19 December, 2006

Israel: The Nation That Hate Built

Posted by alex in Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli war crimes at 3:22 am | Permanent Link

Clear, hard Izzy-crit from an American with guts. Don’t miss it, very good audio.

Don’t look for Joe Cortina to be a guest on Fox(man) news, Limbaugh, Hannity, Oreilly, et al….


Wed., December 13, 2006: Playlists: M3U | RAM (Individual MP3s: Hr1 Hr2 )
Joe Cortina is a foreign policy analyst, specializing in the Caribbean Basin, particularly Nicaragua and El Salvador. He has equivalent expertise as a disinformation specialist dealing with Soviet instigated “active measures” and “ideological subversion” in the United States of America. Active measures is a Soviet phrase used to describe overt and covert intelligence gathering techniques, designed to advance Moscow’s foreign policy objectives and/or influence events in the USA and other foreign countries towards this end. The Kremlin sponsors these operations for the express purpose of influencing the policies and actions of our govt., to undermine public confidence in our leaders and institutions, to influence public opinion against selected military, economic and political programs, to disrupt relations between the US and our allies, and to demonstrate that the policies and goals of our country are detrimental to the growth of “third world” countries. Some of the techniques used include forged documents, written and oral disinformation, agents of influence (e.g. Vladimir Posner), political influence operations (eg. ‘marches’ on Washington), use of communist parties (e.g. CPUSA), and an international network of Soviet controlled and or assisted front groups (eg. CISPES). Joe joins Mark Dankof to discuss his observations on the Zionist State of Israel, gleaned from much research and a trip to Israel in 1989.

  • 9 Responses to “Israel: The Nation That Hate Built”

    1. Agis Says:

      “Active measures” include disinformation, propaganda, counterfeiting official documents, and “special actions” that involve various degrees of violence, such as political assassinations.

      Active measures” also include the establishment and support of international front organizations (e.g. ADL/SPLC); and opposition parties; wars of national ‘liberation’; and underground, revolutionary, insurgency, criminal, and terrorist groups.

    2. Mark Says:

      Who would have thought this would come from RBN! He doesn’t just qualify his statements with “Zionist”, he openly says JEWS!

      The best RBN broadcast I’ve ever heard.

      I know the host is going to have a lot of heat come down on him from Stadtmiller, who prides himself on keeping the ADL happy.

      Wow that first caller was the most rambling nut I’ve ever heard. The host should have stopped him.

    3. New America Says:

      Mark’s comments deserve comments.

      One, RBN Death Watch began, informally, the night John Stadtmiller fired his best host, and the only professional on his network, Peter Shank, IMMEDIATELY after Peter Shank interviewed Bill White. In this interview, White destroyed the Cult of the Constitution that is one of the founding rationales for those who called themselves the “Patriot Movement.”

      Two, RBN was seen as a Cause for the Patriotards; they would send in money, unquestioned, to help further The Cause; RBN’s motto, “You CAN handle the truth!” seems to have been designed to make them feel that, at LAST. they were finally getting “The Truth.”

      IMMEDIATELY after firing Peter Shank, contributions to RBN went to virtually ZERO.

      Since then, Stadtmiller has run a series of financial appeals, to no good effect; he has also run virtually ANYONE with the most remote pretense of being a “Patriot” broadcaster; the difference between Peter Shank, and what RBN became without him, is the difference between the Olympics, and the Special Olympics, with the caveat that the Special Olympics is at least honest about who they are, and what they do.

      Since then, Stadtmiller ran a show on his “National Intel Report” on 25 july 06. Stadtmiller described this one show as “possibly the most important show I have ever done.” He then brought on his Colored Friend, Hubert Ashley, with a Plan For The Future. If memory serves, you will hear Brother Ashley made reference to how he and his friends overthrew the Daley “Tyranny” in Chicago; funny, but that replaced Daley with Harold Washington, and the people, seeing the joy of African leadership in an Advanced Country, have voted STRAIGHT DALEY since then, making Richard Daley, Jr., the most successsful Mayor of a major American city.

      Stadtmiller was honestly amazed – you can hear it in his voice – as he described how the Internet listenership was collapsing IN REAL TIME. Ashley described standard techniques that have been used by the Left to take over an organization, and the Patriot Community has heard all of this before. Since then, Stadtmiller has hit all of the notes he used to (Federal Reserve! United Nations! Agenda 21! New World Order! Outcomes Based Education!), but they are the WRONG notes.

      An important lesson presents itself:

      In the Internet Econony, where information is virtually free, the most important currency is TRUST – it’s basic HONESTY. Lies are easily discovered, errors easily corrected.

      When Stadtmiller fired Peter Shank, he lost all market credibility at the speed of LIGHT.

      The irony?

      For ALL of Stadtmiller’s bragging about how he has been “below the ADL’s radar,” and all of that, it has done him no good whatseover.

      Now, for RBN, it’s third and long, and just not happening.

      RBN, it seems, has been allowing criticism of Goddamn JEWS, and Goddamn JUDAISM on the air, to no effect.


      It looks like sll of this is a desperate, last gasp attempt to gain the legitimacy that was squandered when Stadtmiller fired Peter Shank.

      Indeed, RBN has been reduced to running a Thrift Shop Program!

      Go to the main page on their website, and see how they are asking their listeners to send in their junk, and RBN will sell it on eBay. I’m surprised they don’t call it the “Your Trash, Our Treasure” FundRaiser!

      If that is not the sign of desperation, I don’t know what is.

      Actually, Stadtmiller has ONE option left, and it is the one he will not take.

      He could bring back Peter Shank.

      He could being on Alex Linder.

      He could bring on Hal Turner.

      Hell, he could bring on Bill White (at 3 AM!).

      People CAN handle the Truth are hungry for the truth; at least, the people who WILL matter CAN handle the Truth. They KNOW they have been lied to for generations.

      And, in the interim, he could link to shankradio.com.

      He won’t.

      Thus, what remains of RBN’s listenership are virtually broke, old men and women, who read the John Birch Society magazine, and think they are are REALLY on to the Conspiracy to form a New World Order. these pathetic illusions are all they have left, and they CAN’T handle the Truith.

      Credit must be given where credit is due.

      Peter Shank said:

      “Do you want to know who is behind the New World Order? It’s the JEWS. Do you want to see where they say this in their own books, writings, and Scriptures? It’s here, here, and here. This is from the Talmud, their REAL Sacred Text. Do you want to know who is behind ALL of the so-called ‘Secret Societies'” It’s the JEWS. They say so here, and here, and here. Freemasonry? Do you want to know where all of the degrees and mystical mumbo-jumbo came from? It’s the JEWS. They say so here, and here, and here; this is from the Kaballah. Do you want to know where the six-sided star of the Israeli flag came from? It’s from the REAL “God” of Israel, Molech. You probably knew him as Ba’al.”

      The problem is, most people want to feel special, they want to feel important, they want to feel they are on the Inside of things, and know how things REALLY work.

      ALL of these are a means of avoiding the spiritual foundation of true Power, until they are willing to pay a price, and that price is RESPONSIBILITY, based on the Truth.

      The burden of RESPONSIBILITY – the state of Mind that separates Men from Boys – is beyond the RBN crowd, and, for that matter, most of Mankind.

      RBN wants something to run during the week for FTL; Peter Shank, once a week, would be an excellent place to start.

      There is a thirst for what we have to say; the Mind may well be comfortable with the comfortable lies, but the Spirit demands the TRUTH.

      In the interim, why not go to shankradio.com? Tell your friends, and have them look at it, too.

      It angers the Goddamn JEWS, so you KNOW he is doing SOMETHING right!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    4. Rhoda Dentrum Says:

      Can you belive this fucking shit or not? Is it really possible that there is split between jews over here and jews over there? Could it be the jew over there is biting the jew hand over here that feeds it? Damn this brings on a whole new set of positives and possibilities should this be true prodiving this is not just some bullshit to make it appear that way so as to avoid looking like jews all stick together. We know about the jew smoke and mirror so it may be an idea to keep an eye on shit like this.
      Maybe jews will turn on jews. We know jews over here have been their ambilical cord. We suspect the American jew will get her a jew lawyer and make a bundle for pain and suffering out of this and who knows it might all be a rigged set up where they will split the loot. You cant put anything past jews or apes or Bushs or his GOPervs. They all lie psychopathically and many believe their own lies making it twice as bad.

      Israel: Western! Progressive! Or Not.
      Monday, December 18th, 2006 in News, Israel by Jeremy Sapienza|

      At first glance, I figured I’d be amused, but I was quickly sickened by what I read in Ha’aretz today. A female American tourist was riding a bus to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, and when a gang of Haredi men ordered her to the back of the bus, she refused. She was subsequently spat upon, smacked, punched, had her headcovering pulled off, and was even kicked in the face when she was down. The bus driver didn’t help, and most of the passengers cursed at her and called her a “stupid American.”

      These men felt it was fine to beat the crap out of a woman, but not to sit in the same section of the bus with her. And the whole rest of the bus thought they were justified. Is Israel all it’s cracked up to be by its American adulators?

      To their credit, Israelis and Jews around the world chimed in with plain disgust in Ha’aretz’s comments section, many calling for an end to the welfare bummitude of Israel’s sidecurled class, who don’t work, don’t serve in the Army, and have gigantic litters of children for which they get gobs of money mugged from Israeli taxpayers (not to mention American taxpayers). It’s worth a read.

      Meanwhile, American Jews should think twice before spending money in a place where people have such low opinions of them, especially considering how much Israel owes its existence to American Jews and their massive, steady flow of investment and charity dollars.

    5. alex Says:

      I give Shank great credit. He’s virtually the only “name” patriot I’ve ever heard of who was actually honest enough to come to the truth about jews and speak it publicly. I don’t know how that jew crit above got onto RBN, but thanks to the reader for alerting me – that makes this a true network. I mean, we are in golden times for jew crit and Internet truthing. We just got to keep the pressure, the jews will crack.


    6. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “It’s from the REAL “God” of Israel, Molech. You probably knew him as Ba’al.”

      Well, here we are in the bottom of the ninth. Bases loaded with two outs. The count is three and two:

      BA’AL 3
      KIKE 2

      The die is cast. The future is soon to be determined. Will it be BA’AL 4, ot KIKE 3? .

    7. GB Says:

      Be sure to listen to this broadcast.

    8. Mark Says:

      It just shows you that no matter how Stadtmiller tries to moderate his network, there is far too much truth to hold back. I was looking at Dankof’s list, and he has a reoccurring theme about Jews and Zionism. Stadtmiller is probably under a lot of stress over it, but that’s the thing, it’s like the finger in the damn. You can’t hold it back forever.

      I feel kind of proud about Shank, although it’s unfortunate he lost his position at RBN. I was emailing him information and proposed he bring on Alex Linder and Bill White.

      I think Shank does a lot better when he interacts with others and has guests, than just monologuing. I hope he gets back to the format he’s best at.

    9. New America Says:

      Mark Says:
      19 December, 2006 at 3:04 pm

      It just shows you that no matter how Stadtmiller tries to moderate his network, there is far too much truth to hold back. I was looking at Dankof’s list, and he has a reoccurring theme about Jews and Zionism. Stadtmiller is probably under a lot of stress over it, but that’s the thing, it’s like the finger in the damn. You can’t hold it back forever.

      in reply:
      Good point.

      My suspicion is, Stadtmiller has just given up; it might be that RBN thought the Goddamn JEWS would come to the aid of RBN, if only as a useful false flag to keep the Patriotards chasing their tails.

      The Patriotards no longer matter; they are old, tired, worn-out, and, above all, BROKE.

      Hence, RBN offers nothing, of value, to anyone, who matters.

      Mark wrote:
      I feel kind of proud about Shank, although it’s unfortunate he lost his position at RBN. I was emailing him information and proposed he bring on Alex Linder and Bill White.

      in reply:
      All the more reason for Peter Shank to do FTL on VNN one night a week, at a late hour of his choosing. A major problem is handling SKYPE – coordinating at least four computers at once requires the full skill of one person. That one person should not be the one doing the broadcast.

      Mark wrote:

      I think Shank does a lot better when he interacts with others and has guests, than just monologuing. I hope he gets back to the format he’s best at.

      in reply:
      Shank is so damn good as an interviewer it’s just scary. He got a major Patriotard leader to admit that, even if all roads from 911 lead to Israel – and they DO! – they will not do anything about it.


      Shank is masterful at not just interviewing, but explaining, in the small bites people CAN accept, WHY and HOW Goddamn JUDAISM is our REAL enemy, and HOW the Goddamn JEWS are simply nodes through which Goddamn JUDAISM operates.

      This, unquely, is the active Insight we need to begin to develop the correct analytical framework for all political discussions – and, remember, when people ask, “What is Judaism,” just tell them the Cold, Hard, Truth:


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!