12 December, 2006


Posted by alex in academia, AmeriKwa, Letters at 6:41 pm | Permanent Link

Hey Alex:

Check this shit out!

Professor Corey Dolgon of Worcester State University thinks he is real clever. Read what he subjects his ususpecting White students to in his class room:

Demonstrating his understanding and willingness to reify the doctrines of Herbert Marcuse, author of “Repressive Tolerance,” Professor Corey Dolgon of Worcester State University has replaced theory with practice. When writing a review of the Dobratz and Shanks-Meile book, “White Power, White Pride,” in an edition of Humanity and Society (Humanity and Society Volume 24, No. 1, February 2000, pp. 90 – 93)) entitled, “They Are Not What They See,” the “good” Professor concluded that the book is “less successful in offering its audience applicable strategies for dismantling racism” (Dolgon, 2000: p. 92). His prescription included the following remarks:

I teach race and ethnicity at a state college with predominantly working class, white students. When I ask white students in class if they are “proud of being white,” most raise their hands to say, “yes.” They explain by saying, “I am proud of who I am and I am white.” I counter by first explaining that they are many things and that identities are complex in both origin and evolution. Next, I describe the historical, cultural, and political dynamics that created whiteness itself. When students recognize that there is little in world history where people have acted humanely in the name of being white, and that in fact its construction is intertwined with erecting racial systems of discrimination and oppression, they rarely hold on to their proclaimed pride (Dolgon, 2000: p. 92).

Professor Dolgon would do better to set aside the doctrines of Marcuse and the Professor’s own deracinating methods for dismantling racism and prepare a new strategy. That would now consist of means to answer the legitimate questions raised by White Nationalists instead of dismissing the movement out of hand, as do most who are unprepared or unwilling to enter into a measured dialogue with White Nationalists. It is no major victory for a Professor who is prepared to confront unsuspecting and ill informed white students concerning his perceptions of white “identities.” It is quite another to argue one’s concepts with those who have extensively and effectively researched the matter. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (United States), is not without its ironies in that there are statutes for prosecuting civil rights violations for creating and precipitating a hostile learning environment.

John wilkes Booth

  • 15 Responses to “Letters”

    1. Jim Says:

      Is there enough rope in the Kwa? I think there will be a run on it in the near future.

    2. New America Says:

      THIS is inspirational, and that presents an Ideal – maybe a mascot? – that would prove Biff Baxter’s Great Insight proud:


    3. fdtwainth Says:

      The illegal activities of this humanistic prof should be throughly investigated: he is creating a hostile learning environment for Whites.

    4. Mark Says:

      How about asking the white professor if he’s proud of being white? I bet he’s a hypocrite with a white wife. Whites like him shouldn’t breed at all. We have to remove all of these traitorous scum from our genepool, one way or another.

      “When students recognize that there is little in world history where people have acted humanely in the name of being white”

      Nature doesn’t tend to be humane, so there is nothing out of the ordinary for whites to have acted in their best interests. However, whites have acted far more humanely and even not in their best interests than any other race. What have blacks done that is humane? What have Asians? Do blacks and Asians teach their own people to hate themselves like this bastard? It’s all a bunch of nonsense.

    5. Mark Says:

      Lookie here, another philosemitic racialist website.


      I love how people say they’re glad he’s accepting of all whites! Jews are not white! You can’t be semitic and white! Semites are not a European people.

      The irony of that website’s name is hilarious.

    6. Jackumup Says:

      “little in world history where people acted humanely in the name of being white”. World history in itself is nothing more than the recording of how white people developed the world. Oppression and inhumanity are things invented by people of diversity. This ass holds a title invented by whites in a building developed and constructed by whites teaching in a oral and written language of whites. Whats not to white about it. He could teach black history, but since monkeys can’t write nothing was recorded.
      If whites are as bad as believed then how come they haven’t wiped the rest of the races off the map. Since the turn of the century they had the power too.

    7. jimbo Says:

      ‘Professor Corey Dolgon’ : check his ethnicity!

    8. March of the Titans Says:

      This sort of thing happens all the time in our skools.

      Today, I was at a gym & saw 3 niggers grunting, screaming & 2 of them ran around laps before bench pressing a large amount of weight.

      All of the Whites in the gym just ignored it but some couldn’t help but stare at them. Not one White man said anything to them.

      I was the only one that said something & laughed at them.

      This country is gone. In social interactions, three short young niggers dominated an entire gym w/ White men. Perhaps these White men were once subject of anti-White indocrination in schools.


    9. Socrates Says:

      Does that professor use electricity? Does he drive a car? Does he use air-conditioning? A refrigerator? A typewriter? A computer? A telephone? Does he fly on airplanes? As far as I am aware, all of those things came from White people.

      And, furthermore, didn’t White people give the world law? Jury trials? The idea of democracy? Indoor plumbing? The use of steel and concrete architecture?

    10. NortonRyder Says:

      Does the good professor’s car have wheels? The chimps couldn’t summon enough brainpower to invent the wheel, much less any form of civilization.

    11. Carpenter Says:

      Well, reality is a good teacher, and most of those of the students who become brainwashed will learn later in life what niggers and other muds are like. It will become even more difficult in the years to come, for anti-White Jews and communists to fool people. Even with their near-complete grip of the media and education they couldn’t fool more than half of Whites, and they know it. Have you ever heard what these White-hating professors talk about in private? They are afraid. Afraid of all the “racists” out there. They have failed in their task, and they know it.

      They needed to break all of us before we could adapt, but they couldn’t do it. Now we have the internet, and nationalist parties are everywhere in Europe and will never go away. Jew-awareness is slowly rising, and won’t fall again. With more immigration conditions will only deteriorate, especially since Western states have borrowed too much, and all this will only fuel the resistance that has been established. All this, the professors know, and they know they can’t do anything about it. They did the best they could, and it wasn’t enough. They can only go on the same way year after year, but it doesn’t give a higher percentage of recruits, while the nationalist percentage is slowly rising.

      Tough luck for them, and good for us. The worst in brainwashing is already here, and nationalism has survived it. We did it – we survived. Now it’s time to slowly build up to where Hitler was in 1933. This time the world.

    12. JT Thomas Says:

      Revisionism rules. Well theres a shocker. We knew this was a jew hoax just like all the nigger cowboys and nigger outlaws of the wold west days and everything else here comes another heb hoax lies that fits in nicely with the heb holohoax and wmd and everything else. Hebs lie lie lie.

      You have to question where are all the nigger pilots in the skys today for the big commercial carriers if they were so great back then. Hell forget the military…

      Wouldnt everyone really love to know the real truth about slavery and why they were brought here and why there was a Marxist war by King Abe and why there were so many wars in the 20th century all seemingly to help the jew ncluding the bogus bullshit one now by the Bush fuckup?

      Niggers gain at whiteys expense. White always lose because thats the law of logic. There are no equal even-stevens . You win or you lose and someone always gains at others expense and vice versa. Where is the postive for any white? Where is the negative for any nigger or jew or spic or sand nigger? Go fig.

      Historian Doubts Record of Black Pilots
      By Associated Press

      December 11, 2006, 3:14 PM EST

      MONTGOMERY, Ala. — It has been part of the lore of America’s first black fighter pilots since the end of World War II: The Tuskegee Airmen never lost a bomber to enemy fire.

      But now, more than 60 years later, a leader of the group says he has uncovered records proving the claim is not accurate.

      Air Force records show that at least a few bombers escorted by the red-tailed fighters of the Tuskegee Airman were shot down by enemy planes, William F. Holton, historian of Tuskegee Airmen Inc., said in an interview Monday with The Associated Press. And the group’s losses may have been much greater, he said.

      Holton’s research was first reported Sunday by the Montgomery Advertiser.

      Some surviving members of the group were offended by the findings of Holton and Daniel Haulman of the Air Force Historical Research Agency at Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base in Montgomery, who came to the same conclusion.

      Former Tuskegee Airman Carrol Woods of Montgomery called their claims “outrageous.”

      “I think they are trying to destroy our record. What’s the point now?” Woods, 87, told the Advertiser.

      Holton said his sole interest is in making sure the group’s history is as accurate as possible.

      The president of the Tuskegee Airmen Inc., retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Russell Davis, said he will no longer claim in speeches that the group never lost a bomber under its escort.

      “I’m going to drop (it) until we can get this thing clarified,” Davis said. “We’ve got some homework to do, obviously.”

      The Tuskegee Airmen were the first group of black fighter pilots allowed into the U.S. Army Air Corps. They got their name from the Alabama town where they trained.

      With nearly 1,000 pilots and as many as 19,000 support personnel ranging from mechanics to nurses, the group was credited with shooting down more than 100 enemy aircraft and — for years — with never losing an American bomber under escort.

      Holton, who has been historian of the association for about a decade, said he began leafing through old mission reports after hearing a veteran complain that the Tuskegee Airmen really did lose some bombers.

      Haulman said the group’s combat mission reports clearly show that U.S. bombers were lost while being escorted by Tuskegee Airmen in Europe.

      One mission report says that on July 26, 1944: “1 B-24 seen spiraling out of formation in T/A (target area) after attack by E/A (enemy aircraft). No chutes seen to open.”

      A second report, dated Aug. 31, 1944, praises group commander Gen. Benjamin O. Davis Jr. by saying he “so skillfully disposed his squadrons that in spite of the large number of enemy fighters, the bomber formation suffered only a few losses.”

      A third report says that on Sept. 12, 1944: “10 Me-109s attacked the rear of the bomber formation from below and left one B-17 burning, with 6 chutes seen to open.”

      Holton, of Columbia, Md., suspects that claims about the all-black group never losing a plane resulted from something that happened in May 1945 around the end of the war.

      In a letter commending Davis, Col. Buck Taylor said the group had the distinction of never losing a bomber, Holton said. A military public relations representative included the claim in Davis’ official biography, he said, and Davis later put it in his autobiography.

      Holton, in the AP interview, said it is unclear where Taylor got his information, “but that’s sort of where the whole concept emanated from.”

      Holton said while the reports document a few bomber losses, far more planes may have been lost. The only way to determine the group’s true record is to scour the post-mission reports of bomber groups that were escorted by the Airmen’s P-51 fighters.

      Alan Gropman, who teaches at the National Defense University in Washington, told the Advertiser that more research is needed, but added: “Even if they lost three or four bombers, it would still be minuscule compared to the losses incurred by white pilots who also escorted bombers.”

    13. Tyler Durden Says:

      I once read that educational system professor’s must belong to the N.C.F.R. The asshole is right on course with the plan if this is true. He’s pushing his new world order bullshit right into those stupid white heads.

    14. Uncle Joe Says:

      These spook pilots wouldn’t have lasted 10 minutes against the Luftwaffe in 1942. And that Alan Gropman character saying the black’s losses were “miniscule” compared to white pilots is absolutely disingenuous – the blacks didn’t START flying escort until most of the Luftwaffe was destroyed — by WHITE pilots!

      Kill them all.

    15. Jackumup Says:

      SAAAAY whaaat ? wat yo mean we had lost panes. who da fuck tell you dat, we done never lost no frying airpains. and as far gots to doing homeworks fuck dat i nevers dones it in school i aint’s donin it nows

      Gen. Bin Jamin ( da Spoke of da nite) Davis