24 October, 2006

Videos for White Nationalists

Posted by alex in Max Hadden, real American history, real history, videos at 3:32 pm | Permanent Link

[Note that all these videos, and earlier ones, are archived under video/videos or Max Hadden.]

by Max Hadden

Communist tactics

Old American educational film on Communist tactics including name-calling. Warning! Contains scenes of atrocities.


David Cole on Auschwitz, Holocaust (1 of 4)

Canadian Jew, atheist and Holocaust revisionist, David Cole, filmed his tour of Auschwitz. In this clip David describes the Auschwitz tour and several little-known camp buildings and facilities.


David Cole on Auschwitz, Holocaust (2 of 4)

In this clip David demonstrates how even a mild critical analysis of the official stories surrounding Auschwitz should lead one to be skeptical about the dogma regarding the “Holocaust”.


David Cole on Auschwitz, Holocaust (3 of 4)

In this clip David catches the head curator of the Auschwitz museum, Franciszek Piper, making incorrect statements, discusses a number of falsehoods surrounding the Nuremberg Trials, and relates an admission by Jewish Holocaust “expert” Deborah Lipstadt that the story about Germans making soap from the fat of Jews is a myth.


David Cole on Auschwitz, Holocaust (4 of 4)

In this clip David explains how — given that victors of any war write history with no regard for truth or justice — the false propaganda of the Allies continues to this day. The commentary includes part of an Allied film claiming homicidal gassings occured at the Dachau concentration camp, and little-known admissions by a British soldier that the last commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Hoess, was tortured to extract a confession.


Zionist terrorism in Palestine

Ted Pike and his wife discuss the history of Palestine including Menachem Begin.


The Weimar Republic

This clip from a German film names the Jewish leaders of the so-called Weimar period that caused financial turmoil including catastrophic inflation. It also explains the attempted seizure of power by Jewish Communists, the second class rating of the average German worker, and the negative influence of Jewish cultural arbiters.


The Attack on the USS Liberty (1 of 3)

Most people have never heard about the 1967 attack on the USS Liberty by Israel in which 34 Americans were killed and 172 seriously wounded. In this first clip we hear how the Israelis committed war crimes and Jews in our military helped to cover up the unsuccessful attack on the American ship.


The Attack on the USS Liberty (2 of 3)

In this clip several of the Liberty’s crew, former Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Ambassador James Akins, JAG Merlin Staring and Admiral Thomas Moorer (of F-14 Tomcat fame) explain how the attack on the ship was deliberate and NOT an accident and that the mass media and military covered it up.


Fr O’Connor on Zionist terrorism


The intrepid Catholic priest, Father John O’Connor, discusses how an American reporter was shocked by intentional Israeli provocation of Palestinian children. He also mentions other irrational behavior by Jews in Israel and “hate speech” laws advocated by Jewish US Senators.

The Case of Andrei Youshchinsky

The story about the murder of Ukrainian boy Andrei Youshchinsky by the Jew Beiliss is a warning to the ignorant. What does the 80 year cover up of this case — forensic evidence of Beiliss’ guilt was plentiful — indicate about the true nature of the Soviet regime? Would a media blackout of this story be considered “anti-Semitic” or philo-Semitic?


The Attack on the USS Liberty (3 of 3)

In this clip Akins and author James Bamford explain how the CIA and the NSA had proof that the attack on the USS Liberty was intentional and NOT an accident. The reasons for the attack on the USS Liberty — an intelligence gathering ship with numerous antennae from stem to stern — were two-fold; first, to keep the US and potentially the world from learning about any illegal actions being committed by Jews in the Sinai region, and second, to have America come into the war by blaming Egypt for sinking the Liberty. Also discussed are the illegal seizure of the Golan Heights and the mass media and military cover up.


Rare footage of Red Army defeating, executing White Russians

This clip shows the tragic fate of the patriotic White Russians who lost to the Red Army that was under the command of Jewish Bolshevik Leon Trotsky (real name Bronstein) who was Commissar of War. It also briefly mentions the fate of Czar Nicholas II and family and depicts many starving “Soviet” children.


The High Price of War in Iraq: Blood, not oil

This is a clip from a video that recently appeared on CNN showing clandestine videotaping of Iraqi snipers as they killed or tried to kill US troops, probably a few years ago.


Ostrovsky on Israel

Former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky discusses the Jews in Israel, Judaism and the Khazars (Kuzarim in Hebrew).


Ditlieb Felderer on the Anne Frank diary

Researcher and expert on Auschwitz Ditlieb Felderer discusses how the Anne Frank diary was discovered to be a hoax.


Fr O’Connor on World War I, Balfour

Father John O’Connor discusses various aspects of World War I, including the Lusitania, the Sussex, the Balfour agreement and the racial origin of most Jews (Ashkenazim, Khazars) according to Benjamin Freedman.


Norman Dodd on Tax-Exempt Foundations (1 of 5)

A former banker and economist, Norman Dodd, discusses his discoveries after investigating tax-exempt foundations for the Senate’s “Un-American activities” committee including a conspiracy to Communize the US.


Norman Dodd on Tax-Exempt Foundations (2 of 5)

An official of a tax-exempt foundation admits to Norman Dodd that their goal is to transform the US into a Communist country.


Norman Dodd on Tax-Exempt Foundations (3 of 5)

Norman Dodd explains how congressional investigator and lawyer Catherine Casey uncovered a conspiracy to use war as a catalyst to change American society in a tax-exempt foundation’s meeting minutes.


Norman Dodd on Tax-Exempt Foundations (4 of 5)

Norman Dodd explains how tax-exempt foundations endeavored to control the State Department and the way history is taught in the US by creating their own “stable of historians” which became the American Historical Association (AHA).


Norman Dodd on Tax-Exempt Foundations (5 of 5)

Norman Dodd discusses the sad fate of Catherine Casey, the obstruction of his investigation by the White House and others, and the accusation that is the kiss of death: “anti-Semitism”.


David Irving on the Holocaust

British historian David Irving — who is sitting in an Austrian prison cell today charged with “Holocaust denial” — discusses his persecution, some misrepresented “Holocaust” photographs, and gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter.


David Irving on the British Empire

British historian David Irving discusses the destruction of the British Empire at the end of the Second World War thanks to Winston Churchill.


Rare film footage of Axis soldiers in Ukraine, Vlasov

This film footage shows the Axis capturing Russian prisoners, liberating Ukrainians, Soviet citizens destroying figures of Stalin and replacing them with Hitler, and the Russian General Andrei Vlasov joining the Axis to fight Communism.


  • 8 Responses to “Videos for White Nationalists”

    1. Stronza Says:

      The film on commie propaganda tactics is most interesting, to put it mildly. Just substitute the word “neocons”, if you get my drift.

    2. Carpenter Says:

      The USS Liberty really is one of the most amazing stories of our times. Here we have a blatant attack on a U.S. ship, with recordings of the Israeli pilot informing his commanders that it is an American ship and told to go on with the attack, with U.S. authorities being in contact with Israel during the attack – they promised to stop it, said it was a mistake, but it still went on for more than an hour and U.S. fighter jets were told not to intervene. We have a cover-up where the investigator was told to stop his work, and where a Secretary of State objected against the cover-up. We have hundreds, thousands of people who know about the attack and are willing to talk.

      It was a deliberate act of war. And yet, no reaction. And few have ever heard of it. Who rules America? He who rules the media.

      If you are only going to send your friends one story this year, send them this one. It does have an impact.

    3. Carpenter Says:

      A list of the prominent Jews in the Weimar Republic, from the beginning of the clip. I am probably not spelling all their names right, though.

      Landsberg, Reichstag representative
      Schneidman, Reichstag representative
      Hirsch, prime minister of Prussia
      Theodor Vaught, editor of a Berlin daily
      Georg Bernhardt, head of the Urstein publishing house
      Hugo Preuss, creator of the German constitution
      Walter Rathenau, foreign minister of Germany
      Hilfreding, German finance minister
      Bernhard “Isidor” Weiss, assistant police chief in Berlin

      Ferdinand Lasalle, founder of the German social democratic party
      Rosa Luxembourg (Emma Goldman), communist agitator
      Nielsen (?), responsible for the murder of hostages in Munich
      Frankfurter, murderer of the National Socialist activist Wilhelm Guslaug
      Grynszpan, murderer of the German diplomat Ernest von Rath in Paris


      “For every 1,000 disuniified Germans working for themselves, there were 10 Jews who despite business competition all had a common goal: exploiting the Germans.”

      3/4 of Jews lived in the big cities. (What is it with non-Whites and cities?)
      For every 1,000 workers in Berlin, there were 2 Jews
      Out of 100 state prosecutors in Berlin, 15 were Jews
      Of 100 judges, 23 were Jews
      Of every 100 lawyers, 49 were Jews
      Of every 100 doctors, 52 were Jews
      Of every 100 merchants, 60 were Jews

      Average income for a German: 10 marks
      Average income for a Jew: 10,000 marks

    4. alex Says:

      Everyone feel free to copy and distribute these clips as needed, and thanks to Max for putting them together.

    5. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      The kikes’ greatest power is, and has been, their control of the media. With this control they have created ‘reality’ for hundreds of millions of people. Carpenter is amazed by the story of the Liberty. Why? Most Americans are completely ignorant about true history. They have no idea that they live in a world of lies and illusions and ignorance more pervasive than any Dark Ages peasant ever experienced. The appalling record of mass murder, torture and corruption by the kikes is completely outside the awareness of most and the jews have seen that it remains so. At times it seems that the situation is getting worse, yet I believe that the internet has opened the eyes of many more people than the underground printed media of the past ever did. Accessing information is much easier now than in the past despite the best efforts of the uberjuden. Orwell’s 1984 was a place without any hope. The entire world was a communist hell hole where the jew dream had been fulfilled. Despite their power the kikes have a long way to go yet to achieve that kind of control worldwide. As they become more blatant in their power grab and the monsters in occupied Palestine increase their bloody antics resistance will grow world wide. More importantly, jews will increasingly be identified as the vile creatures they are. The aura of innocence will continue to fade, especially as the foundations of the holohoax continue to crack. There is not much the readers of VNN and similar sites don’t know about this omni-parasitic lifeform. However, this information can cause a ‘Road to Damascus’ type of conversion for millions who are still ignorant. The awareness will spread and eventually there will be a terminal crisis for hymie. Then the time of retribution will come. We whites will suffer and learn some harsh lessons, but for the kikes it will be curtains, and deservedly so.

    6. James Hawthorne Says:

      Don’t forget everybody when you watch these vids click the rate button and if possible make a comment about the vid.

    7. Carpenter Says:

      Carpenter is amazed by the story of the Liberty. Why? Most Americans are completely ignorant about true history. They have no idea that they live in a world of lies and illusions and ignorance more pervasive than any Dark Ages peasant ever experienced.

      Hyperbole. I do believe we know a little more than the peasants in the Middle Ages.

      And people do know they are being lied to, that’s kinda a recurring message in every form of political campaigning. They just disagree on what they are being lied to about.

    8. jimbo Says:

      thus saith ‘Bryan O’Driscoll’, that cogent Celt:

      “There is not much the readers of VNN and similar sites don’t know about this omni-parasitic life-form. However, this information can cause a ‘Road to Damascus’ type of conversion for millions who are still ignorant. The awareness will spread and eventually there will be a terminal crisis for hymie. Then the time of retribution will come. We whites will suffer and learn some harsh lessons, but for the kikes it will be curtains and deservedly so”

      to which any white person with even a shred
      of common DECENCY shall say: ‘AMEN!’

      ……….here endeth the lesson!