2 October, 2006

THOMSON: Letters (9/06)

Posted by alex in Eric Thomson at 3:15 pm | Permanent Link

2 SEP 06. Hail [X]! […] When the jew-Bolsheviks invaded the Baltic countries of Latvia, Estonia & Lithuania, they murdered “the smooth-handed Goyim,” as they had done in Russia during the Red Revolution. If they found a Gentile with smooth hands, it meant that he worked with his mind, not with his hands. It also meant that the Gentile was an intellectual & a potential or actual leader. As it says in the jewbook, Gentiles are “beasts of the fields,” so they should only have hands roughened by manual labor. Rough-handed Goyim became jew-slaves, but smooth-handed Goyim were killed, often after torture.

I have several copies of Winston Churchill’s newspaper article in which he spoke of The International Jews & their support of Bolshevism in Russia, but I am not able to locate one suitable for photocopying, as the print is too small to read. For now, I can sum up the article by saying that Churchill, a half-jew himself, described the “international jews” as a threat, but not, supposedly, “loyal jews,” whoever they might be.

British journalist, Douglas Reed, stated that the jews would abandon Communism for Zionism. Russia was a state run by jews, for jews, but Israel is a jewish state, for jews only. Reed was correct, as he was about South Africa being ruled by Blacks. Most of Bush’s “neo-conservatives,” “neo-cons” for short, are jews who were formerly leftwingers. Suddenly, they became Zionists, which one liberal writer, Joseph Sobran, called “fascists.” He wrote that such jews had “betrayed liberalism.” I pointed out that a jew does not stick to any single belief or political program, unless he believes that it is “good for jews.” If capitalism is good for jews, he is a capitalist. If Communism is good, he is a Communist. If Christinsanity is ‘good for jews,’ they will use that cult for their benefit. Cardinal Lustiger proclaimed: “I am a Christian, but I remain a jew.” One is a religion; the other (jewishness) is a nationality. Only Goyim (Gentiles) are confused, for they believe that jews are a religious group, like Christians or Moslems. Most jews are NOT religious, but “secular.” This means that they do not practice the religion of Judaism, so being “jewish” does not mean being religious in any way!

“Hate H.Q.” was our nickname for the building at 206 Carlton Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This was the home of Samisdat Publishers, Limited, but the jewsmedia called it “the home of hate-lit,” so we adopted their title. The place was bombed & attacked by a Red arsonist, who did most of the damage to the building & its contents. Our boss, Ernst Zündel, received a very suspicious package in the mail, which he turned over to the Toronto Police Bomb Squad. Boy, were they upset to discover that it really was a bomb! The Toronto Police did not like to do their job, as I gathered from experience with them. On one occasion, there was a bomb scare in the city. Someone left a bag of laundry at a streetcar stop, so the police conscientiously blew it up! Imagine: In most cities you have to put your laundry in a washingmachine, but in Toronto, you just leave it & the police will blow it up! What service!

In 1981, over 2000 irate jews rioted in front of the building. We knew what they had planned, for we read the jewish newspaper. We had our own group of demonstrators in front, with signs denouncing The Holohoax, much to the jews’ consternation, for it was all on TV news, as well as on our own videotapes. The JDL (“Jewish Defense League”) led the assault, for they had intended to catch us by surprise. The regular jewspapers, intended for Goyim, announced a big anti-KKK demonstration for the same day, but the jews’ real target was Samisdat. We had our spies & cameramen among th ejew mob which assembled in a nearby park, before they marched on Samisdat. One jew rabblerouser spoke in Yiddish, which those of us who spoke German could understand. I recall the fellow raving in Yiddish that “Samisdat had Arab financial support.” Unfortunately, we were always broke, so that wasn’t true! The jwe mob was aflame with hate, blind hate, which we could see in their eyes. They hissed & spat like serpents. Suddenly, a large contingent of police arrived between us & the jew mob, so they were really frustrated! Carlton St. is a main thoroughfare, so the police had to push the jews back across the street, where they were supposed to be. I don’t know what the tour guide said to the streetcar full of tourists when it passed through the mob: “You see, Toronto is a real cosmopolitan city. We have our jew-Nazi riots on week ends!” Maybe they passed the Reds’ anti-KKK demo as well. I wonder what a tourist would have thought! All the best & ORION! — Eric

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3 SEP 06. Dear [X]: […] First I want to address some points raised by [X’s] letter: I see that events are educating him in regard to the validity of ORION! I tried to inform him that the future of Ireland is the present in America, provided the Irish carry on in their heedless way, as they no doubt will. In such a context, no words of mine could jar their complacency, although events may do so, if the Irish have any remaining survival instincts from their immersion in Christinsanity. [X] admits that he only wishes to see the symptoms vanish, rather than addressing their cause. He cannot see the role of jews in control of money, which controls all Irish activities, just as ancient Egyptians may have thought that th ejews’ control of their economy was a ‘good thing,’ until the kosher calamity struck them, according to the Old Testament account. In the USA, the 1913 passage of the Federal Reserve Act & the Income Tax were seen with alarm by very few leaders, who tried to warn the U.S. sheeple about them. But little was done by the malefactors of great wealth, at first, so sheeple became complacent. The sky did not fall. The jews operate within the realm of the possible for their great successes. They fail when they move too quickly, as they did in post-1918 Germany. After JFK’s assassination in 1963, The Federal Reserve, a private jew bank, took over all U.S. currency. This method of assuming total control is known as ‘salami tactics,’ advancing in slow increments. I understand this is also a good way of capturing wild pigs: the hunters build one side of a fence, leaving a bag of feed next to it. The pigs discover the feed next to the fence, so they associate food with fence. Since the fence does not enclose them, they do not feel threatened. This goes on for a time, after which, th pig-hunters build the second part of the fence, perhaps running parallel with the first section, perhaps connected at right angles. So it goes, with the pigs feeding happily. They have become so accustomed to the encroaching fence that they trot right in, just before the gate is closed, which captures the lot of them. Ireland, the USA et al. have been constructed just like the pigs’ fence, for sheeple tend not to see slow changes, even when the goal is the sheeples’ extinction, by displacement & miscegenation, as the bankster tribe has planned for Ireland. Tom describes “Irish” landowners who care only for ‘cheap labor.’ They are not more Irish in loyalty than Kurds or Somalians who have come to feed at Ireland’s trough. Landowners’ treason is common to all formerly White countries, as we see in the USA, Britain, Australia & Canada, but this treason accompanies similar treason from employers in industries other than agriculture. Slumlords love immigrants, whose welfare cheques provide them with exorbitant rents, as I’ve seen in Canada & the USA. It’s the tax-payers who must pay for foreign invasion & foreign aid, on behalf of the plutocratic pigs who run their countries.

Tom is correct that we, ourselves, are to blame for our misfortunes. Had we killed the Christian missionaries, we would not now be victims of Christinsanity. Had we killed the landowners, rather than do their bidding by killing fellow serfs, they could not profit at the expense of the nation. Our sins of omission & commission require self-blame. Were we ourselves not blameworthy, the jews & other parasites would be no problem. Our salvation as a race, or our extinction, lie within ourselves. Let us suppose that we gave a gun to a bandi, who does not use it to rob us immediately, for he is able to wait until we have something really worth stealing from us, by means of the weapon we give him. Our leaders can tell us what we did, to no avail, for many sheeple do not comprehend that it was a gun which we gave to the bandit. Still others do not understand what is meant by the word, “bandit,” while others claim that the bandit has no interest in robbing us, for he has not done so, yet. We cannot seem to detect alien motives on the part of those we deem ‘our’ leaders. In other words, we behave like madmen or idiots, & we have been behaving as such for thousands of years. Thus it is still true that “whom the gods will destroy, they first make mad,” (or just plain stupid).

Thanks for the great souvenirs of your Russian trip, including the 20 rubles. The photos were very informative, including the man using the hand-made straw broom, which has been worn down to resemble a mop. I am surprised at the pre-industrial artifacts in common use in the former soviet Union which was touted as being so ‘highly-industrialized.’ Since I was banned from visiting the USSR when I was expelled from the USA in 1969, I had to rely upon others for information, such as preparations or lack thereof for a hot war with the West. My spies found no indications that Soviet infrastructure was prepared for war, nor did Soviet behavior, in regard to the crazy German kid who flew from western Europe over Soviet territory, to land in Red Square, in a private plane! During the Soviet regime, we received a shipment of Soviet-made shotguns for photographing, suitable for advertising in Canadian retail magazines. The guns were made in two pieces: stock & barrel, which (supposedly) fit together. With some difficulty, I assembled all but one which was so poorly machined that it just would not fit together. The bluing was so spotty that we received the guns in order to retouch the photos for the ads! One of the boxes in which the guns came had a piece of Soviet twine. It was lumpy, of irregular strength & thickness, obviously hand-made. I fold a fellow worker that this twine tells me more about the Soviet industry than any glossy Soviet brochure touting their high-tech industries. We agreed it might be possible that the USSR left civilian production in the 17th century, while having a 20th century infrastructure for military production. Maybe, but unlikely. If Russians could be taught not to litter, they might be able to invest their energy in making other items than straw brooms. One American bragged that littering was patriotic, for it “created jobs” for Mexicans. […]

Thanks be to ZOG & the blightwing, Russia remains an enigma. Have the former jew-bankster rulers abandoned it, after doing their best to loot it & pollute it? I do not think so, for the former Russian/Soviet Empire still has lots of natural resources, such as oil. Is Putin a caretaker, an interim player on stage while the sets are being changed behind the curtain of history? If he is, he doesn’t say so, or his statements are not reported in the media. His crackdown on the more rapacious sheenies may serve to protect the interests of the bigger ones, who may not wish to see Russia raped & robbed to death, thus leaving a huge, rich vacuum for Chinese to exploit & to occupy; but this is speculation on my part. I approach all issues in terms of cui bono? as you can see. When we can answer that question, history becomes understandable, & events & outcomes are even predictable, as with 9-11. I would think that Russia should become a member of the European Union before Turkey! But we must also ask cui bono? of the E.U., which does not appear to be pro-European.

The sports mania in Europe is what I saw in Turd World countries: sports were used in lieu of real national achievements, as if to make up for the lack thereof: We are poor, ignorant; our government is corrupt. Our economy & society are devolving, but our sports team is in the finals!

BNP, Stormfront & Jared Taylor’s kosher “American Renaissance” are certainly in the pay of the ZOG, aimed at neutralizing &/or coopting White resistance. When ZOG rules, those who profit from the status quo must be considered agents of the ZOG. Cui bono? Taylor’s strategy is obvious: Jews & their White stooges brought in the Blacks as slaves, for profit. Now, Taylor’s jews & White stooges want Whites to fight the Blacks, but not the real guilty parties, who seek profit & power from the divisions they created in the first place. Our PROBLEM will remain as long as we attempt to fight the symptoms, which the problem-makers have brought on & continue to bring on. The bringers of the slaves caused Whites to kill each other in the infamous Civil War. Such a deal!

I can understand people’s desire to emigrate, but if one does so for political reasons, he is subject to instant deportation, ZOG willing. After 5 deportations, I am not anxious to go anywhere from whence I may be deported or denied entry, as I told [X]. That’s why I shall take my chances in this Land of Amerizog. […] When David Duke sought safety in the Ukraine, they were quick to obey the U.S. request for his extradition on tax-evasion charges, even though they applauded him on his way out.

I agree with your assessment of stupid ‘regional chauvinism.’ The kosher conservative blightwing objected to “losing the Panama Canal.” I pointed out that they just want to see a U.S. flag flying over the canal. They don’t care who occupies the entire USA, as long as the U.S. flag remains flying! As I have long said, how the land is divided is not important. Who occupies the land is what counts. Ask any Chinese or Mexican!

As I understand, Russia puts non-Whites first, when it comes to scholarships, just as Germany puts non-White “refugees” first in line for tax-payers’ benefits, & not recently unemployed East Germans. When I was in Sweden in 1969, I learned from two Poles that The Swedish Music Academy actually put Swedes first, in order of preference, rather than foreigners! I guess the world turned upside down since then. If Blacks can obtain scholarships in White countries, may Whites obtain scholarships in Black countries? I know that I cannot enter Mexico illegally & apply for welfare, as Mexican invaders can do in the USA, so I ‘suspect’ there is a double standard. In Germany, NO ONE can question the Holohoax, except jews! The only consistency is anti-Whiteness on the part of our Zionist Occupation Governments, including that of Ireland. So who keeps anti-White regimes in power? We Whites do!

You mentioned that various pseudo-White Nationalist leaders have donned sheenie beanies for their pilgrimage to Israel. Ernst Zündel made his in the late sixties or early seventies. He proudly showed me his picture at the Wailing Wall, which he touches, with his eyes closed in apparent devotion, to what? Putin made his, & affirmed the Holohoax, but jews say “words are cheap.” What will be the results, if any, of Putin’s homage to the Holohoax? I agree that other hirelings of the hebes await their kosher consecrations accordingly, along with shekels for selling out their race, if they are indeed White. There appears to be a logical defect in such political prostitutes in regard to oil prices, for which the Arabs are blamed, as always. How does support for Israel bring lower oil prices? Do such Zionist apologists wish Israel to take over the oilfields of The Middle East? If so, what guarantee is there that Israel would not price gauge as well?

So the Chinese presence is large & growing in Europe. When I was in Brussels in 1964, the local grocer was Chinese. That’s where I learned to check a carton of eggs for broken or empty eggshells. Otherwise, I’d pay for eggs, but I’d only get air!

In every paragraph, you support my point that White Nationalism must begin in the mind before it appears on the map. Whites must decide if they want to survive. If not, they are doing everything conceivable to become extinct. As [X] says of ORION! it’s a simple idea, as simple as “to be or not to be.” The idea is easy to grasp, but the behavior it requires is difficult. Simple solutions are usually most difficult, in my experience.

You mention the large numbers of children which jews have. I notice increasing reports that jews live off the Whites’ welfare, wherever they come to roost. When we think of welfare, we think of Blacks, but the kikes are getting theirs, even more abundantly. A few years ago, there was a kosher cowboy scandal in Jew York City: a small gang of sheenies got tax money for a nonexistnet school. The culprits said that they hadn’t stolen the money for themselves. In jew-talk, that means they are ‘not guilty.’ In Israel, they want forgivenness for crimes because they have large families. I recall two examples of child-raising: A White kid gets caught stealing. When his parents find out, they do not “spare the rod,” in true biblical fashion. But when a jew-brat gets caught, his mother gives him a tearful hug. Gypsies behave like Whites: if their kid is caught stealing, they punish him, not for stealing, but for getting caught! Europeans know about Gypsies, but Americans are totally ignorant, except for the police, who are not allowed to ‘profile’ Gypsies in relation to stolen goods & goldbrick swindles. When they do catch them, the Gypsies sue the state for “racial-profiling.” A tribe of thieves must never be seen as a tribe of thieves. ZOG has spoken. Washington State tax-payers had to pay a racial-profiling indemnity when police recovered tons of stolen items from Gypsy houses. Now the police konw that “some are more equal than others!”

What you are learning will stand you in good stead for future decision-making. In this regard, it’s too bad that Hitler was unable to spend some time in England, so he could obtain an accurate kosher Gestalt of British society. If so, he might have detained the British Army at Dunkirk, as I would have done. Dealing from a position of strength beats dealing from a position of kindness, for I am well-versed in British hypocrisy. I recall an old tale of an English lord who was going on a crusade. He did not trust his pretty wife to remain chaste until his return, so he put her in a chastity belt & gave the key to his brother for safekeeping. As the lord rode out of the castle with his knights, his brother ran up to him. Breathlessly, he said: “You gave me the wrong key!” All the best & ORION! — Eric

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3 SEP 06. Dear [X]: Many thanks for the great selection of downloads! Your analysis is both outstanding & scary in regard to the gutting of Ford in a financial version of kosher slaughter. No doubt the jews still have a grudge against Henry Ford, who must be doing a high-rpm spin in his grave, as you stated. Thanks for the information about the sheenie swindle to keep the stock market from plunging. Few sheeple can grasp the meaning of the scheme for the unfortunate majority. NPR jewsradio announced today that the “economic recovery” applies to CEOs, but not to middle management & just plain workers, whose incomes do not keep up with inflation. As you say, inflation for the many will occur for the jew-banksters’ rewards to the few, whom I call “fatcat felons.” Years ago I noted the correlation between the stock market & job losses: When workers lost their jobs, the stock market rose & vice versa. I concluded that the financiers are the enemies of the workers, since their gains were at the workers’ losses. Our system rewards the parasites & punishes the productive people, as if you didn’t know. I passed your Ford article on to a former bookkeeper for a supermarket chain. She is justifiably worried about collecting her pension, accrued from a lifetime of faithful service. The name for the pension game is now “renege.” Hey, if the airlines can do it, why not a supermarket chain? And good luck to those who have Enron pensions! In his time, Herman Melville wrote that trust was lacking in the USA. As a kid, I wondered why the companies did not pay their employees their earnings right away, instead of withholding what was rightfully theirs. Now, we find out that the employers were not to be trusted in the first place. Social Security may be next, ZOG willing. Years ago, a group of 9 (count ’em) jew economists stated that if you were not already collecting Social Security, you could whistle Dixie or the tune of your choice in lieu thereof. Thus, we have the best government money can buy, & one you can’t trust in or out of your sight.

You are no doubt familiar with insurance policies which are invalidated by “acts of war.” Well, our ZOG proclaimed that 9-11 was an act of war, & that we are now at war with the alleged perpetrators, here, there & everywhere, ad infinitum. So, how does the sheenie Silverstein collect on the insurance for The World Trade Center? With all the words of war, congress has not declared war. Is this how The Trade Center’s insurance remains valid? I suspect so. As I understand, an act of war without a declaration of war constitutes “a war crime & a crime against humanity.” Were the USA on trial at Nuremberg, it would be found as guilty as we found “them Nayzies,” many times over! I understand tha tthe Trade Towers in Canada & invested heavily in The Canary Wharf Project in London. I heard, vaguely, that they experienced financial difficulties, which may have led to their sale of The Trade Towers. Thanks, also, ofr the latest “who’s a jew” in the Russian kosher criminal oligarchy. If Jacob Rothschild bought the Russian oil giant, Yukos, from the former Soviet Union, using vestment of $100 million, since the article states that K. “still has somewhere below $500 million.” Oy veh! Shall we take up a collection for this imprisoned oligarch? This long list of kosher crooks is great reference material!

Many thanks for the most complete exposé of the Einstein Hoax that I’ve yet encountered. Excellent background material. When I studied chemistry at Occidental College in the 1950s, I had a brief discussion about Einstein with a math major who said: “What is correct with Einstein is not original, and what is original is not correct.” Like Picasso, Einstein was a product of the jewsmedia’s promotion. As Picasso admitted in a 1935 interview in Le Soir: “Sure, I’m a fake, & if the damned bourgeoisie are stupid enough to pay for it, they deserve to!” Like Einstein, Picasso was another jew-commie. I understand that he was left alone during the German occupation of Paris. I guess the Germans deemed him to be a fake commie, as well as a fake artist.

Don’t let the bastards grind you down. DOWZ! & ORION — Eric

  • 4 Responses to “THOMSON: Letters (9/06)”

    1. The Gadfly Says:

      Joseph Sobran — a liberal? WTF?

    2. The Gadfly Says:

      “If Blacks can obtain scholarships in White countries, may Whites obtain scholarships in Black countries?”

      Who would want to?

    3. Zoroastro Says:

      True, Picasso was a major 20th century hoax but I don’t think he was a kike himself. As to that second-rate patent clerk trickster, some day with the collapse of judeo-decepton his myth is bound to come down as well.
      It’s depressing when one thinks of the scope of the judeo-propasphere manipulation with their endless Marx-Fraud-Einstein – mindless repetitive drivel…
      Flush the toilet, every one.

    4. Scipio Americanus Says:

      “What you are learning will stand you in good stead for future decision-making. In this regard, it’s too bad that Hitler was unable to spend some time in England, so he could obtain an accurate kosher Gestalt of British society. If so, he might have detained the British Army at Dunkirk, as I would have done.”

      I agree with this. That was Hitler’s biggest mistake. I’m not speaking about Dunkirk per se, but rather his dearth of understanding regarding the scope and influence of Jewish power in both the US and British ruling class, especially is England. He clearly thought that the English were basically still gentleman with their rational faculty intact. Unfortunately for all of us, he was wrong and Western civilization was sold down the tubes by Churchill and that gang of traitors surrounding him.