12 December, 2006

Monday: Free Talk Live

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 6:43 pm | Permanent Link

Archive, Podcast, Shownotes: here

Other recent releases: The Hawthorne Report

New start time: 7 PM CST / 8 EST / 23:00 GMT

Update: thanks again to WM4WL, Alex, Vic, Tyler, Mark, James, and Yankee Jim (did I miss someone? ). Look for archive soon. Exciting show. Really had a great time!

Dial in early for the pre-show warm up.


We’ve got a new guest co-host for next Monday’s broadcast; Alex returns for another segment; and in the final hour Robert Wewelsburg joins us to discuss traditionalism/Odinism.


1) Send a chat message to vnnfreetalklive with skype.

2) The host will accept your chat message, tell you approximately when you’ll be coming on, and will call you back.

3) When skype rings turn off the live feed, since there is a delay.

Note: to use skype you’ll need a headset and PC.


You’ll need winamp, itunes or any other type of software that can load .pls.

At 7 PM CST / 8 EST / 23:00 GMT click this icon:

  • 17 Responses to “Monday: Free Talk Live”

    1. Geoff Beck Says:

      During the pre-show warm up I’ll be playing a few songs from German skin bands. Preshow starts around 5:30 PM CST.

      If you have any song requests please send them via skype to: vnnfreetalklive

    2. New America Says:

      A quick thought on the dial-up issue from windows xp users.

      If you can use regedit, go to:

      HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\RAS AutoDial\Addresses

      In that file you will find a complete list of all sites you have visited – and, no matter what cleaner programs you have used, it stays there unless you do what I have done.

      Now, I’m not saying you should do this at home, but I;

      1. clicked on it, right clicked, and DELETED it.

      2. went to System Restore, and turned it off; then, I turned it back on.

      3. went to Automatic Updates, and turned it off.

      4. deleted all prior backups of System stuff – registry, for example,

      5. included that key in my registry cleaners – just in case.

      So far, no problems.

      And I intend for it to stay that way.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    3. Mark Says:

      Hey you guys should talk about Grayson Boucher AKA The Professor. He’s the Eminem of street basketball. Whatever we think of him, he does represent whites to some degree and proves that whites can beat blacks at their own game.


    4. jackumup Says:

      basketball is a white invented game!, Now out run the lion, or fuck the chimpanzee thier darkie invented games.

    5. Mark Says:

      Indeed basketball was invented by whites, the context of my statement was the style in which the blacks play, street basketball.

    6. alex Says:

      Background on Arabs in Michigan:


    7. Steve B Says:

      Unless you know exactly what you are doing I wouldn’t go screwing around in regedit. Using the registry editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system or make it not work properly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

    8. alex Says:

      The Iranian Holohoax Conference is covered around the world:

      This event should be annual. The nations against the jews, winner take all.


    9. Jackumup Says:

      we should just make it a reality and do it right, “problem solved”

    10. pseudo-doc Says:


      The nations against “Zionism”.

      When the nations start lining them up and saying “Jew”, we’ll celebrate. As of now we are seeing only leftist spams against “oppression”.

      We don’t need annual conferences and dialogues and debates. Question: Did the Holocaust happen? Answer: NO. Ok! Now vat ve do?

    11. Mark Says:

      Came across this… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG8vaCTIKJU

      A Rabbi is suing to get Christmas trees removed. But look at the replies, people are so puerile and oblivious.

    12. Marcus Says:

      I think you were referring to Jesse McBeth, the high yeller, who claimed to be a special forces guy that murdered civilians in Iraq. He talked a good line, but I don’t think a lot of people believed him. He’d be court martialed on national TV like the others if what he claimed was true.

    13. Marcus Says:

      Referring to returning vets using their combat-acquired skills to cause mayhem in the US, you are spot on. I expect the most successful insurgents will be war-seasoned vets. It was the muscle of WWI vets that elevated Hitler from street agitator to leader of Germany.

      As in Germany, revolution and insurgency will probably not happen on a large scale until after the big economic collapse. There’s nothing like an empty stomach to get the sheeple’s attention. Everybody that’s not asleep knows that it’s coming.
      Bring it on!

    14. pseudo-doc Says:

      So, anyone who denies your “big economic collapse” is asleep? Just as anyone who denied the coming of Christ was bound for Hell. Always some big thing around the corner, isn’t there, and we’re louts for not believing it.

    15. law worker Says:

      There’s a better chance of a big economic collapse than going to Hell in the afterlife, that’s for sure. The depression…

      Anyway, Geoff, stop giving the gook lawyers so much credit. They are awful, even the squinters admitted to “Ivy League” jew academies. That dink didn’t write the Patriot Act. Not at all. He’s the diversity front man, picked because the zhids want to rub our noses in it. Same with the bucket-head going after the 2nd Amendment. He’s some unimaginative tool, a front for the zhidraelis. Ask anyone who’s dealt with asian lawyers, the best of them couldn’t hold a candle to an average white who took law classes via mail order. No joke. No exaggeration. It’s all a show to brainwash the white sheeple on one hand, and rub in the faces of the few aware whites on the other hand.

      Good show. It gets better each time out.

    16. Marcus Says:

      Excellent comment, pseudo-doc. Thank you for pointing out my unintended arrogance. I hastily tossed off my opinion of dire things to come as if it were a self-evident truth. I take your point. There are informed optimists out there, and nobody knows for certain what the future holds. That’s why I have no doubt there were more than a few hurricane parties being thrown in New Orleans on the eve of Katrina.

      I speak for myself when I say I believe the white culture in America and probably Europe is in decline. We, as a people, stand in silence as the economic elite among our own race outsource our jobs, displace us domestically with imported third-world labor, and propagandize us into believing this spread of diversity is our greatest strength.

      Many who know better are afraid to speak. They see that those with the courage to speak up for our race find themselves vilified and financially destroyed. The masses, afraid of losing the ever-dwindling material comforts still available to them, continue to borrow, work for less, and hope for the best. They’ll cling to this system that’s draining them as long as they still have something to lose.

      I don’t think this system can sustain itself indefinitely. Perhaps that’s just wishful thinking. I don’t think white America can survive in this system indefinitely. I don’t know if there’s “some big thing around the corner,” but I believe, as Plato said, that the only thing that never changes is change.

      Things are moving. Effects follow causes, and actions provoke reactions. Tension is building, perhaps as slowly, but just as surely as the tectonic plates beneath the earth’s crust. I believe there’s going to be an inevitable snap and, when it comes, it could be a 9.9 on the Richter scale.

    17. Kris Kraft Says:

      Marcus, nothing lasts forever. Nor even jewish power. As MacDonald said, it waxes and wanes. I do believe an economic crisis is inevitable, and I wouldn’t doubt the jews in their arrogance starting it, in the hopes of then stepping up and offering ‘solutions’. All to keep themselves in power. It won’t work. Especially with the hordes of muds in what used to be the USA. It’s gonna be a 10 on the Richter scale. Martial law will kick in for a bit, but that will collapse. The hook-noses have already scoped out their next nest in case things fall apart for them in the ‘kwa. Interesting times indeed.