28 November, 2006

Plate Crimes: Jemima Redenbacher

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa, Arboreal Americans, black crime at 9:53 pm | Permanent Link

A mother was arrested on suspicion of murdering her newborn daughter by microwaving the baby in an oven.

China Arnold, 26, was jailed Monday on a charge of aggravated murder, more than a year after she brought her dead month-old baby to a hospital. Bail was set Tuesday at $1 million.

“We have reason to believe, and we have some forensic evidence that is consistent with our belief, that a microwave oven was used in this death,” said Ken Betz, director of the Montgomery County coroner’s office.

He said the evidence included high-heat internal injuries and the absence of external burn marks on the baby, Paris Talley.

Arnold was arrested soon after the baby’s death in August 2005, then was released while authorities investigated further. Betz said the case was difficult because “there is not a lot of scientific research and data on the effect of microwaves on human beings.”

The death was ruled a homicide caused by hyperthermia, or high body temperature. The absence of external burns ruled out an open flame, scalding water or a heating pad as the cause, Betz said.

Arnold’s lawyer, Jon Paul Rion, said his client had nothing to do with her child’s death and was stunned when investigators told her that a microwave might have been involved. (Watch the mother’s lawyer insist she’s innocent Video)

“China — as a mother and a person — was horrified that such an act could occur,” Rion said.

The night before the baby was taken to the hospital, Arnold and the child’s father went out for a short time and left Paris with a baby sitter, Rion said. The mother didn’t sense anything out of the ordinary until the next morning, when the child was found unconscious, Rion said.

Arnold has three other children.

In 2000, a Virginia woman was sentenced to five years in prison for killing her month-old son in a microwave oven. Elizabeth Renee Otte claimed she had no memory of cramming her son in the microwave and turning on the appliance in 1999.

Experts said that Otte suffered from epilepsy and that her seizures were followed by blackouts.

  • 18 Responses to “Plate Crimes: Jemima Redenbacher”

    1. Dudeman Says:

      Unbelievable! I read about this story no more than 4 hours ago on MSNBC. I thought it was horrific and the thought never crossed my mind about the race of the person. I had to pull up your website to see that it was a nig bitch. I’d remembered hearing a Aussie fellow from the National Socialists down under go on about how the race of leb criminals was kept absent in the newspapers down there a month or so back. I see that they are not the only ones that have “incomplete” media coverage.

      So what is the reason for this? Why would the media not print the race of the offender? I know in some cases they do (when forced, as in the DC sniper situation. Or when the crime is extraordinarily horrific and they have no choice but to expose all the details because their competition is going to do so anyway).

      I’d like to hear thoughts on this. Not just conjecture but real logical reasons for why this is done. Anybody with journalism background ever experience this on the job and know why these details are edited out? Is it government mandated?

      – Chuck

    2. Dudeman Says:

      The aussie’s name is Derrick MacThomas. You can here more of “Australia Calling” here: http://www.nsm88radio.com/whatisnsmradio.htm. In case you’d not heard of his show. I enjoy his insights.

    3. Varina Says:

      Well, there’s one book out there although it’s not about black on White crime. It’s called “Death by Journalism” and the author’s last name is Bledsoe. The book is about the big brouhaha over the man who gave a course at a community college in North Carolina about the Civil War from the Southern point of view. For those of you who remember, Jesse Jackson got involved and the whole thing got picked up by the MSM and the man giving the course was villified. He died a year or so after the the mess started. Bledsoe contends that the stress killed this man. He was a well liked and much respected local historian who had worked on historic preservation in his area. I believe he was in his sixties when the MSM went after him, not really old, but old enough for the villification to physically affect him.

      Two interesting points.
      1. When Bledsoe went to interview some of the reporters who had reported on this (and sided with the Jesse Jackson crowd) in the local newspaper, he found that they were afraid to talk. They were afraid of losing their jobs.
      2. The person who stirred up this mess is named Steinsilver. (Can’t remember his first name.) Anyway, he asked permission of this local historian to sit in on a class and then the shit hit the fan. So far as I know. he’s still a professor at UNC Chapel Hill.

      It’s an interesting book and well written.

    4. Jim Says:

      I can see it clearly now. Giant microwaves under the banner ” Cooking Sets You Free “.

    5. curt maynard Says:

      Chuck, if you don’t know why the race of the perp is always left out, you haven’t really been paying much attention to the world around you. It’s The Jews Stupid! http://pcapostate.blogspot.com/2006/06/its-jews-stupid.html

    6. John Says:

      Good news! One less nigger in the KWA

    7. alex Says:

      So what is the reason for this? Why would the media not print the race of the offender?

      The print media, like tv, for ideological reason pursue an agenda that calls for the reverse representation of blacks. Their extreme criminality is ignored, and they are presented in commercials and the stuff between as heroic, caring scientists, executives, educators and all around groovy upper-middle class folks. Race is ignored as much as possible in crime reporting on the pretext that it isn’t relative. This becomes absurd when the suspect’s race is known, but the color of his coat rather than his skin is mentioned.

      The stuff you see in the major media are designed to mislead goyim to benefit the jews. It works, for the most part. It’s why hundreds of people show up waving flags at a ceremony for a dead soldier shot by his own troops in Afghanistan while “defending America.”

    8. alex Says:

      Whatever you see on tv, reverse it and you’ll be close to the truth. Meth is a huge problem? It isn’t. Terror a huge problem? It isn’t. A soldier died defending America? He didn’t. Israel is a wonderful ally? It isn’t. Most blacks are like Bill Cosby? They isn’t. Mass media’s primary reason for existence is (1) to advance the political agenda of the owners, and (2) to make money.

    9. alex Says:

      Not just conjecture but real logical reasons for why this is done. Anybody with journalism background ever experience this on the job and know why these details are edited out? Is it government mandated?

      J-schools are taught by all kinds of jews and leftists, and they train kids up in that way of thinking. They are supposed to advance the cause of ‘social justice’ (ie, injustice) by presenting the world as it should be rather than as it is. This is what makes their “reporting” so boring – they can’t give you the actual facts because their agenda, the way they’ve been trained to write, the terms they’ve been trained to use, don’t acknowledge reality, as they hate reality and prefer to play make-believe. If these kids want to advance their careers, they must conform to The Agenda, which is shared by the owners of all major papers – ie, race doesn’t exist/matter, all people are equal, etc etc etc. They can’t get promoted unless they can prove by their clips they’re able promoters of these liberal lies. Same for teaching. No one opposed to The Agenda will be hired or promoted if the fact is known. That’s why the best, most interesting writing these days is amateur and web-based. You simply cannot write the truth in a Western paper because the owners follow The Agenda, which is set by organized jews.

      Does this lead to palpable absurdities? Yes, but what are you going to do? They won’t even print letters from readers making fun of their assinity.

      It’s a complete and functioning dictatorial system. They’ve perfected control through the illusion of free speech and debate, when in fact you’re dead if you ever question the double standards that prop up the bizarre anti-world called the Propasphere.

    10. alex Says:

      What the paper will always say, if you ask the editor or ombudsman, is that they leave out the race because it isn’t germane to the story. But as we see below in the story about the nigger punks beating up the white women, the writer and editor very pointedly say the women were helped, after the beatings, by a BLACK passerby. They take pains to emphasize any ordinary good that blacks do as a way to make up for the incredible viciousness they take pains to hide from the reader. It’s a sick system, ours. Most of our adult population is forced to play along with a charade simply in order to keep its job. Long term that screws with people’s heads, and creates exactly the sort of bifurcation you saw in the old USSR, where you dare not speak what you really think in public. “Land of liberty” can be told by the extraordinarily high percentage of the population scared shitless at the thought of saying what it actually thinks.

    11. alex Says:

      Well, there’s one book out there although it’s not about black on White crime. It’s called “Death by Journalism” and the author’s last name is Bledsoe.

      I’ve heard of this case. It was discussed on lrc a few years ago. You need a very thick skin and loud mouth to beat the jews. Gloria Allread, the kikess, was on tv today loudly screaming at Fox’s Bushy leghound Cavuto about the horrible damage the two negroes suffered when Kramer responded in kind. “This is not free speech, this is hate speech.” But you see, the distinction is solely a jewish one. It is meant to drive criticism of The Agenda from the field as illegitimate. Made criminal, as it already is in Canada and England.

      I have had many, many direct experiences in life of the hypocrisy and extraordinary viciousness of the jew and the white-traitor elite that serve it. Every single word I type at VNN is designed to show them up for what they are, that we all together can rise up and destroy them.

      Above all, you must think out your actions, and figure out before talking, writing, or acting, whether you can pick up the tab for that behavior. Especially those of you who are naturally friendly or ingratiating. Your type runs the danger of believing the Jaredite bullshit, that our reception is a function of our clothes and manners. No. The jews are the scummiest people on earth. No one ever heard of a jew with taste or manners. Have you seen pictures of the things atop Israel?

      Your reception has nothing to do with the way you say it. There’s no redress for success here. If you oppose the judeobolshies, they will try to stick you in a meatgrinder, figuratively and sometimes literally. You have to know that going in.

    12. Agis Says:

      alex sez:
      “Whatever you see on tv, reverse it and you’ll be close to the truth. Meth is a huge problem? It isn’t. Terror a huge problem? It isn’t. A soldier died defending America? He didn’t. Israel is a wonderful ally? It isn’t. Most blacks are like Bill Cosby? They isn’t. Mass media’s primary reason for existence is (1) to advance the political agenda of the owners, and (2) to make money.”

      Well put. I would only make a few changes for accuracy. For example: Blacks like the Huck-sta-bulls? They isn’t. Blacks like Bill Cosby (recently convicted in civil court of numerous rapes — hey-hey-hey!), they is.

      Advancing their agenda is priority number one — even if it means major financial losses (or ultimately higher inflation of joe sixpack american as they control the banks). “Divershitty” advertising has to have a HUGE negative impact on sales. Just like the good commies the jews were — they refuse to care about systematic impoverishment. They’re fixing the world and ‘up’ is ‘down’… !

    13. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “. . .It’s a sick system, ours. . .”

      It’s a sick system, theirs. . .

    14. Curt Maynard Says:

      Yes, Jared Taylor is a piece of shit – fortunately he isn’t very well known.

    15. Celtic Warrior Says:

      What’s so surprising? Typical nig behavior.

    16. jackumup Says:

      I agree with celtic warrior, she is a nigger you know.

    17. Trey Parker Says:

      Alex is right that is the only way to deal with the kikes. Thats probably why it s called the ?New York way of doing business? hitting em in the nose first, then say ?now lets talk business?

      Jews are just a higher form of nigger, they dont respect Jared Taylors and really do identify more with niggers, they are just a higher form of nigger who do not respect civilizity but they do respond to force, by pushing harder. Now European nationa has ever been able to \”negogiate\” with them, but they all have been able to give them the shove in right direction.

      We know niggers are just amoral silly kids the white man must care for, just punks. And spics are the same sort of garbage. Well the jew is a punk too, White man.

      Think about the movie \”Colors\” if need pictures. Forget about the liberalism bullshit about \”interracial\” gangs of savages killing each other over clothes colors, yet binded together despite skin color. That is not important. Think about the shitskin punks in that movie, than about the actual real White man, Robert Duvalle and the kike and punk Sean Penn, who is about the nastiest one of them all. But appears just another \”ginger\” white, but is realy a kike punk. As far as I know, Dennis Hopper is not part of the tribe. Is funny what a Director can show, the vision of his he can convey, without being conscience of it himself.

      Jews being the most ethnocentric race conscience, even moreso than the fake wanna kike NoI niggers, know they are not white, that is partially the reason for the intence paronia and complete aversion to European real white man.

      Jews are nothing but a millienia old Asiatic blood gang.

    18. Dudeman Says:

      The print media, like tv, for ideological reason pursue an agenda that calls for the reverse representation of blacks. Their extreme criminality is ignored, and they are presented in commercials and the stuff between as heroic, caring scientists, executives, educators and all around groovy upper-middle class folks. Race is ignored as much as possible in crime reporting on the pretext that it isn’t relative. This becomes absurd when the suspect’s race is known, but the color of his coat rather than his skin is mentioned.

      The stuff you see in the major media are designed to mislead goyim to benefit the jews. It works, for the most part. It’s why hundreds of people show up waving flags at a ceremony for a dead soldier shot by his own troops in Afghanistan while “defending America.”

      While I agree with your assessment completely. I don’t doubt any of it. I wish there was a way of tracking these things to where they are being implemented. The first part of understanding how to stop something is to determine where it’s being implemented (laws, doctrine, etc).

      For example if some animal murdered some people and I was the reporter on the story I would demand that the race (at the very least the face) be printed or shown on television. I think that in a good many cases this is done (at least in northern california where I live). I would want to know the root of the reason why my editor or subeditor would want that left out and who was commanding him to do so. That is the sort of thing I was asking about. I was curious as to whether there were some sort of “politically correct” by-laws that had been imposed on the media. I have no doubt as to their final origin, that is obvious. When you know what they are you can work to have them rescinded or “re-reformed”. Like Arny said in Predator: “if it bleeds, we can kill it”. The problem is that damn jew cloaking shield.