27 December, 2006

Greedy Jews Drain American Treasury

Posted by alex in Israel - the facts at 8:45 am | Permanent Link

Whether illegal wars or illegal settlements, one thing is sure: jews cost us money we don’t have!

From one illegal settlement to another

US taxpayers have already paid over $200k/settler to get their militant asses out of Gaza.How much do they intend to extort from US to make them move out of the West Bank???

Israel has approved a new settlement in the West Bank to house former Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip, officials said Tuesday, breaking a promise to the U.S. to halt home construction in the Palestinian territories.

Construction of the settlement in the northern West Bank town of Maskiot began months ago, but the project only received final approval from the Defense Ministry last week, said Dubi Tal, head of the Jordan Valley regional council.

Saeb Erekat, an aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, condemned the construction and urged the government to revoke its authorization, saying it violated the spirit of cooperation inaugurated by a meeting Saturday between Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

“What message are they trying to send?” Erekat asked.

That’s fairly obvious – they’ll take what they want, when they want, and no one can stop them.

The settlement will house 23 families who were evacuated when Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip last year, and will eventually house 100 families, Tal said. “I estimate that within two or three weeks the foundations for temporary housing will begin,” he said.

I’d like to see ANYONE in Congress – beside the janitors – stand up and object to this madness.


  • 2 Responses to “Greedy Jews Drain American Treasury”

    1. Beast Says:

      There are no words to describe how vile and disgusting Israel and its denizens are. Maybe there are some, but they’re probably Yiddish and I don’t know them. Shuffling around Israel and getting our money for their U-Hauls and home construction and furnishing.

      Death to Israel, the Shitty Little Kikistan that brings us only pain and suffering.

    2. no shit skins Says:

      The 1290 AD English LAW of Expulsion has never been rescinded… Maybe the OLD English, Irish, Scots and Welsh should have that law ENFORCED !!!!!