8 October, 2006

Released: The Hawthorne Report #6

Posted by alex in James Hawthorne, VNN, White media at 5:59 pm | Permanent Link

From the United Kingdom: News Without the Jewish Filter!

Direct mp3 download (9 MB): thr_6.mp3

Archives, Streams, and Podcast: here

Shownotes: vnnforum

As always, “there is no Jew between me and you.”

–James Hawthorne.

  • 7 Responses to “Released: The Hawthorne Report #6”

    1. C-Stoff Says:

      Thank you !

      More !

    2. Theseus Says:

      I was wondering when we were going to be treated to another THR. Good deal. :]

    3. planter Says:

      If vnn did not exist, it would be necessary to invent it.

    4. bootgrl Says:

      I like this guys show alot. Thanks for your show, Hawthorne.

    5. Otto Hilstrom Says:

      When I click on the 24k stream, it just sort of refreshes the page. What’s going wrong?

    6. Hoosier Says:

      I just had the chance to listen to this show; great show, James. Your show is miles ahead of just about everything we hear in the USA.
      You did sound a bit more subdued than normal – or more serious. You have a good sense of humor, and I missed hearing it. I hope everything is ok in your world!

    7. James Hawthorne Says:

      Thanks for the comments everybody – subdued moi never – maybe a slight cold. More good stuff to come – stay tuned !