5 October, 2006

What Is a Mexican? A Piece of Shit

Posted by alex in Mexcrement, Mexinvasion at 5:15 pm | Permanent Link

In the middle of a local WalMart, police say a man relieved himself sexually, on a young girl and then runs off. It happened at the WalMart Supercenter off Highway 59 in Foley. Police are now searching for the suspect they believe may have acted out before.

Taken in a crowded WalMart store in Foley, a surveillance video depicts a man in a green shirt, lingering on the right side of the screen. He’s not shopping, he’s stalking. Police say he’s fondling himself as he watches a 13-year-old girl across the isle and out of the camera’s view. After a while, investigators say he crosses the isle to violate the unsuspecting teen in an unimaginable way. Sergeant Tony Fuqua with the Foley Police Department describes what happened: “Then he went over to her and relieved himself sexually on the outer clothing of the 13-year-old.”

A woman, who asked not to be identified tells NBC 15 News she was shopping in the store and came across the frantic girl soon after the incident: “She had no idea what it was and she was crying because she didn’t know any better and she was in shock.”


  • 13 Responses to “What Is a Mexican? A Piece of Shit”

    1. JimInCO Says:

      Looks like they caught the spic.


      (Scroll through the videos to 10/03.)

    2. jimbo Says:

      would a white man act like this?


      proves, once again, that the over-whelming majority of child abuse/molestation originates with NON-whites! and that white, heterosexual men are being ‘scape-goated’ & ‘demonised’ by various ZOG toadies, like femi-cunt slags, who ‘point the bone’ @ the white male!

    3. Timothy Says:

      What is a mexican?

      A two-legged turd with eyes.

    4. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      fucking mexcrement.

      the penalty should be — and i’m not joking — CUT OFF THE SHITSKIN’S PENIS.

    5. Totenkopf Says:

      In 1998 I witnessed a mexican copulate while looking at children in a supermarket in Phoenix, Arizona. I was an armed guard at the time and it took my full restraint to not shoot this perverted parasite. I called P.D. and was actually repremanded by supervisors for getting involved in the incident! They claimed that this could have simply been a ploy to divert my attention.

      Needless to say, other employment was found soon thereafter. The cheers of the parents that night for my intervention in the matter was satisfying at least. But that guy really needed a beat down and then a bullet to the back of its grape.

      Meanwhile, the jews have so brainwashed our Folk that they are scared to take the appropriate measures against these subhuman scum. Then, people wonder why their children are abducted, sodomized, and murdered?

    6. Sickle Cell Anemia Says:

      Mexicoons are as bad as niggers,but possibly worse because they seem to reproduce at an even more alarming rate than the nigs. Actually,the Mexicoons ARE WORSE,simply because their numbers are exploding and the niggers have been stagnating…

    7. planter Says:

      That is one kinky little mountain nigger. He should have a ball in the pen.

    8. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      totenkopf, that is a truly sickening story you tell. and it rings to true.

      the god damned cops, trying to place the blame on an innocent, a person who tries to DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE MEXCREMNT!


      makes a person damned well feel like not getting involved in anything. but we have to keep going.

    9. sgruber Says:

      Part of it is white superstition. Some whites feel that stronger people should not be too harsh toward weaker people, therefore if you are not too harsh with niggers/spics/mud scum, then that “proves” your superiority, and their inferiority. “I’m better than the guy who is murdering me – because I’m not fighting back. If I fought back, that would be an intolerable psychological disaster for me: an admission that I’m not all-powerful.” Of course, in actual fact he gets murdered. I think this form of mental sickness has its root in Christ-insanity. “Lord, Forgive them, for they know not what they do” – what a sanctimonious piece-of-shit attitude that is. It allows one to be smug while being exterminated while doing nothing about it. Too often, lemming whites hold this faux proud attitude in place of *genuine* white pride.

    10. Jackumup Says:

      straight haired nigger. wasn’t it lawfull to string them up at one time. Who the fuck changed those laws?

    11. Ms Taletha of Texas Says:

      With my own eyes I witnessed a drunken “Latino” dancing on the top of a pickup truck in my apartment complex. Encouraged by his friends, he then urinated on the hood. Is this part of their “culture” that they’re always bragging about? I think it’s a good example of why “Hispanics” aren’t compatible with us!!!!

    12. furandloathinginDFW Says:

      I worked for the circus in the early nineties, a 22 year old ultra-liberal, knowing nothing about the horrors of the circus or the sex lives of it’s mostly hispanic employees.
      I had only been there a week or so, and as i rounded the corner of a trailer one evening post show, i came upon one of our trapeze families, from Guatamala- it was two of the brothers, having anal sex and screaming like cats, and the dad standing there slapping his leg, laughing. I was terrified, and split, but was to see a lot of that sort of behavior.
      It became clear that all of the men were having some form of homosexual relations with each other, those who did not ‘recieve’ in the sex act and who never did didn’t consider themselves homosexual-only the flaming faggot types were truly considered ‘gay’.
      The same guatemalan family(they had several names) also used the younger sister, a pretty 8 year old named Noella, as a sex toy.. and they all considered it normal.
      I would also like to say that most performing circus elephants in this country carry human strain TB, which they caught from their filthy handlers, mostly black, hispanic, homeless, running from the law etc. One of our baby elephants, who is still shown on the flyers years later, died from herpes.. also supposed to have come ‘somehow’ from handlers.
      Our peruvian family of horse trainers didn’t believe in breeding outside of the immediate family, considered it some sort of reverse incest, in fact. Thus many of their babies were born with extra fingers and unjointed arms.

      We had portable toilets but the dirty spics would just shit anywhere- and we would step on it in the dark.

    13. Ms Taletha of Texas Says:

      UGH! What an ugly race!!!