21 December, 2006

Jew Blankfein

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, jews in America, N.B. Forrest at 8:16 am | Permanent Link

A true gem for the “When the Goddamn JEWS Take Over America!” retrospective…..

Behold the regal judenphiz of Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs’ $53.4 MILLION PER YEAR botfly:


Sharing a private rat-laff with his equally handsome rebbe:


And with his fellow Shysters o’ the Universe:


“Here’s 10 bucks, ya pathetic goy slobs – go buy yaselves some baloney an’ a big jar a’ mayonaise! Haw haw haw!”

N.B. Forrest

  • 9 Responses to “Jew Blankfein”

    1. Dudeman Says:

      I saw this just last night: Looks like David Irving got released!!! Check out David Duke’s website. Wonder if the CNN interview had anything to do with that….

    2. Jim Says:

      Perhaps part of our new program for the masses should be the redistribution of ill-gotten gains. Face it, the masses of boobs won’t be swayed by logic or reason. But the prospect of plunder – now that might get them off their asses.

    3. sorin ronin Says:

      if you drop the “Perhaps” yours will be a great post.

    4. buford t justice Says:

      I love reading posts from paranoid nazi wannabees. This post is the result of too much sex with sheep and inbreeding. What the hell are you trying to say? Are you Jewish?

    5. jackumup Says:

      when i closes my eyes i can just imagine thier faces peering out at me from the cattle car

    6. Hoosier Says:

      # buford t justice Says:
      21 December, 2006 at 6:35 pm

      I love reading posts from paranoid nazi wannabees. This post is the result of too much sex with sheep and inbreeding. What the hell are you trying to say? Are you Jewish?

      You probably don’t enjoy it as much as I enjoy laughing at posts from cowardly, drunken, small-dicked spic boy trash.

      So how’s it going, spic boy trash? Are your ugly squaws still fucking donkeys in your clubs in Mehico? I can’t say I blame them. Fucking donkeys is a step up from fucking cowardly, drunken small-dicked spic boy trash.

    7. Dudeman Says:

      Who is this buford fuck? Fuck you! You sound like Eric Hufschmid, like you only have half the picture. Pull your head out of your ass and get a clue, or make a fucking point.

    8. get them now Says:

      I’ve heard recordings from Eric Hufschmid’s site, is he a fag? He speaks like one. Anyway NB, another great one. Funnier than the stuff you used to fire off at O.D.

    9. Anglo Saxon Is True Israel Says:

      These outrageous amounts of money these Jews are getting is nothing more than the investors money. The investors are being duped, and all their money is being stolen by crooked Jews.
      This is nothing more than another Enron. Folks my advise is to not trust Jews, or those who work for them when it comes to investing your money.
      Maybe you should invest your money in precious metals, build yourself a safe, and relax.