12 December, 2006

Reader Mail: 12/11/06

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 1:03 am | Permanent Link


Monday, 11 December 2006

Opening Session – 09:00-10:00 – Alborz Hall

Chairman: Dr Manouchehr Mohammadi, Deputy Foreign Minister for Education & Research, Iran

1. National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran

2. Recitation of Holy Quaran

3. Informative Report on the Seminar

4. Message of H.E. Dr Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran

5. Address by H.E. Manouchehr Mottaki, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Iran

Break: 10:00-10:20



Chairman: Mr Mohtashamipour, secretary general of international conference on supporting Palestine People, Iran

1. Mr Moshe Ayre Friedman: Austria

2. Robert Faurisson: University Professor, France

3. Mr Moshe David Weiss: USA

– Q & A –

Lunch & Prayer: 12:00-14:00


Chairman: Dr Rahmandost, head, Society for supporting People of Palestine, Iran

1. Jan Bernhoff: Sweden

“Demography of the Holocaust”

2. Fredrick Töben: Director, Adelaide Institute, Australia

“The Holocaust: murder weapon”; – written text; – presentation

3. David Duke: MAUP University, Ukraine

“A Holocaust Enquiry”

4. Gazi Hussein: Syria

– Q & A –

Break: 15:30-15:45

5. Leonardo Clerici: Chariman, Skriptura Institute, Belgium

“Methodology of the Holocaust”

6. Christian Lindner: Copenhagen University, Denmark

“Danish media and the Holocaust”

7. Mohammad Ali Ramin: University Professor, Iran

– Q & A –



Chairman: Dr Rahmandost, head, Society for supporting People of Palestine, Iran

1. Jan Bernhoff: Sweden

“Demography of the Holocaust”

2. Fredrick Töben: Diector, Adelaide Institute, Australia

“The Holocaust: murder weapon”

3. David Duke: MAUP University, Ukraine

“A Holocaust Enquiry”

4. Gazi Hussein: Syria

– Q & A –

Break: 15:30-15:45

5. Leonardo Clerici: Chariman, Skriptura Institute, Belgium

“Methodology of the Holocaust”

6. Christian Lindner: Copenhagen University, Denmark

“Danish media and the Holocaust”

7. Mohammad Ali Ramin: University Professor, Iran

“Necessity of review of the Holocaust”

8. Zariani Abdul Rahman: Author, Malaysia

– Q & A –

14:00-17:00 – Aras Hall


Chairman: Mr Torjanzadeh, Tajikistan

1. Patrick McNalley: University of Chuo, Japan

“A Philosopher looks at the Holocaust”

2. A Pengas: Senior Researcher, Greece

“The geopolitical environment of the Holocaust myth”

3. T Boshe: Senior Researcher, Jordan

“The Holocaust and history”

4. Norman Finkelstein: USA

– Q & A –

Break: 15:30-15:45

5. Abu Ziad Edrisi: Morocco


6. Bradley R Smith: Mexico

“The irrational vocabulary of the American professorial class with regard to Holocaust”

7. Shiraz Dossa: University of Toronto, Canada

“Liberalism, Holocaust and war against Muslims”

– Q & A –


In a demographic twist, hundreds of Latino babies are being born in New Orleans to immigrant Latino workers, both legal and illegal. In a city largely abandoned by its doctors after the storm, this new population adds a financial strain to the already struggling city.



Tove Johansson from Stockholm walked through the Tel Rumeida checkpoint with a small group of human rights workers to accompany Palestinian schoolchildren to their homes. They were confronted by about 100 settlers in small groups, who started chanting in Hebrew “We killed Jesus, we’ll kill you too!”, a refrain the settlers had been repeating to internationals in Tel Rumeida all day.

After about thirty seconds of waiting, a small group of very aggressive settler men surrounded the international volunteers and began spitting at them, so much so that the internationals described it like “rain.” Then settler men from the back of the crowd began jumping up and spitting, while others kicked the volunteers from the back of the crowd and from the side.

The soldiers who were standing just a few feet behind the internationals at the checkpoint just looked on as the internationals were being attacked.

One settler then hit Tove on the left side of her face with an empty bottle, breaking it on her face and leaving her with a broken cheekbone. She immediately fell to the ground and the group of settlers who were watching began to clap, cheer, and chant. The soldiers, who had only watched until this point, then came forward and motioned at the settlers, in a way which the internationals described as “ok… that’s enough guys….”



Mr. Gibson’s riveting, factual, and highly disturbing film, Apocalypto, constitutes a high water mark in this multi-talented director’s career, which once again proves and underscores his incomparable genius as a cinematographer and superb story-teller! Even the talents of the highly vaunted Steven Spielberg pale in comparison to Gibson’s unswerving dedication to film as a form of artistic expression and his uncompromising commitment to historical fact.

Apocalypto challenges all our preconceptions in respect to the primitive world of the Mayans and will keep your eyes riveted to the screen at all times. The movie’s provocative themes are cruel and bloody in a ruthless world which was by its very nature cruel and bloody, where the weaker and
peaceful indigenous tribes were at the mercy of powerful, predatory civilizations such as the Mayans and Aztecs.

Gibson has painstakingly recreated a frightening, uncivilized world not so far removed from our own, which was based on the law of the jungle, where might made right, and where only the strongest survive. It is an epic tale of good versus evil, and ultimately drives home the point that when a state or nation is ruled and defined by an appalling barbarism which has no respect for individual human rights, then divine justice must and will intervene and topple what is inherently evil.

Visually stunning, morally redeeming, honestly and brutally graphic, are all words which characterize this brilliant, unforgettable movie. Gibson’s thought-provoking ending leads the pensive viewer to acknowledge the thanks due to Christianity for finally subduing primitive regimes steeped in blood, torture, slavery, oppression and satanic ritual sacrifices of human beings, where violence, murder, rapine and conquest were deemed to be meritorious, socially acceptable qualities.

In my mind, the most vital message of the film was conveyed in the final scene, when the protagonist and his family are saved from certain death by the arrival of ships adorned with the sign of the cross. The immediate message being: IT IS THE CROSS THAT OFFERS SALVATION. I left the theatre with a feeling of satisfaction, knowing that the arrival of those ships, with a priest in the forefront, marked an END to the brutal, satanic culture of the Mayans and Aztecs. It is mind boggling to consider the fact that the Aztecs surpassed the horrific cruelty of the Mayans, and that it took the Spanish over THREE of months of intense fighting to finally subdue them, as they fiercely contested every street and dwelling. If it were not for the fact that over 150,000 Indians lent their support to the Spanish, they never would have succeeded in toppling this evil empire.

Brilliantly cast, this film and its protagonist are worthy of academy awards for best picture, best actor, best supporting actor, and best director, not to mention its haunting musical theme and incomparable cinematography.

Much ado has been made in the press re Gibson’s personal life and conduct, as during the controversy surrounding the Passion of the Christ, which was also denigrated by the critics, but that hardly affected the box office receipts. In the end, it was the people, and not the critics, who had the final say.

Time will once again tell whether the ranting of insatiable critics or Gibson’s own exceptional talents as a director will prevail.


Opening the conference, Mr Mottaki said the aim of the conference was “not to deny or confirm the Holocaust”.
“Its main aim is to create an opportunity for thinkers who cannot express their views freely in Europe about the Holocaust,” he said.

Must be nice to live in a country where you have freedom of thought and speech.

A Little more on the conference:

Dare to Differ – Holocaust Deniers Unite
For a so-called ‘backwards’ and ‘repressive regime’, Iran sure has proved without doubt that it’s more liberal than the ‘most liberal democracies on earth’ when it comes to freely expressing unpopular ideas.

Holocaust deniers and skeptics from around the world gathered at a government-sponsored conference here today to discuss their theories about whether six million Jews were indeed killed by the Nazis during World War II and whether gas chambers existed.

In a speech opening the two-day conference, Rasoul Mousavi, head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s Institute for Political and International Studies, which organized the event, said it was an opportunity for scholars to discuss the subject “away from Western taboos and the restriction imposed on them in Europe.”

The foreign ministry had said that 67 foreign researchers from 30 countries were scheduled to take part. Among those speaking today are David Duke, the American white-supremacist politician and former Ku Klux Klan leader, and Georges Thiel, a French writer who has been prosecuted in France over his denials of the Holocaust.

Mr. Duke’s remarks late this afternoon are expected to assert that no gas chambers or extermination camps were actually built during the war, on the ground that killing Jews that way would have been much too bothersome and expensive when the Nazis could have used much simpler methods, according to an advance summary of his speech published by the institute.

“Depicting Jews as the overwhelming victims of the Holocaust gave the moral high ground to the Allies as victors of the war, and allowed Jews to establish a state on the occupied land of Palestine,” Mr. Duke’s paper says, according to the summary.

One of the first scheduled speakers, Robert Faurisson of France, also called the Holocaust a myth created to justify the occupation of Palestine.

The conference is being held at the behest of Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who likewise called the Holocaust a myth last year, and repeated a well-known slogan from the early days of the 1979 revolution in Iran, “Israel must be wiped off the map.” He has spoken several times since then about a need to establish whether the Holocaust actually happened.

Most of the speakers at the conference today praised Mr. Ahmadinejad’s comments.

Bendikt Frings, 48, a psychologist from Germany, said he believed Mr. Ahmadinejad was “an honest direct man,” and said he had come to the conference to thank him for what he had initiated.

“We are forbidden to have such a conference in Germany,” he said. “ All my childhood, we waited for something like this.”

Toben Feredrick, from Australia, said Mr. Ahmadinejad has opened an issue “which is morally and intellectually crippling the Western society.”

“People are imprisoned in Germany for denying the Holocaust,” he added.

Mr. Feredrick said he was jailed for six months in 1999 because of his ideas, and that a court in Germany has ordered him arrested if he speaks out publicly again denying that the Holocaust took place.

Other Western “revisionists” presented what they called new facts about the Holocaust at the conference, which also attracted attendees from some ultra-Orthodox Jews belonging to anti-Zioinst sects that reject the state of Israel. One participant wearing the traditional long black coat and hat of such groups wore a badge saying: “A Jew, not a Zionist.”

It was not entirely clear how the lineup of speakers at the conference was set. The Institute’s website had invited scholars and researchers to submit papers in advance for consideration, but revealed little about how they were evaluated. The Iranian foreign ministry also provided little information about participants, saying that it feared they would be prosecuted by their home countries.

The conference included an exhibition today of various photos, posters and other material meant to contradict the accepted version of events, that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews and other “undesirables” in death camps during the war. New captions in Persian on some familiar photos of corpses at the camps argued that they were victims of typhus, not the German state.

Anti-Zionist literature, including a 2004 book by the American author Michael Collins Piper, about Zionist influence in America, was offered for sale to visitors at the conference. So, apparently, was a video recording of 12 Holocaust survivors telling their stories, suggesting that the views represented at the conference may not have been entirely one-sided.

The conference prompted outrage in the West. The German government summoned the Iranian charge d’affaires in Berlin to complain. The French Foreign Minister, Philippe Douste-Blazy, warned that the conference would be strongly condemned if it propagated claims denying the Holocaust.

Iran also organized an exhibition last summer of cartoons about the Holocaust, which outraged Jews inside Iran and out.

Iranian Jewish leaders reacted angrily to Mr. Ahmadinejad’s Holocaust-denying comments last year, issuing a statement saying that his words were spreading fear among Jews in Iran.

“We consider the Holocaust as a fact and a disgrace for humanity,” Haround Yashayai, a leading voice among Iranian Jews, said today. “We cannot say that such a conference cannot be held here. We have condemned similar events in the past, and see no reason to condemn it again.”

Who would have guessed that you’d have to travel to Tehran to speak your mind?

The ADL must be fuming.



Even Rabbis in Attendance at Holocaust Conference

Well, it looks like the Holocaust Conference is off to a fine start, with Dr. Duke, Prof. Faurisson, Lady Michele Renouf, Dr. Schaller, and Dr. Toben in attendance, among the many other fine and intelligent scholars.

Surprisingly, even a couple rabbis are in attendance, as shown at Dr. Toben’s website, highlighting the fact that perhaps not all Jews are supremacists or liars. [NK most certainly are supremacists. The only difference between them and other jews is their belief about the proper time to found Israel.]


Dr. Toben has made me somewhat proud by bringing some of my DVDs to the conference, so that others might get a better understanding of the full amount of Jewish propaganda relating to the Holocaust.


Of course, the AP has nothing good to say about the conference, but it’s a good start to correct the long-held Jewish supremacist propaganda with which we’ve been indoctrinated for so many years.

http://broadband.zoomtown.com/news/read.php?ps=1012&id=14608193&_LT=HOME_LARSDCCL1_UN EWS



The Holocaust Conference and Western Leadership

Dr. David Duke spoke at the Holocaust conference currently being held in Iran [1]. This raises several questions in our minds.

The most important question it raises is: why aren’t American and Western leaders also at that conference? In other words, why don’t they publicly ask certain questions about the Holocaust, such as:

1. Why are people thrown in jail in Western countries for “denying” the Holocaust? [and usually the people aren’t even denying it, but are simply questioning certain features of it]. Why is it illegal to even question certain features of the Holocaust?

2. Why are Holocaust memorials being built today in far-away countries, such as Japan?

3. Why is there a memorial/park in Idaho named after Anne Frank?

4. Why must Holocaust-reparations payments still be paid out today – often by governments or companies which had little or no role in the Holocaust? Why are they still paying 60 years later?

5. Why was a Holocaust memorial built in America when the Holocaust didn’t happen here? And why was it built long before a World War II memorial was built?

Those, and other questions, need to be publicly asked by American leaders. So why aren’t they asking them? [of course, we’re being rather sarcastic with that question. Those American leaders know that Jews, as a race, have awesome political and financial power in the West, and they know that their careers would suffer greatly if they asked any of those questions].

And finally, why does the Western public hear about the second holocaust weekly, but hardly ever about the first holocaust? After all, the first holocaust claimed more victims and lasted longer than the second one [2] [more sarcasm from us].

[1] Duke’s speech at the conference: http://www.Davidduke.com

[2] the first holocaust: http://wsi.matriots.com/first_holocaust.html


Subject: Wuz de nite befo Crimmins

Wuz de nite befo Crimmins
An’all ober de hood
Everybody wuz sleepin’
Dey wuz sleepin’ real good

We hunged up our stockings
And hoped like de heck
That ol’ Sanna Clause
Soon be bringin’ our check

All o’ de fambly
Wuz layin’ in dey beds
While Ripple and Thunderbird
Dance tru dey heads

I passed out on de flo
Right next to my maw
When I heard such a fuss, I thunk
“It must be de law!”

I looked out thru de bars
What covered my doe
Spectin’ de Sheriff
Wif a warrant fo sho!

And what did I see?
I said, “Lawd, look at dat!”
Ther’ wuz a huge watta-melon
Pulled by giant warf rats!

Now ober all de years
Sanna Claus, he be white
But, looks like us bros
Gets a black one dis night

Faster dan a po’lees car
My home boy, he came.
He whupped on dem warf rats
And called dem by name!

On Leroy, on ‘Lonzo,
And on Willie Lee,
On Saphire, on Chenequa,
Dey wuz a site to see!

As he landed dat watta-melon
Out der on de street
And I knowed fo sho
Da the damndest site I ebber did see!

He didn’t go down no chimbley,
Just picked da lock on my doe,
I sez to myself, he done dis shit befoe!”

He had dis big bag
Full of prezents I spect
Wid Air Jordans and Fake Gold
For to wear ‘roun my neck

But he left no good prezents;
Just started stealin’ my shit,
Got my drugs, got my guns,
Got my new burglar’s kit!

Wit my stuff in de bag
Out da window he flewed
I woulda tried to catched him
But he stole my knife too!

He jumped on da watta-melon
An’whipped out a switch
He wuz gone in a secon’,
dat son of a bitch.

Next year I be hopin’
Anutha Sanna we git
Cuz diz here Sanna Claus
Just ain’t werf a shit !
All incoming and outgoing files scanned and verified as virus free by PC-Cillin 2007

Here’s freedom to him who would speak; Here’s freedom to him who would write; For there’s none ever feared that the truth should be heard; Save he who the truth would indite! by ROBERT BURNS



One World, Two Brains

One of the more interesting things that we have studied recently is how men and women think and behave differently [1].

For example, when a man thinks about a subject – say, popcorn – he thinks only about popcorn. His thinking is compartmentalized and focused. He’s using only a small part of his brain during that time he’s thinking about popcorn. He’s “zeroed-in” on that subject and he has blocked out most other things by default.

However, a woman’s brain is set up differently. The emotional areas of her brain are found on BOTH sides of her brain, unlike a man. And, she uses much more of her brain [than a man does] when she thinks. Therefore, when she thinks about popcorn, it is very hard for her to keep emotions out of her thinking, since she’s using more of her brain, which includes, by default, emotional areas of her brain.

So what, you may ask? What’s the big deal with different thinking between men and women? Well, imagine if the woman is in a powerful vocational position – for example, in Congress. Or, maybe she’s a mayor who suddenly faces a crisis in her city. Do you think it’s a good idea for someone to make important decisions based upon emotions or influenced by emotions? We don’t.

In fact, we believe that one of the reasons that the West is in cultural decline is that women now make major decisions in government and corporate offices. Is that sexism? Nope. It’s simply common sense. [Common sense seems to be missing in the West these days].

In fact, years ago, wise men predicted that when women eventually rose to power in the West, significant trouble would follow.

We suggest that men – and women, too – study this important topic. The future of Western culture may depend heavily upon it.

[1] some books about differences between men and women:



Read Christopher Walker’s account of Theodore Herzl’s participation in the Genocide. Read The Banality of Indifference: Zionism and the Armenian Genocide by Yair Auron. Read Dadrian.

Yes, the unfortunate reality is that the “brothers in genocide” had in fact taken the side of Turkish imperialism with the hope of gaining the foothold in Palestine. That is only derived from simple logic. There is indeed a well-documented (first hand, by the way) account of the Zionist attempt at literally buying Palestine from under the “Sick Man of Europe” under desperate debt. There in the room had sat Amira Dadian, an advisor of the Sultan, who had absolutely warned the Sultan against accepting such an offer. In this same account, there is clearly listed names of individuals involved in the affair, but the preconceived notion of “the Armenian who likes to blame all but himself” is used to prematurely and quite unintelligently dismiss such fascinating possibilities of the workings behind the Genocide.

Read Christopher Walker’s account of Theodore Herzl’s participation in the Genocide. Read The Banality of Indifference: Zionism and the Armenian Genocide by Yair Auron. Read Dadrian. One of Dadrian’s (first hand) sources reveals clearly that, indeed, Talaat (Turkey’s minister of the interior at the time of the Armenian Genocide and the one who gave the actual orders) was a Jew. He was not merely “of Jewish blood,” but was indeed very conscious of his identity. These are merely the (relatively) circumstantial pieces of evidence at hand. The more direct ones, one can consult any decent Armenian book store. The books are there to read. Yes, they are of eyewitness accounts of events that occurred during and just before the terrible period of Genocide.

They are not only trying to keep the Genocide in the dark, but most of our history that predates theirs. It is crystal clear that we have been around way before their earliest record. Through the examination and analisis of new linguistic and archeological findings, they now think that the Armenians were native to their land since the dawn of history. According to at least one new theory, the point of origin of the earliest Indo-European tribes is Asia Minor itself, somewhere in the 6th or 5th millenium BC.

The ones who pretend to be compassionate to Armenians are indeed more than likely the “good cops.” The real nuetrals are not even interested in Armenians, they are ignorant about Armenians. Those who dig deep and get involved in Armenian affairs are more than likely meddlers who wish to merely throw herrings.

Over the past many years most Jews in prominent posts have been uttering and writing anti-Armenian comments. For example, every concocted anti-Armenian article written by a Turkish or pro-Turkish historian on the planet was being regularly published in the Jewish Times! As a matter of fact, nine out of ten pro-Turkish or anti-Armenian article full of lies and distortions, particulrly about the Armenian Genocide, is written by Jews and published in Jew owned newspapers such as the New York Times and we expose them all on a regular basis.

Thanks to the internet, the truth is back in business and the jews are running for cover.






The Proposed North American Union: “Good for Jews”

If a North American union is created, will our American constitution still be valid, since, in theory at least, a new country will have been formed by a special treaty? [1]. And, if there is a new, replacement constitution created for that new union, who will write it? What will it say? For example, will “anti-Semitism” be outlawed? How about “racism?” And what would the new constitution say about Israel, if anything? Will it become illegal to criticize Israel? Those are vital questions to ponder at length. Indeed, many things could be placed into that new constitution: things about race, “gender,” religion, speech, the internet, property rights, firearms ownership, etc. [We can almost hear Rabbi Sol Silvergoldwitzfeld getting exited at the possibilities of remaking America, Canada and Mexico into a large, very-Jewish-friendly region where “Holocaust denial” and “anti-Semitism” is illegal].

To sum up, we say: the North American union, if it becomes a reality, will be a giant step forward for world Jewry, since America is already the most powerful country on earth and the most-Jewish country on earth after Israel. In other words, Jewish power will double or even triple with the creation of such a union, and could even go beyond that depending on what a new constitution says in its text about things such as race, speech and religion. In fact, a North American union could be the biggest “win” for the Jews since Israel became a state.

[1] information about the North American union: http://www.stopthenorthamericanunion.com/TreasonAbounds.html

The government is actively placing non-whites in formerly white communities. People need to step back and ask “Why?” They need to also ask “Who?” Few are doing this right now. Do you think these people would just ‘show up’ if the government were actively trying to enforce any type of restrictive immigration policy? Never mind the droves of primitive Africans being ‘sponsored’ by misguided parishoners around the country. Misguided parishoners unaware that their churches have been ordered by the Feds to get on board with the ‘invasion’ or they’ll lose their tax-exempt status. That’s one of the dirty little ‘secrets’ of the immigration explosion. It also shows you how the churches of many demonations have their priorities laid out.



The 1941 Pearl Harbor Attack

We find it tragic that, so many years later, few Americans know of the real facts about the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese in December 1941.

Indeed, president F. D. Roosevelt didn’t need to poke and prod at Japan until Japan finally had enough and attacked America. But he did, and old war veterans still cry over the matter when they ought to be mad as hell instead.

Why not read some truth about Pearl Harbor for a change?:



This from Dirty Debbie in course of “Blood Diamond” review:

This noxious cunt is yeasting about evilmuslims controlling the diamond trade and spreading terror in Sierra Leone, then throws in:

[I]Finally, full disclosure: Although I do not own diamonds (I’m not into the jewelry stuff, as the subject matter of this site should indicate), my uncle’s uncle is Maurice Tempelsman, in the diamond biz and rumored to be the De Beers diamond cartel’s man in the U.S. (He was also Jacqelyn Bouvier Kennedy Onassis’ “escort” and is was rumored to be a CIA agent.) A big-time liberal and Dem fundraiser, he gave money to my campaigns both times I ran for the Michigan House of Representatives (about $1,000 total–I’m probably the only Republican and the only conservative to which he’s ever donated), but I’ve only met the guy once or twice.[/I]

So-called “American” press & politics is nothing but a bunch of jews cross-jabbering.



Insults Against Jews on the Rise
By Björn Hengst and Jan Friedmann

Right-wing adolescents and young Muslims are displaying levels of anti-Semitism that were long considered unthinkable in Germany. At many German schools, the word “Jew” is becoming an insult again. German politicians don’t seem to know how to respond.






– Brit Hume leads (12/11/06) with Iranian Holohoax conference, mentions former Klan head Duke is there, brief clip of Faurisson speaking, we are reassured that the Holocaust is Best Documented Genocide Ever

– Is Baby Crement mid-flight whelped by meximama a human and/or mexican? “yes, the baby is automatically a U.S. citizen.” what’s “good for Whites?” shooting invading mexicans, invading their country, and pulling an Iraq-attack on it until nothing moves.

– Richardson running for president. thinks being an Hispanic will “help.” meanwhile, obama the nigger has sold out a venue in new hampshire. then there’s the cunt in D.C., speaking to Demo ops sunday night. mccain looking to raise 50m to get in the game.

– “Apocalypto” getting praise. Someone claims its only the second big production about the Mayans

– Perhaps you’ve seen the recent trailers for Van Wilder II, “The Rise of Taj.” It has Taj’s father filling the Eugene Levy role in American Pie. There used to be few Indians in America, and they were generally highly intelligent and well off. Many of them wanted to keep their old ways. This caused a lot of pain, as America is about the last place any modest or traditional culture can stay alive, without Amish-level physical segregation and complete e-withdrawal.

– Dark Indian women – let’s just say sex does not come to mind. A desert scene in a Lucas film, that comes to mind.

MOVIE REVIEW: “FROM HELL” –johnny depp plays inspector going after jack the ripper. turns out the criminal cutting up london whores with ritual precision is a Freemason, not a jew. he’s further motivated by trying to hide the prince’s having fathered a bastard catholic child. Not a bad movie as entertainment, but pure-D jew exculpation taken as politics. because the real jack the ripper was an East End Polish Jew. this movie does mention jews, but only as potential criminals and probable victims of angry whites who suspect them. why the jews might be suspect isn’t gone into at all. no, it’s jews or butchers with leather aprons, certainly someone with a great knowledge of human anatomy. so jews are mentioned as criminals, but the only reason they’d be brought up is their history of ritual child sacrifice – never touched on in this movie.


To him, Murrah blast isn’t solved
Lawyer investigating 1995 Oklahoma City attack says loose ends indicate likelihood of neo-Nazi connections

By Howard Witt
Tribune senior correspondent
Published December 10, 2006

SALT LAKE CITY — Another envelope from the FBI landed in Jesse Trentadue’s mailbox last week, bearing a copy of another secret memo from the FBI’s investigation into the Oklahoma City bombing more than a decade ago.



OPP, CAH and Affiliates Join Forces To Go After Hal Turner!
Citizens against Hate Along With OPP Officially Allied To Go After One Man!

Target: Hal Turner

It appears the first order of business with the newly announced alliance of CAH, OPP and now Eye on Hate Radio is to try to figure out if Hal Turner has broken any laws (especially Canadian anti-hate laws). In Floyd Cochran’s latest broadcast he opines if buying a website from an alleged Canadian patriot has indeed broken Canadian law. Allegedly, Hal Turner either purchased or is now hosting a website to take this Canadian patriot out of the clutches of the tyrannical Richard Warman. Warman likes to go after white national patriots, especially ones that don’t have financial resources to defend against accusations of racism by Warman in court.


Should the U.S. increase its H-1B visa program?
CON: Wages belie claims of a labor shortage

Norman Matloff

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Once again, the tech industry is putting heavy pressure on Congress to expand the H-1B visa program. Though the industry says the foreign workers are needed to remedy a tech labor shortage, for most employers the attraction of H-1Bs visa holders is simply cheap labor. The H-1B visa program allows skilled immigrants to work in the United States on a temporary basis.

The program’s scope is far more general than just the tech industry. For example, the San Francisco Unified School District has hired a number of H-1B visa-holding school psychologists, elementary school teachers and so on. But the most common field in which employers hire H-1B visa holders is software development. The visas granted in computer-related fields are 10 times more numerous than in the next most common tech field, electrical engineering.

The industry claims that it needs to import workers to remedy a severe labor shortage. Yet this flies in the face of the economic data.

A Business Week article has pointed out that starting salaries for new bachelor’s degree graduates in computer science and electrical engineering, adjusted for inflation, have been flat or falling in recent years. This belies the industry’s claim of a labor shortage. Additional analysis at the master’s degree level shows the same trend, flat wages — contradicting the industry’s claim that workers at the postgraduate level are in especially short supply.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates is personally leading the industry’s charge for more H-1B visas. Yet Microsoft asked its contract software developers earlier this year to take a seven-day furlough, to save money. And the firm admits that its salaries are not keeping up with inflation. Again, none of this squares with Microsoft’s claims of a labor shortage.

The hidden agenda here is industry access to cheap labor. Several university studies and two congressionally commissioned reports have shown that H-1B visa holders are paid less than Americans. Though the law requires H-1B holders to be paid the “prevailing wage,” the definition of that term is filled with numerous gaping loopholes, as a 2002 congressional report showed. Yet Congress added even further loopholes in legislation in 2004. Just think tax code, and you’ll understand what I mean.

The H-1B program does not require most employers to give hiring priority to qualified U.S. citizens and permanent residents. If the employer is also sponsoring the foreign worker for a green card, there is such a requirement, but again loopholes render the rule meaningless. As prominent immigration attorney Joel Stewart has said, “Employers who favor aliens have an arsenal of legal means to reject all U.S. workers who apply.”

The industry says the H-1B holders are needed to maintain its level of innovation. I, too, support facilitating the immigration of “the best and the brightest,” but very few H-1B holders in the tech field are in that league. Government data show that the vast majority make, at most, in the $60,000 range (Intel’s median is $65,000). Yet even non-techies know that the top talents in this field make more than $100,000. And the vast majority of awards for innovation in the field have gone to U.S.-born workers.

The industry lobbyists highlight some of the famous immigrant entrepreneurs in the industry, such as Jerry Yang and Sergey Brin, co-founders of Yahoo and Google. Yet neither of them immigrated to the United States as an H-1B visa holder; both came to the United States as minors with their parents. Thus they are irrelevant to the H-1B issue. The lobbyists also like to cite Andy Grove, an early Intel employee, yet he came to the United States as a refugee, not under employer sponsorship.

More important, none of these firms has been pivotal to the industry technologically. There are lots of good Web search programs. In fact, Yahoo bought the one it uses, rather than developing its own. Rest assured, we would all still be surfing the Web without Yahoo and Google. And we would have the hardware to do it too, without Intel; IBM could have chosen from many good chip vendors when it introduced the PC in 1981. Indeed, no one firm has been crucial to the tech industry in general.

Why, then, is Congress now poised to accede to the industry’s demands on H-1B visa quotas? As the saying goes, “Follow the money.” As Sen. Bob Bennett, R-Utah, said after Congress enacted the H-1B program expansion in 2000, “There were, in fact, a whole lot of [members of Congress] against it, but because they are tapping the high-tech community for campaign contributions, they don’t want to admit that in public.” Meanwhile, a reasonable H-1B reform bill by New Jersey Rep. Bill Pascrell is being ignored, not only by the Republicans but also by his fellow Democrats.

You may have thought that November’s election changed things, but they aren’t changing that much after all.

Norman Matloff is a professor of computer science at UC Davis.



No More SATs Soon?

The SAT test is a good indicator of IQ. Is that why some colleges are abandoning it, since Blacks and Mexicans usually score lower than Whites on that test?



My strong suspicion: eugenicists are reincarnated fruit flies

America was great for about fifty years; ever since then its been suckward Ho!

Izzy shills screeching like raped apes over Carter’s truth-telling re Israel in his new book. If you want to see what we mean by jew-controlled media, turn on Fox.


‘Death camp’ theme park
slated for renovation

Death camp site to be renovated

Associated Press Tuesday, 5 December 2006

WARSAW, Poland — The International Auschwitz Council agreed Tuesday to modernize a 51-year-old [sic]* exhibition at the site of the Nazi death camp and build walls to prevent the ruins of gas chambers from sinking into the ground.

The decision to renovate and preserve remains of the vast Nazi death camp in southern Poland marks a change in the long-standing approach to maintaining the site, which has been left as the Allies found it when they liberated the camp at the end of World War II.

But two of the gas chambers are slowly sinking into the ground and will likely slide out of sight within the next two decades if nothing is done. How to save them prompted debate on the council, with a majority favoring a Polish expert’s proposal to halt the erosion by building walls sunk into the ground on either side of the slipping chambers.

“We have to preserve without reconstruction,” said Piotr Cywinski, the new director of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum. He warned that doing nothing is tantamount to letting history slip away: “We must decide to do this if we want to be able to see these gas chambers in 20 years.”

‘Tampering with the gas chambers’

However, one council member said international engineering experts should be consulted first to avoid opening up the Auschwitz administrators to accusations of “tampering with the gas chambers,” said Jonathan Webber, a professor of Jewish Studies at the University of Birmingham.

The council also backed a proposal to renovate an aging exhibition dating back to the early years of communist rule in Poland. Cywinski said the exhibition, in austere barracks at the sprawling complex, has become old-fashioned compared to modern museums like Yad Vashem in Israel and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.

It is “the oldest exhibition about the Shoah (Holocaust) in the world,” Cywinski said on the sidelines of the daylong council meeting in Warsaw. “We really must change.”

Some Holocaust survivors in Israel fear modernization could make the camp seem more like a museum and damage the somberness of the site where nearly 1.5 million** people, most of them Jews, were slaughtered by the Nazis.

Standard props to be kept

Cywinski said no changes would be made to the remaining crematoria, barracks and watchtowers, and he pledged to keep the powerful exhibits of hair, glasses and other personal belongings that were stripped from victims.

Possible changes include building an educational center and
introducing audioguide tours — though Cywinski promised the place would not become “technological or multimedia.”

Several Nazi camp sites, including Bergen-Belsen, have received makeovers, which experts say is part of a trend to make them more attractive for tourists. Some feel similar renovations at Auschwitz will to make the Nazi’s largest camp seem less foreboding.

The council — a committee made up of Holocaust survivors, scholars and religious leaders — has strong influence on what happens at the site. The site is administered by a group of Polish-government appointed officials.

* 1955 — that’s 10 years AFTER World War II!

** Originally it was claimed that “4 million” were gassed at this wartime internment facility. Then the official death count dropped to “1.5 million” — 3.5 million fewer — although the magic “Six Million” figure somehow remained unaltered! According to the Auschwitz Death Registers, released in 1995 following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the actual number who died at Auschwitz was 74,000 — including German personnel — from ALL causes, especially a devastating outbreak of typhus. There were no “gas chambers.”

Overall, between 250-350 thousand Jews died in WWII, mostly as a result of diseases such as typhus, malnutrition and starvation, occasioned by Allied bombing of German supply lines.


For the true story of this celebrated World War II internment center, read Auschwitz: The Final Count, a summary anthology of evidence compiled by Vivian Bird, available for $17 postage paid from:

NS Publications, PO Box 188, Wyandotte MI 48192.



The White Counselor, Part 1

“Dear White Counselor: my 15-year-old son listens to rock music. Lately, I’ve noticed the lyrics to that music, and, well, they’re pretty sick – lots of comments about poop, pee and other yucky things. What’s going on with popular music today?”

The White Counselor: “That’s a good question. Actually, many rock artists aren’t White, but instead are Jews who changed their names, and dyed their hair, to appear White or ‘all-American.’ Jews, as a race, have a certain fascination for toilet habits which dates back hundreds of years, as noted by the late Dr. William Luther Pierce [1]. So, if you hear references to turds and urine coming from your son’s stereo, keep that fact in mind.”

[1] http://wsi.matriots.com/scatology.html


A Recovering Conservative Republican American

By Karl W B Schwarz




Jewish Judge Stephen Breyer Re: Race [1]

Do the rights of minorities come before the rights given to Whites by Whites in the constitution? [That’s an especially good question to ask when it comes to, say, renting an apartment to a Black person, which you cannot legally refuse to do based solely upon racial factors, thanks to the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s].

Also, since America was created as a White republic by its founders, what rights do minorities actually have? Most minority rights spring from Reconstruction-era constitutional amendments that are legally questionable, e.g., the 14th Amendment, which apparently wasn’t ratified properly since the South, according to Northern politicians, had no legal power or sovereignty at that time, so how could the South ratify any amendment? [2]. Additionally, several states withdrew their ratifications of the 14th Amendment immediately after ratification, but the North rejected the withdrawals and counted their ratifications as nonetheless valid. The 14th Amendment, then, is “iffy” right from the start [trivia: we once asked two different constitutional lawyers if the 14th Amendment was ratified properly. Neither one answered the question].

Furthermore, if our society is constantly evolving, and, therefore, our constitution is also evolving, does, for example, your property line around your home also evolve? In other words, if you owned 2.0 acres of land in 1975, do you only own 1.5 acres today? If so, how much land will you own in 2025? Can constitutional rights evolve as well? What about contracts – if you signed a contract in 1982, is it void today, since, after all, society has changed since then? Will certain constitutional rights end in, say, 2030 because society will have changed by then? If so, which ones? And who will decide which ones?


[1] Breyer mentioned as being Jewish:

[2] more about the 14th Amendment: http://wsi.matriots.com/fourteenth_amendment.html



What is the World’s Greatest Culture Worth?

It seems that Europe will allow legal immigrant workers from Africa, while, at the same time, Europe fights illegal immigration:


Does that mean, then, that Black immigration into Europe is a good thing as long as it’s legal?

Do European leaders think that they can keep flooding Europe with non-White workers and have Europe still remain White? [and making that matter worse is the fact that non-Whites usually create more children than Whites].

What is European culture worth? In other words, is there a monetary value on it? Is that culture worth a few jobs or a few dollars of profit? Since White culture is the greatest culture in the history of mankind, isn’t it worth preserving? Or is our White culture for sale in exchange for workers and money?


‘Pregnant’ Man Fined

‘A South African man has been fined $140 for taking a week off work after telling his employers he was pregnant. Harles Sibindana, 27, stole a certificate from a clinic during his pregnant girlfriend’s checkup, a court near Johannesburg heard. He then added his own details to the note and submitted it and took seven days off work, seemingly unaware that only women consult gynaecologists.’ – BBC.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention encourages all churches associated with the Southern Baptist Convention to provide all of their children with Christian alternatives to government school education, either through home schooling or thoroughly Christian private schools.


  • 2 Responses to “Reader Mail: 12/11/06”

    1. Jackumup Says:

      “What No Cocktail Party” Fuck I’ll Stay home

    2. Theseus Says:

      Before H1Bs took my job, I was a network tech and software engineer.

      I will remind them that it was they who forced me into politics at their trial.