29 November, 2006

Ukraine: Genocide BY Jew

Posted by alex in genocide by jew at 7:10 pm | Permanent Link

Ukrainian famine was ‘genocide’

By Helen Fawkes
BBC News, Kiev

Ukrainian peasants

A quarter of Ukraine’s population was wiped out in just two years

Ukraine’s parliament has voted in favour of declaring a Soviet-era famine an act of genocide against its people.

Historians say Soviet leader Joseph Stalin created the famine, confiscating the harvest of Ukrainian peasants to force them to join collective farms.

The bill was proposed by President Viktor Yushchenko, who wants the UN to also recognise the famine as genocide.

Up to 10 million people died during the 1932-1933 famine.

Controversial issue

MPs spent all day discussing two rival laws on the famine – the one put forward by the president and another proposed by the governing pro-Russian party which rejects the term genocide and instead refers to a “tragedy”.

This is a symbolic victory for Mr Yushchenko, who demanded that MPs adopt his bill.

The pro-Western president no longer has a parliamentary majority but his former allies reunited to pass the law.

While this will strengthen Ukraine’s bid to get the famine recognised by the UN as genocide, it will also anger Russia.

Moscow has already said the Soviet-era famine was not an attempt to wipe out the Ukrainian nation. This vote could now damage the country’s fragile relations with Russia.

  • 8 Responses to “Ukraine: Genocide BY Jew”

    1. Celtic Warrior Says:

      What they achieved in Russia and the Ukraine by terror and starvation they are now close to achieving in Europe and North America by mass immigration and multi-culturalism.

      Malaria and TB are nothing compared to the jewish parasite; the greatest destroyer of Race and Civilisation on the face of the earth.

    2. alex Says:


    3. Drin Shtino Says:

      Now if they would 1) name it something like the “Jew Terror” ,andthen sue them in the Hague for dollar reparations and then hold make believe show trials ,the demand that everyone change thier textbooks and move to make it illegal everywhere to doubt it or not respect it or include it in films about that rea.

    4. Bo Sears Says:

      “Historians say Soviet leader Joseph Stalin created the famine, confiscating the harvest of Ukrainian peasants to force them to join collective farms.”

      This narrative, that Joseph Stalin did the famine all by himself, is the classic signal that you are reading a work of deception. It’s very interesting how the claim that one man did it all is in about 1/2 of all accounts of the Holodomor (Bolshevik-inspired starvation) that we see. Few historians claim Stalin acted alone.

      There seems to be a very widespread effort to conceal the fact that the Holodomor was carried out by special groups within the USSR government to commit genocide on helpless Ukrainian people.

      Another sign that the account you are reading is phony is that the proper name of the starvation (Holomodor) is not included.

      There do seem to be a lot of people rushing around with lap-tops lying to us readers every chance they get.

    5. Will Stuteley Says:

      “Duranty has been accused of distorting the truth about the USSR and covering up news about the famine [note: “famine” and not “genocide”] in Ukraine in order to preserve his access to Stalin.”

      How rich–“in order to preserve his access to Stalin.” Yeah, that must have been the reason. Here’s another internally ridiculous statement: “The BBC has been accused of covering up the Iraq War entirely, in order to preserve its access to Tony Blair, a vital source of the very information the BBC endeavors to cover up, and NOT print.”

      We’re supposed to believe that Walter Duranty suppressed the deaths of 10 million Ukrainians so he could stay on good terms with “Uncle Joe,” and exchange the occassional two-sentence pleasantry about the weather every once in a while.

      I sympathize with the poor Ukrainians. But the “Holomodor?”–that’ll never fly. It’s just too close to the chic and exclusive BRANDNAME of the internationally-recognized juggernaut. Shareholders of the original, NASDAQ-traded “HOLO” will never let these Ukranian upstarts usurp the MEAGEREST fraction of market share!

      Don’t expect the Jewzmedia to call it a “genocide” either, let alone the “Holomodar!” It’s practically copyright infringement!

    6. Mati The Estonian Says:

      Stalin gave the orders – naturally he didnt make them up and not diid it alone but he was running the “ship” and HE IS biggest murderer. No doubt that he had other to carry this thing out shoot and robbing people and let them die.
      So basically dicussion how did it Stalin and/or his hencmen is pointless. They did it it all together but most important thing people looks allways “forget” – how gave a Stalin (and Lenin) money to orchestrate jew-bolsevik power grab in Russia 1917.
      Those people are MOSTLY responsible for all of that massacre what happened – and to but tha name tag it was and still is seeding hatred and war The Rotscilds and they “banking” brothers … Those are people WE must look closely and VERY closely. Because Stalins and Lenins (etc) will come and go and we fight with them and with they lies but WE never fight with people how make all those Stalins and Leinins !!! Whay is that ???
      If You are a mighty oak three groving right front of You doorway – and You will now its getting bigger and bigger eventually blocking YOU door. And only thing You do to keep door accsessible is just clipping of few branches instead of taking down the three …. ! Is it smart ??? So instead to fight over how is biggrest criminal – Lenin or Stalin or Mao Dsedung or Ho Chi Minh or PolPoth or … (I intentionally left out Hitler becaouse he didnt even getting close of many -many points of those guys alone or togheter – he had just bad reputation as a “big criminal”) and whipping those asses WE NEED CUTTING DOWN tghe root of all those individuals – cut down this f**ing jew instigated banking scam witch REALLY RULES the world and kills miljons of people ….
      We need a gardener and a good one …

    7. lawrence dennis Says:

      So who carried out this fiendish genocide?


    8. Mati The Estonian Says:

      Like You said – willing executioners – jew comissars and stupid assholes waiting a piece of pie. But the order is from Banking houses of Rotchild and Stalin was allso willing (VERY WILLING) executioner …