27 December, 2006

Reader Mail: 12/27/06

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Reader Mail at 4:31 pm | Permanent Link



Goodbye and good riddance mainstream media. Television is next.

Goldman Sachs Says ‘Star Tribune’ Sale a Troubling Signal for Industry

By E&P Staff

Published: December 27, 2006 9:55 AM ET

NEW YORK Early Wednesday, Goldman Sachs became one of the first newspaper industry analyst firms to analyze the shocking announcement of the pending sale of the Star Tribune of Minneapolis by McClatchy Co. to a private equity firm. In its heading, Goldman stated it plainly: “Minneapolis valuation a Bearish signal for newspaper industry.”

While McClatchy will “generate a tax benefit of about $160 million,” Goldman observes, it is also taking a hit on the sale price, having paid $1.2 billion for the paper in 1998, now selling it for $530 million.

“The substantial loss on the sale is a vivid reminder of the industry’s declining fortunes ove the last several years,” Goldman declared. “While we are intrigued that a private equity firm is showing interest in the newspaper sector, the 7.4x estimated EV/EBITDA valuation is not a Bullish indicator for the sector given a current newspaper group average 2007E valuation of about 8.7x.”

But it added: “We believe the company’s strategic rationale for the sale is straightforward,” as it “eliminates one of its slowest growing markets, reduces the proportion of its workforce that is unionized, and acelerates debt repayment.” Its overall rating of the company remains “neutral.”

The buyer is Avista Capital Partners of New York City. McClatchy bought the paper from the Cowles family in 1998.

— See links at right for other E&P stories on the Star Tribune sale.

E&P Staff ([email protected])







Wolfowitz owes us an explanation

By Sonni Efron, Sonni Efron is an editor on the opinion pages of The Times.
December 24, 2006

ACCOUNTABILITY is one of those ideals, like justice or the triumph of right over might, that are wonderful in principle but usually disappointing in practice.

This is nowhere more true than in Washington, where one of the most powerful men in President Bush’s inner circle, a man who helped conceive, plan and execute the Iraq war, has managed to escape scrutiny for steering his country into one of the greatest strategic catastrophes of his generation.

I am referring, although nobody else does, to Paul Wolfowitz. Remember Wolfowitz, best known to readers of this and other newspapers as the “chief architect of the Iraq war”? Before the war, he was hailed by many as one of the great foreign policy intellectuals of our time. He was a leading defense strategist, a former U.S. ambassador to Indonesia and the former dean of the School of Advanced Studies at Johns Hopkins University, a man whose views on democracy and the Middle East were taken seriously by both his admirers and his critics. In 2001, Wolfowitz, then 58, was named deputy secretary of Defense, serving as top aide to Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.




Why Has White, Western Culture Sunk So Low?

This is why: because certain non-White people, called “Jews,” now dominate White culture:
http://www.skrewdriver.net/eternal.html .

[by the way: those who dismiss this film as only “crude Nazi propaganda” have not studied the subject of Jews vis-a-vis White culture. For example, just look at Hollywood and compare it to what the Nazis say in this movie about Jewish traits. The sick, the gross and the perverted are Jewish specialties, and modern Hollywood – which is of course full of Jews – is a great example of that. Another way to put it is like this: for any of their faults, the Nazis knew the truth about the Jews and tried to warn other White people about it, but few would listen, and now those few who wouldn’t listen are having their cultures wrecked by these non-Whites-posing-as-Whites. Finally, contrary to the film’s claims, Jews apparently have no negro blood. Perhaps the Nazis thought otherwise due to the existence of Ethiopian Jews].


Maybe you should have asked me instead of posing the question to your mailing list?

My site has been under denial of service attack for the last week. They were hurling data at my site at a level of 98 Mbps all day Thursday into Friday. I didn;t discover it until around 12 noon Friday and I began cutting them off. But they sprung up with a Distributed Denial of Service attack, more than doubling the data flow into and out of my server to 196 Mbps.

At that rate, they were eating-up 1 Gig every ten seconds. Do the math, 1 gigi every ten seconds is six gig per minute, 360 gig per hour times around ten hours 3600 gig. I pay $0.50 cents per gig. That one day cost me $1800.

I finally had to shut my site down late Friday to avoid going broke.

I left it off Sat, Sun and Mon, turning it back on Tuesday morning. When I turned it back on, the attack resumed at more than 250 Mbps. At that rate, they were using 1 gig of my bandwidth every five seconds. That was twelve gig per minute which is 720 gig per hour. It was costing me about $350 per HOUR to have my site up yesterday.

At 12:00 noon, my lawyers filed several lawsuits in the U.S. District Court in Newark, NJ alleging violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, 18 USC 1030. They named “John Doe(s) 1-100” as the Defendants. They moved for Ex Parte Discovery to issue subpoenas to about 100 ISP’s to compel the release of the customer names and addresses for the IP addresses found to be attacking my system.

The Judge asked how the IP addresses would be determined and the lawyers responded “From the logs kept by the server.” All servers keep logs of the date, time and IP address of every visitor. They told the judge we would use those logs, but the Judge asked “Since this is a private Criminal Prosecution, how can you assure the “chain of evidence?” He went on to ask “How can you assure any court that your client won;t alter the logs to frame someone he doesn’t like?”

HMMMMMM. Aside from our own personal integrity, there was no way to assure that.

It was decided the server would be handed over to the FBI so they could see the ongoing attack themselves and they could personally take the logs off the system, thus assuring the chain of evidence. This way, no one can challenge a subpoena and none of the attackers can hide.

The FBI has had that server since yesterday afternoon. They have the logs and I will get the machine back later today. I expect to air a show tonight.

Hal Turner


it could be a topic in a future goyfire. Berezovsky is one of the jew oligarchs chased out of Russia by Putin. Some spy gets killed, a jew accuses Putin, the jewish media recycles the accusation and voila, Putin did it. I wish Putin could pull off one or two oligarch assassination just to get the jews in panic mode and hear them calling for a nuclear attack on Russia


To really get a handle on the truth about this mysterious affair, what we have to do is look at what Charles Krauthammer and Max Boot are saying – and then draw the opposite conclusion. The two of them, naturally, accuse Putin of murdering Litvinenko, without – of course – bothering with such mundane details as the extremely odd method of utilizing such an unusual weapon, or what the Kremlin could possibly hope to gain. Their fact-free screeds are all supposition, and both evade the central reality of this case: as the Moscow Times points out, “The common thread linking all the players in Litvinenko’s death is that they have all worked for Berezovsky.”


and what is called the Russia Mafia is simply the jewish mafia of Russia

Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2000. 296 pages.


When Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson pushed through an amendment in 1972 that withheld most-favored-nation status from countries that restricted Jewish immigration, the Soviets must have been amused. Brezhnev’s KGB opened the gulags and sent thousands of criminals to the U.S. and Israel. After the collapse of the Soviet Union it got worse; in 1993 a Russian immigration official estimated that five million criminals would end up in the West. Now there are thirty Russian syndicates in seventeen U.S. cities, not to mention the rest of the world. They launder drug money, counterfeit $100 bills, engage in stock market and Medicare scams, sell helicopters to the Colombian cartel, and penetrate the National Hockey League. By controlling more than 80 percent of Russia’s banks, much aid money has been siphoned off.

Russian jews takes underworld to new level


Being international in outlook gives Russian mobsters an advantage in drug sales, money laundering and the illegal trade of military equipment. And being mostly Jewish gives them a safe haven in Israel where many Russian Mafia types are citizens and thus immune from extradition to the United States when the feds get after them.





very confusing interview of weber on hannity & kolmes…where exactly does he stand?..waiting for yankee jim to call in and plug goyfire.



With more than 30,000 who’ve completed the poll at http://christianparty.net/pollblacks.htm and more than 27,000 who agree with at least one of the three exile options, the prospects are brighter than ever for a wonderful WHITE Christmas in 2008.

THANK YOURSELF for taking the small but vital step toward making it happen!

The Black Exodus Forum has been upgraded and should now be able to handle the more than 250,000 messages which brought the prior version to its knees. You’re welcome to drop by and just watch, or sit up and speak your piece, or give us some advice on how to improve it.


The more people hear about the results of this poll, the quicker our political system will be forced to respond, so SPREAD THE WORD.


John Knight



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  • 9 Responses to “Reader Mail: 12/27/06”

    1. Jimmy Carter Says:

      Regarding: “Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America” I note the following:”When Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson pushed through an amendment in 1972 that withheld most-favored-nation status from countries that restricted Jewish immigration …”

      I am currently compiling the latest hit-pieces on Carter from the Jewish Press and their willing shabbos goyim. Here is one relevant quote in that regard:

      … But this was hardly the first time that intimations of anti-Semitism have tainted Carter’s career. In an article titled “Jimmy Carter’s Jewish Problem,” Jason Maoz, senior editor at Jewish Press, reveals that “during a March 1980 meeting with his senior political advisers, Carter, discussing his fading reelection prospects and his sinking approval rating in the Jewish community, snapped, ‘If I get back in, I’m going to [expletive] the Jews.'” Maoz also references the 1976 presidential campaign during which Carter, fearing that his opponent Senator Henry (“Scoop”) Jackson had the Jewish vote in the Democratic primaries locked up, “instructed his staff not to issue any more statements on the Middle East. ‘Jackson has all the Jews anyway … we get the Christians.'”


    2. Fissile Says:

      Take a good look at those Sharapova pictures, and you’ll understand why the lesser races hate the Aryan: jealousy.

    3. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      Actually, envy.

    4. Mati The Estonian Says:

      They aro not Sharapova but nice young Russian girls from 19 to 25. Take a look and You will see – Sharapova aint exception but a rule ;-))))


    5. Hans Schneider Says:

      last week withouth much press coverage ,a Jew with the name El Al Yoram was arrested in South America. He is the biggest ecstasy dealer ever in history. Nice race, eh boys ?

    6. America First Says:

      ecstasy was brought into N.Z. by jews and Winnie Churchill’s grand son or perhaps great grand son, and that was no where in the news till I found it in the N.Z. Herald, as was not in the Austrailian papers that I could find.

      This jumping on Jimmy Carter shows the how truly insane these ratz are. Thank you.

    7. fuck you nazi scum Says:

      i love how you judge a race by what the worst people in it do. If this was the basis for all judgement then I should assume that all white people are fascist nazi dicks like yourselves, but since Im white I know thats not the case, its just the deranged fringes like yourselves that fuel your pointless masturbatory fire.

    8. Brian Gareth Martivale Says:

      So? You think all blacks are potential Congoleeza Rices and ignore the millions of functionally retarded ones that have destroyed East St. Louis, Detroit … and pretty much anywhere else they set up camp. The ‘good’ news is: when the tide turns and the arboreals hold sway, they’ll kill you just as fast as they’ll kill me, despite the fact that you wasted time and breath defending them all the time. Enjoy.

    9. Steve Says:

      Cosby-like Whites are a lot more common than Cosby-like Blacks. Nobody holds any prejudices that are disadvantageous. The desire to have fewer blacks/jews/hispanics in society is entirely due to the effect they have on white society and is not like religious belief in good and evil. At the very least, if all of them were excellent, whites still have the right to save ourselves against *genocide* (extermination of a specific genotype) in trying to decrease the numbers of nonwhites in our country. Only European nations are being told diversity is good. Japan isn’t being forced to increase the Nigerian/Guatemalan/German population. Nigeria isn’t being coerced to accept Swedes or Iranians in the name of diversity. ONLY European countries are being coerced to accept it. The fact that they push racial mixing simultaneously with the long-term mutually-exclusive “diversity” proves beyond doubt that they are mere tools of extermination. Racial diversity means having different races. If they mix, you lose the races. Who benefits??? Always look to who benefits, who is profiting, whose power is growing. There you find the ROOT CAUSE of all effects.