22 December, 2006

Reader Mail: 12/21/06

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 4:05 am | Permanent Link


Itz official: “Irving not welcome in the UK,” “Lord” Janner nose-shofared imperiously, as he enjoyed a mewling Toni Blair’s clasping colon……..


N.B. Forrest

Jew Janner likes little boys.


What is a wigger?



Islamophobia takes a grip across Europe

Wednesday, 20 December 2006Muslims are suffering physical attacks, verbal taunts and widespread discrimination as a climate of Islamophobia takes a grip across Europe.

A new report lists a host of examples of crime and intimidation from arson and suspected racist murder in Germany and Spain to pork fat being smeared on a mosque in Italy.

Thugs in Ireland beat up one man after calling him “bin Laden” while a bogus email in Denmark outlined fake primary school reforms to help migrant children. A maths question read: “Jamal has an AK47 with a 30-shot magazine. If he misses 6 out of 10 shots and he wants to hit each cup 13 times, how many cups can he shoot before he needs to reload?”

The report from the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia called on leaders to strengthen policies on integration, and on Muslims to ” engage more actively in public life.”

It also highlights the lack of reliable data, pointing out that only one country – the United Kingdom – publishes criminal justice data which specifically identify Muslims as victims of hate crime incidents.

The Muslim population of the EU is estimated to run to around 13m, around 3.5 per cent of the total. Since September 11 many feel “they have been put under a general suspicion of terrorism,” according to Beate Winkler, director of the centre.

The report says that Muslims “experience various levels of discrimination and marginalisation in employment, education and housing” and are “vulnerable to manifestations of prejudice and hatred in the form of anything from verbal threats through to physical attacks on people and property.”

In the Netherlands there was a significant jump in incidents following the murder in 2004 of Theo Van Gogh who made a film criticising Islam.

In Greece in February 2005 Europe’s oldest mosque in Europe, at Poliskio village in Xanthi, was damaged by gunshots. In the same month in Spain Azzouz Housni, a Moroccan farm labourer, was killed at El Ejido in Almería in what migrant groups described as a racist attack.

In Denmark a gang carrying baseball bats emblazoned with swastikas and racist slogans targeted a Somali family.

The report says: “Muslims feel that acceptance by society is increasingly premised on ‘assimilation’ and the assumption that they should lose their Muslim identity. This sense of exclusion is of particular relevance in the face of the challenges posed by terrorism. Muslims feel that since 9/11 they have been put under a general suspicion of terrorism.”

In the UK one non-governmental organisation recorded more than 50 cases of violence against Muslim property, including places of worship in 2004-5.

There were also more than 100 cases of verbal threats and abusive behaviour aimed at members of the Muslim community.

Source: news.independent.co.uk

Why should this come as a surprise to us?

A recent piece(in the Hitchens column in the Mail)decribed veiled women as going about dressed as ‘bats’ and ‘crows’. Do you disagree with him? As a muslim when I see women walking about wearing the niqaab/jilbaab, I think: do you HAVE to do that? Do you realise how alien you look? Indeed do you realise how silly you look, with just your eyes peeking out? Even as a Muslim I think: go away, you are an embarrassment. Why come to Europe and dress like that?

We keep hearing from the petulant (they are NOT fundamentalists, because they ignore the basic principles of Islam)that ‘we must follow the Prophet (pbuh) and the Sunnah/Sahabah’. Well they had no cars in 7th century Arabia, so do these so-called ‘fundamentalists’ want to ride on camels through the streets of London/New York/Paris?. Do they watch TV? Why? There was no TV during the times of the Sahabah! Do they use computers? Why? There is no Hadith regarding computers!

And when you talk to them about seeking knowledge, they say ‘yes, we seek knowledge of Islam/Quraan etc’. But they totally ignore a famous Hadith: ‘Go even to China in order to gain knowledge’. There was no Islam in China, so why did the Prophet (pbuh) say so. Clearly he meant any knowledge. But they WILL not see. And so we have ill-educated/uneducated young muslims hanging around streets ‘giving Dawa'(ususally they are the ones who cannot/will not get a proper job), and reciting Arabic verses to an English-speaking, atheist public that is going about their daily business. ‘It is what the Prophet (pbuh) did’, they say. But they fail to notice that he was an Arab speaking to Arabs, and naturally he spoke in Arabic (and the astonishing quality of the Quraanic verse stooped many a Meccan passer-by in his/her tracks — because they appreciated its distinction). They just don’t see it.

No wonder that unemployment is so high amongst Muslims: if they study only the Quraan/Hadith, how on earth are they going to find employment in pagan Europe/America etc? Isn’t that commonsense?

Islam is about the middle way: even the Prophet urged moderation in everything. Take a look at his many Treaties/agreements etc: you will see how reasonable/pragmatic/commonsensical he was.

Take sunrise/set and prayer times/Ramadan etc: what would you do if you were now at the North Pole? How would you ‘establish Prayer’, as the Quraan requires? The Sun isn’t going to rise for six months! And at the South Pole, it won’t set for six months! So the question is: at what Latitude does it become possible to pray ‘five times a day’ and to fast during ‘daylight’ hours in Ramadan? And remember that the answer will be different for Northern and Southern Hemisphere, and will vary according to the time of the year. Latitudes and Longitudes, North/South Pole, six-month day/six-month night/clocks(hours,minutes,seconds) — these things were unknown in 7th Century Arabia. The ‘Ulema’ knew nothing of these.

Today’s would-be strict Muslims will do well to see who are today’s ‘Ulema’. Where are they, who can utilise the latest scientific knowledge and keep Islam a dynamic faith, and stop its regression into an age of ignorance?

We hear a lot about Imaan being shown by deeds and by words; but we hear nothing about the Imaan that resides in the heart? And why is that? Because would-be ‘charismatic’ mullahs cannot see into a Muslim’s heart — only Allah can. And yet, that is the fount of Imaan: the heart. If it isn’t in the heart then the words/deeds are but mere play-acting and deception.

If the Imaan in your heart is absolutely rock-solid then it matters not whether you are veiled or not; whether you have a beard or not. A sickly person needs to wrap-up warm in cold weather, whereas someone with robust constitution can brave the elements without much difficulty. So, people who go over-the-top with layers of clothing, appearance,etc., in order to ‘make a statement’ can be reasonably assumed to be intinsically opposite to what they are portraying. Perhaps a pscychologist can comment!

If Islam doesn’t liberate your spirit, then you haven’t found Islam.

Why shouldn’t you go into a pub? It is not forbidden. What is forbidden is the intake of alcohol. There is no reason at all why you can’t go into a pub and have an orange juice/orange juice-cranberry mix/fizzy water with a dash of lime/ coke etc. It is a place where people meet and socialise. To stay at home and listen to appallingly scanned/sung Nasheeds — songs that ought really to be for a person’s private use, unless they are universally poetic — is mistaken seclusion, and is everywhere leading toward the exclusion of Muslims from mainstream European/American society. Muslims are having less and less influence thereby, and through their own fault feel frustrated as they watch helplessly when time and again Foreign policy tramples on Muslim sensibilities. If you don’t play a part, don’t be surprised if you are kept apart!

And which fool came up with terrorism? What an idiotic thing to be doing. Instead of ‘fighting with their lives’, they are ‘fighting with their deaths’!
It is just SO un-Islamic! Don’t these idiots see that ‘Peace’ and ‘terrorism’ cannot go together? And yet, over and over again we hear “Islam means ‘Peace'”! Do you not cringe now, everytime you hear that. This is how far the terrorists have damaged the perception of Islam.

So Islamophobia? I’m afraid its worse than that: its ‘Islamo-aversion’. People feel disgust, not fear.

How shocked our dear Prophet (pbuh) would feel if he saw what the fools have done to his legacy.

[many more comments]


The Jungle

Over the last few years, anti-immigration sentiment in this country has stiffened–not unlike Lou Dobbs’s hair. Even the president’s conservative supporters moan that the author of the Bush Doctrine has been a ninny when it comes to guarding the Southern border. This growing discontent helps account for the events of the morning of December 12, when the White House launched another campaign of shock and awe. More than 1,000 Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, clad in riot gear, swooped down on six Swift & Co. meatpacking plants. With the news cameras rolling, the agents carted away nearly 1,300 Latino immigrants whom they accused of “identity theft.” The most telling crackdown came in Greeley, Colorado, where 261 workers were hauled away, but only ten were arrested for identity theft.

This was a theatrical stunt, not the makings of an immigration policy. But, if Bush did want a new-and-improved immigration policy, meatpacking would be a good place to start. There is, after all, a reason that immigrants populate the Swift plants: An industry that once prided itself on its stable, middle-class workforce has become a hellhole that only the most desperate workers would enter.

In the postwar years, the industry matured beyond the bloody, septic pit that Upton Sinclair once exposed in The Jungle. It became heavily unionized and began paying wages equivalent to $20 an hour today, accompanied by generous benefits. But, beginning in the late ’60s, the companies, eager to escape unions, relocated from cities to the rural Midwest and Southwest.

And, with their move, they changed how meat was processed. They replaced skilled and semi-skilled workers with assembly lines that turned out packaged beef and pork products. Workers now stood on slippery floors in dark, fetid buildings wielding knives and power tools with which they would slice steers or hogs as they swung past at high velocity. They were paid about half of what their unionized counterparts had earned. The Jungle had reemerged.

The new assembly-line jobs were extremely dangerous. Lacerations were common, as were maimed limbs. Repetitive muscular injuries were virtually unavoidable. (Imagine throwing a baseball with the same motion 10,000 times a day.) Nearly one-third of workers at the average plant suffer a work-related injury each year. That has contributed to an astoundingly high turnover rate.

During the 1980s, immigrants emerged as the rank and file of the new nonunionized industry–especially Latinos, but also refugees from the Balkans, Southeast Asia, and East Africa. This was often by design. The companies actively recruited on the border. “They don’t care if the workers are legal or illegal,” one recruiter for meatpacking and construction firms told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Some towns in Iowa even have unofficial “sister cities” in Mexico that furnish a ready supply of workers.

In other words, more raids aren’t going to stanch the flow of immigrants. Immigrants flock to these plants because the labor market demands their presence. There’s simply no homegrown workforce for this kind of supremely unattractive job. What’s more, these plants exacerbate social tensions: Immigrants aren’t just blamed for swiping U.S. jobs; they are unfairly blamed for low wages and abysmal working conditions.

So, if the Bush administration truly wanted to alleviate the tension that surrounds immigration, it would reform the industries that rely on immigration. It could begin by enforcing the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, which makes the federal government responsible for assuring “safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women.” Of course, Bush has done exactly the opposite. One of his first presidential actions was to overturn the ergonomic standards that the Clinton administration had adopted. These would have applied directly to the meatpacking plants. To add insult to injury, the Bush administration even stopped requiring employers to report these injuries, enabling it to claim the industry has become safer.

The National Labor Relations Board can also enforce existing laws that guarantee workers the chance to organize. The United Food and Commercial Workers, for instance, has enjoyed success organizing immigrant workers, but it faces hostility. One meat processor hired its own security force, whose chief was convicted of beating up organizers. If the administration were to enforce these safety and labor laws, it could ease the plight of illegal immigrants. And it could also help create acceptable jobs for unemployed American workers. That wouldn’t capture headlines like troopers raiding plants, but it might help calm dark passions.


Dwelle: Who called me racist?
Trustee seeks court order forcing chaplain to identify accusers

PERKINS TWP. Bill Dwelle, chairman of the Perkins Board of Trustees, filed a court order attempting to force Perkins Police chaplain Rev. Thomas Fant Jr. to reveal who told him Dwelle was racist.

Fant brought up the allegations during a Sept. 26 trustees meeting, but didn’t provide names or instances he alleged occurred with two black Perkins officers working undercover in Toledo and a third in the Perkins department. The motion filed seeks to learn the situations Fant believes Dwelle acted in a racist or bigoted manner or used the “N” word.

For more of this story, click on or type the URL below:



I always thought this broad Regan was a jewess herself. Interesting…….

Publisher allegedly cited ‘Jewish cabal’

NEW YORK – In an explosive telephone argument that led to her firing, publisher Judith Regan allegedly complained of a “Jewish cabal” against her in the book industry and stated that “Of all people, Jews should know about ganging up, finding common enemies and telling the big lie.”




An Editor of Many Sins, But… ‘AntiSemite’?

Alana Newhouse | Wed. Dec 20, 2006

Last week, Judith Regan, the seemingly unassailable dragon lady of book publishing, was finally brought down. But after weathering more than a decade of hostility from nearly every corner of the industry — from accusations of questionable taste to serious charges of harassment and abuse — the editor was dethroned by one allegation that had never appeared on her rap sheet: antisemitism.

The firing came a month after Rupert Murdoch — whose News Corporation owns HarperCollins, the parent company of ReganBooks — canceled Regan’s planned publication of a memoir by O.J. Simpson that purportedly described how he would have committed the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman. It was a major blow to Regan, who had frequently battled (usually successfully) against executives within the company — most notably HarperCollins CEO Jane Friedman. But a fever pitch was reached last Friday, when Regan allegedly lost her temper during a conversation about a controversial new novel about Mickey Mantle that she was publishing. It was undoubtedly not the first time she raged at company suits (it might not have even been the first time that day), but, mere hours later, security guards showed up at Regan’s office and ordered her to leave. According to news reports, the final straw was Regan’s comments that three HarperCollins executives — includin g Friedman — and literary agent Esther Newberg constituted a “Jewish cabal” operating against her, and that “of all people, Jews should know about ganging up, finding common enemies and telling the big lie.”

“[Friedman] called Rupert and Rupert said he won’t tolerate that kind of behavior,” said a source quoted by The New York Times. Regan was terminated.

The problem with this storyline is that, among the many charges that have been leveled against Regan — including but not limited to being a manipulator, a tormentor of employees and a legendary narcissist — antisemitism is the least supportable. Indeed, if observers and former employees are to be believed, it might be one of the few transgressions of which she is not guilty.

“If you were going to take an opportunity to make someone unsupportable, antisemitism would be the easiest charge to use,” argued Ron Hogan, co-editor of GalleyCat, a daily blog about the publishing industry, who said he does not believe Regan is guilty of the allegation. “The only reason Judith has for hating people is whether they have done anything to hurt or help her. I don’t think anything else factors into her equations.”









New Studies Put U.S. Jewry Over 6 Million Mark
Population Said To Be Growing — Rebuke to Pessimists
Nathaniel Popper | Fri. Dec 22, 2006

Two major new demographic studies estimate the American Jewish population at well above 6 million people, indicating a growing Jewish community that contrasts sharply with popular images of Jewish decline. In particular, scholars say, the new studies appear to refute a widely publicized survey conducted in 2001, which counted 5.2 million American Jews and sparked widespread anxiety over American Jewry’s future.

The most clear-cut refutation of the earlier figure comes in the newly published American Jewish Year Book, published by the American Jewish Committee, which sets the American Jewish population at 6.4 million. A separate study, being conducted by a new Jewish demographic institute at Brandeis University, is not yet complete, but the head of the institute told the Forward that the final estimate will likely be between 6 million and 8 million.

The earlier figure, 5.2 million, has been criticized by many American demographers as too low since it appeared. Nonetheless, it has gained traction in public discussion and has been cited by Israeli officials as confirmation of Israel’s central role in world Jewry. Earlier this year, a quasi-governmental Israeli think tank used the 2001 number in a report announcing that Israel had more Jews than America and was the world’s largest Jewish community for the first time in over 2,000 years. Until now many American demographers have hesitated to challenge the 2001 figures publicly because there was no good alternative. Now, however, the public consensus appears to be shifting.

“The buzz among social scientists — on the e-mails and over the coffee tables — has been, ‘We all know the number is higher,’” said sociologist Steven M. Cohen, who helped oversee the release of the 2001 National Jewish Population Survey. “We just don’t know exactly how much higher. This is the first post-NJPS effort to come out.”



Tannenbaum schleps to Milwaukee with hilarious “Good for the Jews”

[jewish racism is “hilarious” – White racism is “hate”]

by Molly Snyder Edler

Long before Rob Tannenbaum was even a knish in his mother’s kosher midriff, Brew City Jews spent Christmas noshing moo shoo (chicken, of course) and watching movies about miracles. This year, however, Tannenbaum ladles up alternative entertainment in the form of a music/comedy show called “Good for the Jews.”

“Good for the Jews” is the latest from Tannenbaum, who received rave reviews for his previous performance, “What I Like About Jew.” This time, along with David Fagin, Tannenbaum embarks on a “Chanukah/Hanukkah holiday tour” featuring more unorthodox songs about Jews and Jewish life.

“(This show) allows us to share our anxiety as a group, which is what Judaism is all about,” says Tannenbaum.

The New York duo comes to Milwaukee’s Miramar Theatre on Christmas Eve Eve — that’s Saturday, Dec. 23 for anyone about to count on his or her fingers.

Apparently, Tannenbaum’s pretty dang funny, because publications like the Village Voice and the San Francisco Bay Guardian throw around the word “hilarious” like it’s the Great Yarmulke Toss of ’97. Tannenbaum’s song titles tout his wit, which include “It’s Good to be a Jew at Christmas,” a bar mitzvah reflection called “Today I Am A Man,” and an ode to circumcision called “Just A Little Off The Top.”

“I’m currently working on a song called ‘Shikzas Are For Practice,'” says Tannenbaum, who is 32 and single.

Being Jewish isn’t required to attend Saturday night’s show, but having some grasp of the Jewish experience — even if that means watching “Seinfeld” reruns or occasionally popping into Benji’s for a plate of Hopple Popple — is probably a good idea.

“We don’t do the show in Hebrew or Yiddish or ‘Jewbonics.’ We’re telling jokes in English, that everyone can understand,” says Tannenbaum. “But if there’s a joke that I tell and you don’t understand, you can always turn to someone in the audience with higher SAT scores and they’ll explain it.”

Aside from being the front man for the indie pop band The Rosenbergs, Fagin was a guest on the Dennis Miller and Howard Stern shows. His songs have been heard on “Dawson’s Creek,” “Party Of Five,” “One Tree Hill” and “Queer Eye,” among others.

Tannenbaum, a pop culture guru who gave opinions on VH-1’s “50 Most Awesomely Bad Songs Ever,” was featured in Time Out New York’s cover story about “The New Super Jews,” along with Jon Stewart and Sarah Silverman, and in last year’s New York Times article about “the Jewish Hipster Movement.”

“Jews of this (younger) generation have a different reality than Woody Allen. We’re not schlubs and dweebs any more,” says Tannenbaum. “We are people who want to feel an affinity for Judaism, but also want to eat a BLT now and again.”

So does Tannenbaum indulge in the non-kosher pig?

“I don’t like bacon so much, but I do like the occasional pork chop,” he says.

Web address: http://onmilwaukee.com/articles/goodforthejews.html

Deportation of British historian
delayed because of London fog

Holocaust Denier to Return to Britain

Associated Press December 21, 2006 / 1:51 PM EST

VIENNA, Austria — Holocaust denier David Irving was booked on a flight to return home to Britain on Thursday, a day after a court granted him early release from a three-year prison sentence, but fog in London delayed his departure.


Meanwhile, dissidents — such as Ernst Zündel,
Germar Rudolf, Horst Mahler, Dr. Rigolf Hennig,
Ernst Günter Kögel and Siegfried Verbeke, among
others — continue to languish in the dungeons
of democracy. Please remember them as you
celebrate this Yuletide Season.


Historian David Irving Released

Dear Free Speech Supporter:

Political prisoner David Irving held in an Austrian jail for the past 13 months has been released on probation. The Austrian Appeals Court cut his three year sentence for a speech delivered in 1989 questioning some aspects of the Hollywood version of World War II, to one year (time served) and two years of probation.

“The appeals court in Vienna had heard calls for both a reduction and increase in the three-year sentence. Irving was convicted in February in a case that sparked international debate about the limits of freedom of speech. In 1989 he spoke in Austria denying the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz. … Irving on Wednesday welcomed his release and said he was “fit and well”. The 68-year-old said he would urge an academic boycott of historians from Germany and Austria until the nations stopped jailing historians. ‘I was put in prison for three years for expressing an opinion 17 years ago,’ he said. … But his lawyer, Herbert Schaller, said: ‘He is free, and he can leave, and he will leave.’” (BBC News, December 20, 2006)

“We’re organising his press conference here in central London,” Lady Michele Renouf, the British historian’s press spokesman told CAFÉ from London this morning. “David Irving is completely free now,” she said. “We expect that his release and paperwork will processed and that he may return to London as early as tonight.”

One slight glitch, she said, was a heavy fog blanketing much of England. “Would you believe his delay is being delayed by fog? There are no domestic flights in or out of Southern England and few from the continent.”

Mr. Irving had expressed a strong desire to be home for Christmas.

Sounding a sour and vindictive note was Lord Janner. The “vice-president of the World Jewish Congress and president of the Commonwealth Jewish Council, said: ‘I am sorry that he did not serve out his full term, and I hope he will remain in Austria and not return to the United Kingdom, where he will not be welcome.’” (BBC News, December 20, 2006)

“Mr. Irving’s release is the result of more than a year of protests, letters to Austrian authorities, letters to the editor and protests organized by Lady Michele Renouf in London and CAFÉ in Ottawa,” said Paul Fromm,” Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression. “It’s a tribute to hundreds of free speech supporters in Canada, America, Europe and Australia who wrote those letters of protest to Austrian authorities and kept up the pressure.

Equally important, I believe, the recent conference in Tehran skewered Western hypocrisy about free speech. Ironically one of the few places on earth where scholars could meet to question the so-called holocaust account of World War II was Tehran. Despite the West’s breast beating about its commitment to human rights, the outspoken Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmedinejad pointed out that writers and scholars were in Western prisons for merely questioning aspects of the new state religion of Holocaust.”

Lady Michele Renouf was a featured speaker at the Tehran Conference and is on the key organizing committee planning a future conference.


French President Orders Probe of Faurisson’s Remarks in

French President Jacques Chirac has ordered a probe into revisionist comments made by the French scholar Robert Faurisson at an Iranian conference on the Holocaust this week, his office said Friday. Chirac has asked Justice Minister Pascal Clement to open a preliminary investigation into the comments made by Faurisson, a retired literature professor well-known for his revisionist views. In his speech at the Tehran meeting, Faurisson repeated his theories denying the existence of gas chambers and said that in the past 22 years “he had been waiting for someone to show him one of those chambers”. The 77-year-old Faurisson was given a three-month suspended jail term for Holocaust denial last October over remarks he made on Iranian television.


Prof. Faurisson Faces Punishment in France for Iran Talk

French revisionist academic who denies the existence of the Nazi Holocaust could face legal action for speaking on the topic at a controversial Iranian conference, French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste- Blazy said Wednesday. Robert Faurisson might be brought to court “as a result of the comments he made” at the “unacceptable” Tehran gathering, which wrapped up Tuesday, he said. Iran held the two-day conference to examine questions posed by its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly cast doubt on the truth of the Holocaust.



Unknown World War II German Documentary
on Norway Found
Aftenposten (Norway)

A bit of random luck secured the unknown German documentary film “Kampf um Norwegen” (Struggle for Norway). Associate Professor Jostein Saakvitne at Bergen University College stumbled over the film by accident at a German Internet auction. Now film archivist Ragnar Løvberg at the Norwegian Film Institute is responsible for the digital transfer of the five reels of delicate nitrate film from 1940.



Russia’s Israeli Prisoners as Bargaining Chips

Moscow has continuously denied four Israeli nationals convicted in Russia permission to serve their terms at home unless Israel extradites Jewish Russian-born entrepreneur Leonid Nevzlin, once the second-in-command of Yukos and business partner of the jailed Russian tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Yedioth Ahronoth reports.


To be read in conjunction with this immortal quote.

”For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb goyim. It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central headquar-ters for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.” (“Mein Kampf”, Volume I, Chapter 11, pp. 324-325 – HM edition)


Sir Moe Fugger ([email protected]) thought you would be interested in this item from cleveland.com. (This page may also contain advertising.)


Sir Moe Fugger says:
…DuQuan as in DuKwan…darkies are too funny…gettin’ redy for Quanza?


Gold Derivatives: Elephant in the Boardroom

Pierre Lassonde, the soon-to-retire president of Newmont Mining and chairman of the World Gold Council, began his speech at the October dinner of the Committee for Monetary Research and Education (audio available at www.cmre.org) by declaring that gold is “real money” and then made the case for investing in gold as a separate asset class. It is an argument that he makes well, having done so for years. See, e.g., P. Lassonde, The Gold Book (Penguin, 1990). And to judge by the success of the WGC’s exchange-traded bullion fund, now at over 500 tonnes, it is an argument that is finding an increasingly receptive audience.

But having recognized the essential monetary nature of gold, Mr. Lassonde then lapsed into analyzing it like any other commodity. He equated annual demand to annual supply, presented in chart form by bars for each year piling scrap recovery and net official sector sales on top of new mine production. Production, which peaked at around 2500 tonnes in 2003, is expected to decline over the coming years, as are official sales, which in any event are simply a redistribution of existing stocks. See, e.g., K. Morrison, Gold sales fall well below limit set in central banks’ pact, FT.com (Sept. 27, 2006).

However, he earlier estimated that of the 160,000 tonnes of gold thought to exist above-ground, almost half might in favorable circumstances become available to the market. Neither this hoard nor private transactions in gold played any role in his figures on annual supply and demand, a frequent omission among gold analysts. See R. Blumen, The Myth of the Gold Supply Deficit, LewRockwell.com (Oct. 30, 2006). Nor did gold derivatives.

One questioner asked how much gold the central banks had loaned into the market, to which Mr. Lassonde replied that total forward sales by gold mining companies now stood at around 1600 tonnes and would continue to go down. See also GFMS, Global Hedge Book Analysis Q3-2006 (Nov. 2006). Although the answer was scarcely responsive, the question has long plagued serious gold analysts due to the opaque, not to say outright misleading, nature of central bank reporting. See, e.g., N.R. Ryan, Gold Market Lending (Blanchard & Co., Dec. 1, 2006), discussed in D. Kosich, IMF should mandate total central bank gold loan disclosure, Mineweb (Dec. 15, 2006).



A Yuletide Message

“The face of truth remains hidden behind a circle of
gold. Unveil it, O God of Light, that I who love the
true may see!

“O life-giving Sun, offspring of the Lord of Creation,
solitary seer of Heaven! Spread Thy light and withdraw
Thy blinding splendor that I may behold Thy radiant
form: that Spirit far away within Thee is my own
innermost spirit.”

—— The words of ancient Aryan scripture

Ancient Aryans revered the Sun as a source of
energy and life and worshipped the radiant, golden
orb, the bringer of light and power, as it coursed
the sky in its great, mythic chariot.

And they conceived a unique graphical symbol to
represent the Sun’s primordial energy and
benevolence. This was the Swastika, a four-armed,
right-angled wheel seemingly poised to rotate in
a clockwise direction, a shape that they held to
capture the good luck of the four cardinal

In more recent time, as men had begun to forget,
this holy symbol of light and life was raised anew
and consecrated by the One who came into the
world to remind us of our eternal Aryan destiny.

And so, once again, as the Sun reaches its lowest
ebb in the northern latitudes, we are reminded
of the eternal message of the Season: that the
Sun always returns; that it will prevail over the
Darkness; and that its victory, symbolized by the
immortal Swastika, is unstoppable.

At this time, we extend all best wishes for a very
HAPPY YULETIDE, as we prepare for the return
of that brighter time which is promised and which
is yet to come.


The Guardian journalist who became central London organiser for the BNP

Ian Cobain went undercover for seven months to explore the clandestine world of the BNP: how it operates, recruits and holds meetings

Thursday December 21, 2006
The Guardian

BNP leader Nick Griffin outside Leeds crown court
BNP leader Nick Griffin outside Leeds crown court. Photograph: John Giles/PA

Early one evening in October, outside an entrance to Liverpool Street station in London, a few dozen men and women are standing around in small groups, whispering into mobile telephones, shuffling their feet, smiling and nodding discreetly to one another.

It is unseasonably warm, and people are spilling onto the pavement from the Hamilton Hall, a pub a few yards away. It’s also a Saturday, and throngs of noisy football supporters are weaving in and out of the station on their way home from matches around the capital.



Loony Christians get ready for Armageddon.

Holy warriors set sights on Iran
By Bill Berkowitz, Asia Times, 12/21/06

OAKLAND, California – Over the past 20 years, the US Christian Right has evolved into one of the most powerful grassroots organizing forces within the Republican Party, and a host of Christian Zionists have taken a well-earned seat at the foreign-policy table.

At the same time, their support for Israel is not only growing, it is becoming an influential political factor.

Several prominent Christian Right and conservative Jewish leaders have teamed up to found organizations that have provided millions of dollars to Israeli charities, lobbied in support of policies advanced by right-wing leaders in Israel, opposed President George W Bush’s so-called “roadmap” to peace in the Middle East, and have helped defray the costs of the immigration of Russian Jews to Israel, among other activities.

While the Reverends Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell have been longtime supporters of Israel, the founding this year of Christians United for Israel by John Hagee, the pastor of the 18,000-member Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, drew a great deal of media attention.



The Eye of Sauron turns East.
Axis of evil moving in on oasis of freedom and democracy in Middle East.

U.S. and Britain to Add Ships to Persian Gulf in Signal to Iran

By THOM SHANKER, NY Times, 12/21/06

WASHINGTON, Dec. 20 — The United States and Britain will begin moving additional warships and strike aircraft into the Persian Gulf region in a display of military resolve toward Iran that will come as the United Nations continues to debate possible sanctions against the country, Pentagon and military officials said Wednesday.

The officials said that Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates was expected this week to approve a request by commanders for a second aircraft carrier and its supporting ships to be stationed within quick sailing distance of Iran by early next year.

Senior American officers said the increase in naval power should not be viewed as preparations for any offensive strike against Iran. But they acknowledged that the ability to hit Iran would be increased and that Iranian leaders might well call the growing presence provocative. One purpose of the deployment, they said, is to make clear that the focus on ground troops in Iraq has not made it impossible for the United States and its allies to maintain a military watch on Iran. That would also reassure Washington’s allies in the region who are concerned about Iran’s intentions.

The officials said the planned growth in naval power in the gulf and surrounding waters would be useful in enforcing any sanctions that the United Nations might impose as part of Washington’s strategy to punish Iran for what it sees as ambitions to acquire nuclear weapons. And the buildup would address another concern: that Iran could try to block oil shipments from the gulf in retaliation for United Nations sanctions or other American-led pressure.



Goldman Sachs (GS) paid chief Lloyd Blankfein a whopping $54 million in salary and bonus this year amid a record year for profits at the Wall Street powerhouse.

Goldman gave the 52-year-old Blankfein $27.3 million in cash, $15.7 million in restricted stock and options worth about $10.5 million to go on top of his annual salary of $600,000, according to documents filed last night with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Goldman also disclosed that co-presidents Jon Winkelried and Gary Cohn each received options and restricted stock worth roughly $25.7 million each. The firm did not disclose the amount of cash bonus each received. Vice Chairman John Weinberg received $15.2 million in restricted stock and options.

Just last week at Goldman’s rival Morgan Stanley (MS), CEO John J. Mack recieved a bonus of $41.1 million.

The disclosure of Blankfein’s windfall comes as some inside the firm were rumored to be receiving bonuses of about $100 million. A Goldman spokesman said yesterday that only a few people at the firm received more than Blankfein and no one at the firm “came close to the $100 million mark.”


Carter: No, as a matter of fact, the concerns I exposed have gotten even worse now with the United States supporting and encouraging Israel in its unjustified attack on Lebanon.

SPIEGEL: Should there be an international peacekeeping force along the Lebanese-Israeli border?

Carter: Yes.

SPIEGEL: And can you imagine Germans soldiers taking part?

Carter: Yes, I can imagine Germans taking part.

SPIEGEL: … Even with their history?

Carter: Yes. That would be certainly satisfactory to me personally,






Portsmouth officer leaked drug investigations, prosecutor says

Lt. Brian Keith Muhammad Abdul-Ali

By JEN MCCAFFERY, The Virginian-Pilot
© December 20, 2006 | Last updated 5:36 PM Dec. 20

PORTSMOUTH — The former head of the Portsmouth Police Department’s drug-fighting unit was providing information about ongoing investigations to his nephew, according to court arguments today. That allegation emerged at a bond hearing in Portsmouth Circuit Court.

Lt. Brian Keith Muhammad Abdul-Ali, a 21-year veteran of the Portsmouth police force, has been charged with conspiracy to distribute cocaine. His nephew, Gregory Mondell Elliott Sr., faces the same charge.

A prosecutor, State Assistant Attorney General Matthew C. Ackley, argued that during a search warrant at Elliott’s business, police recovered crack cocaine for distribution.

Elliott said that for years his uncle had provided him with information about ongoing drug investigations, Ackley said.

His defense attorney said Elliott, of the 1800 block of Spectator St. in Portsmouth, owns a car wash and dump truck lawn business in the city.

Circuit Court Judge Dean W. Sword Jr. decided to release Abdul-Ali on $50,000 bond. However, Sword decided that Abdul-Ali’s co-defendant and nephew, Gregory Mondell Elliott Sr., should be held without bond.

The attorney general’s office is assisting the Portsmouth commonwealth attorney’s office in the case.



Free speech on the Mideast?

Sami A. Halaby

RALEIGH – After the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001, an unhealthy tendency toward conformity has developed in this country. It has stifled open discussion and free speech, most notably in the electronic and print media. An absolute, unencumbered right to speak and publish freely without fear of reprisal is important in a representative democracy. Without it, no public debate, popularly supportable policy or properly functioning civil society is possible..

Examining some recent public utterances, it becomes evident that sound bites based on carefully chosen words, repetitively used by the authorities and uncritically reported by the media, become accepted discourse. Discourse beyond that becomes suspect.

For example, one can discuss without getting much of an argument that extremist Muslims want to establish a caliphate, want to dominate the world, hate us for our values and kill innocents. We hear that all the time, and it’s certainly supported by what we see in our media.

If the discussion is widened to consider the notion that most devout Muslims take a dim view of many of the excesses of Western culture, which they see as godless, hedonistic and materialistic, that caliphates were historically the way Muslims successfully governed themselves without occidental interference, or that these beliefs may motivate and reinforce extremism as a response to the encroachment of the West — then one is subjected to considerable opprobrium and ostracism. .

Or consider the recent publication of a book by former President Jimmy Carter on Palestine. Even a Nobel laureate and a former president is unable to freely discuss inappropriate Israeli behavior with respect to occupied Palestine without being smeared in the pages of The New York Times and The Washington Post.

All Carter wanted to do was to end the deafening silence on this side of the Atlantic about the treatment of the Palestinians. His book is largely based on the Carter Center’s experience there.

I have considerable personal experience with this phenomenon. Silencing criticism of Israel is a national disgrace that certainly inhibits free expression. One wonders how a one-sided discussion of the Middle East can help America’s national interest.

• • •

Since all things in the Middle East are connected to each other, consider the oft-repeated reference to the Siniora government in Lebanon as representing the flowering of a nascent democracy, a triumphant exemplar of Bush administration policy — while the terrorist Hezbollah, lackeys of evil Syria and Iran, foment trouble by conducting massive demonstrations to undermine it.

Certainly it’s impolitic to point out that Hezbollah is supported by 40 percent of the Lebanese electorate, that there are 18 different religious groups in Lebanon, that the Lebanese elect their representatives based on an outmoded religious formula under which the president is Maronite Christian, the prime minister is a Sunni Muslim and the speaker of the Parliament is a Shia Muslim — which does not comport to current demographics.

Siniora was elected in the same manner all Lebanese governments have been for years. There is very little flowering here.

And it’s inconvenient to point out that the anti-government demonstrations are being conducted by both Shia and Christians, and that the Islamist Hezbollah TV station, which incidentally is banned in the U.S., recently carried a Maronite Roman Catholic Mass in recognition of their alliance.

A faculty member at the American University in Beirut was heard to say that mass protest demonstrations are good in the Ukraine and bad in Lebanon, depending on what pleases the United States. It’s difficult to discern free public discussion here.

Regrettably all this has been the norm for the past five years. America’s Nov. 7 election hopefully ended all this spin and will produce a balanced government and a more critical media.

(Sami A. Halaby is a retired Palestinian-American scientist who came to the United States in 1951)


In the Genes

Important new DNA analysis conducted by 13 different research centers in the US and the UK finds that individual human beings are at least 10 times more different from one another than previously thought. Instead of being 99.9 percent identical, it is more like 99 percent. That means humans are as different from each other as it was previously assumed we were all different from chimpanzees. Instead of 99 percent, the new research suggests we are 96 percent identical to chimps.

Heretofore, scientists believed human variation came from differences in each person’s DNA “letter” sequence. It now appears that people differ in the number of copies of key genes. It was previously assumed that people got two copies of every gene–one from each parent–but the new research finds that a child may receive several copies of certain genes from a parent.

In announcing what they described as a “breakthrough,” the scientists said the new discoveries should explain why some people are prone to genetic diseases. Left unsaid, except as a passing reference to “mental variations” between humans, was the question of racial differences in IQ and other traits. One suspects that the scientists know more than they are saying. The research subjects were 270 Europeans, Africans and Asians, and the scientists found enough differences between them to assign all but one to a distinct racial group. [Steve Connor, Genetic Breakthrough That Reveals the Differences Between Humans, Independent (London), Nov. 23, 2006.]



The Proposed North American Union, Redux

Ideas are just ideas unless people actually accept them, right?




Column “Why I Hate WWII”

Makes some good points about the so-called “good war” [1]:


[1] more about the “good war” here:






  • 12 Responses to “Reader Mail: 12/21/06”

    1. William Crow Says:

      Lord Janner


    2. jimbo Says:

      how ironic that the paedophilic ‘Lord’ Janner, fancier of young boys, should declare David Irving persona non grata
      apropos the nation he, his father and his grand-father were born in!

      what gives? when the member of a tribe who were EXPELLED from ‘the green & pleasant land’ for numerous & odious crimes: ranging from ursury to well-poisoning to child sacrifice and whose edict of expulsion has NEVER been repealed sees fit to pontificate on who comes & who goes? hmmmmm?

      ‘Lord’ Janner (or should that be: ‘Lord’ Jerk-Off?!?) is, however, in good company with his companeros ‘Down Under’: most of the inner Cabinet of the current PM of Oz (Johnnie ‘Gun-Grabber’ COWARD!) are closet paedophiles TOO!
      names that spring immediately to mind:
      i/Peter Clodello;
      ii/Joe Jockey;
      iii/Helen Coonface;
      iv/Amanda Twenty-stone (AKA: Amanda LardArse!);
      v/Alexander Dandruff;
      vi/Kevin Ant-heap;
      vii/George Bandylegs;
      viii/Wilson Nip ‘n’ Tuck;
      ix/Tony Abortion

      not surprisingly, renowned military historian David Irving can’t get a ‘look in’ here either!

      perhaps they’re worried that Irving’s well-attested ‘sleuthing skills’ might force their closet paedophilia OUT of the CLOSET!

    3. Michael Mavros Says:

      A jew telling an Englishman that he is not wanted in England. What a bizarre world we live in.

    4. Stan Sikorski Says:

      Michael Mavros Says:
      A jew telling an Englishman that he is not wanted in England. What a bizarre world we live in.

      If I was Irving, I’d call that yid out in the street and beat that crap out of him thoroughly. Yid wants to flap lips and dishonor a White man? Yid should, from this day forward meet White fist and boot for itz insolence.

    5. H.Schneider Says:

      Jews were excluded from England and most countries at one time or another. The reason of course was, that no one wanted people without the slightest morals in their midst.

    6. jackumup Says:

      ” I hope he will stay in Austria and not return to the United Kingdom where he will not be welcome”. What The Fuck? We need to hang this vile group of parasites (Every last Fucking one of them). There should not be a discussion about whether the holohoax happened. But, why all the other civilized nations did not participate?

    7. remnant Says:


      “You will say that the Jew is everywhere numerically feeble. When I read in the Encyclopedia Britannica that the Jewish population of the United States was 250,000, I wrote to the editor and explained to him that his figures were without doubt a misprint for 25,000,000. People told me that they had reason to suspect that for business reasons, many Jews did not report themselves as Jews. It looks plausible. I am strongly of the opinion that we have an immense Jewish population in America. ”



    8. Hengest Says:

      Don’t get fond of Irving folks. The man is a crook.
      Go to http://www.thebirdman.org and scroll down to the net losses section and read all about his wrong-doings.

    9. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      David Irving Is Jewish!
      Assembled by John “Birdman” Bryant

      A Footnote of Irony
      By Germar Rudolf

      The Revisionist · 2004 · Volume 2 · No. 2 · p. 122

      A few weeks ago I met Dietmar Munier in Chicago, owner of the medium-sized publishing company Arndt in Kiel, northern Germany. He was hunting original color photographs of the Third Reich era for his many upcoming book projects, and while visiting archives in the United States, he decided to stop by and meet me so that we could discuss several future book publishing projects. Since Munier published several very interesting and important books on the history of the Second World War in particular as well as the years preceding, I hope to be able to publish English language editions of some of these books shortly.

      One series of some five books addresses several aspects of the German-Russian war between 1941-1945. Another series features a collection of great color photos of various theaters of the Second World War; yet another series contains heavily illustrated books focusing on peacetime Germany before the war. As you can imagine, publishing such a large number of fine books requires some financial backing, which is why things may progress only slowly initially. But with a little luck, I may acquire an investor willing to put his money where his mouth is, so that these fine books can be offered to the English-speaking world soon.

      During dinner, Herr Munier casually talked about various of his past, present, and future projects. While so doing, he touched briefly upon a project he had carried out several years ago: a Festschrift on the occasion of David Irving’s 60th birthday. Subtitled Historians in Handcuffs (see illustration) and recounting David Irving’s own painful experience, this 1998 book included contributions from a long list of highly renowned German scholars. One personality, however, whose article was originally planned to be included as well, was finally not represented: Ralf Hochhuth, author of the (in)famous play Der Stellvertreter (The Deputy). In this play, Hochhuth had turned the so-called confessions of Kurt Gerstein about his alleged activities at the purported extermination camp Belzec into a worldwide theater success, popularizing one of the most outrageous pieces of evidentiary nonsense on the ‘Holocaust’.

      The reason Hochhuth’s article was not printed was that it contained many statements about Irving that were closer to unfounded ad hominem attacks than to the kind of statements one would expect in a Festschrift. One of Hochhuth’s statements about Irving piqued the publisher’s interest most intensely, and that was his claim that Irving’s mother was Jewish. Herr Munier inquired about this in disbelief, but David Irving happily confirmed it: yes, his mother was Jewish, but he was never interested in this fact, nor was he raised within the Jewish tradition. He therefore never considered it to have any relevance. Thus, according to orthodox Jewish tradition, David Irving is a Jew, plain and simple.

      The interesting questions arising from this are: Why did Ralf Hochhuth want to blow the whistle on Irving in this regard? Had he an interest in undermining Irving’s financial basis by hoping to cut him off from some of his supporters who are anti-Semitic to the point where they would reject Irving because of this? And why was this fact never mentioned by anybody? Why was it not raised during Irving’s libel case against Lipstadt? I bet all sides knew that an atheist Jew (Irving) was fighting against orthodox Jews (Lipstadt, van Pelt, and others). It was, and continues to be, a case of Jewish in-fighting, if you wish to label it that way.

      Of course, Holocaust promoters can have no interest in advertising that the “main exponent” of “Holocaust Denial” is a Jew. Oy vey, what a publicity disaster that would be! (Even though Irving is, strictly seen, not even a Holocaust revisionist, but merely a benevolent observer.)

      At the end of the day, one can argue that it doesn’t matter what heritage Irving’s mother had, at least not in regard to where the historical truth is to be found. But for many individuals it might make a difference in their personal attitude toward revisionism.

      For me personally, this is only an interesting, curious, ironic footnote, the most interesting aspect being the reactions of others to this revelation.

      >> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
      > >>
      > >> On 7/12/04 at 4:50 AM [email protected] wrote:
      > >>
      > >> >From: [email protected]
      > >> >Date: 2004/07/12 Mon AM 03:15:59 GMT
      > >> >To: undisclosed-recipients:;
      > >> >Subject: David Irving says-“That is rubbish, my mom wasn’t [Jewish]! ”
      > >> >
      > >> >
      > >> >Dear Michael:
      > >> >
      > >> >That is rubbish, she wasn’t!
      > >> >
      > >> >David Irving (now writing in Key West, Florida)
      > >> >pp Focal Point Publications
      > >> >
      > >> >USA cellphone: 305 923 6259; or tollfree: 1 877 447 5678 — email:
      > >> >[email protected]
      > >> >==============
      > >> >
      > >> >Dear David:
      > >> >
      > >> >It may be “rubbish”, but it still begs the question of where the info
      > >came
      > >> >from and why someone like Germar, who is noted for his precision and
      > >> >accuracy,
      > >> >would go to the trouble to circulate it.
      > >> >
      > >> >Peace.
      > >> >Michael Santomauro


      Please contribute today – buy our books – and spread the word to all your friends!

      * * * Back to the Home Page of John “Birdman” Bryant, the World’s Most Controversial Author * * *

    10. Hoosier Says:

      “Lord” Janner nose-shofared imperiously, as he enjoyed a mewling Toni Blair’s clasping colon……..”

      Ha Ha Ha that’s funny. What a phrase, Jesus! I’m sitting here chuckling like a madman. Thanks I needed a good laugh.

    11. Nxhiku Says:

      If David Irving is a Jew, then we need more Jews like him.

    12. Mati The Estonian Says:

      As far I now noone repelled the King’s law that no jew can live in British soil ?!
      Any brits here ? Can they confirm this ?