1 December, 2006

What’s New in (Kirksville)?

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Kirksville at 11:51 am | Permanent Link

Unexamined Assumptions

Do you think our noble reporteress Heather Hubbs has ever questioned the assumption that spending more money on “education” equals better student performance?

People or Gerbils?

What kind of nob do you have to be to get up before dawn to wait outside a Wal-Mart?

Any TSU Students Want to Hazard a Guess…

…as to this creature’s race? We at KT have no idea. We are committed to human equality, and know that races, if they exist, which we frankly doubt, commit crimes in equal measure, and any statistics saying otherwise reflect racism and poorly trained police.

  • 2 Responses to “What’s New in (Kirksville)?”

    1. Maynard Says:

      Speaking of waiting in line, I was waiting in line the other day at the local food shelf (I am unemployed, no jobs here either wanted or not). I live in a small town, population 3,400, in central Minnesota. Waiting in line was a pretty white girl with an “ape in manpants”. They were making out! The rest of the people in line were white. I guess she was “showing off” to us white guys. You know, if we lived back in the old days (white America), I would have run home and got a rope and strung both of them up from the nearest street light post. However, if I would have even said anything to them, I could be arrested for a “hate crime”. I don’t believe that most white males are cowards and don’t want to fight for their women, I just think that they don’t want to be sent to prison and be butt fucked by some nigger named Bubba! I see this race mixing everyday in this small town. I think the niggers must be moving in with the white women who have been brainwashed by the jew media, although, a wise man once said: “Just because someone puts shit on your plate, doesn’t mean that you have to eat it”! Whites have been eating jewish shit daily for the last 50 or 60 years! Things will get worse now that we have a Marano jew (Pelosi) leading the Democrats. We will get new “hate crime laws” that will probably shut down all WN websites. We will get more “gun control” starting with an “assault weapons ban”. If we are going to have any chance at all of survival, we have to move quickly. Remember,in my opinion, you do not have to obey a law that is unconstitutional. In my opinion, our whole government is unconstitutional!
      P.S. Later that day, I talked to a pretty married white woman at the local grocery store about my encounter. She said that her husband is a racist about white women/black men. I also told her that I would string up the white girl before the nigger because I said that being a “race traitor” is the worse crime. She said that yes, the woman has to give her consent to have sex with these beasts! I think there are many people in small towns and rural areas who are ripe to hear our message!

    2. Mary O'Brien Says:

      Last night on the MetroNorth (suburban NYC commuter line), I observed two White girls who looked like sisters with two African-American males. The two girls were not unattractive: about 20 years old, slender, wearing heavy cosmetics and fashionable outfits.

      Their conversation (apologies for foul language):

      Black guy #1: “… so we took her and pressed her up against the window, and we fucked her ass, and then a policeman was coming so we ran …”

      White girl #1: [bemused] “You are disgusting.”

      White girl #1: [nervous, the guys are not getting that her comment is supposed to be charming] “… but funny. You guys are funny.”

      I was sitting across the aisle, and she saw me roll my eyes. Then she threw a fit, and demanded that the group move to another set of seats, because I was looking at the them. Honestly, I wasn’t like really staring or scowling or anything. I just couldn’t believe that these girls would have any interest in those thugs.

      One of the Black guys tried to confront me, but he seemed mystified as to why White Girl #1 was so upset.

      She was probably upset because she feels so ashamed. Also, she was wearing a very skimpy little top that showed off quite a lot of cleavage on a stormy winter night.

      White girl #2 was quiet the whole time, but she was wearing one of those puffy newsboy caps, and leaning White girl #1’s shoulder. [Young women fervently believe that any hint of lesbianism drives men wild.] My impression is that she is a poseur, unsure of her own identity, she is mimicking some image that she has seen in hip hop videos of the supposedly cool adventuress.

      But I wonder if the problems run much deeper than Jewish media.

      Does familiarity breed contempt?

      In older societies, men and women worked or studied separately. While the obvious reason is that men are physically stronger and better suited to more active pursuits, the subtler reason may be the need for a type of distance or privacy.

      People tend to balance intimacy with “distance.” By distance, I do not necessarily mean coldness or hostility, but just a sense of psychological space.

      Both of the girls in the incident described above were acting incredibly “dingy” as if they were the stereotypical Playboy bunny. The dingyness may be a harmless form of flirtation, but would White guys just think they were being fake? Maybe the White guys know too much.

      Does competition kill romance?

      The girl is walking a dangerous tightrope: she must earn enough money to have the “social standing” and “dowry” to attract a husband, but she cannot make so much or be so successful that she intimidates him. Since the Black guys do not compete, or even understand very much what the White girls are trying to do, they do not feel threatened by their achievements. Indeed, in their matriarchal culture, women usually are more financially successful than men.

      Does he see her “beauty”?

      That young girls have a particular beauty may be considered a gift from God, but unfortunately our culture has commercialized “beauty” and so overemphasized this quality that beauty itself has become ugly. Even girls of above-average looks fret that their looks are nothing compared to the super-models, and often consider themselves unattractive. The Black guys will act dazzled by the looks of the plainest White girls, which in return reinforces their vanity. According to Anne Tyler, it’s not how we see the other person that makes a relationship, but how they see us. The White girl enjoys seeing the image of herself as the beautiful, mysterious blond nymphet in the Black guys’ eyes.

      Are the girls angry at White men?

      Women are basically getting stuck with all the work of the society. Almost no high schoolers have fathers in the home. Women must be both father and mother to their children, and compete in a very high-stress, high-pressure work environment. Women usually do housework during their “down time” from work; time that men can usually afford to spend on rest and relaxation. When young girls observe their mother’s situation, what type of conclusions do they draw about White men?