15 December, 2006

Gorillas in Our Midst

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, spintros at 8:28 am | Permanent Link

‘Holocaust’ Conference Ends, But Study Group Will Carry On

The West is angry at Ahmadinjad because he shows them up. Bushy blows hard; Ahmad speaks gently, factually, ironically. Ahmadinejad reveals the gap between their words and actions, which humiliates the West. The West talks about free speech, but practices censorship. Ahmadinejad forces Western sources to confront their bad faith. They become earnest, itchy. But, but…that’s all behind us. Decided. We don’t open those things. We all know… Famous last words. Quiet, patient tugging reveals…you and I, VNN readers, know. The coiffed clones fronting for Kike Intl. at Fox and other special-needs operations may well not.

For the first time, many “Western” sources print a real fact: that it is a crime in a dozen European countries to question Official Dogma of the Catholic Church, excuse me, to question the Official Jewish Dogma. It is progress.

The Reason Rudolf’s in Prison (PDF)
Debunking the gas chamber lie…

Bush Leaguers and Their Meat
America is a captive country. Its ruling jews admit people-shaped creatures from the four sewers of the world. These sneak off planes looking left and right, up and down, confused, suspicious, anteaters under their arms and bits of gorilla in their bags. The INS (ICE now) guy and the Wildlife guy look at each other in consternation. Who is responsible for what? Who can tell? Arms are pointing every which way. An armadillo pancreas drops to the floor and something bounds off. No one really knows which way is up anymore. Too many waves of sewage have washed over us.

AmeriKwa is nothing but a booliebase of bushmeat. Gorillas in the pot, monkeys at the table, Chinese Golden carp in the river, feral hogs in the fields, mexishits everywhere, squatting in the rows, shitting on the lettuce, spewing infected sputum on the scallions. Let’s go to Taco Bell, where diversity is more than just a slogan, it’s put into practice in your taco.

If you want to protect wildlife and you think the White Cause is hate, think again. Whites are the only race that protects animals. The others just give ’em the ol’ three-F – find ’em, fuck ’em, finish ’em off. The main environmental groups are against building a wall on our border, even though invading Mexicans are destroying the national parks in Arizona. These groups are run by jewish money, just like our political parties. The jews care only about what is “good for jews,” and part of that is importing diversity to accent the chamber pot. And so every day at an airport too near you Nigerians and Koreans disembark from international flights with bags and backpacks filled with monkey paws, gorillas straps, and salted duck eggs. Do you think Koreans, Nigerians and jews “enrich” America? Of course you don’t. Neither does the vast, overwhelming majority of voters. So how come our wishes never find their way into law? Because we’re a democracy, another name, another guise for Jewish Dictatorship. Here on deforestation.

Yankee Jim smokes Hannity & jew Colmes, and the latter thoughtfully provides us free bumpers!

Of Scapegoats ‘n’ ‘Scapin’ Whipping
Who should take debit for the reverse success in Iraq? The country is far too christian and jewish for anybody to step up and speak the obvious. That certainly includes to-pasture columnists who kinda sorta tell parta what you need to know. Half-way Charlie with another watered-down attempt to say, in code, what Whites said clearly before the war: its only aim was to aid Israel, and deposing Saddam did that. Divided, destroyed Iraq is good for Israel, and good for Israel determines American policy, at least until we do something about the jews. Here one of jew Horowitz’s jews whines that it is anti-semitic to get angry when your guys are murdered by jews. On Friday France led a different kind of anti-Israeli assault in the UN General Assembly, which voted 156-7 with six abstentions to condemn Israel for the accidental killings in a Gaza artillery strike last November 8. It is a Big Lie that the killings were incidental. The position was established, the jews were well aware of it. Lying is what jews do, it was the way you got through life, as possible sayan Monica Lewinsky, jew, said. Remember that it is jewish doctrine, for thousands of years, that only jews are fully human, and that non-jews are merely animals put in human form so as not to disturb the jews they serve. No kidding, that is their real belief, and it explains why they feel no compunction about murdering people and then lying about it. Jews are a disaster, not just for this 19-year-old Swede among the Native Palestinians but for all humanity.

Every Blakey Must Get Stoned
If you’re helping dune coons, monsoon coons, or coons proper, you’re not doing the Lord’s work, you’re hardly working, and deserve to get hard done by like this White English fool.

Here on anti-war movie and songs. As long as you’re willing to be used and abused, the jew will be willing to dispose of your life as it sees fit. Isn’t that stupid? “War is the harvest of the jews,” as they say. Refuse to be harvested, White man. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

No Free Speech in Canada: Bahr
Writing letters gets a man thrown in jail in Canada, a jewish production.

The Story of the Nigger Whore and the Three Innocent Humans
Turns out the nig whore has DNA from three non-accused sources about her pubes. By nigger standards that makes her, what? A Puritan? In America, innocent until proven White is the rule. Today, any nigger whore can make baseless claims, and the media, courts, and academia side with the whore. Hey, we’re tired of playing by jew rules. How ’bout you?

Top Fifty Jew Appeasers
Collaborator and appeaser are the appropriate term for these preachers, pols and writers who’ve sold their soul to Israel to advance their career.

Leave Iraq Alone

Far more Iraqis were killed by our sanctions against Iraq, before the multi-year bombing and mutilation campaign, than jews died in the so-called Holocaust.

Sports Report

Good article on Ty Cobb. He was Southern. He was honorable. He was arguably the best and certainly the fiercest baseball player ever.

Sports is tv and tv is politics and politics is jews and jews is anti-White. Therefore, one speculates that affirmative action is the rule in sports every bit as much as in college admissions and on the job. One is right. Nothing that comes under the mass eye is unadulterated with jewish ideology. Whites are discriminated against in the college and pro levels in football, particularly those Whites who play the so-called skill positions.

If you wanted a population of morons, would you jail them for sixteen years on the pretext of educating them, or would you pop some infected juice in their arm on the wink that it would prevent dangerous diseases? Or the one to reinforce the other?

Of Python Legs & Baptist Necks
Snakes lack legs, Baptists lack necks.

Wolf Blitzer Background
He used to work for AIPAC – and he still does. All while being a neutral journalist on CNN, and covering the Middle East. Without ever mentioning his affiliations. He has written under the aliases Ze’ev Blitzer and Ze’ev Barak, “Ze’ev” meaning “wolf” and “Barak” meaning “lightning” in Hebrew, and the German word for which is “Blitz”. More. Here Duke blitzes the wolf. Here some reaction, including a typical embarrassing bitch from jew-appeaser Tim Graham. He’s not quite prominent enough to make our Top 50 list, but he’s cut from the same rotten cloth. Let me reiterate that it is essential to drive a wedge between jews and their collaborators by calling the latter appeasers. Set them off in the awakening White man’s mind as sellouts – as people who knowingly align with the force destroying America – Big Jew.

You know, everything jews do puts Whites at risk. You ever notice that? Whether its sending white males abroad to die in Iraq, or using their control of mass media to encourage White girls with niggers, or just the daily exposure to ordinary blacks and their incredible criminality all Whites enjoy, EVERYTHING JEWS DO PUTS WHITES AT RISK. Social security is a ‘risky scheme’? So is letting jews set our foreign and domestic policies. Pass laws forcing kids to wear helmets when they ride their bikes? How about slaughtering every jew on earth and living in peace and freedom til the sun burns out?

Is There an I-94 Serial Killer Targeting White Males?
Rumors have persisted for years that a serial killer is prowling Interstate 94, hunting young men in college bars and plunging them underwater. Investigators, though, say there’s no evidence of foul play. They say the victims were so drunk they fell in the river and died. Note the tone of the article, somewhat skeptical. The opposite of what you’d find if the victims weren’t White males. Captive media practice, whenever too many coloreds go tits up is to speculate that another Racist White Serial Killer’s at work (hope, hope) then drop it when, inevitably, the killer turns up drab (Wayne Williams). Not that they’ve ever given up on that case. They’re still fishing to blame the Klan.

  • 14 Responses to “Gorillas in Our Midst”

    1. Dudeman Says:

      Checkout David Duke’s CNN interview with that Zionist Blitzer (www.davidduke.com). A very commendable response to a very preplanned and baited interview. Kudos to Duke!

    2. Dudeman Says:

      re: Top Fifty Jew Appeasers
      1) You have a typo on #24. Last name is spelled “Ashcroft”.
      2) #28. How do you figure Buchanan as a Jew Appeaser? Missing that

    3. Dave Jones Says:

      David Duke ripped Blitzer a new asshole and thats for sure, most amazing interview I have seen in a very long time. His appearance on MSNBC the previous day left that blonde bimbo hopelessly dumbfounded.

      That this should make the mainstream and hover is equally amazing, something is afoot perhaps.

      Kudos indeed Dr Duke.

    4. West Coaster Says:

      Dudeman, thanks for pointing out the Duke vid. You can also see it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUgNv_EHx7Q

      He handed Blitzer’s ass to him. Blitzer does in fact work for the Mossad. The level of media control they have is amazing. And that’s the key to their power. Fuck the banking. Cancel debts to their banks and it’s over. Yeah, there would be some rockiness to overcome, but they’d be buried.

    5. alex Says:

      You can see how scared the jews-n-tools are in their treatment of Duke, and by extension the WN position. They dare not let it speak freely. They must poison the well, I don’t mean droplets but buckets, they must run perpetual chyrons (“Duke signs pact with Devil!”) on tickertape. Their own tone of hysterical self-righteousness suggests not their beloved moral clarity but desperation. They are right to fear, because WE ARE THE GOOD GUYS.

    6. New America Says:

      alex makes a stronger point than many realize.

      Peter Shank noted that, at the end of the day, all – virtually ALL – of the “New World Order” issues can be explained by a JEWISH World Order that truly controls.

      A lot of the time and energy of the patriotards and CONservatives have been channeled into false flag operations, from the John Birch Society on, ALL designed to keep anyone looking at the ONE answer that literally explains EVERYTHING, using their own “Holy Book” – the Talmud – to explain who, and above all, WHAT the Goddamn JEWS are.

      A lot of people have a lot of free-floating hostility; SOMETHING is wrong, on a deep level, and they aren’t sure what it is. From the normalization of homosexuality to the so-called “Attack on Christmas,” WE have the two word, easy to apply, answer to all of this.

      I was in a Dunkin’ Donuts this morning, and a guy at the counter was talking about the Christmas Tree “problem” at Seattle-Tacoma Airport with his buddies; I looked at them and said, “Did you catch the guy behind this on Fox News? Did you see him talking with O’Reilly?” Two guys said, “Yeah. We saw it.” I said, “Did you notice it was one of those JEWS, and he started with a letter saying the Christmas trees came down, and his menorah went up equal to them, or they were going to sue?” They looked in absolute astonishment. “Yeah, it WAS one of those Jewish fellows, wasn’t it?” I said, “Funny how nobody ever notices that EVERY SINGLE ATTACK ON CHRISTMAS IS DONE BY JEWS, ISN’T IT?”

      Stone quiet.

      All of a sudden, every time O’Reilly and the CONservatives do the “Attack on Christmas” thing, these guys will be looking for the Goddamn JEWS.

      They’ll recognize them, now.

      Once they begin to Awaken, they can not go back to Sleep.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    7. Dudeman Says:

      Yeah, I used Keepvid like you guys were talking about a couple weeks back to snatch that video as a .flv. I then transcoded it into an .mp4 for my ipod video. I’ve been watching over and over today….;)

    8. N.B. Forrest Says:

      Yeah, the howling reaction of the fuckin’ kikes to Duke and the Hollowco$t conference generally proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are running scared. There’s a heavy stench of fear-shit in the wind – and as George C. Scott said as Patton: “God help me, I do love it so!”

    9. JD Says:

      I think Jimmy Carter criticizing the Israeli government is another straw in the wind. People are starting to wake up, I think.

    10. jackumup Says:

      It is pointless to have a confrence on the holyhoax, it dosn’t matter if it happened or not. The question that eludes everybody is “why are the jew hated?, what did they do?”. These questions are what we need a confrence on.

    11. Zoroastro Says:

      The question that eludes everybody is “why are the jew hated?, what did they do?”. These questions are what we need a confrence on.

      These are very good points. It is perhaps easier to understand the Jewish menace if people clearly understood that their tribal behavior inevitably leads to defensive reaction in every town, country, civilization in which they took roots, like the destructive weeds that they are. This is the first step, the understanding that it is their arrogant and obnoxious behavior that inevitably causes “holohoax” -or at least the emergence of the brilliant web-sites like VNN.
      No Jews, no problems.

    12. alex Says:

      “Itz the jew” satisfies Occam’s Razor. Jews pursuing their interests against the White majority is the simplest explanation covering the facts of the situation obtaining in the ‘Kwa today.

      The Christmas example New America cites is particularly clear. Every winter we see this “attack on Christmas.” Anyone with eyes can see that malicious jews are the driving power behind the campaign. At the same time he sees that not a single christian or conservative will mention the fact. This refusal underlines christian-conservative cowardice and weakness in the eyes of onlookers. It would hardly take more than one determined man to scotch the campaign, but that man is not to be found. I mean, we’re talking conservative christians here! The bought leading the botched.

      The christian/conservative failure to name and blame the hateful jew shows the cowardice and corruption of church and conservative leadership. It also shows the stupidity of the followers who are satisfied with lies. But it gets worse. The only group the cowards will name are the non-cowards! Christians have been trained to adopt their enemies’ agenda as their own!
      The Christian will not identify and oppose the jew undercutting his religion, but he will smear and attack the White man who does!

      We must reject the jews’ terms and frames and supplant them with our own. We must be relentless in laying out the pattern of self-interested lying that forms the basis of jew nation.

    13. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      Kikes use “Crock’em’s Razer”- they set afire anyone challenging their hegemony.

    14. van helsing Says:

      Speaking of fear-shit…

      (Get some cash out of the old banks MONDAY OR AT AN ATM TODAY so u have something to spend, iffen u aint got “real money” (metal)…)

      They remind of one of my cats when he was much younger. One of the dogs would surprise him and he would leap up in the air in flailing ninja mode and haul ass.

      And it would stink like hell where he had been. Cause at the least, there was a load of atomized pee in the air.