2 October, 2006

Tonight: Free Talk Live

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 3:51 pm | Permanent Link

VNN goes live with our twelve edition of Free Talk Live, hosted by Geoff Beck and with Alex Linder, special guests and callers.


1) Send a chat message to vnnfreetalklive with skype.

2) The host will accept your chat message, tell you approximately when you’ll be coming on, and will call you back.

3) When skype rings turn off the live feed, since there is a delay.

Note: to use skype you’ll need a headset and PC.


You’ll need winamp, itunes or any other type of software that can load .pls.

Update: Thanks for another great show: Pendit, Alex, Jimbo!, WMFWL, James Hawthorne, and Todd in FL. A show which connected US-UK-Australia! 

  • 4 Responses to “Tonight: Free Talk Live”

    1. Septell Says:

      Where is last week’s FTL? Has it been archived?


    2. Geoff Beck Says:

      I’ll see that it is put up after the show. Thanks for reminding us.

    3. Geoff Beck Says:

      Looks like Stan just posted the archive for the 25 September 2005 show. Download it here:


    4. alex Says:

      This was an excellent broadcast, I hope you folks are listening to these hours. Special thanks to Geoff Beck for producing these shows – there’s a lot of work involved, and he’s doing most of it for FTL.

      We had excellent hours hearing from Pendit about Washington, and the college scene these days; Todd gave an amusing and insightful rundown on prison as experienced by Whites – the stuff you never read in the papers; Jimbo talked about the movement in Australia to put White land claims in question, and also gun-control (goy control), which is ridiculously advanced down under.

      I missed the fourth hour with James Hawthorne (from England), but I’m looking forward to listening when the archives are posted.

      I think we fulfilled the mission last night of providing a genuine global information network, it was a genuine joy to be part of. Thanks everybody!

      We’ll do it again soon, and of course we’re always looking for new guests and new producers and new writers – the more the better.

      Those who want to participate get these two things:

      1) skype account (free) http://skype.com/

      2) a $20 radio shak “lightweight computer headset” (cat. #33-187)


      (others will work too but this is the one i use and i know for a fact it works)