10 December, 2006

Nigger 101

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa, Arboreal Americans, black crime, video, videos at 11:32 am | Permanent Link

What is a nigger?


Still don’t get it?

Ok, one last time for you special-needs nigger incomprehenders..





  • 22 Responses to “Nigger 101”

    1. johnlaw Says:

      Damn effective video;Great work,Kurtz.

    2. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali-Yuga Says:

      I could say, These people are cowards—attacking in groups, sucker punching others, etc. but they do not care. They don’t have our code of honour.

      White man—become like a Vedic Warrior. Always be ready.

    3. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Haven’t had a chance to see the first video yet but the second one, the extermination video, is just superb. The perfect antidote to the White guilt the Jew media pumps out 24/7. As an added bonus, it’s relatively immune to the racism accusation and can be posted just about anywhere. This video completely neutralizes the King dream speech, far more than the decades-old efforts by the conservatives to get the truth out about that degenerate Commie Congoid. The new media at its absolute best.

    4. JimInCO Says:


      Here’s another video (as if more proof is really needed).

    5. Mark Says:

      Niggers are real tough when fighting women, the elderly and otherwise defenseless people.

      When they come against real white warriors, such as the Russian champion Feodor Emelyanenko, it’s a completely different result.




    6. Scipio Americanus Says:

      Alex: Thanks for posting these video links on your web site. The “I Have a Dream” speech delivered by that communist sympathizer and well known plagiarist — Martin Luther King — is quite fitting when played to the videos of horrific Negro assaults on White folks. It reflects the real meaning of that Marxist inspired speech and provides a proper subtext regarding the exact nature of MLK’s creed: the extermination of “Whitey”. Racial integration = death of European man.

      Having lived in Over-the Rhine, Cincinnati for 18 months back in the late 1990’s, (that’s the “inner city” or “the hood” for everyone not familiar with Cincinnati), I can personally vouch for the fact that Blacks, as a race, are nothing more than rabid animals, who have no business partaking in our civilized way of life. Indeed, if they are permitted, they will destroy everything that Western man has created, something the ruins of every major city in the United States can attest.

      Regarding the Cincinnati Riots of 2001: http://www.city-journal.org/html/11_3_what_really_happened.html

      The Ruins of Detroit: http://www.detroityes.com/home.htm

      A fitting quote for the ages that should never be forgotten:

      “I have given my life to try to bring unto them the advantages which our civilisation must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status; white, the superior, and they the inferior; for whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equal, they will either destroy him or devour him, and they will destroy all his work; and so for any existing relationship or for any benefit to this people let white men from anywhere in the world who would come to help Africa remember that you must continually retain this status; you the master, and they the inferior, like children that you would help or teach. Never fraternise with them as equals, never accept them as your social equals ; or they will devour you; they will destroy you.”

      – Dr. Albert Schweitzer, winner of the 1952 Nobel Prize for peace, in his 1961 book, From My African Notebook.

    7. jackumup Says:

      I take these vidios and send them to my frends and tell them to forward it to thier frends

    8. jimbo Says:

      i posted some cmmnts on that YouTube vid’ site but they didn’t seem to appear: so: i’ll whack them up here instead……

      i think most of the white people in those ‘clips’ GOT EXACTLY WHAT THEY DESERVED!


      because they believed in the jew lie of ‘diversity’!

      OTW: for instance: those store clerks would have had their hands on either a 357magnum or a sawn-off shot-gun & would have been very apprehensive indeed of the niggaz’ behaviour!….thus: they wouldn’t have been ‘caught surprised’ & wrong-footed AS THEY CLEARLY WERE!

      doesn’t matter if yr old(as long as yr not TOTALLY DECREPIT) or a female: you can still move with enough alacrity if yr anticipating and prepared for ‘TNB’!

      i laughed when that female cop got ‘punched out’ by the black ape!

      serves the silly slag RIGHT for doin’ a job she was never intended or designed for by Nature……she should have been home either having white kids or LOOKING AFTER THEM……that is the rôle Nature intended for women to play and: when you violate Nature’s Laws……you WILL SUFFER the un-pleasant consequences!

      the sight of some of these femi-idiot ‘career women’ now in their late thirties/forties desperately dejected because they can’t have children is totally pathetic…….that’s what happens when you dis-obey Nature!

      the dirt-poor white woman living in a remote rural shack with her white husband and five beautiful white children (and the prospect of numerous grand-children!) is infinitely more happier and healthier than those silly femi-slags!

      Nature knows how to reward those who respect her!


    9. johnlaw Says:

      I just watched “Exterminate White People” for the third time….It’s STILL riveting….Just wanted to post these comments( I concur with) from HT’s site:
      ” …The whole third world vermin FEAR the day when white folk will get their head out of their asses and fucking FIGHT BACK! We have got to get a copy of this video. Someone get in touch with the producer of this fucked up masterpiece. This would be the greatest recruitment tool EVER.”

    10. Steve Says:


      People do deserve what they tolerate, but with the media not publicizing so many of these crimes, they are often unaware of the existence of such nigger behavior, so have not developed a healthy prejudice and aren’t so much tolerating it as not knowing how often it happens to be on the look out for it. The EXTERMINATE WHITE PEOPLE video should be shown to every white person in America. The most impacting to me are the ones where the white guy standing at the fast food counter is punched out of nowhere, and the one with the old lady. Those really hit home the fact that they don’t care who you are, the fact that you are white is why they want you dead. Not because you’re conservative, or a threat to them or are racist, but because it’s in their very nature to tear down their betters.

    11. Thoughtcrime Says:

      Still baffles me how activist niggers use White people as the sole source of all their problems.

      Why do the niggers never look inward, at the real problem?
      Why do they never look at their shitty genetics and realize that’s the cause of all their woes? Just look at what happened to South Africa when the niggers started killing off all the White farmers. Niggers are starving because they have no ability to create food let alone something as complex as a civilization!

      Niggers! Just stop breeding! Let your horrible genetic ‘gifts’ go extinct with you please.

    12. Mati The Estonian Says:

      This video should be viewed in every white persn around the globe.
      Atleast I am starting in do it in Estonia.

    13. jimbo Says:

      re: ‘Steve’: “People do deserve what they tolerate, but with the media not publicizing so many of these crimes, they are often unaware of the existence of such nigger behavior, so have not developed a healthy prejudice and aren’t so much tolerating it as not knowing how often it happens to be on the look out for it”

      certainly: that’s true….but: i honestly wonder how many white ‘Kwans are totally oblivious to TNB?

      ‘White Flight’ would seem to indicate @ least a subliminal awareness of niggz?

      surely any-one who either regularly works with, has lived near or goes to school with or has gone to school with niggz couldn’t HELP but be aware of their behaviour?

      Even HollyWeird recently released a movie replete with nigg’ shenanigans…..‘CRASH!’…OK: maybe it wasn’t exactly a ‘block-buster’: but: still: it’s out there!

      I’m basically perturbed by the actions of some of those white people…..the female store clerk that got KING HIT by the nigg’ with a bottle (of grog?) looked like she was dead-set ‘schmooching’ up to the friggin’ monkey….or: @ least: abt to ‘ask for a date’!…….same goes for the other (female?) store clerk (i think she was wearing a base-ball cap or sumthin’ from mmry?!?) where the nigg’ jumped the counter with a ‘flying tackle’!…similarly: the sheila & the bloke who were ‘sneako-d’ by the bunch of niggz out-side what looked like a school or sumthin’…..just casually strolling through the throng as if it were a bunch of white pre-schoolers!…..they should have DAMN WELL KNOWN BETTER!….the $640000 question is: why didn’t they?….there IS information OUT THERE….even in the ‘main-stream’?…..does this indicate some irreversible mental deficiency in ‘Kwan whites?….were these particular victims ‘wiggas’?….or were they simply ‘in the wrong place @ the wrong time’?

    14. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “Why do the niggers never look inward, at the real problem?
      Why do they never look at their shitty genetics and realize that’s the cause of all their woes?”

      If they had the requisite objectivity, they wouldn’t be niggers anymore. The same question could be asked of IK (International Kikery): Why do the kikes never look inward, at the real problem? The level of objectivity needed, if attained, would mean the end of. . .

      Folks tend to view their own mental states as axiomatic, unable to see how it could be otherwise. What would they compare it to? They don’t think they’re doing anything wrong. . .

    15. whiteskelet Says:

      But there are Islamist anti-Semitic Noble Blacks around in America. So stop complaining. Stick with them against the only, common, enemy: the Jew!

      A Noble Black rapes your sister. Good! Provided his brothers don’t like the jew.


    16. smitty Says:

      Outstanding work! The sad reality of the negro is that in 6 months we could make another video with new material.

    17. the Seanster Says:

      christ. so much hate. i have to agree that what i see these ppl sometimes do is abominable, but what about all the ones that are respectable and contribute to society? I won’t be cowed into hatred, but I so far refuse to wholeheartedly embrace white supremacism OR “racial equality”.

      Can’t deny that there’s lots of scary-ass black people who seem to love to be menacing, though. Screw this, I wanna move to Europe…

    18. Steve Says:

      “christ. so much hate. i have to agree that what i see these ppl sometimes do is abominable, but what about all the ones that are respectable and contribute to society?”

      The good ones are good simply b/c they live up to what we consider civilized standards. Their history shows they are incapable of living up to these standards without a higher standard bearer to serve as a model (white society). Cosby, Chris Rock, Oprah… pretty much all the “good blacks” are merely about equal in behavior to the average white person. That’s hardly a ringing recommendation for total equality (I see you aren’t for r. eq. either). But another component of being a “good black” is if they don’t tolerate the black criminals among them. Most of the “good blacks” (other than Rock and Cosby) still stick up for the criminal-minded ones, so they aren’t actually “good”.

    19. craig Says:

      I’d like to ask a question about something I find boglling: How come the Jews are so much better than enyone else at whatever they do, weither as a race or one-on-one, be it science, sports, money, art, music or warfare? I mean, if truth be told, we have to admit that without the contribution of jews to science and technology, the black people would be still living on the trees or pens, and we white folks would be still living in caves or huts.
      could it be that the jews are in fact the superior race, and we are just jelous?


      Niggers in my opinion are like dogs they are only tough in heards and will only attack the weak.

    21. Ed Keiser Says:

      Craig, One thing for sure is they can spell, unlike you. The superior race, you have got to be kidding. If you admire the hooknose so much, please, by all means join hoofs with them and forget about your own kind. The day will come when the ovens are back in business I can only hope you are at the front of the line.

    22. steve Says:

      One of the biggest problems that America has is the ghetto trash breeding indiscriminately and not paying for themselves or their offspring. Why is the government so quick to give out free welfare apartments, food stamps and other goodies to able bodied niggers that refuse to work? This goes for the immigrants as well. Why hasn’t legislation been passed authorizing them to be sterilized and only allowed to breed once they have a proven work history and some savings to pay for their niglets, or spiclets, or whatever it is their spitting out of their obese ghetto females? This needs to happen ASAP. The ghetto nigger is spitting out up to 26 niglets per male and just not paying for them! They are going to end up becoming the majority. Look at what happens wherever they are the majority. They riot, kill, sell drugs and refuse to work. The standard of living in a predominantly nigger ‘hood is always lower than that of a predominantly white neighborhood. There is a reason for that. Until someone at the top admits that they are not the same as us and something has to be done to reign them in, we won’t have true peace in this country. All humans must stick together against the niggerbeast and stand united against it.