18 November, 2006

O’Farrell: Big Mother: Islam, Immigration and other Recipes for Ragnarök

Posted by alex in Britain, Luke O'Farrell at 1:37 pm | Permanent Link

Worthless subhuman scum. That is not how I’m going to describe the three Pakistani Muslims convicted of the brutal and sadistic murder of the White teenager Kriss Donald, because it’s a self-indulgent, unthinking response, explaining nothing and solving nothing. For Kriss Donald’s friends and relations it would be understandable and natural, but the rest of us should remember a very old saying: “There but for the grace of God go I.” The killers were the product of their genes, their culture and their unnatural environment. We need to understand how those things caused Kriss Donald’s death and then direct our anger where it belongs: at the politicians, academics and journalists who have created the insane multi-racial slay-ride and concealed its ongoing consequences for Whites, and who are still trying to pretend that it will not end in disaster. So the first factor we need to look at is…


  • 7 Responses to “O’Farrell: Big Mother: Islam, Immigration and other Recipes for Ragnarök”

    1. Celtic Warrior Says:

      The O’Farrell column is always well written and informative. Keep it up Luke. The prevailing racial chaos in the ‘septred isle’ is symptomatic of the whole White world. People are confused but some are starting to ask the right questions. Such as, why are millions of ‘mudz’ being invited into the White Homelands?Now is the time to get the suppressed facts of anthropology and genetics to a wider audience.

      Let’s start with the guys we see at the bus stop each morning, or how about people we share our coffee break with, some of these will be racial brothers & sisters and receptive to the WN call.

      We can out-sell the jew. He has a lousey product to sell. We have a great product to present. Let’s be salesmen & saleswomen.

      The future is NOW!

    2. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      vhs defeated beta, even though beta was the better product. why? money and power. neither of which any of you have, regardless of how WONDERFUL your product may be.

    3. Manxman Says:

      “Let’s start with the guys we see at the bus stop each morning, or how about people we share our coffee break with, some of these will be racial brothers & sisters and receptive to the WN call” – fine if you don’t have a family and have independent financial means- those guys at the bus stop or coffee break will more than likely grass you up to every authority going if they smell you’re less than 100% anti-racist. anti-“homphobic” etc.

    4. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Re Manxman

      I understand your concerns, but let’s sew our balls back on! Are we Aryans or not? Let’s rise to the challenge here.

      Sure, don’t approach the people at the bus stop or during coffee break like a bull at a gate. Do it slowly, sound them out, gain their confidence and if the feed-back is positive bring them over to the WN view.
      Being grassed up in a work environment is a problem, but if there are no withesses it is just his/her word against yours.
      As for people you meet in other casual social encounters outside of work, well let them ‘report’ you to the ‘fedz’, or whatever. What the hell can they do? Nothing, as long as we stay within the law, and as far as I know even in Blair’s bolshevik Britain having a dissenting opinion is not a crime.

      Let me give an example. Early this year I was visiting London and staying in a modest hotel. One morning the buffet breakfast area was very crowded so I was obliged to take a seat at an occupied table. It so happened that the couple sitting opposite were Canadians. We exchanged pleasantries. I asked them if they were enjoying their trip etc. From the general tone of the conversation I sensed they were on ‘our’ wavelength, so I asked them if NAFTA was having a bad effect on the Canadian economy. More positive signals! Then we talked about China flexing its muscles, and finally got onto THE subject, namely the Zionist state of Israel. I LISTENED to what they had to say and only interjected if it was helpful. They were keen to give me the facts. They were unburdening themselves. Obviously nobody back in Edmonton ever listened.
      Before we went our separate ways I suggested that they read Douglas Reed’s classic, “The Controversy of Zion”, to get the full picture of the bloody deeds of zionism.

      We parted as friends and a WN ‘sale’ was made. Who knows what positive effect our 10 minute talk will have when that couple return to their family and friends in Canada.

      Let’s SELL White Nationalism!

    5. Carpenter Says:

      Celtic Warrior is right, you can start small. There will always be people around you, people you know, who can be taught a thing or two given time. Arm yourself with knowledge.

      O’Farrell is right in that we need to stop the immigrants. But his essay here is wrong in its ridiculous blame of Islam. “Islam is not the religion of peace but the religion of pieces” – how poetic. Say, is there any religion in the world that is a “religion of peace” – that is to say, pacifism? Yes, Christianity, which tells us to turn the other cheek and thou shalt not kill. You like that, O’Farrell? Okay. The rest of us prefer to live in reality.

      What an anomaly. O’Farrell wants to blame Jews, as we should, but he also eagerly swallows their lie about a great Muslim conspiracy to conquer the world. That means he knows jack shit about Muslim countries or masses.

      Here’s a question for the O’Farrells of the world: would the non-Whites behave better if they were Christian (like American niggers)? If you think that, you’re not one of us.

    6. Manxman Says:

      I really think Aryan Men need to wise up. There is no way we will convince even a statistically significant minority of our population – the White Man’s burden is his “fairness”. We have never fought for our Race – Saxon will kill Norseman, Celt will happily blow Saxon up, Yank/Briton will happily kill German – but ask them to defen the White Race?!?!?
      Trust me,. you will have 100% of white women against you – they will happily die for a black or homosexual, but will even more happilly rip your heart out for “racism”. Given that most White Men fanxcy White Women – 95% of White Men will oppose you because to support you woud hinder their chances of pulling the the local White Slut.

    7. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Re Manxman

      Yes, the innate sense of fairness and individualism present in the White male is both a blessing and a curse.

      Indeed many White women do have crazy ideas about ‘equality’ and other nonsense. I attribute this to the fact that women in our society are out of control. They require guidance, and their fathers, older brothers, and husbands are not providing it.

      The historical disunity of White nations is a terrible tragedy. Think how strong and invincible we would be today if centuries of internecine strife could have been prevented.

      The mistakes of the past are no excuse for lack of activism today! I am convinced that each WN can make a difference and contribute to our victory.

      White people will respond to those WN setting a fine example. That is a start we can all make.