6 October, 2006

The Story of Kriss Donald

Posted by alex in hush crimes, Scotland at 2:26 pm | Permanent Link

A dirty raghead, let into Britain by jews, murders a White native. When comes the revenge? Some say it would be a good idea to burn out every synagogue and mosque until there are no coloreds left on the island. If politicians like Blair who make deals with the jews had their heads cut off and stuck on posts outside Buckingham Palace, their followers would probably be more careful in devising immigration policy.

He who would be free must strike the blow himself.

‘Boy snatched off street, set alight and murdered for being white’

MURDERED schoolboy Kriss Donald pleaded: “I’m only 15. What did I do?” as he was beaten up and dragged into the back of a car by his abductors, a court heard yesterday.

He was forced face down into the back of a silver Mercedes, threatened with a knife and told there was a gun in the car as he was driven off after being snatched from the street “because he was white”.

The High Court in Edinburgh yesterday heard that Kriss was attacked and taken from a street in Pollokshields, Glasgow, because one of the men accused of his murder, Imran Shahid, 29, was angry and sought revenge after claiming he had been attacked with a glass bottle outside a nightclub the night before.

It is alleged that Kriss was later set on fire and murdered. In the days following the discovery of his body, friends and family created an impromptu shrine, featuring photographs and football colours. A witness told the court that one of the gang had said: “He took it quietly.”

The witness, Zahid Mohammed, 22, was originally accused of taking part in the murder. He pleaded guilty at the High Court in Glasgow in November 2004 to assault to injury on Kriss and attempting to pervert the course of justice. He was given a five-year jail term and was released on licence on Wednesday after applying for parole, the jurors were told.

The jury also heard that he gave evidence again in November 2004 at the same court in the trial of his co-accused, Daanish Zahid, who is named as an alleged accomplice in the current trial.

Imran Shahid, Mohammed Faisal Mushtaq, 27, and Zeeshan Shahid, 29, deny racially aggravated murder.

All three are on trial in Edinburgh, accused of abducting and killing Kriss by striking him with a knife or knives, then setting him on fire on 15 March, 2004.

Mohammed said that in March 2004 he was subject to a tagging order for motoring offences and possession of a knife. On Monday, 15 March, he went to Mushtaq’s home in Pollokshields. The Shahid brothers were there, and Zahid joined them later. Mohammed described Imran Shahid, known as “Baldy”, as quite angry and added: “He said he got attacked with a glass bottle the night before, outside a nightclub … [by] the boys from McCulloch Street [Pollokshields].”

The witness said the “McCulloch Street boys” were white and Imran Shahid had vowed that he was going to take revenge and would “chop them up, take their eyes out, things like that”.

It was planned that the group would go out in a car and look in McCulloch Street for “them … anybody”.

Mohammed said Imran Shahid asked for weapons and Mushtaq took a hammer and a screwdriver from a tool box and they were put in a blue carrier bag. Mohammed gave Imran Shahid a knife and helped him to dye his blond hair back to its natural dark colour.

They all got into a silver Mercedes car and drove to McCulloch Street where they saw two boys, now known to be Kriss Donald and a friend, Jamie Wallace, turning into Kenmure Street.

Imran Shahid said to let him out and he began fighting with the boys, especially Kriss. Mohammed agreed with a description of Imran Shahid’s build as “massive” and said Kriss was “quite small” and could not fight back. Imran Shahid pushed Kriss into the car while Mushtaq pulled him in from the other side.

The advocate-depute, Mark Stewart, QC, asked how successful Kriss was in resisting and Mohammed replied: “Very little.”

Mohammed said he had never met him before the incident. He agreed that nothing would have happened if Kriss and his friend had been Chinese, African-American or Asian. He said they were targeted because they were white.

Mr Stewart asked if Kriss had said anything. Mohammed answered: “Yes, he said, ‘I’m only 15. What did I do?’ or something like that.”

Kriss was “scrunched down” in the footwell at the rear of the car, facing the floor. He was “scared”.

Mohammed said that both he and Imran Shahid punched Kriss on the back and Imran Shahid had said: “I’m Baldy. Nobody f***s with me.”

Also, Imran Shahid pressed the point of a knife against Kriss’s back, and asked if he could feel it. The car went to a flat in the Parkhead area, but no-one was at home. A number of phone calls were made to try to find “a place or a park or something … to batter Kriss”. Imran Shahid threatened Kriss to force him to name the people from were the previous night. Kriss appeared to know what he was talking about and gave a few names.

Mohammed said he was dropped off at Strathclyde Park because he had to be home in time for his tagging curfew.

Next day, he went to Mushtaq’s flat and spoke to Zeeshan Shahid, known as Crazy. “I asked what had happened. Crazy said, ‘He took it quietly’.” Mr Stewart ended by asking Mohammed: “Is the evidence you have given here today, sworn on the holy Koran, the truth?” Mohammed replied: “Yes.”

David Burns, QC, for Imran Shahid, said Mohammed had done a deal with the prosecution by which he received a five-year sentence and agreed to give evidence against others. “You knew you would get life imprisonment if convicted of murder, and much less if you pleaded to something less?” asked Mr Burns.

Mohammed said: “Yes.”

Donald Findlay, QC, for Mushtaq, accused the witness of being “a liar, pure and simple” and someone who was “cunning and conniving”. The witness denied it.

Mr Findlay continued: “Co-incidentally, you were released from prison [in England] the day before you give evidence and got a lift here from the police.”

He said on Mohammed’s account, he might have supplied the weapon which killed Kriss. “Up to your neck in it is an understatement,” suggested Mr Findlay.

Mohammed agreed with Norman Ritchie, QC, for Zeeshan Shahid, that he had been granted parole at the first time of asking and a police agreement that offered him a new home and a new identity when the trial ends.


  • 33 Responses to “The Story of Kriss Donald”

    1. ftwainth Says:

      Yes, it is definitely time for revenge

    2. Sickle Cell Anemia Says:

      The hooligans need to make the streets flow with untermensch blood.Forget “soccer rivalries”,focus on destroying the shitskin invaders!

    3. Mr. Outis Says:

      Hoolis will be focussed on football until they’re the last whites standing, and anyway, hooliganism in Britain is rife with miscegeny. Long has been.

      “…it must and dare not be considered a trifling matter but a most serious one to seek counsel against this and to save our souls from the Jews, that is, from the devil and from eternal death. My advice, as I said earlier, is…that their synagogues be burned down, and that all who are able toss in sulphur and pitch; it would be good if someone could also throw in some hellfire. That would demonstrate to God our serious resolve and be evidence to all the world that it was in ignorance that we tolerated such houses, in which the Jews have reviled God, our dear Creator and Father, and his Son most shamefully up till now, but that we have now given them their due reward.” — Luther

    4. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      six million mudslime and kike lives are not worth this one aryan life.

      take from that what you will.

    5. Hengest Says:

      And where the hell was all the outrage from parliament and the religious leaders? It was non-existent!
      Proof positive that White nations are ruled by anti White regimes.
      The murdered nigger Stephen Lawrence gets sainted and memorialized by the media, but Kriss Donald gets flushed down the memory hole.
      By the God’s, sooner or later our traitorous leaders must be repaid for their evil.
      Heads on poles? Yes; but hanging drawing and quartering first.
      That is an old punishment here for treason.

    6. Heads Up Says:

      Muslims are waging civil war against us, claims police union
      By David Rennie, Europe Correspondent

      (Filed: 05/10/2006)

      Radical Muslims in France’s housing estates are waging an undeclared “intifada” against the police, with violent clashes injuring an average of 14 officers each day.

      Interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy was warned of an ‘intifada’

      As the interior ministry said that nearly 2,500 officers had been wounded this year, a police union declared that its members were “in a state of civil war” with Muslims in the most depressed “banlieue” estates which are heavily populated by unemployed youths of north African origin.

      It said the situation was so grave that it had asked the government to provide police with armoured cars to protect officers in the estates, which are becoming no-go zones.

      The number of attacks has risen by a third in two years. Police representatives told the newspaper Le Figaro that the “taboo” of attacking officers on patrol has been broken.

      Instead, officers – especially those patrolling in pairs or small groups – faced attacks as soon as they tried to arrest locals.

      Senior officers insisted that the problem was essentially criminal in nature, with crime bosses on the estates fighting back against tough tactics.

      The interior minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, who is also the leading centre-Right candidate for the presidency, has sent heavily equipped units into areas with orders to regain control from drug smuggling gangs and other organised crime rings. Such aggressive raids were “disrupting the underground economy in the estates”, one senior official told Le Figaro.

      However, not all officers on the ground accept that essentially secular interpretation. Michel Thoomis, the secretary general of the hardline Action Police trade union, has written to Mr Sarkozy warning of an “intifada” on the estates and demanding that officers be given armoured cars in the most dangerous areas.

      He said yesterday: “We are in a state of civil war, orchestrated by radical Islamists. This is not a question of urban violence any more, it is an intifada, with stones and Molotov cocktails. You no longer see two or three youths confronting police, you see whole tower blocks emptying into the streets to set their ‘comrades’ free when they are arrested.”

      He added: “We need armoured vehicles and water cannon. They are the only things that can disperse crowds of hundreds of people who are trying to kill police and burn their vehicles.”

      However, Gerard Demarcq, of the largest police unions, Alliance, dismissed talk of an “intifada” as representing the views of only a minority.

      Mr Demarcq said that the increased attacks on officers were proof that the policy of “retaking territory” from criminal gangs was working.

      Mayors in the worst affected suburbs, which saw weeks of riots and car-burning a year ago, have expressed fears of a vicious circle, as attacks by locals lead the police to harden their tactics, further increasing resentment.

      As if to prove that point, there were angry reactions in the western Paris suburb of Les Mureaux following dawn raids in search of youths who attacked a police unit on Sunday. The raids led to one arrest. They followed clashes on Sunday night when scores of youths attacked seven officers who had tried to arrest a man for not wearing his seat belt while driving. That driver refused to stop, and later rammed a police car trying to block his path.

      The mayor of Les Mureaux, Francois Garay, criticised aggressive police tactics that afterwards left “the people on the ground to pick up the pieces”.

      [email protected]

    7. Mati The Estonian Says:

      “Is the evidence you have given here today, sworn on the holy Koran, the truth?” – holy Koran ??!?!?!?!?! wtf in Britain ???
      hey guys – its the last moment to get all those shitskins out of Britain or they will get YOU out.
      You guys have give f***ng Rotchild a titel mad eHIM nobility wtf ???

    8. whiteskelet Says:

      Such a story should have defined UK politics for 2 years, but it hasn’t.

    9. jimbo Says:

      ZOG ‘politicians’ “air raid” and blah…blah….blah….abt vrs flavours of ‘terrorists’ when the real terrorists
      are in YR face every day, every-where: like the ‘oxygen thieves’ that brutally and cowardly murdered that un-fortunatae young man, Kriss Donald, RIP, brother!.

      stoopid, self-serving and ludicrous ‘anti-terror laws’ will do absolutely NOTHING to stem the imminent racial tsunami and the resulting Racial Holy War that will engulf ALL ‘western’ nations!

    10. UltimateWhiteDestiny Says:

      Well this what happens when you take your eye off the ball and concentrate on the jews only as whites need to keep reminding themselves that its not only the fucking jew who is his enemy but also the sand nigger arab who according to both are blood brothers from 4000 yrs ago and share the same pappy Abe if you believe all that jew myth.

      The yid and the raghead are both in bed together if the truth were known. Its sibling squabbling and both sides are at fault. Anything to know the whiteman from power and then they will settle up their differences when thats done and split up the booty. Anybody who knows anything about the Crusades understands that the Christians of old hated both the jew and the arab and killed both plus anything else that was not in conformity with their beliefs.

      Christians of old were not like the pusheads of today and would have killed them off for even the thought of putting judeo in front of christian as these modern age fuckups do. Christians of old hated a fucked jew and hated a fucking arab. They believed they owned the holy land only as the NT says in Revelation and that they were commanded to kill off all jews and arabs along with all fags atheists and any other pervert or oddball.

      Christians of old believed it when the peasant messiah proclaimed jews were satans children liars murderers but also that the sand niggers were as bad as the jews since thye were from the same mold.

      Christians of old believed that the white race was the supreme race and blessed as superior in everything and white was the supreme color or absense of color in the universe and that the creator was white that is defined as the absense of color or invisible while black was evil along with the off colors such as red or yellow.

      Everything in Christianity pointed to the supremacy of the color white and the supremacy of the white race who was obligated to kill off the jews arabs and all others including perverts and unbelievers.

      Afterall the Book clearly gives the white race the supreme status on the planet and future white man religionist Romans is what killed off the cursed satanic children jews 2000 yrs and scattered then like wild dogs after killing millions that symbolically was done to since they had their messiah tortured and executed which explains why jewed Bush loves torture and execution of their blood brother sand niggers.

      We know Lincoln was jewed because he sued the same scorched earth tactics to destroy the hated white southern race who believed in the ultiamte supremacy of their race over the inferior slave Ham race using the jew book who had unwittingly given them this in writing in Genesis 3500 yrs ago but then the NT ousted the jews as satanics thus inflaming them to wrote the Talmud shit and hate christians as their arch enemy alltime leading up to sending Hamite niggers to destroy them after bring them in as innocent slaves craftily and then using Lincunt with the weakling minds inthe north and west to destroy them with the scorced earth that set off the 20th century jew mega world catastrophe using the weak brained Russians and then weak brained German with jew Hitler who protected them from the Allied firebombs with the camps only to turn around and use this to steal Palestine using a book they hated and discarded 2000 yrs earler.

      What whites are failing to understand is that its all a fucking con game and has been all along as the satanic children and the sand niggers have been in cahoots all along only seeming to be at each others throats while the ultimate goal is the eradication of the white race as control. Bush is a fake son of a bitch jew tool just like all the niggers and other non-whites such as the red race scum mexishit who are Asian migrants.

      Jews and ragheads are using Bush on Wall St and around the planet because he is a fucked up silver spoon with a permanently damaged brain from 30 yrs of cocaine and alcohol usage and 60 yrs of having a silver foot up his ass with Daddy bitch paying his way out of everything he has fucked up.

      You dont have to be a Christian to understand that whites would not be the supreme race for the past 4500 yrs and past 2000 yrs of the curse of the jew. Jews hate Christians because they have been cursed as satanics by the new Christian Book and labeled as snakes liars and killers and in the end will have to convert or go to hell as the fairytale says.

      The problem with todays Christianity is obviously it has been jewed to accept non-white inferiors and fucked up with shit like Bush and his ilk when in fact the ancient Christians would have killed Bush or Lincoln and any who others.

      Slavery from Africa from a fucking jew creation and clearly one of satanic evil to bring the cursed germ bacteria from the deep dark jungle into white society tricking the elite white Christians into thinking that they were the supreme race who were entitled to have slaves as Genesis says when in fact this ended before the niggers were sent to the jungles and separated by the original racist creator.

      Jews tricked elite whites into slavery using the old jew book they dont even believe and this is what started all this shit just like jews tricked the north and west Lincolnite weak brains and then tricked the weak brain Russians after Lincoln and his fuckups made them cocky and then Germany was tricked by the jew Hitler that got them Palestine in 1948 and all hell has broke loose since as they have tricked the Cats and Pros of the white man religionists and recently tricked with WMD and the dumb retard shit for brains Bush fuck up who they smelled coming half way round the planet.

      This is why the NT Xian book must be used to give supreme status to the white race along with the old jew book that unwittingly gives the white white superior status among the inferior races since this same book is what has underwritten the white brain to dominate the planet the past 2000 yrs.

      Whether you believe it or not is insignificant. What is significant is that it has to be used since there is no other document on earth like it that gives validation to the white race as being supreme as it naturally is anyway.

      Thus the color white and white race has to fall back on this Book to justify it is the supreme race and clearly we are witnessing the jews being outed by the liberal whites in California who have been brainwashed by the jews for so long but are beginning to see the jews are root of all evil and turning towards the sand niggers as Cat Stevens did 25 yrs ago even though we know both jew and arab are in bed but the arab is the lesser evil and can be used as a tool to wipe out the jews in the same way the jew uses the niggers and others as their tools.

      Technically the southern white pure race has every reason to kill off every fucking non-southern white and all other inferiors but it may be better to use the sand nigger and the non-southern white cuntheads as tools to take out the jews and nigs and other shit and in the end we can make the finial decision on what to do with them by either making them 60% white slaves or by killing them off. We have to concentrate now though on tricking them to help kill the entire non-white inferiors off the planet and jews and sand niggers although we are using the sand niggers to our advantage to destroy their blood brothers.

      There are only 500 million whites left on earth thus the 50 million southern superior pure whites need to use the 400 million lesser whites that include the 50 million in southern Europe.
      Thus we must use the jew plan in reverse in order to wipe out jews and all non-white inferior niggers spics chinks pagans atheists fags etc. and once we complete out mission using the 100 million sand niggers to kill off the jews and the 400 million white inferiors to kill off the other inferior races we will be the elite 100 million white race supremists with only 500 million single race humans on the entire planet as the creator desires since he knows he made a 2nd mistake by splitting the races into 3 parts and separating them geographically 4500 yrs ago after the original single race failed and was destroyed according to the jew myth that we can use as our own self serving planetary law to make us supreme as whites have done for 2000 yrs.

      We have to imagine how 100 million superior whites would dominate the other 400 million inferior whites who would be no threat since all other inferiors would have bene wiped out especially the jew snakes.

      We would restructure the planet as 100% white America Europe Asia and Africa. We would divide the 100 million elitist superior southern whites into 4 parts to rule over these 4 divisions of earth. There would be 25 million pure white superiors over his of the 4 devisions on earth and each division would be sub-divided.

      We would then use the 400 million inferior white slaves to do the manual work for the superior white race in each of the 4 major divisions. We would not allow intermarriage or sex or any contact other than subordinate types to exist between the 100 million elite white 100% supremists and the 400 million white slave laborers.

      Bottom line this is the ultimate battle plan for the eventual conquer of the planet by the superior supreme 100 million southern white race and the ulitimate 400 million white slaves. Only the white race will survive the coming mass destruction of 6.5 billion non-white inferiors and oddball shit who will all die.

      The creator is demanding the final correction of his human creation and this must be done with the final outcome to be a 100% white race planet with the elite superior pure bred southern 100 million rulers and the 400 million inferior white slaves who will be happy just to be alive and work for their white masters. White southerners admit they made a mistake with the Hamite African jew trick but this time slavery will exist only for the inferior weak minded whites after the 6.5 billion inferiors are wiped out and dumped in the world oceans as fish food.

      White inferiors cannot complain since afterall you should be happy you will be spared even as white slaves to your superior supreme southern whites who you tried to eradicate with your race traitor weak ancestors in America and Europe.

      At least you will serve your ultimate white master and be allowed to live when you know you are unworthy as the nigger you liberated and jew you served but we obviously need white slave labor to do our manual work for the white southern elite supreme masters.

      This is the plan. The final plan. The ultimate solution approved by the great white creator.

    11. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      These types of outrages against our people, especially against our women and children, will continue until those responsible are made to pay physically. Forget the courts and prisons and financial penalties. It’s a crooked system which costs us, the victims, money and rewards our enemies. Unless the relatives and neighbours of victims like Kris Donald are willing to go out and select several wog vermin from the street at random and slaughter them in retaliation, the sub-humans and their kike manipulators will not change their ways. The situation will only get worse. All the tolerance and aggression avoidance in the world will not work. There is no escape from this conflict. We have to retaliate or we will go out with a whimper. The same assaults and murders are occurring in all white countries now on a daily basis. Yes, you may be killed by the wogs and niggers or the mercenary police, but, not retaliating and risking your life and freedom is worse. They are going to destroy us anyway; so it is a matter of now or later. If the sub-humans and the system traitors and their jew controllers realize that there will be rapid, vicious reaction for every outrage against us regardless of the consequences, then the attacks will cease or at the very least reduce dramatically. Even if this assessment is wrong and the conflict increases, then sooner is better than later. As time passes the enemy is getting stronger and more numerous and we are getting weaker and less numerous. Whites are going to have to learn to do what comes so naturally to niggers and wogs – riot and cause mayhem. We will be demonised by the kikes in their lies media. So what? They do that anyway. We must make them fear us again no matter what the cost. So far I haven’t heard of a single act of retaliation for what was done to Kris Donald and to so many other white victims. Why?

    12. Sehnsucht nach dem Reich Says:

      Bryan, you know the answer. The Jewish Leviathan is still intact and it will catch and crush you without much effort. And nobody will mourn you. Instead most people will rejoice (at least say so) that the evil nazi is in prison or dead. ZOG will make new laws agains `hate´.

      If the Jewish Leviathan will not break into pieces very soon because of inner contradictions of the power structure we have absolutely no chance to survive as a race.

    13. Celtic Warrior Says:

      White men, stand up like your valiant ancestors and fight! The time for reasonable talk and moderate action is long past. This is a fight to the death and the sooner that White people get that into their heads the better.

    14. wHAT aRE yOU dOING aBOUT iT? Says:

      Ok, Celtic Warrior. What are YOU doing about it?

      Tell us what you are doing and give us some inspiration by example!

    15. John Smith Says:

      Lots of brave arsed talk of heads on pikes at the gates etc. but it’s all just lard arsing talk!
      You know what kind of revenge will be wreaked? None.

    16. Johnny Rotten Says:

      Start greasing everythign up with pork fat……door handles, car doors, anything you have to grab onto in public. Once its revealed to the muzzies later on theyll shit their pants….because pork is unclean to them and they wont be able to go to “heaven”.

    17. brutus Says:

      I would like to see pictures of the so-called Muslim perpetrators of this crime. This news article, probably comes to us from a jew-owned media organization. The copious amount of minute details of the attack seem to be there only to inflame and that raises a red flag for me.

      I have a hunch that these Muslims are really just plain-old immigrant niggers from africa who claim to be followers of Islam only because they hate the White man’s religion.

    18. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      Re. wHAT aRE..:
      When I asked why no retaliation had occurred it was a rhetorical question. I know that nothing will be done. But, we must start to do something physical rather that talk among friends or on the internet.
      It’s not too smart to tell you specifically on the internet what I am doing, but I do not let ZOG laws direct me, nor should you. There is real risk but we have to take it. As John Smith and Sehnsucht intimate nothing will be done because of fear of consequences. Lard arsing talk until the next event as he says. Loss of life or freedom are real threats. Nevertheless, you must take action. But, use your head. If a family member was slaughtered I would retaliate regardless of consequences and without much planning. Othewise there is plenty of time to plan suitable activities. I can’t prove anything to you and I don’t care to. But you are presumably free and healthy. I am sure that you can think of some mayhem to carry out by yourself. It takes a certain mentality to operate by oneself without the moral support of the group. Start small and work up to give yourself confidence. Just DO something. Only talking and writing is for old men. It’s a hard step to take because you then move from the safe, law abiding, relatively prosperous existence of most whites to the same category of the criminal underworld and the society of niggers and wogs and all that that represents. In Pierce’s book Hunter a prosperous, middle class engineer causes mayhem. It’s only a novel but the idea is important. As a character in the story says: ‘if there were a hundred men like you the country would become ungovernable’. I think that the resistance will only start when conditions become intolerable and a handfull of exceptional men lead by example. Most likely military men with combat experience. Or maybe nothing at all will happen. We will just sit there until Sambo kicks the door in and kills us in front of our TV.
      Think about it.

    19. Me Says:

      “UltimateWhiteDestiny” ?

      Nigger Please.

    20. jimbo Says:

      re: ‘Bryan O`Driscoll’

      re: wHAT aRE yOU dOING aBOUT iT?

      and re: ‘Hunter’!

      yr activism doesn’t necessarily have to be ‘illegal’.

      Benjamin August Smith (vale!) a former WCOTC member & named ‘Creator of the Year’ by PM Matt Hale in 1999 almost single-handedly brought the town of Bloomington, Indiana, to its knees by distributing hundreds of flyers and other WCOTC material.

      Smith was the only white man who stood up for his race against a demonstration of hundreds of jew shills & chabbez-gois demanding ‘tolerance’ and a curb on ‘hate speech’….Smith stood on the street corner with a sign saying: “NO ‘HATE SPEECH’ means NO FREE SPEECH!

      he also distributed flyers in black neighbour-hoods!

      THAT BLOKE had elephant-sized BALLs of STEEL!

      his subsequent and much-touted ‘rampage’, said to be in response to PM Hale being refused a licence to practice law(despite having passed the requisite “bar exam’ ” with FLYING COLOURs!), was, more likely than not, fuelled by the fact that he had been harrassed un-mercifully in the weeks & months prior to that fateful July 4 week-end: said harrassment consisting of: gang assaults, burglary of apartment and spray-painting of ‘anti-racist’ graffiti in same, vandalisation of car, poisoning of dog &c!

      naturally: those incidents are conveniently omitted from accounts of Smith’s final days & hours!


      more HERE!

    21. Young Geezer Says:

      Hey “UltimateWhiteDestiny”:
      I have a some questions for you. Since my grandparents emigrated to Northern Ohio from Russia and Poland in 1915, you are going to murder me and my family because I am a “Northerner/Yankee”? A large percentage of the people in my hometown are from West Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Georgia etc. Are you going to sort us out by our accents? The Civil War has been over for a long time, stop fighting it! What a fucking moron! You really believe in that “Holy Book” written by the jews don’t you? Tell me, how can a “Creator” be “perfect” yet make mistakes? You know, creating the subhuman races. Christianity is the biggest virus next to the Kikes “Doing what’s good for jews” policy. Belief is a substitue for knowledge. There will be plenty of Christian whites who will fight against us because they believe “weez all equal”!

    22. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Re What are you doing about it…..

      OK, I and most WN haven’t got our hands on any weaponry yet, but the critical part of any war, and we are surely at war, is the psychological preparation. We must admit to ourselves that we are in a fight. Once that is internalised we can develop an attitude of steely resistance.

      I don’t want to go into specifics here but spreading of flyers by non traceable means is just one of them. Very low key you may say, but such tactics keep our enemies occupied, and at best can start people thinking.

      The most important action at this stage of the battle is to give White people fresh heart and courage to speak out fearlessly at work, with friends and in public places. ZOG survives because White people practise self censorship and apologise for breathing.

    23. NSN Says:

      Let’s get this clear.

      To those who want everyone to jump on the anti-Islamic bandwagon and do the Jews dirty work for them…

      Firstly, these assholes are not Arabs. These assholes are Pakis. They are that way because they are Pakis. Always have been, always will be. They are not socially engineered by Islam or any other religion. It’s not as if “hey if they weren’t muslims they wouldn’t have done this”. Wouldn’t surprise me if they were all born in the UK!

      Metaphorically speaking it was the Jew who was holding the lad down while these Pakis laid into him.

    24. John Smith Says:

      To the people of Scotland:
      Chib these fucking bampot wogs or ye be not Scots.

    25. predator2prey Says:

      C’mon guys, arabs are our saviors; didn’t anyone tell you that? This bit of news MUST be propaganda because arabs would never hurt a white man. It was probably pakis (who aren’t arabs) , not a noble iranians, iraqis or palestinians. Are you guys racist or something? Arabs are beautiful people and you guys must all be jew infiltrators to suggest arabs had anything to do with such an atrocity…

    26. Manxman Says:

      What party/organisation would VNN urge us to join? The BNP is adopting a pro-Zionist stand to boost its election chances, and the National Front allowed a pro-Israel (“look at what the Israelis have achieved compared to you Mudslimes”) entry on its guestbook whilst never printing my “anti-Semitic” ones + they have a bizzare attachemnt to scumbag pro-Israel Ulster loyalists: basically they’re racial Tories – except not particularly anti-Kike. Any Brit contrubutors have any suggestions? Destroying the Jew-virus must be first on the manifesto!

    27. jimbo Says:

      re: Manxman: i strongly urge you to consider joining the World Church of the Creator…..or, The Creativity Movement as it is now known…….

      “Nature`s Eternal Religion”

      “The White Man’s Bible”

      establish self-sustaining, independent churches in yr area(s), ordain reverends and elect regional commanders!

      PM Hale speaks
      (quality may be slightly ‘dodgy’!)

      ‘Classic Creativity’ from PM Hale!

    28. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      Joiners may want to join the League of Non-Voters:


    29. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      Re jimbo:
      No, activism doesn’t have to be illegal. Unfortunately, since the legal systems in most white countries have been corrupted by hymie, the law has now become our overt enemy. Anything which displeases the kikes or which might help our survival can be made illegal, eg homeschooling, refusing to sell your property to niggers, the harassment of legitimate white political parties, or just about anything you can think of. Our very existence will eventually be made illegal. The kikes might pass laws which require your daughter to produce a half breed to ‘aid diversity’. Get out of the mentality that causes you to feel guilty about breaking ZOG’s laws. Obey the laws of racial loyalty, break ZOG’s laws if you can and if by doing so you can hurt the system. As someone we all know says: ‘operate as if you are behind enemy lines’. You are.

    30. Knight Rider Says:

      We Whites need to wake up and stop “tolerating”. I do believe in nonviolence except when self-defense is necessary. We need to raise our voices, whether one by one or en masse. Do we want the USA to have what France had re looting/burning cars? Those days will come if we don’t unite and fight. I’m sick of the ZOG; Bush is a sellout to latinos. We Whites must unite and work for our interests. All others can go their own way.

    31. Seth Says:

      There’s race crimes all the time in Britain, why only focus on one where a muslim person kills a white person? They’re ten for a penny, and the same the other way around. But wait, whites killing muslims is ok, they’re just cleansing the earth, are they not?

    32. Leaveon Says:

      Jews let an asian in? What? Find me information that says that Jews are using Asians and Gays to kill the world and I’ll give you all a million fucking marshamallows. There’s a word you lot should look up. Paranoia.

    33. Tony Says:

      Who was the man responsible for bringing the guilty to court?

      Mohammed Sarwar… an Asian Muslim.

      Justice has been done. This is not a lack/ white thing.. Learn to respect one another.

      Peace, tranquility, harmony, justic, freedom and equality