12 October, 2006

THOMSON: Letters (9/06)

Posted by alex in Eric Thomson at 5:43 pm | Permanent Link

27 SEP 06. Hail [X]! It was great to receive your insightful letter of 21 SEP 06. Your explanation of Biological Determinism supports the science of eugencis within races, since the racial bell curve can be moved in the direction of improvement by programs which limit the dysgenic & increase the eugenic members of the race. Race-mixing of people, like race-mixing of animals is dysgenic, as any dairy farmer or dog-breeder can say. Elmer Pendell wrote in “Sex Versus Civilization” of “Problem-makers” versus “Problem-solvers.” Problem-solvers create civilizations & Problem-makers destroy them; thus, any program which allows the multiplication of Problem-makers endangers civilization. The essential element of civilization remaining to us in formerly White countries is our infrastructure of production & distribution, just as Roman cities relied upon their roads, bridges & aqueducts for their food & water. My childhood belief in the wisdom of eugenics, which I gathered from books by Paul Popenoe, prevents me from being a “White Supremacist,” since there are inferior Whites who must be culled, rather than imposed upon superior non-Whits, as I’ve seen in White-ruled Africa, & in the American South. Many KKK members I’ve known are non-Whites, such as mestizos & mulattos, so they tout their ‘superiority’ toward the darkest Blacks.

South Africa & Zimbabwe used to have excellent infrastructure under White rule, but not so under Black rule, as now. Contacts in South Africa report maggots in the tap water & repeated power outages. A joke going the rounds is the question: “What did we use before we had candles?” Answer: “Electricity.” Of course, maggots in tap water would be the Black equivalent of piped-in soup: just heat & eat!

Re your observations on the progress of turning North America, & eventually, the Western Hemisphere, into a single political-economic entity: Historically it begins with a customs union, now called “free trade” amongst member states, which results in political union under one ruler or government. This is how the remains of Germany became a state in 1870, under a Prussian king, who became emperor or kaiser. This is how the European Union is developing.

In this case, it has been noted that the Euro subsidizes Europe’s weakest economies at the expense of the strongest. This will occur with the introduction of the “Amero” in The Americas. Such a deal! Political-economic amalgamation of The Western Hemisphere has long been a consistent ambition of our plutocratic, Judeo-Freemasonic rulers, who some call “the elite,” simply because they are on top. Since foul scum also rises to the top, we should not favor these criminals with euphemisms, but we should call them what they are: scum.

Our increasing subordination of economic interests, chiefly motivated by minority greed, to our biological interests on behalf of the common good, involves our selling out of ourselves for money. We have thus given up our livingspace, our standard of living, our children’s futures, &, eventually, ourselves, for those magical zogbucks which the jews create out of nothing, & for which we pay interest without end. Maybe the Goy cattle will understand the scums’ scam when they face the ultimate sellout: How many bucks will one take in exchange for his life? Then he can be the richest corpse on the beach! Or, one could be “president for life” in Baghdad.

Few sheeple comprehend that we do not protect principles. Principles protect us, like adhering to safety rules. I do not drive on the righthand side of the road because I am ‘protecting’ the principle of righthand road-use. I do so in the hope that others will do the same, for my own good & the common good. I’m sure that there are those who might be willing to drive on the lefthand side, for sufficient money! Sheeple volunteer to wage war in Iraq for pay & pension, even if they are not in any condition to receive them, after they have agreed to such employment. Sacrificing principles for zogbucks is shortsighted, which is often a sign of stupidity on the part of people who sellout to the highest bidder. As long as capable people aspire to becoming scum, this situation will continue.

Thanks for pointing out the subtle, but all-important distinction revealed in the change of title from “King of the English” to “King of England.” Some Brit-twits say “There’ll always be an England.” I reply that there need not be any English for there to be an England. Their reply is silence. “American” correctly includes all denizens, as well as flora & fauna, living in “the Americas.” America is a place, not a race, & it is a location, not a nation. As Orwell warned, “Tyranny begins with the abuse of language.” Talking straight means that we can think straight. This is why we must object to the misuse of words like “nation” & “democracy,” neither of which the USA ever was. Coupled to the abuse of language, as exemplified in the current use of “gay,” is the ZOG’s insistence that there be no connection between belief and behavior. The Pope recently came out with this form of lobotomy-thought, in his wish that people of opposing beliefs can “just get along together.” In other words, ZOG thinks that different belief need not affect behavior! On the contrary, if people behave the same, it means that their touted differences in belief are false. Let’s hear the Goy cheer, loud & clear: “DUUUH!”

Another ‘small’ change which affected the British monarchy was the killing of the sovereign Charles I by Cromwell & his jew backers. The “restoration” of the monarchy under Charles II was not a restoration of sovereignty, since Charles II lost the power to coin & to issue money, which fell into the hands of the jewish “Bank of England,” behind their purchased parliamentary frontmen. Successful coup d’etats maintain outward forms but alter their substance, so as to gull the Goyim. The Freemasonic Founding Felons of the USA prated that “we have a government of laws, not of men,” but laws are always subject to interpretation by men, & promises written on paper are no better than the men who make them, nor their successors. I note the humor in the fact that all U.S. politicians & soldiers swear “to defend the Constitution.” They do not swear to defend the people, the government & the territory of the USA! This means that purported jew, Bush II, could abandon the USA to its Chinese buyers & take The U.S. Constitution with him, for safekeeping in Israel. Such a deal!

Thanks for outlining the scheme to build a superhighway from Mexico City to Canada, via the USA. It reminds me of Cecil Rhodes’s “Cape to Cairo Railway” plan, which would require the extension of British influence for its right of way, as did the construction of The Hejaz Railway to Mecca & the Berlin to Basrah Railway required German influence in those areas. Righteous jew, Benjamin Freedman, said in an interview that the real cause of World War I was The Berlin to Basrah Railway project, which would have allowed Germany to ship German goods directly to German ships in Basrah, thus circumventing BRitish surcharges on German goods. The oilfields of Kirkuk & Mosul were also British objectives, through which the German railway ran. The Brits had stolen Egypt & Kuwait from The Turkish Empire before World War I, & their greed knew no bounds, especially in regard to smashing German competition, which was the real cause of that genocidal disaster for the White Race.

Jew propagandists accused Hitler of building the autobahns as invasion routes, so we may view the ZOG’s “CANUSMEX” super highway in a similar light. Chinese can drive south and meet the Mexicans driving north, somewhere in the USA. Such a deal! The scum will have completed their leveling of all Whites down to Turd World status as ‘have-nots’ in their kosher capitalist paradise of infinite profits & infinitely cheaper labor costs. The problem may be to pay people sufficient to purchase all the consumer goods the scum want to sell, but they will most likely adopt the “company store scame” in which workers are paid token wages, so they must become debt-slaves, as well as wage-slaves. “Double-plus good!” as Orwell would say.

Re Brazil, the former colony of Portugal: The Treaty of Tordesillas, as I recall, divided The New World, or so the Catholic powers of Spain & Portugal thought, into two equal parts. As exploration was extended, Spain turned out to possess the lion’s share of the continent of South America, & more, although Portugal had centuries of headstart, with its India trade, its colonies in India & China, as well as its huge African territories, from which it obtained black slaves in abundance. Black slaves were sold to Spaniards & Portugese wherever labor was required to work the profitable plantations in the Caribbean & coastal regions of Latin America, including Mexico. That is why one often sees mestizos with negro features, usually from Veracruz. ZOG deems them “White, Hispanics,” for censsus & criminal statistics. I was not in Argentina, so I know nothing of their silver deposits, but I was assured by a Mexican geologist that Mexico’s existing mineral wealthh remains largely untapped because jew mining monopolies, such as those of the Guggenheims, want to restrict production on behalf of profits, as with the jew-dominated oil industry.

Portuguese is one of many provincial dialects spoken on the Iberian Peninsula, as I learned during my travels in Spain & Portugal. “Spanish” is really Castillian & Andalucian, thanks to Cervantes. As you say, they blend with their neighbors, so Catalan resembles the French spoken in Provence, as I first heard on my train trip from Paris to Barcelona. My subsequent train trips throughout Iberia were third class, so I noted how few passengers spoke “Spanish” in Spain! This has also been the case for Third Class passengers on trains in Germany & Britain, where local dialects & even languages are heard, as distinct from High German & “BBC English.” Zündel told me that he had to learn High German, so he could speak to Germans who did not come from his native Schwabia. In my experience, Bavarian is even less understandable to one who speaks only High German, that is Prussian.

Zündel’s present wife, whose real name I do not know, because I understand her “Rimland” alias comes from a former husband, may be a jewess, based on her writings. Apparently, she was born in Odessa, which is “jew-city.” Her claims of Mennonite background are doubtful, since she describes “jews & Mennonites” living in Paraguay, in her “Nazi-hunting” novel, “Demon Doctor.” She described the Mennonites as “tall & blon,” whereas the jews were neither, which accurately describes “Rimland.” A real Mennonite said she could not be noe of them, for Mennonites do not seek to capitalize on their purported sufferings as she does. Basically, her message is similar to her incarcerated husband’s: “me-me-me” & “gimme-gimme-gimme.” The reality is that both are shekel-grubbers who live for no cause beyond themselves. I can quote Zündel, who declared: “I am the cause!”

I don’t know what happened to the Southern Whites who fled to Brazil which abolished slavery, peacefully, in 1888. I have no sympathy for anyone who needs niggers. Been there, seen it, in Africa. As Earnest Sevier Cox wrote in “White America,” a White civilization depends for its existence on a White workingclass. To maintain a White workingclass, the White worker must receive enough to support himself & his family. There is no such thing as “cheap labor.” One bumpersticker read: “If I’d known the trouble it’d cause, I’d have picked the cotton myself.” Eric Margolis, himself a jew, asked his Beverley Hills buddies why California alias Mexifornia was broke. They explained that a cheap worker for them had around 15 dependents, who were funded by the U.S. tax-payers. Cheap for jews, exorbitant for tax-payers. Whitey must pay for his own kids, & he must pay for his own kids, & he must pay for aliens’ offspring. That’s why we have few & they have many.

In my experience, Mennonites are productive, honest, but defenseless. When I was in Mexico, the Mennonite colony near Durango was being dispossessed of their lands by mestizo squatters, with government complicity. The Mexicans cheerfully allowed the dumb Gringos to buy up a waterless area populated by cactus, scorpions & rattlesnakes, for they could not use it themselevs, but the Mennonites dug wells & cleared the land for crops & dairy farming. When the Mexicans saw the fruits of their hard labors & intelligence, the mestizo-bandidos wanted it! The Mennonites’ religion was inscrutable to the Mexicans, even whose atheists remain Catholics, as a Mexican attorney said to me. The Mennonites did not race-mix, for they brought their women with them. I was astonished when I saw these tall, blond farmers wearing their Gringo-style straw hats, bonnets & bib overalls the first time I shopped in the Durango market, where I bought “queso menonita” (Mennonite cheese). They did not speak Spanish, for the most part, so I had to translate for a Mexican Mennonite (White) family at the border crossing in Juarez. I had my U.S. passport, but I was the one who spoke fluent Spanish, whereas the Mennonite who had a Mexican passport, spoke only English! The Mexican customs official was scandalized. As it was, I almost missed my train down to Durango, since I barely broke the Mennonite-Mexican standoff which had delayed my timely departure. I barely boarded the train on time, as it was, but my knowledge of Spanish saved me. My German saved me from missing my train to Copenhagen when I arrived in Paris, since the French refused to speak English or Spanish. That was in 1964. In Mexico, if one does not speak “the national language,” he is not considered Mexican, regardless if he is born there. Gringos were in the minority in Mexico, as we are in Brownest Yakima, where my Spanish comes in handy. Oh, I met a Mennonite from Durango who told me they were emigrating to Bolivia, where the indios would appreciate their productivity. Mennonites produce & the mestizos take. Such a deal! The more they feed, the more the others breed, which guarantees the Mennonites will be dispossessed, wherever they go. American Whites ain’t seen nothing, yet. White farmers in Africa fed their foes so well that they now must leave their lands or die on them. I find that mentality inscrutable, as well as suicidal. I diagnose the disease as a combination of myopic money-madness complicated by acute christinsanity. This disease is usually incurable & fatal.

Re degenerate art: I understand that jew-commie Picasso concocted the opus that he later dubbed “Guernica” in 1935, but The Spanish Civil War began only in 1936! As for the quality of daubing which produced “The Scream,” I would PAY NOT TO look at it, if I had no other choice. Another sheenie-scam artist was Einstein who stole his E=Mc2 from Poincaré.

All the best & ORION! — Eric

  • 11 Responses to “THOMSON: Letters (9/06)”

    1. CZ Says:

      Yes, we must protect our brothers no matter where they are at. Let them see the 10-20 mexicans who cry for the land the productive whites have make fruitful. Let them give up the results of their labor if they want.

      For us, we need to make it a goal to extinguish the source of the 2 dozen mexicans, far out of sight of the good folks. They don’t need to know there ever existed 20 or 200 million mexicans, for it would not concern them if they do not know.

      We know what beauty is. We know what is pleasing to the eye. Those men & women who are fit, intelligent and and beautiful, tall and absent of genetic flaws should be be given the most chances to reproduce with one another. In their world make motherhood & fatherhood the highest ideal.

      Give the ugly, physically weak, and deformed homosexuality, drugs, independence, careers, trinkets, women’s lib, and other diversions but keep them out of view of the desirable breeders so they have no ability to influence them.

    2. Olde Dutch Says:

      A few comments:

      High German a/k/a Alte Deutsche is the language of Bavaria. Platt Deutsche a/k/a low or flat German is the language of Prussia.

      Ingrid Rimland’s book about the Russo-Germans’ was a big hit back in the late 1970’s.

      I like what Cromwell said in regard to a catholic restoration to the English throne—over my dead body! :)

    3. Timothy Says:

      Always great insights from Thomson.

      What he writes about Cromwell and the jews is spot on. When the jews got control of England,it began the process of their rise to global dominance. Their control of England gave us the Yiddish(not British) Empire,which made it possible for jewish power to fan out across the globe.
      The jews used England to do their dirty work for 250 years-including peddling dope to the Chinese for Sassoon and his goons-until the Empire was finally broken to pieces after two world wars. Now they use their new Golem,the U.S, to achieve their global objectives.

      To add insult to injury,the Jew historians and Jew obfuscators like Chomsky lay the imperialism of their Yiddish and ‘American’ brethren at the feet of ‘evil,imperialistic White men’. White people are taught to feel guilty over the imperialism of their forefathers that was actually the imperialism of jewish banking and business interests.

      I bet not one American out of a hundred understands how thoroughly history has been distorted to make White men look like the bad guys,while the true perpetrators of most of the wars,mass murders,revolutions,chaos and upheaveals of the last three centuries not only get off scot free from any blame,but are made out to be the innocent victims of all the turmoil they themselves have created !

      What a fuckin’ world. Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying.

    4. Bavarian Gauleiter Says:

      This letter from Thomson is an example of someone blending the truth with falsehoods. Anyone who knows Zundel knows that his beliefs and actions are sincere and honorable. To claim that this great man who has been ardently defending the honor of Hitler and the German people against blood libel and who is imprisoned by jewish power is simply another version of “send me your money” christian television evangelist is contemptible and absurd. Furthermore, as far as I’m aware, Ingrid Rimland claimed to come from a Mennonite background, not that she is still a practicing Mennonite. Even if she still is a Mennonite, everyone who has studied religions and the religious knows that the majority of followers do not really obey their ordinances. Thomson himself pointed this out regarding the Mexican atheists who remain Catholic. They claim to be Catholic, but can not be such as atheists, yet who would be the wiser when the “Catholic” does something contrary to Church rules? No one. They’d blame it on Catholicism. Then he does the same thing against Ingrid Rimland. Nice.

      When it comes to total integrity and honesty… look to Germany! Look to Zundel! Not to Thomson.

    5. Sehnsucht nach dem Reich Says:

      Olde Dutch, you are clueless, but always confident. Go on, tell us like it is.

    6. Heads Up Says:

      Bavarian Gauleiter,

      Have you ever met Zundel, I have 3 times. I also know severla people who were around him during the holo-trials in the mid-80s.

      Zundel is an opportunist and a Barnum-Bailey Circus barker. He’s “genuine” in his own way and is now a target because he took this particular path in life. He started out sincere but the money (from old German immigrants in Kanada and USA) was too easy. He ended up to be merely an opportunist in the end, unfortunately.

      I’ve never met Rimland, but I wouldn’t trust anyone who casually pisses awya $40G on a Washington Times fullapge ad to Pres Vlad Putin of Russia to “save” her Ernst. That was just plain DUMB! Then is always, continually, forever, incessantly trolling and dialing for dollars. Her Z-Gram was just a dollar-raisng enterprise wrapped up in philosophy, idyllic notions and ideology, again not and different than Benny Hinn and other Christinsanitians. She played the Xtian card big time too.

      Last report I heard she bought her Tennessee acreage cash, Ernst was dabbling in an art studio and they had $800,000 in the bank. Was it their money? Many claim not, and apparetly even Fred Toben did too.

      Our “movement” is full of these. They do NOT represent the forces of change. They represent the forces of “give me money and I’ll give the illusion I’m doing something”.

      I also have a video, which at some point I’ll transfer to DVD that is extremely damaging of “the Zud”. In it he claims to have some Jewish ancestry way back and was kissing the ass of an Israeli reporter. That’s what Zud does, kisses asses and prys open wallets and such. He early on found a great tool for this – holo issues. He underestimated a lot though.

      Yes, he wa smotivated out of some genuine idealism for his German roots but with guys like him you really never know to what extent. He plays too many angles and is all things to all peoples. He claims he is a racialist (when I heard him speak) and then to other people, not media types but fairly powerful movers & shakers, he is not. You realize, of course, when claiming he was a “racialist” there was a table with people taking donations for him? Right!

      You do with this what you will but you mostly definitely DO NOT know what you’re talking about.

    7. TC Says:

      Look, Mr Bavarian Gauleiter. Mr ET and Mr EZ has had a long and thorough working relationship going back decades. I LIKE what Mr EZ does, writes, and how he behaves in general and now under duress – yet. I know of him only through this side appearing on the net. Mr ET knows him much, much deeper…and this knowledge of his alteres my own beliefs a touch, since I appreciate Mr ET`s subjectiv objectivity( :) ) in most matters he cares to write about. I`d like to add, that I had the same suspicions Mr ET has concerning Mrs Zundel – hearing the account of her `diaspora`about a year back. I suspect, there is no objective `truth` out there – you always have to sift through the sand to find the grains of gold, read between the lines. Mr ET`s dislike towards Mr Zundel might be simply personal. Mabbe Mr Zundel pocketed his lighter while drunk – we`ll never know. So make a judgement – and go with it.
      We know next to nuttn` – then we die…:)

    8. Bavarian Gauleiter Says:

      Heads Up:

      “I’ve never met Rimland, but I wouldn’t trust anyone who casually pisses awya $40G on a Washington Times fullapge ad to Pres Vlad Putin of Russia to “save” her Ernst. That was just plain DUMB”

      Did I say it wasn’t dumb? I wasn’t impressed the times I spoke privately with Rimland except to say that she’s a damn good public speaker and storyteller while at the podium. That doesn’t mean that we should go around criticizing her or Zundel because Thomson — who hasn’t done jack shit for this movement compared to the 2 of them, btw — doesn’t like them.

      “Last report I heard she bought her Tennessee acreage cash, Ernst was dabbling in an art studio and they had $800,000 in the bank. Was it their money? Many claim not, and apparetly even Fred Toben did too.”

      Wtf does that have to do with the price of tea in china? is zundel supposed to be a pauper for you? this is the kind of childishness you get on public message boards.

      “He claims he is a racialist (when I heard him speak) and then to other people, not media types but fairly powerful movers & shakers, he is not. You realize, of course, when claiming he was a “racialist” there was a table with people taking donations for him? Right!”

      Dr Pierce — whom I knew personally — also said (it’s even in the NA member’s book) that when the public asked if we were racists or nazis that we were to say we weren’t. And that’s because the kikes have so programmed the goyim into the hollywood stereotypical image of the evil nazi and white racist that we have to deny it. we don’t want to kill jews and negros just because they are jews and negros, as i’m sure you all know.

      “You do with this what you will but you mostly definitely DO NOT know what you’re talking about.”

      LOL. I know just as much what I’m talking about as anyone else on these democratic message post boards, dumbass. I have met Ingrid Rimland, attended demonstrations against Zundel’s imprisonment and known others who have known both Zundel and Thomson since the 80’s including some who were witnesses at his trials such as Mark Weber ([email protected]).

      My point regarding ET’s comment is this: I could tell you some pretty bad stories I’ve heard about Toben and others from people inside the movement, but what point would it serve? None. You judge people by their work and achievements and not by the suspicions of others who very will could have something personal — as Toben does for sure, and maybe Thomson too — against the Zundels. any petty jealousies against how much money they’ve made or have is just more proof of one’s own emotional problems, and not the Zundels’.

    9. Heads Up Says:

      “Did I say it wasn’t dumb? I wasn’t impressed the times I spoke privately with Rimland except to say that she’s a damn good public speaker and storyteller while at the podium.”

      So was P.T. Barnum, who cares. “Thanks for listen, if you could please make your way to the table in the back and make a donation to the Rimland-Zud Bowel Movement speaking tour. We know you’re all suckas because wes tells ya whats you wants to hear. We never provide any evidence that what you contributed has been used on actual activism and don’t dare ask. We aren’t carnies we’re doing the ‘Lord’s’ work and trying to bring da troooooth.”

      “That doesn’t mean that we should go around criticizing her or Zundel because Thomson — who hasn’t done jack shit for this movement…”

      Well, dingleballs they hanged up their shaingel looking for donations and have been passing themselves as “one of us”. That then means they are going to be under scrutiny. If they don’t like it they should not have elected such a business path. Yup, that’s right I said business, because just like charities are big busines so is activism. The Zud has milked more than a few million from old fucks. His ‘Power’ newsletter even had a form on it every month that put HIM in the old folks wills. Such a deal and what a guy! You go on defending him, you know sweet fuck all. Talking to them and attending a eat-meet-retreat conference and demostration means shit.

      Thomson donated his time & energy for years in the Zudhaus. Years. So that shows you how little YOU know.

      “Wtf does that have to do with the price of tea in china? is zundel supposed to be a pauper for you? this is the kind of childishness you get on public message boards.”

      Zud has NEVER provided anyone with anything as to how the monies was spent. Are you in business rocket scientist? I’ll let you figure that one out. Nope not a pauper, accountable. Or you another bonehead, “oh, oh, he’s doing something for the moooooooooovement…” guy?

      “My point regarding ET’s comment is this: I could tell you some pretty bad stories I’ve heard about Toben and others from people inside the movement, but what point would it serve?”

      I’m sure there is and if they’re bad enough should we do like what the Republicunts did with Foley? is that your answer. What if these “movementarian activists” are frauds and lining their pockets. Say nothing? That is truly a short-sighted and utterly stupid methodology. By doing that and continuing to give them money for lackluster performance, fraud, and other incompetencies you are ONLY furthering the problem, hence our demise. So, in short, YOU ARE WRONG!

      “None. You judge people by their work and achievements and not by the suspicions of others”

      True enough. I see no disagreement there. So does that mean I should open my door for donations and become a self-promoted activist? By your standard I should be able to accept money and do with it as I please, announce I’m the movement and show up for meetings, give speeches to eat-meet-retreaters and act like a mover/shaker. Meanwhile I’ll get to wrap myself up in the “good guy” blanket and be all things to all people. Sounds like a plan.

      “who very will could have something personal — as Toben does for sure, and maybe Thomson too — against the Zundels.”

      Thomson I think is all around contempt with da Zud as was with Robert Frenz. Familiarity breeds it.

      “any petty jealousies against how much money they’ve made or have is just more proof of one’s own emotional problems, and not the Zundels’.”

      Goes to show how how useless in your judgement skills you are. You’re probably the same type that buys stock at its highest thinking its going to keep on going up.

      I wouldn’t be jealous of the Zud or his wife. I do hold them accountable and know too many people who know them and worked with them along with my impressions.

      Hey, give them money, they need it I hear. Best of luck !

    10. Carpenter Says:

      In this case, it has been noted that the Euro subsidizes Europe’s weakest economies at the expense of the strongest.

      The exact opposite is true. Interest rates and money production are adapted to the largest economies – Germany, France and Britain – and the small countries are screwed. They either adapt their economies to the interest rate set by the ECB in Frankfurt, or they suffer the consequences.

      Both Germany and Britain have blatantly ignored the rules set for stability in the euro zone; limits for national debt in proportion to GDP, and such. They have ignored the rules, openly, and the EU still hasn’t punished them. Why? Because they are the biggest nations.

      To get special treatment in the EU your country has to be either Slavic or Germany or France. Western countries are screwed as money and industries flow from West to East, while unemployment and crime flow from East to West. All in accordance with the anti-Nordic plan.

    11. James Hawthorne Says:

      Bavarian Gauleiter said:

      “Anyone who knows Zundel knows that his beliefs and actions are sincere and honorable. To claim that this great man who has been ardently defending the honor of Hitler and the German people against blood libel and who is imprisoned by jewish power is simply another version of “send me your money” christian television evangelist is contemptible and absurd.”

      Anybody who sticks his head above the parapet against jewish power deserves our admiration, Ernst Zundel & his wife more so than most.