14 November, 2006

Goyfire Special Edition

Posted by alex in Goyfire at 9:55 pm | Permanent Link

Alex, Agis, and Craig speak with Kievsky about Aryan principles of living off the land and working together to beat the jew.

kievskysegf.mp3 (11 MB)

Podcast and archives here.

  • 2 Responses to “Goyfire Special Edition”

    1. Billy Bob Says:

      Excellent broadcast! Positive, uplifting, and important information uselful to all. Keep up the great work guys.

      Vnn Radio is the cutting edge, opening the multi-media door that will enlighten the minds of our people, setting them free from the Jewish tyranny that threatens our existence.


    2. Stronza Says:

      I heard the whole thing and enjoyed it thoroughly, esp. the brief account of small-scale agriculture (Kievsky’s contribution). Unfortunately, I don’t know for sure who’s who on that show, but the speaker who commented on the swollen children eating food analogues and watching cable-TV sure was funny!