5 December, 2006

Free Talk Live

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 7:30 pm | Permanent Link

ftl_12-04-06_p1.mp3 (20 MB)
ftl_12-04-06_p2.mp3 (19 MB)
ftl_12-04-06_p3.mp3 (14 MB)
ftl_12-04-06_p4.mp3 (14 MB)

Shownotes, Archive, Podcast: here

The Monday edition of VNN Free Talk Live show starts at 8 PM CST / 9 EST / Midnight GMT. Dial in early for the pre-show warm up.

Update: thanks for another great show: Bud White, James Hawthorne, Alex, Briseis, Vic and Bootgrl. Archive up soon.


1) Send a chat message to vnnfreetalklive with skype.

2) The host will accept your chat message, tell you approximately when you’ll be coming on, and will call you back.

3) When skype rings turn off the live feed, since there is a delay.

Note: to use skype you’ll need a headset and PC.


You’ll need winamp, itunes or any other type of software that can load .pls.

  • 25 Responses to “Free Talk Live”

    1. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Keep ’em coming boys. Talk radio is one part of the new media that’s broken, and we need to replace it with something that’s sane and honest. The Limbaughs, Hannitys, Bohannans, Larsens, have all been completely discredited by their support for Bush and the Jew’s war. Almost to a man, they bought the WMD lie, hell, many of them are still pushing it to this day, and almost to a man they claim to oppose open borders while rabidly supporting that knucklehead SOB in the anti-White House. Being against open borders while sucking up to Bush is like saying you hate child molesters but you think that fella that runs NAMBLA is a swell guy. It is ridiculous. Their SOP of a few minutes of mild criticism of Bush’s treasonous refusal to enforce the immigration laws followed by two or three hours of defending him against all comers isn’t fooling anybody with an IQ in the triple digit range. Talk radio’s jump the shark moment was probably when Limbaugh implied that the use of the word neocon was anti-Semitic, whatever, it’s enemy territory now and we need to shove these clowns aside and give our people sources where they can hear the truth for a change. If they’re not too terrified to listen, that is. We’ve seen a new kind of White flight on the internet where, instead of running away from the big, scary darkies, which is understandable given the fact that these days the cavalry always sides with the indians, they’re running away from the big, scary White Nationalists, to gated communities like FreeRepublic, where they can be protected from ideas that are too unPC, and where their Jew masters can continue to tell them what to think.

    2. GB Says:

      Interesting, FdR…

      I always thought Limbaughs *jump the shark moment* happened when his flirtation with Buchanan was suddenly terminated back in 1991, when Buchanan opposed daddy Bush. Limbaughs price was a visit to the Lincoln bedroom, as I recall.

      Of course, it does not really matter he is a phony and a sellout all the same.

    3. Olde Dutch Says:

      I wonder how many American White Nationalists will admit they don’t have health insurance? Particularly, those who have a family.

      Sure a single man can gamble and not have health insurance—can a White family man?

    4. New America Says:

      Great show – one factual quibble:

      The Nation of Islam guy who just got elected to Congress did NOT take his oath on the Koran; there is no Constitutional requirement for ANY book at all, it’s just good PR to use a Bible.

      That lie was started by the Goddamned JEW talk-show host Dennis Prager.

      He got slapped down pretty quickly because of that, by the way.


      On a technical note, it’s wonderful to see more and more of us using a SKYPE approved headset, rather than open mikes that pick up every rustle of newspaper or cellophane.


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    5. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      One more reason why you lurkers out there should turn off those neocon clowns and tune in to VNN:

      Limbaugh dumps on southerners:


      Posted on FreeRepublic by one of the über kikes over there, (I’ve been watching FR for a long time, hell, I was banned way back in the ’90s, and I know who most of them are.) what he/she’s doing is using Lincoln’s tyranny as an example we should follow, in other words, those who protest the Jew’s wars should be silenced. That’s the real agenda, and after the southern goyim there get done venting about the Civil War, I’m sure most of them will get fall in line.

    6. JimSummers Says:

      Alex likes Eminem? What’s that about?

    7. alex Says:


      He’s very good at what he does. I respect that. His anti-drug and anti-anti-drug song we’ll be hearing next Goyfire. Eminem is not a wigger, he is a nigger, and a niggerier nigger than normal niggers. I give him mad props.

      The Nation of Islam guy who just got elected to Congress did NOT take his oath on the Koran; there is no Constitutional requirement for ANY book at all, it’s just good PR to use a Bible.

      Thanks for the correction. I thought I read that he intended to take his oath on the Koran. Jew Prager is a liar and hypocrite – but we knew that when we said jew.

      Health insurance:

      Risks run both ways. If you don’t use the insurance, your money is gone. You can put aside money each month, that’s another option. A final option is not paying your bill, like the Mexicans do. Help piss on the ZOGshak. I’m not really in favor of that option, but I’m not really against it either.

      Rusty Double-Barreled Limbaugh:

      Thanks for the link. Jews are entirely justified in referring to Freepers as cattle. They put the dumb in Freedom.

    8. Mark Says:

      While looking at that newjerseyunfiltered.com clip, I ran across this:


      Talk about aggressive propaganda.

    9. Dudeman Says:

      Does the podcast work? I think it may be broken (only the first .mp3 is copied to the ipod). Might want to check that. I think it has to be one .mp3 file…

    10. Dudeman Says:

      This link has a tool that allows you to make one .mp3: http://www.newfreedownloads.com/MP3-Audio/Misc-Plug-ins/MP3-Joiner.html, There are others out there.

    11. Olde Dutch Says:

      Alex: You don’t get it. Most responsibe White men are trying to hold on to their health insurance—while their employers are taking it away! A good example would be Goodyear which has forced its employees to strike to keep health care for current and future retirees and quality health care for current employees who will retire in the future.. All the while Goodyear is sitting on a TWO BIILLION DOLLAR nest egg, and using scabs from South of the border to attempt to break the strike.

      Naturally, the emplyers cite the rising cost of insurance as the reason to cut the health insurance benefits! Understand?

    12. alex Says:

      Of course I undestand that but you didn’t mention employers. There are so many things wrong and screwed up that disentangling them would take all night. Suffice it to say, the govenrment is run by jews for their own benefit, and the bang-on from that is all kinds of bad incentive are set up. The laws force globalization and low-labor-rate chasing. The jews running the system don’t get blamed, the corporations do. Corporations get blamed for “greed” but never jews or the government they run. It’s not the corporation that forced open our borders. It was jewish political pressure ALONE that opened them.

    13. Dudeman Says:

      Hey Alex, Is there a way you could put the podcast in one single large .mp3?
      I just checked and iTunes only downloads the first .mp3 listed in the XML file. If you put it in one .mp3 we could get the whole show on the podcast.


    14. Olde Dutch Says:

      Alex: If you want to get under the skin of a leftoid–just remind them that the jews own, or control at least half of the major corporations. Maybe, the jews control more, because jews have pretty well got a lock on investment banking & no shares of stock are issued without the jews getting their cut of the stock issues.

      Any list of the super rich always shows jews to be at least a third of those cited. That’s without knowing about those married to jews, or those who have changed their names etc., third party ownership, hidden business forms like LLC’s with no transparency of ownership. So don’t go defending corporations as not being jew creations. ;)

      Alex, we must continue to point out that all 11 jews in the US Senate, and those married to jews like Reid, and those with jews in the attic like Kerry voted for more scab guestworkers in the Senate vote a couple a months ago. Now there are 13 jews in the US Senate.

    15. GB Says:

      Ipod howto:

      (iTunes 7.0)
      Install iTunes and plug in Ipod

      Click “your Ipod’s name” in the left panel -> select podcast tab -> from the drop down box select “10 most recent” episodes of -> then select FTL feed.

      Note: Your assertion there needs to be 1 big file is incorrect.

    16. Olde Dutch Says:

      Alex wrote: “Of course I undestand that but you didn’t mention employers. ”

      Olde Dutch wrote: Naturally, the EMPLOYERS cite the rising cost of health insurance as the reason to cut the health insurance benefits of their employees! Understand?

      You can’t get around the above reality.

    17. KKK minus the xian bullshit Says:

      Only southern democrats we are discovering tell the truth about jews because they are tradionalists. Republicans were shit and still are and stole the original demos ideology and duped them under jew Goldwater to switch. Yes, Carter has a bad history loving niggers but mostly southern coons who are generally less aggressive and more docile than northern big city or west coast gangster nigs.
      So far big dick southern democrat traditionists like Ernest Hollings, Robert Byrd and Jimmy Carter have named the jew and have more fucking guts than any sonofabitch with the GOP handle from any part of this shithole.

      Carter Book on Israel ‘Apartheid’ Sparks Bitter Debate
      Scholar Resigns From Ga. Center

      By Karen DeYoung
      Washington Post Staff Writer
      Thursday, December 7, 2006; Page A04

      A veteran Middle East scholar affiliated with the Carter Center in Atlanta resigned his position there Monday in an escalating controversy over former president Jimmy Carter’s bestselling book on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

      The book, “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid,” traces the ups and downs of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process beginning with Carter’s 1977-1980 presidency and the historic peace accord he negotiated between Israel and Egypt and continuing to the present. Although it apportions blame to Israel, the Palestinians and outside parties — including the United States — for the failure of decades of peace efforts, it is sharply critical of Israeli policy and concludes that “Israel’s continued control and colonization of Palestinian land have been the primary obstacles to a comprehensive peace agreement in the Holy Land.”

    18. Dudeman Says:

      But I don’t want the 10 most recent of _every_ video and audio podcast I subscribe to (of the 50 some odd ones I subscribe to). And that is what I’d get if I do what you suggest. Why is putting it in one .mp3 such an issue?

    19. jackumup Says:

      Great Fucking Show!. Alex, as far as fucking sheep, your from missouri isn’t that legal there? To thy own self be true, Try Chickens their more feistier. I’ve listen to Dennis prager he sounds like this Jew neighbor i grew up with, how the fuck does that happen they can be from different parts of the country yet still have that annoying tone. What do you think his demeanor would be if he was being loaded in to a stock car, I’ll bet he wouldn’t be so smug. how about if Jerry seinfeld was being loaded into the stock car? do you think he would have something funny to say or would he just pee his panties or Jackie mason do you think he would still love all the people or just suck cock to stay out of the camp. Health insurance is a scam there is no need to pay $800.00 a month so your kid can go to a doctor when he has a sniffle, if nobody bought the jew written plans and you could counter sue the jew lawyer for frivolous law suits, then the price would drop dramatically. 13 Jews in the senate ? I heard the waitresses at the congress lunch room had to get second jobs due to the loss in tips. with al the Jews in government forget free lunch just get us free vaseline for our sore assholes

    20. Briseis Says:

      Thanks for having me, it was fun and really great to hear from WN people all over the country- it seems no matter the distance, it still feels like we’re in the same foxhole-

    21. New America Says:

      Update of Congreeman Keith Ellison and the Koran:

      Ellison has announced he WILL take the oath on the Koran.

      Note that Jew Prager and the other CONservatives are apocalyptic with fury, stating that he MUST take his oath on the Bible.

      Note what Goddamn JEWISH members of Congress have done:

      go to:


      I think the Goddamn JEWS have overplayed their hand with this, and have the sound of desperation about them; the Baker-Hamilton Report has opened the door, for the first time, to criticism of the Goddamn JEWISH State of Israel, and, implicitly, the Goddamn JEWS.

      THIS is what they fear; being seen for what they ARE, by people who have the power to day “NO!”

      Remember, thanks to their Immigration Act of 1965, the deliberately dysgenic policy of mud flood was designed to favor them; now, it seems to be working against them.

      There are about six million Goddamned JEWS in America, and about six million Muslims in America; the Muslims, to a man, have no illusions about the Goddamned JEWS, at all.

      In one of his American Dissident Voices broadcasts, Pierce said that the Goddamn JEWS and their imported enemies, would bring their battles to our shores.

      The difference is, the Muslims see America much as the Goddamn JEWS do; a country, but they are part of a much greater NATION, which was here, before we were, and will be here, after we are gone.

      In short, in their own way, the Muslims are successfully defeating the Goddamn JEWS because the Muslims think in terms of RACE, at a spiritual level, first, foremost, forever.

      Time for us to follow that excellent example; it works for everyone else, quite well, and would work for us, as well.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    22. New America Says:

      Just had THE INSIGHT a little while ago.

      It’s all very simple, as the Foundation of everything comes down to RACE.

      It’s very simple.

      HERE is the One Idea:

      Our Enemies are actively engaged in a RACE WAR against us, while WE deny even the existence of RACE.

      This is like putting a blind man in a steel cage UFC match – no rules, no limits, winner takes all.

      We had better get rid of the white cane, sunglasses, and JEWISH-trained seeing eye dogs, and damn quickly.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    23. BillCrystal Says:

      Nig bitch does the right thing. The point everyone is missing is that the jew now thinks he owns Gentilia goy in America and whereas previous wars saw a finite end after a few yrs the jew will never allow this nation to end its war with its enemy arab just like the perpetual war in Palestine since 1948.

      The pinpoint everyone is missing is the jew war monger longitivity brainwash factor.

      What the jew is doing is using an eternal small regional confict between Israel and Palestine aka jew vs arab to America/Europe vs the arabs.

      Bush is the biggest brainwash idiot of all and given he has the power to fuck up the planet for his jews in this unending bullshit, he should be impeached so as not to allow him to buy 2 more yrs of time so he can haul ass and weasil out of this shit he created for his jew bosses and then go back to suck up 400,000 ayr in free money plus the millions in kickbacks the little bastard has under the table.

      No American Is Above The Law
      Rep. McKinney’s floor statement on the impeachment of George W. Bush

      Mr. Speaker:

      I come before this body today as a proud American and as a servant of the American people, sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
      Throughout my tenure, I’ve always tried to speak the truth. It’s that commitment that brings me here today.

      We have a President who has misgoverned and a Congress that has refused to hold him accountable. It is a grave situation and I believe the stakes for our country are high.

      No American is above the law, and if we allow a President to violate, at the most basic and fundamental level, the trust of the people and then continue to govern, without a process for holding him accountable-what does that say about our commitment to the truth? To the Constitution? To our democracy?

      The trust of the American people has been broken. And a process must be undertaken to repair this trust. This process must begin with honesty and accountability.

      Leading up to our invasion of Iraq, the American people supported this Administration’s actions because they believed in our President. They believed he was acting in good faith. They believed that American laws and American values would be respected. That in the weightiness of everything being considered, two values were rock solid-trust and truth.

      From mushroom clouds to African yellow cake to aluminum tubes, the American people and this Congress were not presented the facts, but rather were presented a string of untruths, to justify the invasion of Iraq.

      President Bush, along with Vice President Cheney and then-National Security Advisor Rice, portrayed to the Congress and to the American people that Iraq represented an imminent threat, culminating with President Bush’s claim that Iraq was six months away from developing a nuclear weapon. Having used false fear to buy consent-the President then took our country to war.

      This has grave consequences for the health of our democracy, for our standing with our allies, and most of all, for the lives of our men and women in the military and their families-who have been asked to make sacrifices-including the ultimate sacrifice-to keep us safe

      Just as we expect our leaders to be truthful, we expect them to abide by the law and respect our courts and judges. Here again, the President failed the American people.

      When President Bush signed an executive order authorizing unlawful spying on American citizens, he circumvented the courts, the law, and he violated the separation of powers provided by the Constitution. Once the program was revealed, he then tried to hide the scope of his offense from the American people by making contradictory, untrue statements.

      President George W. Bush has failed to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States; he has failed to ensure that senior members of his administration do the same; and he has betrayed the trust of the American people.

      With a heavy heart and in the deepest spirit of patriotism, I exercise my duty and responsibility to speak truthfully about what is before us. To shy away from this responsibility would be easier. But I have not been one to travel the easy road. I believe in this country, and in the power of our democracy. I feel the steely conviction of one who will not let the country I love descend into shame; for the fabric of our democracy is at stake.

      Some will call this a partisan vendetta, others will say this is an unimportant distraction to the plans of the incoming Congress. But this is not about political gamesmanship.

      I am not willing to put any political party before my principles.

      This, instead, is about beginning the long road back to regaining the high standards of truth and democracy upon which our great country was founded.
      Mr. Speaker:

      Under the standards set by the United States Constitution, President Bush-along with Vice President Cheney, and Secretary of State Rice-should be subject to the process of impeachment, and I have filed H. Res. _ in the House of Representatives.

      To my fellow Americans, as I leave this Congress, it is in your hands-to hold your representatives accountable, and to show those with the courage to stand for what is right, that they do not stand alone.

      Thank you.

    24. alex Says:

      That is sweet, and from a stupid nigger woman, yet with more balls than all the repubichares put together.

    25. jackumup Says:

      Its to bad she only speaks in defiance of the white master and not from rightgeousness. her race doesn”t know what is right, wrong or just, her race only knows what whitey tells them, like a child being told about life , but has not developed the reason to understand it yet.