24 October, 2006

When Blacks Attack

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Arboreal Americans, hush crimes, video, videos at 3:59 pm | Permanent Link

Number of different videos of nigger-on-human and nog-nog attacks…

Burger King

Shankings (really fucking nasty)
“Cracka” gets beatdown (GKKO approved loxism)
Ice fight
Bus stop

  • 8 Responses to “When Blacks Attack”

    1. jimbo Says:


    2. Smitty Says:

      Outstanding links. After watching them I thought how this stuff could be used for a movie. It could be called, “When Colored Go Wild”. Snoopy Doggy or some other sub-human coukd narrate it.

    3. England Expects Says:

      That ‘Cracka gets beatdown’ reminds me of that video circulating a couple of years ago (ebaumsworld hosted it) in which a white woman was pulled out of her car and subsequently stripped and beaten by a crowd of about a 100 niggers on a street. Looks like here the diversity-loving white kwallage kids stopped to ask for directions in a shitskin neighbourhood.

    4. Joe Shit Says:

      Makes me want to crack a nigger on the head with a ball bat

    5. Christopher Says:

      If all this makes you sick to your stomach, watch this brave and talented White boxer knock the shit out of some drunken Gypsies. Learn to fight like this, do so one instance at a time, and you’ll turn the tide in a matter of months.


    6. Blackshirt Says:

      Notice how in the “cracka gets a beatdown” video that the white girl doesn’t even try to defend herself even once. I suspect that would be the reaction of a good 80% of the white populace in this country if confronted with the same situation. Very sad. Just like animals, you must never show weakness to a nigger.

    7. jackumup Says:

      I Have a great Idea to pitch to uncle jewey at ABC Television
      Its a reality based show called “WHATS (really) Happening. get it its a bun on the old Ni gar TV show “Whats Happening” except we show these tapes and America really knows whats happening.

      So common fellows next time your out parting with uncle jewey, or cousin Barry or your trusted friend Mitchell pitch the Idea and if it takes off we’ll do another one called Hebrew National where a hidden camera shows jews manipulating people for profit while at the same time not producing a thing.

    8. Xtreme Solutions Required Says:

      “Monkey” is now a racial slur word? Its the “m” word? Damn. Niggers dont like be called monkeys?
      On another note we are happy to see VNN wake up and call a nigger a nigger instead of the former protectionist liberal nigger lover attitude they had a few yrs ago even saying they had nothing against blacks etc etc. Most whites wanted to fucking puke but things have gotten more positive and upbeat on VNN with their awakening of the 35 million monkeys in this nation who have turned it into a fucking zoo without bars. The most sickening is the see a nigger fucking a white female and have those half human half ape kids. Why dont white females just go fuck a monkey or an ape instead? Hell go fuck your dog or horse. Its safer,

      Oct. 30, 2006, 8:53PM
      Fan who taunted Mutombo banned from NBA games

      Associated Press

      ORLANDO, FLA. — The fan who allegedly directed a racial slur at Houston Rockets center Dikembe Mutombo was banned for the season Monday by the NBA and Orlando Magic.

      Season-ticket holder Hooman Hamzehloui allegedly called Mutombo a “monkey” Thursday at a preseason game between the Rockets and the Magic. Mutombo — a native of Zaire, which is now called the Democratic Republic of Congo — yelled back at Hamzehloui and gestured from the court.

      Hamzehloui was ejected from the game. The league said Hamzehloui is also barred from attending games at any NBA arena this season. Orlando said it will refund his season-ticket payment.

      Mutombo said after the game he would go into the stands if it ever happened again, but told Houston television station KRIV on Monday that he has already forgiven Hamzehloui.

      “I will not say that I am happy about it,” Mutombo said about the NBA’s decision to ban Hamzehloui. “It is out of my hands. I have done my job. I have forgiven him.

      “Whatever the commissioner and the league does, that’s not my area.”

      NBA spokesman Tim Frank said no action was taken against Mutombo and the matter was closed.

      Hamzehloui sent Mutombo a letter of apology obtained by The Associated Press. In it, he promised $5,000 to the charity of Mutombo’s choice and vowed not to attend any games until the 7-foot-2 center gave his blessing.

      “I am by no means a racist, and if you only knew me better you would never begin to have those thoughts,” Hamzehloui wrote. “What I am guilty of is poor judgment in the use of words while doing what I do to many of the visiting team’s players, ‘heckle them.'”

      Hamzehloui asked to meet with Mutombo to apologize in person.

      Mutombo told KRIV that Hamzehloui’s promise to make a charitable donation “meant a lot” to him but a personal apology was not necessary.

      “I thoroughly respect you as a player and as a human being and my only motivation when I have my fun at the games is to ‘get under the player’s skin’ no matter what color that skin happens to be,” Hamzehloui wrote.

      A message was left seeking comment from Hamzehloui late Monday afternoon.