There’s lots of mystery meat. There’s a group of Mongoloid Buddhists or something, walking around in their orange Buddha garb – stinking to high heaven. Whew-wee! I mean, they SMELL. I guess bathing isn’t part of their culture, if you want to call what they do “culture.”

      Lots of small towns and rural folk around, lots of white working class. Oh yeah, and more queers “coming out.” Forget about any help from churches – they do more harm than good. I dunno, it should be interesting. Pioneer territory, really.

      Kinda rambled, and now have to go, talk later. Take care, brothers.

    13. New America Says:

      in reply to Hoosier:
      Hoosier Says:
      3 December, 2006 at 9:10 pm

      Thanks for replying, New America. I’m planning on having “Mein Kampf” read by December 20th – barring death, dismemberment, or an unavoidable emergency, my usual disclaimer. The Covington series is on my mental list of things to do. Yes, I agree, the libertarians and other groups are avoiding race issues, and so miss most of the point. They are destined to go nowhere fast.

      in reply:
      The Libertarians – a creation of the Goddamn JEWS, by the way – will count for nothing, at the end of the day.

      Hal Turner did more good for US in ONE HOUR, at Kingston, New York, than all of these losers have done in FIFTY YEARS.

      you wrote:
      I have a tentative plan to start some things locally – flyer ideas at this point, but subject to change. I’ve been kind of sitting around waiting for “someone” to start something or have something going in my city. I do believe they had Klan rallies years ago,

      To the best of my knowledge, no one is doing anything. SOMEONE has to start things – why not me? It seems one has to start doing something, and then one GROWS or evolves to fill the position – not the other way around. I may not have big brass balls at this point, but I have SOME balls, at least enough to get started.

      I’ve tested the waters a bit, and it seems that the Jews have a lock down on criticism of Jews Jewing Jewily. I get blank looks from people when I bring up the subject of the tribe. Perhaps not so surprisingly, the only other “Jew Wise” person I’ve talk to has been a negro minister – a deacon of some kind.

      He is the deacon of the 3rd street Baptist mission and Jehovah’s pool parlor, or something like that. – it was a real niggerly thing. Still, he knew the score on the Jews. Funny though, every time I “name the Jew” I’m get some good luck – so there’s always “something in it for me.”

      People are fed up with fucking Mexicans, that’s for sure – as they slowly and surely turn my city into shitsville. There’s lots of mystery meat. There’s a group of Mongoloid Buddhists or something, walking around in their orange Buddha garb – stinking to high heaven. Whew-wee! I mean, they SMELL. I guess bathing isn’t part of their culture, if you want to call what they do “culture.”

      Lots of small towns and rural folk around, lots of white working class. Oh yeah, and more queers “coming out.” Forget about any help from churches – they do more harm than good. I dunno, it should be interesting. Pioneer territory, really.

      Kinda rambled, and now have to go, talk later. Take care, brothers.

      Some points:
      One, I’m glad you realize you have to do something, and it has to be done intelligently. Starting where you are, personally, is the best place to start.

      In my mind I have pretty much written off a good HALF of our “RACE,” and that is because they are “White” in skin color only – and barely that.

      “Aryan” – superior – is simply beyond them.

      I love the Roddy Piper movie, “They Live.” Once you Awake to the Goddamn JEW, the movie just lays it all out in a clever microcosm; it’s available used from Amazon.com for very little.

      I see us more like the Pilgrims who said it just wasn’t happening in England. or those who followed Brugham Young to the middle of Nowhere – literally, an empty Territory.

      The group that I drop the small bombs on are working class, blue collar people who have been essentially abandoned by The System; they, particularly the ones over fifty, REMEMBER what it was like, and have SEEN, in their own lives, how totally it is falling apart.

      Two, Bill White has a lot of good ideas on effectively getting our message out; one idea is to remember that anyone can bitch, but damn few have the foundation of an effective solution.

      Peter Shank nailed this one – suppose we get rid of Group X? We still have Group Y, Z, and so forth to deal with. A lot of people who are on our side of the fence think that if we magically get rid of Group X, things will magically get better. In my opinion, Group X is there as the visible reminder of what we DON’T want to be, what we DON’T want to become.

      We can NOT choose the magical thinking of the Child, which is the trap the Patriots, Libertarians, and Conservatives fell into. ALL of what they fought were simply different facades controlled by the same Entity, the Goddamn JEWS. For example, simply replace “JEW-CONTROLLED” for “SOVIET,” and so much of the history of the Twentieth Century becomes very clear.

      Three, if you want a good place to flyer, the unemployment office in your nearby blue collar towns around the first of the month is an excellent place to start; however, from the moment you flyer, you are a Marked Man, so make sure it is innocuous, and positive. Local night schools/vocational schools (especially!) also look like good places.

      After a while, particularly as the economy begin to implode, you will appreciate Alex Linder’s great Insight, that the facade of middle class respectability is more burden than it is worth. My uncle bought a brand-new car each year; i showed him how much he would have saved if he had bought one good new car and just took excellent care of it. The difference was enough to buy a house he could rent out for a substantial increase in retirement income…


      The churches are pretty worthless; they are simply social clubs who preach a Leveling “theology,” while doing all in their power to increase the mud flood into America, in general, and their community, in particular.

      As to the queers “coming out,” this could only happen if they were confident they would be “tolerated.” Thirty years of spadework has come to fruition, and they will attack you venomously – anything that reminds them that they are wrong just drives them to rage. The War On Men continues unabated, in full Hellish fury. In terms of spiritual development, you only become a Man in the company of Men, and the Goddamn JEWS are making sure that that never happens. The perversity of Diversity guarantees that “women” will be appointed to Leadership positions in traditionally masculine enterprises, like law enforcement, and the military.

      None of this is by accident.

      You MIGHT want to just make up some 3 x 5 cards with GOVNN.com on them, and a list of websites that support our perspective; Peter Shank’s, Hal Turner’s. Bill White’s, Harold Covington’s, GOYFIRE.com, the entire range of what we are trying to do. Put THEM under the windows of cars at the unemployment office, and the welfare office, at the first of the month. The only people who will hear us right now are poor people, and damn poor people, at that – people who had the American Dream literally stolen from them.

      I make edited cd’s of Peter Shank, with some country music (positive stuff), some GOYFIRE, and the best of Edgar J. Steele (“NEVER TRUST A JEW” is one his best), and just drop them off discreetly in local blue collar meeting places (bars! nightclubs! with a 3 x 5 card with the website names as the liner) on Friday night. Let’s not mince words; if the local blue collar church has food distributions, that parking lot has people who KNOW that SOMETHING is wrong, deeply wrong, at a foundational level. Help out with the packaging, and have a bunch of cd’s ready to hand out to people with damn near nothing, and nothing to lose. Make sure you are in shape, dress a little bit nicer than the other people there, and are POLITE TO THE POINT OF OBSEQUIOUSNESS. DON’T ARGUE. JUST LOOK AT PEOPLE WHO GET MAD AT YOU, ALWAYS SMILE, AND GO, ‘YOU KNOW, YOU JUST MIGHT HAVE A POINT THERE. YOU JUST MIGHT BE RIGHT.” Always be courteous, always be professional, and always carry yourself like a Parris Island Drill Instructor if you suspect cameras will be on you – and, in time, if you are remotely successful, they WILL be on you. Metzger recommends a very small pocket tape recorder running the entire time someone – ANYONE – approaches you, to make sure you can set the record straight if someone tries to set you up. His website has some excellent ideas, and you can even call him on Turner’s show live, where he would LOVE to discuss these ideas with you.

      Take all of this VERY slowly; discretion, and even anonimity, are our best friends.

      Remember, we are not here to save the world; about half of our racial kinsmen will just turn on us and rend us in a heartbeat.

      We are looking for Quality, and not Quantity. A few good men, and women, will make all of the difference; a thousand useless fools will just waste your time and energy.

      WE have the Answer, and…


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    14. Hoosier Says:

      Thanks, New American, Good advice. I’m thinking of a simple “white is beautiful” flyer. I was thinking of having a beautiful white woman to make it “sexy,” but think it better to have a attractive, but not excessively so, white family – including a man. Attractive, but “normal,” so the person seeing it can relate personally – white people of course. I can rotate pictures so as to keep interest over time. Men definitely need to be included.

      Goddamn it, white men need to think that SOMEONE out there cares about them – we are getting shit on left and right, and does it ever piss me off. I can’t even put into words the berserk fury I feel from deep down. Don’t worry, its balanced by something – very very cold and calculating. Hot and cold, working together.

      I gotta go, and have business to attend to, but thanks for taking the time to respond in such depth, NA. I’ll be off until this weekend at least, so take care, brothers.

    15. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “. . .the berserk fury I feel from deep down. Don’t worry, its balanced by something – very very cold and calculating. Hot and cold, working together. . .”

      (Whites should read this poem at last twice yearly) (IMHO)

      THE WRATH OF THE AWAKENED SAXON (Or awakened white)

      by Rudyard Kipling

      It was not part of their blood,
      It came to them very late,
      With long arrears to make good,
      When the Saxon began to hate.
      They were not easily moved,
      They were icy — willing to wait
      Till every count should be proved,
      Ere the Saxon began to hate.

      Their voices were even and low.
      Their eyes were level and straight.
      There was neither sign nor show
      When the Saxon began to hate.

      It was not preached to the crowd.
      It was not taught by the state.
      No man spoke it aloud
      When the Saxon began to hate.

      It was not suddently bred.
      It will not swiftly abate.
      Through the chilled years ahead,
      When Time shall count from the date
      That the Saxon began to hate.

    16. alex Says:

      Here’s a simple flyer. Three words, two pictures.

      Up top in huge letters:


      Then a pic of most disgusting degraded niggers (Flavor Flav leaps to mind) with caption BEFORE and attractive white humans with caption AFTER

    17. jimbo Says:

      wotz commonly missed WRT the promotion of homosexuality as ‘an acceptable alternate life-style’ is that homosexuality, like abortion & vaccination is, in fact, a GENOCIDAL ATTACK on the white race!;

      ‘homo-sexuality’ has its greatest frequencies and makes its most significant in-roads amongst white men: in particular: young white men of child-producing age when they are @ the height of their virility and strength;

      it is to this group that the sinister propaganda of the homosexual agenda is directed by its controlling masters(MacDonald clearly identifies their ethnicity in CoC!)

      active, practising homo-sexuality is an almost guaranteed DEATH SENTENCE within a decade @ MOST!

      this is NOT BECAUSE OF HIV(the which is, in fact, a
      harmless ‘influenza’-type virus…admittedly: some-times associated with active fags!) but because of the immuno-suppressive properties of the male spermatoza.

      The male spermatoza is a powerful antigen and is ONLY SUITABLE for injection into the female vagina for the fertilisation of the female ova; the female vagina having several layers of muscle to protect the blood-stream & organs from suffering catastrophic immune collapse because of the injection of massive quantities of sperm!

      ‘AIDS’ or ‘GRIDS’, as it should be known, is a ‘catch-all’ term that describes a calamitous, cascading series of immune mal-functions resulting from the highly dangerous fag practices of anal & oral ’sex’!….wherein the aggressive immuno-suppressive spermatoza penetrates the thin rectal wall and/or comes into contact with the sensitive cells of the mouth & throat!

      I am reminded of comments made a few years ago by the former Catholic Arch-bishop of the fair city of Melbourne, Australia, that “homosexuality is much more dangerous than smoking!”

      The resulting up-roar from ‘the usual suspects’ would have been laughable if it were not so tragic!
      (what is more absurd and pathetic than the occupants of a sinking ship castigating and belittling those trying to warn them of their impending doom?)

      Concomitant with this, various Oz “guv’mints” have now seen fit to launch virulent ‘anti-smoking campaigns’: complete with pictures from the operating theatre of people having their limbs amputated and parts of their mouths and jaws re-structured because of ‘bone cancer’: said to be caused by smoking?!?

      hmmmm…….one wonders?

      after smoking 50 ciggies a day for 30+years…..MAYBE!…

      what a pity that the hideous and ferocious symptoms associated with active faggotry are not similarly portrayed: photos: for instance: of fags with Hepatitis A, B &C…..skeletal and incontinent fags literally falling apart on their hospital beds as their internal organs liquify like some ancient lepers all the while infecting and endangering the hospital staff & patients around them….as they spew shit & vomit in all directions…such is the price of ‘tolerance’!

      Mean-while, the Talmudic fiends who orchestrate this genocide gloat and grimace with satisfaction in their dank and darkened lairs while the best of the youth of the White Race is once again destroyed in the most fiendish manner possible and another 100million white babies are never born!….therein lies the REAL TRAGEDY of ‘AIDS’

    18. New America Says:

      A quick thought for Hoosier, and others:

      Want to see the best future we can face, as long as we are kinder and gentler in the face of the gelding of our RACE?


      Look at how SA went from a prosperous, independent nation to what the article describes, and see how far we are along the same path.

      People can criticize Harold Covington’s Northwest Trilogy for a lot of reasons – most of which seem to be rationalizations for intellectual dishonesty, and moral cowardice – but AT LEAST, more, much more, than anyone since Pierce, he has laid out the issues, challenges, and opportunities before us.

      I note, if memory serves, that Metzger has spoken poorly of Covington, apparently accusing him of working with law enforcement on one occasion back East.

      Let’s deal with this one straight up.

      Even if it’s true, I don’t care.

      I think too many people are looking for any reed, no matter how thin, to avoid actually doing ANYTHING for the RACE that created him, and offers him the only vessel in which his Creative Talents can be used, creatively.

      The Perfect Leader is not coming to rescue us; Sky God seems busy somewhere else, and we are left to our own devices.

      I look at what Covington has DONE, what Alex Linder has DONE, what Hal Turner has DONE, what Bill White has DONE, what Peter Shank has DONE, and so much falls into place from there.

      Oh, by the way, I just sent fifty to Alex, and all of us should do that, too.

      If the Truth isn’t worth supporting, then, rest assured…

      The System Press will give you all of the lies you want, for free.

      Linder made a stronger point than many realize, and in doing so he echoed a major point Peter Shank just nailed:

      To the Goddamn JEWS, it’s not just about the money; Hell, they own the stuff, and the right to make as much as they want.

      It’s about CONTROL of the CULTURE; the pictures you see, the words you hear, and ALL of the media, and the public fool indoctrination system, ALL of it.

      I understand after after Ted Turner sold CNN, and his sports teams, to Time Warner, he decided he wanted to do a buy-back.

      Turner was told they would be glad to sell the sports teams to him; but CNN was NOT for sale.

      Of course not.

      Tikkun Olam – the tool of the Goddamn JEWS in transforming the host country to suit the parasite’s preferences – requires control of the media; with that, they control your thoughts, and NEWSPEAK replaces clearly spoken English, today, and independent thought, tomorrow.

      I’m sending money to Linder, today, and we ALL should, as well.

      While we can.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!