26 December, 2006

Interview with Eustace Mullins

Posted by alex in audio, Mullins, radio at 8:56 am | Permanent Link
“Over time, everything moves VNNward!”

What is going on here? RBN, a classic patriotard operation if there ever was one, is radicalizing. Which is a fancy name for its owners allowing the truth about jews and Israel to make airwaves. A very good sign indeed! All it took was Peter Shank standing up for the truth. Perhaps his boldness shamed and, in time, galvanized his former fellows.

Wed., December 20, 2006: Playlists: (Individual MP3s: Hr1 )
Guest: Eustis Mullins – World Issues, importance or information.


  • 21 Responses to “Interview with Eustace Mullins”


      Among one of the lesser known books by Eustace Mullins is “THE BIOLOGICAL JEW.” I think Tom Metzger’s WAR-INSURGENT SELLS IT, SON’S of LIBERTY BOOKS-CHRISTIAN DEFENSE LEAGUE & THE TRUTH AT LAST newspaper. It’s about six or seven bucks (soft cover). GREAT BOOK!!! …ANDREI

    2. alex Says:

      RBN’s current lineup:


      Show archives:


    3. alex Says:

      Hour #2 with Mullins:


      Rick Adams archive:


    4. Mark Says:

      Unfortunately Rick is the same guy who agreed that Peter Shank should have been removed, what a coward and backstabber.

    5. alex Says:

      I did not know that, and am disappointed to hear it.

      VNN fully supports Peter Shank. Listen to his show here:


    6. Theseus Says:

      Eustis Mullins is a national treasure. I have no doubt that there will be future memorials in his name.

    7. New America Says:

      Mark made a good paoint.

      Adams is another of RBN’s stable of moral cowards, preferring the pseudointellectual formulation “Caananite” to the more analytically correct “Jew,” in general, or, to be even more accurate, “Goddamn JEW.”

      RBN is allowing this because Stadtmiller, who openly brags of his intellectual gelding at the hands of the ADL, telling one and all that he has always been “below their radar,” seems to have failed.

      I suspect RBN’s original target was the former Patriot Movement, which had quite a hotbed in and around Austin, Texas. When Stadtmiller summarily fired Shank IMMEDIATELY after Peter’s interview with Bill White – which, while totally innocuous, included White’s total destruction of the Cult of the Constitution, the major raison d’etre of RBN – contributions to RBN went to ZERO, literally overnight.

      Stadtmiller was reduced to running the functional equivalent of a thrift shop on RBN – pack up your trash, send it to RBN, and we will turn them into treasure on eBay, and, worse, was reduced to running The Plan For The Future, the functional equivalent of a minstrel show with Hubert Ashley, a fine Gentleman of Color (how many of our Colored friends did YOU see at the last Patriot/Constitutionalist meeting? Exactly). In his speech, which he said was to announce one of the most exciting ideas he has ever heard, you can hear Stadtmiller’s shock and astonishment as the callers were dropping off IN REAL TIME.

      When Stadtmiller fired Shank, he lost all market credibility.

      When Stadtmiller brought on Brother Hubert Ashley, who brags about how The Plan For The Future defeated the “Daley Tyranny” – that’s MAYOR Daley, as in the dynasty that has given us the most successful mayors in America – the few listeners shook their head in amazement. As Ashley laid out The Plan, I suspect the Patriots who still listened to RBN said, “THIS is how the Marxists took over the institutions of our society!”

      Since then, RBN has tried to have almost-Peter-Shank hosts, trying to name the Jew, without really blaming the JEW, at the Institutional level; still, a safe, loyal Opposition.

      No one is falling for it.

      So, stronger anti-JEW sentiments are snuck in, at times when no one is listening, anyway.

      I suspect Stadtmiller’s last chance with the Patriotards was when he was at the American Free Press Confernce a couple of months back; he came, he sopke, they yawned, and everyone went home.

      In the words of Tom Metzger, “Greet, meet, eat and retreat.”

      I suspect that, even now, Stadtmiller could pull RBN out of the ditch, but it would require a line-up of Peter Shank, Alex Linder, Hal Turner, and men of similar competence, and intellectual integrity.

      So, everyone at shankradio.com are engaging in an RBN DeathWatch.

      As to why Peter has not been more active of late, I suspect his familial responsibilities come first, and when those are on a more even keel, we will be the recipients of “More Light,” as he returns to us.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    8. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      The proper spelling is EUSTACE.

      G-D: please horsewhip the next poster who makes a spelling eror.

    9. t Says:

      Stadtmiller Has a 23 year old jew named Abrahamson on RIGHT after Michael Piper’s decent (although not nearly as good as peter shank’s show) anti-jew show. Piper probably got read the riot act, but I think he just doesn’t care.

      The jew’s show begins with nigger rap, not very surprisingly.

      I heard Rick Adams on with Ted Pike and he was calling jews parasites. I’d like to know what went down with him and Shank. Shank says Adams stole material from his show (which was on after him).

      I like Adams’ show every once in a while, when I am directed there by JewWatch.com

      GCN/Rense recently had on David Duke. So did RBN.

      Really, I don’t know. Stadtmiller, I don’t like him, his show sucks. He’s a carpetbagger who went down to Texas, much like Bush.

      He has a show hosted by some “white” race traitor moron professor who converted to Islam and had John Kaminski on his show. You played a real brief clip of this on goyfire once. The first hour was patriotard SHITE, controlled demolitions, blah blah, inside job. Then Kaminski started on the jew. Stadtmiller called up on the live show, bragged how he wasn’t on the ADL’s hit list because he only talks about “zionism” and they kicked Kaminski off the show.

      Stadtmiller is a weirdo with serious anger management problems. He may also be a fed, I heard him confronted on air by a WN, they posted the call on the shankradio.com forums. Stadtmiller brags openly that he doesn’t pay taxes. Very strange.


    10. Mark Says:

      They copied the misspelling from RBN, who continues to misspell his name somehow.

      What Stadtmiller and other kosher conservatives are having to deal with, is a natural progression towards radicalism. As the third world encroaches, people are forced to become more radical to survive.

      But political correctness and egalitarianism continue, and probably will continue even as our countries die. It’s insanity is all I can say. You have Tancredo, who rightly describes Miami as third world. Yet also says that a black man can represent him the same as a white man. He is still egalitarian despite his conclusions to the contrary.

      Even in this broadcast from Stadtmiller, which is pretty good, a guest describes how third world immigration is changing America into a third world country. Stadtmiller agrees with him. Yet, both of them still have this egalitarian thinking that Hispanics are good people, blacks are good people. What utter nonsense! You can’t have it both ways. You can’t invite the third world in and then complain about the consequences. It’s simply cowardice and delusional wishful thinking.


    11. VLC Says:

      interview of David Duke on Michael Piper’s show


      Piper isn’t a white nationalist but he works for American Free Press which buys a lot of advertising airspace on RBN so Piper isn’t going to be fired soon. The host that is on after Piper is some jew patriotard and he has taken a few shots at Piper over his questioning of the holocaust

      I thought Jeff Rense’s interview with David Duke was pretty good. I don’t like all the weirdo/UFO stuff that he’s all into but Rense is a decent radio man. He has been supporting Ernst Zundel’s fight for freedom for some time now


    12. VLC Says:

      Piper talks about Arthur Butz, the holocaust debunker


    13. New America Says:

      in reply to t:
      # t Says:
      26 December, 2006 at 4:48 pm

      Stadtmiller Has a 23 year old jew named Abrahamson on RIGHT after Michael Piper’s decent (although not nearly as good as peter shank’s show) anti-jew show. Piper probably got read the riot act, but I think he just doesn’t care.

      in reply:
      Piper said he’s not paid for his show; regardless, it’s pretty tame, to a remarkable degree. The RBN people like to talk about the Kennedy Assassination, something else over which they have no say whatsoever.

      t wrote:
      The jew’s show begins with nigger rap, not very surprisingly.

      in reply:
      Of course!

      This is simply a sign of cultural domination by the hook-nosed Satanists.

      t wrote:
      I heard Rick Adams on with Ted Pike and he was calling jews parasites. I’d like to know what went down with him and Shank. Shank says Adams stole material from his show (which was on after him).

      in reply:
      You could find out what Adams will talk about by listening to Shank first; Adams, if memory serves, seems to have used Peter’s topics to begin his show.

      Adams stabbed Peter Shank in the back, speaking indirectly against people who believe what Peter was portrayed as believing; then again, virtually all of the RBN Patriotard hosts refused to say a word in Peter’s defense.

      The irony?

      All of these supposed supporters of the Constitution – and the Bill of Rights – had a clear case of attack on one of their own based on the First Amendment, and were literally SILENT.

      t wrote:
      I like Adams’ show every once in a while, when I am directed there by JewWatch.com

      GCN/Rense recently had on David Duke. So did RBN.

      Really, I don’t know. Stadtmiller, I don’t like him, his show sucks. He’s a carpetbagger who went down to Texas, much like Bush.

      in reply:
      If memory serves, someone on Hal Turner’s show recently said Stadtmiller was involved with Mark Koernke of the Michigan Militia, on some sort of broadcasting enterprise. Korenke (again, if memory serves) is supposed to be “freed up,” as they say, sometime in the not distant future.

      Might be fun to be there when he calls in to Stadtmiller’s show and talks about old times!

      t wrote:
      He has a show hosted by some “white” race traitor moron professor who converted to Islam and had John Kaminski on his show. You played a real brief clip of this on goyfire once. The first hour was patriotard SHITE, controlled demolitions, blah blah, inside job. Then Kaminski started on the jew. Stadtmiller called up on the live show, bragged how he wasn’t on the ADL’s hit list because he only talks about “zionism” and they kicked Kaminski off the show.

      in reply:
      Funny how all of these great Patriot “freedom” advocates live in fear of getting on some “list,” isn’t it?

      The best slave is the man who only thinks he is free…

      t wrote:
      Stadtmiller is a weirdo with serious anger management problems. He may also be a fed, I heard him confronted on air by a WN, they posted the call on the shankradio.com forums. Stadtmiller brags openly that he doesn’t pay taxes. Very strange.


      in reply:
      I have long suspected people who lead “charmed lives” to be coworkers of one law enforcement agency or another. How often does one person get away for years on end with advocating positions that get someone else put in Federal prison?

      And, as for Stadtmiller not paying taxes, it is most peculiar that he seems to brag about not paying Federal income taxes, until you realize that you can arrange your affairs, if you are properly situated, to not having made enough “personal income,” AS DEFINED BY THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, to have to pay Federal income taxes.

      Thus, Stadtmiller will say, on the air, that he does not pay Federal income taxes; however, inquiring minds would love to see where the half-million or so a year it costs to run RBN (1) comes from, and (2) goes to.

      A lot of pathetic Patriotards pick the tax mountain to make their stand on, with elaborate theories about why the income tax is unconstitutional.

      I always tell such people that the IRS is just giving them all of the rope they need to hang themselves with, and one day, all of a sudden, they will wake up and get a letter with the words “Internal Revenue Service” in the upper right hand corner.

      This is the one letter they must not ignore – EVER!

      And, I will bet dollars to doughnuts that there is a perfectly reasonable, perfectly legal explanation why Stadtmiller states that he hasn’t paid Federal income tax. Have you seen the tax returns for RBN, and Republic Trading Group?

      Those of his followers who figure, “Well, Ol’ John doesn’t pay Federal income tax; why should I?” will all end up with all of the rest of the tax rebels – on the inside, looking out.

      Funny, isn’t it?

      On the one hand, it sounds like Stadtmiller has no fear of the Federal tax guys – which to many in the Patriotard Movement IS the visible hand of the Federal Government, with tremendous law enforcement powers, while on the OTHER hand, it seems Stadtmiller lives in fear of getting on the bad side of a private enterprise with no law enforcement powers whatsoever, the ADL.

      This reminds me of an excellent piece of advice from Alex Linder, one that will serve all of us well in the times to come:


      Simple as that.

      When someone at some meeting you attend looks at you and says, “Well, I see you are paying your Federal income tax. You know, under the Constitution, you don’t have to do that. Just send in this letter to your employer, and that’s that,” just ask yourself this question:


      David Duke said it best – if someone looks at you and even remotely begins to suggest – or even speak favorably – of an illegal activity, or an activity that might possibly be illegal, just look at them, and say firmly – so their body mikes picked up your words clearly – “I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME AND STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!” Then, right there and then, DON’T ARGUE – just get up, and WALK AWAY from them. If they follow you, just tell them, “IF YOU FOLLOW ME, I WILL GO TO THE POLICE.”

      Simple as that.

      And, if you think I’m paranoid in my advice…

      Ask Matt Hale.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    14. itz coming soon Says:

      I think the whole shell is collapsing inward on the jews, albeit slowly. I grabbed some of the other shows from the RBN site to sample them, and a few seconds into one of Rick’s interviews with a “Dr. Kay”, he starts squawking about the jews, about the zionist cabal running the US and the world. Very surprising. I didn’t listen to the rest because I wanted to get going and listen the interview with Mullins. As more and more little holes appear in the dyke, whether from Jimmy Carter or David Duke (bouncing cocksucker Blitzer’s head off the floor) more and more people get a little more courage, then a little more, then… at least I hope.

    15. alex Says:

      Sorry for the misspelling of the name, I just plain forgot. I thought it was wrong when I read it on RBN but I didn’t check. I’m not going to change it because it will produce an annoying glitch, but the spelling is EUSTACE.

      Anyway, here’s Eustace Mullins’ Wikipedia entry.

      Eustace Mullins
      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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      Eustace Clarence Mullins, Jr. (born 1923) is an American political writer, author and biographer.

      * 1 Biography
      * 2 Antisemitism: Evidence and Allegations
      * 3 Writings
      * 4 Works
      o 4.1 Video
      o 4.2 Books
      o 4.3 Pamphlets and Other Works
      * 5 Resources
      * 6 See also
      * 7 External Links

      [edit] Biography

      Eustace Mullins was born in Roanoke, Virginia, the third child of Eustace Clarence Mullins (1899-1961) and his wife Jane Katherine Muse (1897-1971). His father was a salesman in a retail clothing store.

      Eustace was educated at Washington and Lee University, New York University, the University of North Dakota, the Escuelas des Bellas Artes, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D.C.

      In December 1942, at Charlottesville, Virginia he enlisted in the military as a Warrant Officer. He is also said to be a veteran of the United States Air Force, with thirty-eight months active service during World War II.

      Mullins claims that he was a student of the poet and political activist Ezra Pound. He states that he frequently visited Pound during his period of incarceration in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital for the Mentally Ill in Washington, D.C., from 1946 to 1959. Mullins’ most notable work, Secrets of the Federal Reserve, was commissioned by Pound during this period, and written in consultation with George Stimpson, founder of the National Press Club.

      Mullins claims that at the time he was writing his first book, he was on the staff of the Library of Congress, but that shortly after it came out in 1952, he was fired. In a later interview[1] he states that at least one reason was that he was writing for the Social Creditor and this is repeated by Boller and George (“They Never Said It: A Book of Fake Quotes, Misquotes, and Misleading Attributions”, by Paul F. Boller, Jr. and John George, published by Oxford University Press, New York, (1989), page 15. The word “discharged” is used, rather than fired.)

      In Sep 1951, articles by him begun appearing in Common Sense, the paper edited by Conde McGinley, and by 1953 he was a writer on staff with that paper. A 1953 U.S. House of Representatives investigative report entitled Neo-Fascist and Hate Groups described this publication as “defining Communism as ‘Judaism’ and devot(ing) its pages almost exclusively to attacks on the Jewish and to a lesser extent the Negro minorities in our Nation.” This investigation also found Common Sense to be sympathetic to the Nazis. [2]

      By 1995, Eustace was writing for Criminal Politics :

      “A good example of these other paths is Criminal Politics, where Lawrence Patterson and his cohorts, including Eustace Mullins and Fletcher Prouty, scour the world for evidence of conspiracies within the world’s power structure.” (Danky, Jim, and John Cherney. “An outpouring of right-wing publications cover all social issues.” St. Louis Journalism Review 25.n179 (Sept 1995): 27(1). InfoTrac OneFile. Thomson Gale.)

      “Eustace Mullins, who was a researcher at the Library of Congress in 1950 when McCarthy asked him to look into who was financing the Communist Party, was the keynote speaker at a dinner Sunday evening sponsored by the Sen. Joseph McCarthy Educational Foundation.

      “I’ve come to believe in recent years that he started to turn the tide against world communism,” said Mullins.”

      “SEN. MCCARTHY REMEMBERED.(LOCAL/STATE).” The Capital Times (Madison, WI) (May 21, 2001): 3A. Full Text Newspapers. Thomson Gale.[3]

      [edit] Antisemitism: Evidence and Allegations

      Mullins has been accused of antisemitism by groups such as the Anti-Defamation League.

      In 1968, Mullins authored a strongly anti-Semitic tract entitled “The Biological Jew” (Staunton, Va., Faith and Service Books, Aryan League of America, 1968). This book’s central thesis is that Jews are parasites, contributing nothing to, and deriving benefit from whatever society of which they are part. It includes the following defense of Nazi antisemitism: “Nazism is simply this — a proposal that the German people rid themselves of the parasitic Jews. The gentile host dared to protest against the continued presence of the parasite, and attempted to throw it off.” The book also claims that Jews “drink the blood of an innocent gentile child” in religious ceremonies, and that this practice represents the essence of Judaism. [4]

      In an interview conducted in 1993, Mr. Mullins disclaims his past antisemitism:

      Question: Do you believe Jews are parasites?
      EM: Parasites? No, as I say, this was a theme that I developed in 1968 in that one book. I’ve never referred to it again and in fact there is nothing about Jews in my last five books in the past twenty years simply because I moved into larger spheres, the world order…

      [edit] Writings

      In Secrets of the Federal Reserve (1952), Mullins outlines a conspiracy among Paul Warburg, Edward Mandell House, Woodrow Wilson, J.P. Morgan, Benjamin Strong, the Rockefeller family, the Rothschild family, and other European and American bankers to control the United States currency.

      He argues that the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, drafted by German banker Paul Warburg and others in a secret meeting (marked by a historical marker on Jekyll Island), defies Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 5 of the US Constitution by creating a “central bank of issue” for the United States. Mullins goes on to claim that World War I, the Agricultural Depression of 1920, the Great Depression of 1929, and Adolf Hitler’s rise to power were brought about by international banking interests in order to profit from conflict and economic instability.

      The following is a quote from the book’s introduction by Ezra Pound: “Here are the simple facts of the great betrayal. Wilson and House knew that they were doing something momentous. One cannot fathom men’s motive’s and this pair probably believed in what they were up to. What they did not believe in was representative government. They believed in government by an uncontrolled oligarchy whose acts would only become apparent after an interval so long that the electorate would be forever incapable of doing anything efficient to remedy depredations.”

      In 1987, Mullins authored The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History, in which he set forth the theory that an occult conspiracy founded in ancient Babylon controls the world monetary system, evidence of which he sees in Talmudic and Kabbalistic literature. [5] [6]

      As of 2005, Eustace Mullins is a member of the Southeast Bureau editorial staff of Willis Carto’s American Free Press. He is also a contributing editor to the Barnes Review.

      [edit] Works

      [edit] Video

      * The New World Order: Eustace Mullins, Interviewed By Bobby Lee (VHS Video)

      [edit] Books

      * A Writ for Martyrs, OTU Christ Church, 1985, 1985. Soft Cover. 223 pp.
      * Mullins’ New History of the Jews, The International Institute of Jewish Studies, Staunton, Virginia, 1978. Reprint of 1968 Edition. Quoting from the introduction “throughour the history of civilization, one particular problem of mankind has remained constant. In all of the vast records of peace and warsand rumors of wars, one great empire after another has had to come to grips with the same dilemma..the Jews.”
      * Murder by Injection: The Medical Conspiracy Against America, The National Council for Medical Research, Staunton, Virginia ISBN 0-88060-694-0
      * My Life in Christ, Faith and Service Books, Aryan League of America Staunton, Va., [1968], 90 pages
      * Secrets of the Federal Reserve, 1952. Reprinted John McLaughlin, 1983. 208 pages ISBN 0-9656492-1-0
      * The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology Of History, Revelation Books, Staunton, VA, 1987.
      * The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, Common Sense, Union, New Jersey, 1954., 144 pages
      * The Rape of Justice: America’s Tribunals Exposed, Staunton, VA: National Commission for Judicial Reform, 1989.
      * The Sedition Case, Sons Of Liberty, 1985, Metairie, LA, 1985. Trade Paperback.
      * The World Order, A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism, Staunton, Virginia: Ezra Pound Institute, 1985. 217 pages.
      * This Difficult Individual Ezra Pound, Fleet Publishing Corporation, (1961) Reprint Noontide Press ISBN 0-317-53248-0
      * This Difficult Individual:Ezra Pound, Angriff Press:Hollywood, CA, 1961. Useful reference, with b&w photos by Mr.Pound, taken while incarcerated; 388 pages; Cloth Reprint (exactly as Fleet Press edition, may even be bootlegged)
      * War! War! War!, Sons of Liberty, 1984. ISBN 0-89562-100-2
      * The Secret History of the Atomic Bomb

      [edit] Pamphlets and Other Works

      * 27 Billion Dollar Rip Off; The Power Brokers
      * Boycott: The Jewish Weapon
      * Canada: A Financial Report For 1992
      * Criminals On Capitol Hill
      * Death To The Peacemakers
      * Easter
      * Education For Death
      * Education for Slavery
      * Every Man A King
      * FDR
      * Federal Reserve Notes: Shackles Of Slavery
      * General Macarthur: The Inside Story
      * Genocide In America
      * How The Media Is Manipulated
      * How To Become A United States Senator
      * Is There A New World Order?
      * Jewish TV: Sick, Sick, Sick
      * Jewish War Against The Western World
      * Murder
      * Murder On The Supreme Court
      * New Israel
      * Our Identity
      * Sigmund Freud: Anti-Christ Devil
      * Supreme Court Burns Us Again
      * The Celebration Of Rosh Hashanah
      * The Coup That Never Was
      * The Danger Of International Merger Mania
      * The Day Is Here
      * The Hidden Hand Behind Televangelism
      * The Holocaust Explained
      * The Lindbergh Murders: Hauptman Was Innocent
      * The New World Order
      * The Plagues Of Pharaoh
      * The Power Brokers Of Canada
      * The Scandal Unveiled
      * The Trilaterals Are Back In The White House
      * The Vietnam Wall
      * The War Against Christianity
      * The War Against Vietnam Veterans
      * There’s A Gulag In Your Future
      * Trotsky: Where Are You Now?
      * War Is The Only Way Out
      * Warning: The Department Of Justice Is Dangerous To Americans
      * Washington DC: City Of Fear
      * What Are We Fighting To Preserve?
      * Who Owns the TV Networks?
      * American Patriotism Means Loyalty to Israel, Says Jack, Pamphlet. Reprint. 2 pages
      * America’s New Robber Barons: Exclusive Report, Pamphlet. 8 pages
      * George Sylvester Viereck: Roosevelt’s Victim, Pamphlet. 3 pages
      * Jesse Jackson And The Jews”, Corner Stapled Report. 7 pages
      * Judges or Criminals?, Pamphlet. 3 pages
      * Khatyn Or Katyn?, Pamphlet. 2 pages
      * Marching through Georgia, Pamphlet
      * New Look at Herzl, 2 pages. corner stapled photocopied report. Reveals that Herzl’s grandiose plans for Zionism resulted from VD.
      * None Dare Call Him Traitor: Larry Abraham The Israeli Connect, Pamphlet. 8 pages
      * Operation Desert Shield, Pamphlet. Corner Stapled Report. 4 pages
      * Reagan’s Final Surrender, Corner Stapled Report. 2 pages.
      * The Glorious Revolution, Corner Stapled Report. 4 pages
      * The Secret Holocaust, CPA Book Publishers, Boring, Or., A small 34 page phamplet
      * The Warburgs, An American Success Story, Corner Stapled Catalog. 7 pages.
      * What Made Sammy Run?: How Racial Hatred Creates Billion Dollar Fortunes, Pamphlet. 10 pages.
      * Why General Patton was Murdered, Pamphlet. 4 pages
      * You Can Stop the Threatened Depression!, USA: Liberty Free Press, USA. Leaflet.

      [edit] Resources

      * 1900-1930 U.S. Federal Census
      * WWI Draft Registration Card of his father
      * WWII Military Enlistment Index
      * OneWorldTree at http://www.ancestry.com
      * An Afternoon With Eustace Mullins
      * Freedom to Fascism, a movie by Aaron Russo

      [edit] See also

      * Nesta Webster, whose own works express precursor ideas about how Jews control the economy
      * Pat Robertson, whose book The New World Order borrows from both Mullins and Walker, sometimes without credit (New world order, old world anti-Semitism. (A review of Pat Robertson’s book) Ephraim Radner. The Christian Century v112.n26 (Sept 13, 1995): pp844(6))
      * Freedom to Fascism, a movie by Aaron Russo, 2006 http://www.freedomtofascism.com/

    16. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “As more and more little holes appear in the dyke”

      more and more holes shall appear in the kyke

      NO KYKE
      WE LYKE


      dyke (above) is misspelled

      GOOGLE tool bar has an easy to use spell checker. Don’t run KYKE through it. . .

    17. jackumup Says:

      A lot of pathetic Patriotards pick the tax mountain to make their stand on, with elaborate theories about why the income tax is unconstitutional.

      I always tell such people that the IRS is just giving them all of the rope they need to hang themselves with, and one day, all of a sudden, they will wake up and get a letter with the words “Internal Revenue Service” in the upper right hand corner.

      The income tax is illegal and unconstitutional. So is the IRS & tax court and all full of jews and niggaroes.

      So what do you think will happen to you if you challenge it?.

    18. Ray Lake Says:

      I was a call in “For The People” radio program about 12 years ago and told the host about Eustis Mullins and the “Secrets of the Federal Reserve”. I went on to say that the the Jeckle Island meeting and the non-ratification of the income tax act of 1913 and that they brought in members to viote during x-mas time and it was never ratified. I also told the host about the “New World Order”. The host never heard of Eustis and then had him on his show quite a few times. I just wanted Eustis to know it was me that started his going going on “For the People”.

    19. Bill Compton Says:

      I have long ago read The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve and cannot understand why more people are not concerned. Are there not any good people left in D.C. Would like to hear more about E. M.How can I learn more? Is he still living?

    20. Bruce Kettler Says:

      Mullins New History of the Jews, in full, is at…


    21. Marc Says:

      Eustace Mullins – MP3 Archives (1923-2010):


      This collection includes all the known available MP3 interviews with Eustace Mullins.