7 November, 2006

Felon Magazine

Posted by alex in crime, media criticism at 8:49 pm | Permanent Link


“We hate white

people, f— whites!

The Second Amendment is not part of the Constitution so you can own a rifle to go deer hunting.  The three European-American women who were viciously attacked by dozens of Blacks in Long Beach, California this past weekend might have been spared their trauma had one of them been armed.  They are lucky to be alive.  Every year thousands of other European-Americans are murdered by Blacks or Mestizos.

Data published annually by the F.B.I. and Bureau of Justice Statistics reveals that the most dangerous wildlife — the kind of wildlife that will rob, rape, or kill you — is most often found in communities that have majority Black and/or Mestizo populations.

According to City Crime Rankings, 13th Edition (Morgan Quinto Press 2006) the five most dangerous cities in the United States in 2005 were:

 #1 St. Louis, Missouri (51.2% Black), #2 Detroit, Michigan (81.6 % Black), #3 Flint, Michigan(53.3% Black), #4 Compton, California (40.3% Black, 56.8% Mestizo), and #5 Camden, New Jersey (58.3% Black, 38.8 Mestizo).

Racial demographics are from the U.S. Census Bureau.  www.census.gov

It’s open season all year and European-Americans are often the prey.  (See below)


the Art of



War against whom ?  

      Why, European-Americans, of course.


The war’s been going on for decades.  It’s victims


European-Americans who are victims of violent

crimes committed by Blacks every year including

murder, robbery, rape, and assault.  (Source:  FBI

Uniform Crime Reports)

Blacks commit violent crimes at four to eight times the rate of European-Americans and are FIFTY TIMES more likely to commit interracial crimes of violence.  Since the 1960s racial integration has turned neighborhoods that were once clean and safe into high crime areas riddled with abandoned buildings. 

CULTURE FOLLOWS RACE.  Black culture is such that it would spawn a magazine called “FELON.”  

“BUT YOU CAN’T SAY THAT. THAT’S RACIST!  People who cry “racism” when faced with hard facts about the correlation between race and crime tend to live in nice neighborhoods and send their kids to private schools.  Their money can insulate them from the effects of integration.  For everybody else . . .  

REALITY IS NOT OPTIONAL.  A massive influx of Blacks or Mestizos will render any community unfit for habitation by European-Americans.  You can’t always count on the police to protect you.  Local governments have no obligation to protect any particular individual.  See DeShaney v. Winnebago County Dept. of Social Services, 489 U.S. 189, 196-97 (1989), South v. Maryland, 59 U.S. 396 (1856).  Even if you can get through to 911 you’re on your own until the police arrive.  As the behavior of Blacks in New Orleans demonstrated, the right to keep and bear arms has nothing to do with hunting or target shooting.  It’s about defending one’s life and property against individuals (or governments) who would wrongfully threaten them.

European-American women will have an especially keen interest in being able to keep and bear arms in areas with significant non-white populations.  See your editor’s amicus brief in Silveira v. Lockyer filed on behalf of Second Amendment Sisters (330k pdf), pp. 2-3, notes 1 and 2.          

What can YOU do to help preserve the liberties that are unique to Western societies, such as freedom of speech, due process and, in the U.S.A., the right to keep and bear arms?  

The first step is to GET RACIALLY CONSCIOUS  

If you’re from the UK, support the British National Party 

If you’re in the U.S., contact The Minutemen Project

  • 17 Responses to “Felon Magazine”

    1. I Says:

      The Minuteman Project isn’t racially conscious…as a matter of fact, it’s racist against whites.

    2. Thoughtcrime Says:

      “A massive influx of Blacks or Mestizos will render any community unfit for habitation by European-Americans.”

      I’m seeing the fulfillment of this statement right before my very eyes. My subdivision is currently being restocked with Niggers, Mestizos, god-awful Fillipinos, and other assorted non-White trash.

      Over the span of 9 years, I’ve seen my subdivision go from less than 40% non-White (still too high by most sensibilities) to around 90% non-White. Everyday I leave for work and I see school buses dropping off nothing but little niggers with a few mestizos sprinkled in for flavoring. Again, that’s busloads of little niggers, no Whites to be seen…

      The only thing keeping the neighborhood from becoming a Third World ghetto, is the life support the homeowner’s covenants provide. I had to actually sign an agreement limiting what I can and can’t do to MY home and MY property and I hated it at first, but now I see it’s the only way to maintain a community with a high population of non-Whites.

      You may ask, how can I live among so many non-Whites? I can tell you that within the next year or so, I will probably sell my beloved home and move out. Yes, I understand what ‘white flight’ is, but living around these sub-humans is too much to bear sometimes. The obnoxiously loud music, the discourteous gestures, the stares, the god-awful loud Ebonics speech patterns of gaggles of niggers, the unintelligible native language of the god-awful Fillipinos, the rimz and base and ho’s and; you get the picture. And one thing is clear, they hate me to hell. And just as much as they hate me, I have an order of magnitude more hatred for them.

      As I have lived around these gradually increasing concentrations of non-Whites for so long (9 years), one thing has become abundantly clear: Niggers and Mestizos will never ever amount to any consequence whatsoever. They will never do anything great. They won’t be exploring the stars. They won’t be making legitimate contributions to science and medicine. They will never do anything of any great consequence whatsoever. And I hate them because they are not me, they aren’t White.

      Sometimes, any White person that I see in the neighborhood, I just want to run up to and kiss–just because I found another White person amid this sea of inconsequential trash.

    3. In a word Says:

      There’s nothing wrong with leaving, Thoughtcrime. The immediate security of one’s family is a higher priority than hanging around and awaiting any Internet-advocated “White Revolution” from those who are without family.

    4. blakkking Says:

      Damn Thoughtcrime…son… you sound like you’re about to have a breakdown partner!!!….I feel for you bro….i wish I could think of somewhere you could go for a while to relax and get away from all of us nasty niggers…look .. i understand NASA is selling lots on the space station…but wait .. theres niggers on the space station too…god man ..what will u do??.. tell you what.. why dont you ask your wife how she manages to get along with the niggers while you not looking…sorry … but that’s the only solution i can come up with.

    5. Olde Dutch Says:

      Alex: When is the next issue of Alex Linder’s Aryan Alternative going to press?

      Someone suggested your tabloid should be called the American Alternative. I like that too. As long as you name the jew.

      Don’t forget that you do not have to be harsh, or crude in naming the jew. You do not not have to use the sledge hammer approach to the printed word. Business Week names the jew in a very deft manner.

      In yesterday’s election the jews picked up one Senate seat; giving them an even dozen in the US Senate. The jews also picked up a few House seats too.

    6. Wiggers Die! Says:

      When not pimping his white mother, Blakkking’s oreo ass is a cum dump for real niggas on the downlow.

    7. Angle Says:

      Sometimes, any White person that I see in the neighborhood, I just want to run up to and kiss–just because I found another White person amid this sea of inconsequential trash. [quote]

      In 15 or 20 years, the whole country will be like this. And thats why the rogue ‘federal’ government has begun piling on the legal measures to control the reaction. Pure white-skinned palefaces are probably a minority nation-wide as we speak. The system and its jew operators know the only recourse for the white man is BLOOD and we’re going to have to learn to think in these terms.

    8. Steve B Says:

      Niggers on the space station….if that isn’t a contradiction in terms. Kind of like Jumbo shrimp or military intelligence.

    9. Brian Gareth Martivale Says:

      “Niggers on a Space Station.”

      Sounds like a sequel to “Alien.” Only scarier. And less intelligent.

    10. New America Says:

      For Olde Dutch re Aryan Alternative:

      The cover of AA Two features the exquisite Monika Zsibrita.

      And just whose side is Monika on, you may ask?

      Well, Chris Rock – yes, THAT Chris Rock, the comedian who hate niggers – Chris Rock won when our girl Monika sued him for paternity of her child.

      In the words of Alex Linder:

      “Absolute NO ONE in this Movement is to be trusted absolutely.”

      Got THAT right!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE! (WITHOUT Monika Zsibrita!)

    11. Thoughtcrime Says:

      To Blakkking:

      Instead of worrying about my personal plight, perhaps you should consider this:

      Why is it that the sub-par 85 I.Q. nigger is the best that the lush and resource-rich continent of Africa can produce over aeons of evolutionary time? Look at that vast continent of opportunity available to your ancestors and indeed, to your distant and probably not-so-distant relatives today and the best it can offer is you and others like you?

      Consider this seriously for a moment. Your nigger relatives still live in mud huts and eat each other as general practice. How does that feel? Where is the technological sophistication representative of your kind? Where are the great inventions from your people?

      I might be suffering now, but consider YOUR place 5, 10, 15 years from now, where will you be? Will you make a significant contribution or will your life be devoid of consequence? I predict you and your kind will still be riding on rimz, pimping ho’z, and listening to brain dead rap beats at 1,000 decibels from now until the next ice age.

      If you didn’t read it in my above post, I will reiterate here for you one final time: Niggers and Mestizos will never amount to any consequence whatsoever. You and your kind won’t be going to the stars. You won’t be creating fine literature. You won’t be progressing science and medicine. There’s so much you won’t do, and everything that you will do will be of no consequence. It’s a sad fact and one that should make you hate yourself as much as I hate you.

      But wait, there could be some hope for you via this solution: Go back to Africa and prove me wrong. Since you niggers all love and respect your ‘motherland’ (but strangely enough, NONE of you want to go back and live there), then prove that you can create something with nearly unlimited natural resources at your disposal. Create something besides mud huts, witch-doctors and nigger lambchops as an entree.

      I await your well-reasoned response.

    12. blakkking Says:

      To Thoughtcrime… dude!!! why are u up till the wee hours of the morning worrying about niggers???…nothing to do in bed?..nobody to do it with.. every night i sleep early.. and peacefully.. oh .. and if u tell me you’re writing all this from your job.. then what kind of productivity is that???….by the way .. my IQ happens to be 157 at last check.. not the highest but.. i HAVE read some of the aryan postings on here….yet i wont go into the whys and whos and hows of various intelligence testing methods with u.. u already know.. but just be aware that i know also…let’s see…..5 to ten years from now .. what will my place be??… i will be alive, happy, and most importantly… healthy.. u see… im over 50.. never have spent a day under a doctor’s care…dont take medications or drugs for any reason.{.well tequila!!.}….dont get headaches…no high blood pressure…none of that…u know why …well it’s partly BECAUSE of my intelligence…i’m wise enough to know that in spite of how much u and yours would love to eliminate me and mine from existence, it aint happening…and im wise enough to know that in 5 or 10 years, your dumbass will probably be pushig up daisies …because the hate you feel for me and mine is killing you from within….and u see my cousin….i dont hate u or anyone.. dont get me wrong i dont pity you either…but i view you as one of my many sources of entertainment and…believe it or not…inspiration…entertainment because…well .. ur funny as a motherfukkeer.. and inspiration because i endeavor to remain as philosophically separated form you and yours, as you are determined to remain physically separated from me and mine…..i can thus rest easy tonight …and henceforth…oh ..by the way … my motherland is mother earth….i’m here to stay…k??.. now u get some sleep…you’ve got a long hard RAHOWA to fight..goodnight

    13. Steve B Says:

      It never ceases to amaze me how many on-line niggers have genius level IQ’s. It’s like they’re everywhere. Living in space stations, building pyramids and designing moon bases for the next Mos Def concert. I have never actually met one of these superduper intelligent congoids but I’m sure they exist because everyone keeps telling me they are out there, you just have to look and keep an open mind. I must not be looking in the right place since the only negroes I come across can barely string two sentences together. It’s not that blacks are dumb, they are in fact, really really smart. It’s just their environment that’s dumb, and of course, Whitey keepin dem down, I’m told.

      This particular congoid says he has an IQ of 157. Does this vector and tensor analyzing bootlip know that a 157 IQ is Nobel Prize winning brains? Does the bluegum know that 157 IQ is so high that it beats out 99.982% of the rest of the people on the planet? I’m in awe of “blakkking”. In fact, so much so, that I’m going to overlook the childish spelling errors, the third grade grammar and the usual references to fucking someones mother.

      Cuz, as everyone knows, niggers are all geniuses. Us evil White guys just gotta acept that.

    14. Thoughtcrime Says:


      Continue your sham posts from now until doomsday if you prefer.
      They are poorly written and contain no facts or logical debate. Your insulting innuendo is puerile at best and in addition, you can’t demonstrate even a basic understanding of sentence structure.

      I’ve heard it and seen it all before from your kind; your dog and pony show is old hat to me at this point. It saddens me that I expected such low quality from you and indeed, that’s what you provided without any prompting from me.

      Every point in my original post you (conveniently I might add) failed to address except I.Q. and that was a sub-par effort as well.

      Realistically, your I.Q. is probably around 100 or so, and bear in mind I’m being nice. Statistically speaking, given your race, your age and what I’m assuming to be your gender, 100 is probably a liberal estimate, but as I mentioned earlier, I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt. It is humorous to me that you can just assign yourself a 157 I.Q. when we both know in earnest your figure is skewed at least 58 points too far to the right.

      Nothing you can possibly post at this point (short of a possible logical rebuttal concerning the legitimate points in my previous post) could merit my attention.

    15. America First Says:


      Speaking of high I.Q. and flying aroung those pyramid’s they did not build in helicopter’s etc.

      This is a must read for the laugh’s and for the horror’s of N.Y.C. savage’s I recently meet a kike from NYC disgusting as is to be exepected.

    16. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      IQ of 157 is 72 points above nigger median of 85. This is 4.8 standard deviations, with a chance of one in a million. (Dividing one SD [15] into 72 gives 4.8) (This assumes Congoid IQ distribution is as wide as the human distribution).

      Here is a link to a handy calculator for uses like above:


    17. Sean Says:

      Blakkking is a relief to hear from. Maybe all black people don’t hate whites. But there are areas full of people who seem to be violent and ignorant. These places are growing in size and yeah, they seem to be almost all either black or hispanic. What am I supposed to think when every time I hear about some kid getting stabbed/shot to death in my neighborhood, the perpetrator was black? Whatever their skin color, the barbarians are running out of natural enemies.