20 December, 2006

Tyranny in Canada: Bahr Fined $5000 for Thought Crime

Posted by alex in Canada, free-speech martyrs at 12:27 am | Permanent Link

[Jews decide what is “hate” and what isn’t. Jews train the police to go after anybody saying things they don’t know, facts they don’t want spread, opinions they don’t think people should hold. This is tyranny.]

Human rights tribunal finds Alberta man distributed hate on Internet

EDMONTON (CP) – An Edmonton man is guilty of distributing hate propaganda on the Internet, a Canadian Human Rights Commission tribunal ruled Friday.

The tribunal found that Glenn Bahr operated a website called Western Canada for Us and moderated forums that spread hatred against Jews, mentally disabled people, aboriginals, gays, lesbians, Chinese, Arabs, blacks and other non-whites. The tribunal fined Bahr and the group Western Canada For Us $5,000 each and ordered that they cease posting hate messages on the Internet.

Philippe Dufresne, senior counsel for the commission, said the case was based on a complaint filed by the public.

“We recognize the harm that hate messages can have on Canadian society,” Dufresne said from Ottawa.

“The decision is important because it is the latest in a series of consistent tribunal decisions which have found that hate on the Internet will not be tolerated.”

If the tribunal’s orders are not complied with Bahr could be jailed for contempt of court, he said.

The website and the organization Western Canada for Us was founded by Bahr in Edmonton in January, 2004. The group quickly picked up members in Winnipeg, Vancouver and Red Deer, Alta.

The Edmonton police service’s hate crimes unit was involved in the investigation, including conducting a raid on Bahr’s home that found white-supremacist literature and Nazi memorabilia.

The Internet forums also spoke of a Jewish-controlled media and a conspiracy against whites.

During the tribunal hearings Bahr said he was promoting free speech and immigration reform.

The tribunal said whether it was political or not, it still amounted to hate propaganda.

During hearings into the case human rights lawyer Richard Warman of Ottawa said in his opening statement that Bahr posted messages that stated gays and lesbians “should be terminated along with retards and any other degenerates that nature would do away with in the wild.”

In March 2004, Bahr organized a rally in support of Holocaust denier Ernest Zundel.



  • 11 Responses to “Tyranny in Canada: Bahr Fined $5000 for Thought Crime”

    1. alex Says:

      EDMONTON. June 1, 2006. The inquiry by a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal headed by radical Alberta lesbian lawyer Julie Lloyd concluded here today, after repeated rulings from Lloyd shut off almost all lines of defence questioning and prevented Paul Fromm, Glenn Bahr’s representative from questioning expert witness Bernard Klatt about Mr. Bahr’s defence that his e-mail and computer had been hacked and phoney messages sent out in his name.

      Glenn Bahr had been charged under Sec. 13.1 of the Canadian Human Rights Act for posting material on U.S. website Stormfront and on Western Canada for Us that was critical of Jews, blacks, Indians and homosexuals. Sec. 13.1 makes repeated communications over the Internet “likely to expose” privileged minority groups to “hatred or contempt” a discriminatory practice.

      On Wednesday, Mr. Fromm was prevented from tendering a rebuttal witness – a woman who had lived with Glenn Bahr and who would testify that Sgt. Stephen Camp of the Edmonton “hate squad” had threatened to and did in her presence call child protection services “with a view to removing her 7-year old child” as she might be in a “poisoned environment” because of Mr. Bahr’s immigration reform and free speech views posted on the Internet allegedly in the apartment where she lived.

      She would have testified that this threat was made to her and Mr. Bahr before – in a desperate effort to save her child from being taken – he agreed to admit that the Western Canada for Us website was his work alone. He also agreed to take down the website, disband Western Canada for us and leave Edmonton.

      The defence had earlier played a CBC television story from May 7, 2004, just after the raid on Mr. Bahr’s residence. The tape showed Sgt. Camp saying that peple like Mr. Bahr should “be oppressed and jailed.” He denied telling Mr. Bahr that there was no place for people like him in Edmonton and that he should leave town.

      Mr. Fromm denounced Sgt. Camp and a bully for threatening Mr. Bahr’s girlfriend with the second worst nightmare of a parent – the loss of their child.

      Key to the defence was the contention that, in February, 2004, Mr. Bahr’s computer and those of other members of WCFU were hacked. Phoney and insulting messages were flying back and forth from people adopting the identities of WCFU members. So concerned was Mr. Bahr that he complained to the RCMP in Red Deer on March 19.

      An inflammatory posting using Mr. Bahr’s moniker had been made, March 10, calling for the euthanizing of homosexuals as they were freaks of nature. Mr. Fromm presented the transcript of Mr. Bahr’s extensive complaint to the RCMP about this hacking and about a lie-filled poster plastered all over Red Deer, giving his name, address and a series of false accusations about him.

      The poster eventually had him thrown out of his residence and led to the loss of his job.

      The poster was circulated by the anarchist Anti-Racist Action (Calgary), led by an Indian, Jason Devine, who ran for the Communist Party of Canada in the January, 2006 election.

      Complainant Richard Warman’s self-appointed task is “weeding” out the Internet of “neo-Nazis” and “White supremacists.” Mr. Fromm was not allowed to question his motives or his links with the ARA.

      Sgt. Camp had testified that he had called Mr. Warman for a copy of the ARA poster plastered up in Red Deer. Warman lives in Ottawa. Mr. Fromm asked why the officer wouldn’t simply call the RCMP in Red Deer. He received no real answer.

      Is Warman a Jew or not? Mr. Fromm wanted to ask but was not allowed to. The Alberta Human Rights Commisssion in a report so identifies him, as did a draft complaint in the Warman v. Kulbashian case. He seemed to deny it in that case saying he was “not of the Jewish faith.” Odd phraseology.

      Mr. Fromm presented the transcript of Mr. Bahr’s extensive complaint to the RCMP about this hacking and about a lie-filled poster plastered all over Red Deer, giving his name, address and a series of false accusations about him. The poster eventually had him thrown out of his residence and led to the loss of his job.

      The poster was circulated by the anarchist Anti-Racist Action (Calgary), led by an Indian Jason Devine who ran for the Communist Party of Canada in the January, 2006 election. Complainant Richard Warman’s self-appointed task is “weeding” out the Internet of “neo-Nazis” and “White supremacists.”

      Mr. Fromm was not allowed to question his motives or his links with the ARA. Sgt. Camp had testified that he had called Mr. Warman for a copy of the ARA poster plastered up in Red Deer. Warman lives in Ottawa. Mr. Fromm asked why the officer wouldn’t simply call the RCMP in Red Deer. He received no real answer.

      A homosexual newspaper praising Warman said he was not gay. He’s certainly not a native Indian nor does he appear to be physically crippled. In his summation Mr. Fromm asked: “What’s it to you? Glenn Bahr’s writings in no way expose your group to anything. The groups in question (Jews, homosexuals, Aboriginals, and Blacks) did not launch this complaint nor even attend the hearings.”

      Warman is using the Human Rights Commission to further a political agenda of censorship pure and simple.Like Wiesenthal, who certainly got plenty of Establishment support and protection, Warman is the human rights industry’s fair-haired boy, Mr. Fromm contends. He’s a one-man complaints machine and certainly helps keep the Canadian Human Rights Commission and Tribunal boys and girls in business and hauling home their fat taxpayer-funded cheques.

      Mr. Fromm was repeatedly thwarted from asking any meaningful questions of Warman by the Member (chairman of the Tribunal), activist Julie Lloyd. He couldn’t even ask Warman who his employer is or how he is able to get weeks off at a time to appear, at taxpayers’ expense, as a witness in these complaints. Fromm couldn’t even ask whether he’d written a long Canada round up for the current Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents for the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith. His name is on this report and he mentions Glenn Bahr at length. [Check it out on the Net.]

      But that’s the protection the industry gives to one of their own in the Soviet-style Human Rights Tribunal kangaroo courts of Canada. If you think that’s overstating the case, consider this: in 28 years no victim has ever been acquitted of a 13.1 charge — hate on the Internet or on telephone answering machines. No one! Also, all the victims have been on the right of the political spectrum. It’s Soviet style political censorship.

      Have you ever seen John Cleese’s hilarious industrial film Meetings, Bloody Meetings. To illustrate how to conduct a meeting properly, Cleese does a number of rib-tickling skits. In one, he’s a judge. He’s trying to teach people to have a logical agenda. He asks, “What if I ran my court this way? First, we have the verdict, then we have a little evidence and then we’ll have the sentence.”

      Some observers thought Fromm hadstepped into a John Cleese skit. The lawyers actually had to do their main summation before all the defence evidence and Glenn Bahr’s expert witness was heard. Lloyd was in such a hurry to end the hearings and shut the defence down.

      Expert witness computer expert Bernard Klatt of Oliver, B.C. testified about techniques used to hacking e-mail and websites but he was not allowed to say anything about Mr. Bahr’s evidence of being hacked nor was he allowed to identify any documents.

      In his final summation, Mr. Fromm warned the Tribunal: “You can’t stop the Internet. You can shut down Glenn Bahr, but you can’t stop the message. The message you’re sending to young Canadians who acted as good citizens – they took an interest in public affairs, they informed themselves, they organized a group and leafleted and held public meetings, is that our politically correct Establishment is saying: ‘You shut up!’ Is that healthy for a democracy?” he asked.

      Both complainant Warman the hate squad head Sgt. Camp made much of the fact that the novel The Turner Diaries could be downloaded from the Western Canada for Us website. [also available from U of Alberta library ] Fromm explained that, in most of the world, governments are changed through violence – coups d’etat or revolutions. Northern Europe developed democracy, where governments are changed at the polls non-violently.

      “However, democracy requires freedom of speech, freedom to discuss and debate the issues of the day,” Fromm explained. “The victim here, Glenn Bahr is a man of the Word. He wrote his ideas. He put them and those of others on a website. He circulated flyers. However, there are also men of the Sword. If you shut down the Men of the Word, you will surely get the hard Men of the Sword. You may then get the scenario of violence in The Turner Dairies which you so fear. Shut down the Word and you’ll get the Sword,” he concluded to an ovation of the loyal supporters in the stuffy Tribunal room.”

    2. alex Says:

      Saturday, December 2, 2006
      Richard Warman is a book burner, Glenn Bahr ruled thoughtcriminal

      “To limit the press is to insult a nation; to prohibit reading of certain books is to declare the inhabitants to be either fools or slaves.”
      –Claude Adrien Helvetius

      On December 1st, 2006. Judge Julie C. Lloyd of the CHRT ruled her decision against Glenn Bahr in a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Case. The Complainant was none other than Enemy of Freedom Richard Warman.

      The Tyrant Judge Lloyd ruled that Glenn Bahr committed a “hate” offense because he made available “hate literature” by linking to websites that contained three illegal Books.

      Book Burner Judge Lloyd considered Bahr’s crime of linking three books on his website as an offense, a violation of the Canadian Human rights Act, Section 13. Lloyd ruled that Bahr must pay a $10,000 dollar fine. In a shocking ruling, Tyrant Judge Julie Lloyd ruled that Bahr must never use the Internet to spread political dissent, for the rest of his life. This is absurd, Murderers don’t even get this type of bizarre sentence.

      Read the ruling. Richard Warman vs Glenn Bahr.

      The three Books are White Power, Turner Diaries, and The International Jew.( Written by Henry Ford. Yes, the the creator of the car company Ford.) These Three books are also on Customs Canada(Border Agents) list of books to be seized and burned .

      Glenn Bahr wasn’t even allowed to use the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as a defence. Freedom of Expression wasn’t allowed as a defence, neither was the truth. Bahr wasn’t even allowed to have the right to counsel.

      Canadians Fundamental Freedoms are as useful as toilet paper!

      The Charter states that all Canadians have the following fundamental freedoms… b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

      Yet Bahr was punished for his expression, and using the Internet as a medium of communication because the three books may lead people to have contempt toward Jews. How absurd. If anything, jews leading the charge for book burning in Canada will make people have contempt against them, not the books themselves. I haven’t even read the books.

      “If the tribunal’s orders are not complied with Bahr could be jailed for contempt of court, he said. ”
      He could be jailed for refusing to recognize this Kangaroo court. Winnicki from Ontario was sentenced 9 months for merely not showing up to his thought crime tribunal hearing (Contempt of court). The Stalinist CHRT Court deserves contempt, especially Warman who is the complainant in the majority of these thought crime cases (CHRT complaints).
      They are denying the freedom of expression guaranteed in our charter. Will anybody stand up and say “Enough is enough, Canadians have rights”

      Will the CHRT go after book stores and libraries now?
      White Power available for purchase on Amazon.com
      Turner Diaries available for purchase on Amazon.com
      International Jew is also available on Amazon.

      Glenn Bahr’s offense was linking to another website that had the books. Amazon is a criminal? Linking to Amazon is criminal? Will Giving an address to a library that contain these books be a criminal offense as well?
      The Amazon owner better not step foot in Canada, or else he will be charged for hate.

      We are living in Gestapo Controlled Country, And Warman is Chief Executioner of your rights.

      When Will Harper Wipe out this Thoughtcrime Tribunal and lock away Warman for violating dozens of Canadians rights? When will a leader stand up for Canadian Rights?

      “Human rights commissions, as they are evolving, are an attack on our fundamental freedoms and the basic existence of a democratic society…It is in fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary stuff.” Stephen Harper (BC Report Newsmagazine, January 11, 1999)

      Posted by Richard Warman Hates Freedom at 3:27 AM

      Labels: Book Burning Canada, Richard Warman vs Glenn Bahr Turner Diaries


      Freedom Fighter said…

      I said Richard Warman has taken away the rights of dozens of Canadians. I am Mistaken, he has taken away the rights of all 32 million Canadians. Because when he silences a person for using their right to free expression, he denies the rights of all Canadians to hear that expression.

      Equally clear is the right to hear. To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker. It is just as criminal to rob a man of his right to speak and hear as it would be to rob him of his money. I have no doubt that Canada will vindicate this right. But in order to do so, there must be no concessions to the enemy of freedom Richard Warman. When a man is allowed to speak because he is rich and powerful, it aggravates the crime of denying the right to the poor and humble.

      Warman is powerful, he’s a lawyer, and is backed by B’nai Brith. He has stated he goes after people in Civil court because they don’t have a right to a lawyer. He has also stated he does this to financially hurt them so they never speak again. Almost all those he goes after are too poor to afford counsel.
      December 2, 2006 7:50:00 AM CST
      Ricco said…


      Volksfront and others in Canada are raising money to pay this fine off for Glenn. We at VF are tossing a Christmas concert/fundraiser and will be raising as much of the 10 large as we can but we need all the help we can get.

      If 500 people donated $20 we would have the $10,000
      If 250 people donated $40 we would have the $10,000
      If 100 people donated $100 we would have the $10,000

      When a large group of folk put even a little of their monthly fun money towards a good cause a large amount of money can be raised quickly.

      Please donate if you can to this cause to keep a committed pro fre speech advocate out of the Canadian gulag.

      For more info Please contact

      [email protected]

      Todd Conroy
      VF Canada

    3. alex Says:

      – and –
      – and –
      – and –
      MEMBER: Karen A. Jensen

      2006 CHRT 24

      [1] This is a ruling on a motion involving two complaints that are scheduled to be heard together on May 23, 2006. The Respondents, Mr. Glenn Bahr and Western Canada for Us (“WCFU”), have requested that the complaint against Western Canada for Us (“WCFU”) be dismissed. The complaints involve allegations that WCFU and Glenn Bahr communicated hate messages by means of the Internet contrary to s. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.
      [2] Through his agent, Mr. Bahr argued that WCFU is neither a living human being nor a corporation. It is an Internet website. He further argued that, according to the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Interpretation Act, a respondent in proceedings involving section 13 of the Act must be either a living human being or a corporation. In support of his motion, Mr. Bahr’s agent produced the Investigation Report of the Canadian Human Rights Commission which suggests that the Commission investigator thought that WCFU was the website found at the following Internet address: http://www.westerncanadaforus.com.
      [3] The Complainant, Mr. Richard Warman, argued that the erroneous identification by the Commission investigator of the Respondent WCFU as a website is of no significance at this stage in the process. The proper recourse for disputes about the Commission’s process is an application for judicial review before the Federal Court.
      [4] The Complainant also argued that this Tribunal’s Ruling in Warman v. Guille and Canadian Heritage Alliance 2006 CHRT 12 is applicable in the present case. In Warman v. Guille and Canadian Heritage Alliance, I held that the appropriate time to resolve the question of whether the Canadian Heritage Alliance was “a group of persons acting in concert to communicate” was during the hearing on the merits of the complaint when the Tribunal would have the benefit of a full evidentiary record.
      [5] The Commission argued that complaints involving s. 13 of the Act have been substantiated against unincorporated groups of persons as long as some or all of certain indicia are present identifying them as a group.
      [6] The style of cause on the complaint form and the letter of referral from the Canadian Human Rights Commission indicate that the complaints are against Mr. Glenn Bahr and Western Canada for Us, not http://www.westerncanadaforus.com. Whether Western Canada for Us is “a group of persons acting in concert to communicate messages over the Internet” within the meaning of s. 13(1) of the Act has yet to be determined. For the reasons that I stated in my ruling in Warman v. Guille, supra, this is a determination that must be made on the basis of adequate evidence. The evidence on the record at this time is inadequate to make such a determination.
      [7] Although the Commission investigator stated that Western Canada for Us was a website, in his Statement of Particulars, Mr. Bahr identifies Western Canada for Us as “an Alberta-based group dedicated to immigration reform and freedom of speech”. According to Mr. Bahr’s Statement of Particulars, Western Canada for Us organized meetings and protests. Thus, there would appear to be different views about the identity of Western Canada for Us and the nature of the activities in which it was involved. The appropriate time to resolve these differences is during the hearing when there will be an opportunity for sworn testimony and cross-examination.
      [8] Therefore, Mr. Bahr’s request that the complaint against Western Canada for Us be dismissed is denied without prejudice to his right to renew the request at the hearing on the merits of the complaint.

      “signed by”
      Karen A. Jensen

      OTTAWA, Ontario
      May 15, 2006

    4. alex Says:

      [Sample of thought crimes complaint.]

      A. What is the material that is alleged to violate s. 13 of the CHRA? 3
      (i) The literature available for download from the website 4
      a) The International Jew 4
      b) White Power 5
      c) The Turner Diaries 6
      (ii) Postings made to the discussion forum on the website 6
      a) The Treaty Song Posting 6
      b) Homosexual posting #1 7
      c) The Application post 7
      d) Homosexual posting #2 9
      B. Was the impugned material communicated in whole or in part by means of a
      telecommunications undertaking within the authority of Parliament? 9
      C. Was the impugned material communicated repeatedly? 9
      D. Was this material likely to expose a person or persons to hatred or contempt
      by reason of the fact that such person or persons are identifiable on the basis of
      a prohibited ground of discrimination? 10
      E. Did the Respondent, Glenn Bahr, communicate, or cause to be communicated, the
      impugned messages from the above noted sources by means of the Internet? 14
      (i) Was the respondent, Glenn Bahr, the person posting messages on the WCFU
      website under the pseudonyms “SS-88” and “Glenn”? 15
      (ii) Did Glenn Bahr have control over the WCFU website? 18
      (iii) Did Glenn Bahr communicate, or cause to be communicated, the material
      available for download on the WCFU website? 21
      (iv) Did Glenn Bahr communicate the impugned postings as alleged? 21
      F. Did the Respondent, WCFU communicate, or cause to be communicated, the
      impugned material? 23
      (i) Preliminary Issue: Is the Respondent, WCFU, a “group of persons” for the
      purpose of s. 13(1)? 23
      (ii) Did WCFU communicate the impugned material? 25


    5. Jim Says:

      What will the hate police do when you come for them? This Sgt. Camp will no doubt end up decorating a yule tree one day in the not too distant future when there is no longer a need for his services by the new regime.

    6. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      How the kike has polluted our language, as he has everything else. Word meanings are simply turned on their head. Hate is what the jew hates. If the kike believed the world was flat it would be ‘hate’ to dispute it. It is ironic that this poisonous organism which ouses hatred and malevolence from every pore is allowed to define what is or isn’t hatred. The bitter pill is that so many whites go along with it and watch as fellow whites, usually the best of our people, are destroyed by the greatest haters on the planet.

    7. whiteskelet Says:

      “The decision is important because it is the latest in a series of consistent tribunal decisions which have found that truth on the Internet will not be tolerated.”

      That’s what I thought. At least, they don’t say justice.

      “The Edmonton police service’s anti-white unit was involved in the investigation, including conducting a raid on Bahr’s home that found white-survival literature and old stuff.”

      Too bad!

      “During hearings into the case anti-white lawyer Richard Warman of Ottawa said in his opening statement that whites “should and will be terminated along with free men and any other “degenerate Nazis” that liberals would do away with in this civilisation.””

      A hard master…

    8. Name Says:

      This is why the Jews are always unpopular everywhere they go. The only Jews I have any respect left for are the Israelis–and don’t tell me about the sandniggers, if the sandniggers weren’t comical subhumans then a few million Israelis couldn’t have carved out a nation surrounded by a billion diaperhead savages.

    9. Brian Gareth Martivale Says:

      The Israelis COULDN’T carve out a nation without $20 million a day from America + the latest and greatest weaponry.

    10. Anglo Saxon Is True Israel Says:

      I personally believe that Yahoo News Message Boards were taken offline because of presure from Jews, and the government.
      These Jews were screaming bloody murder because they were being exposed for what they are. Jews hate free speech, except when it’s in their best intrest.
      Jews know their days are numbered, and the lies, and deceptions are catching up to them. Where will they run to now?

    11. michelle Says:

      hey i might think of helpin glenn with this fine if i could talk to him personally