10 October, 2006

Reader Mail: 10/10/06

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 3:56 am | Permanent Link





TNB Du Jour. Apparently a woman named chytoria???
never heard that name…swung her baby as a weapon at
the “babys father”.Read all about it alex!



Bill Of Rights Pared Down To A Manageable Six

December 18, 2002 | Issue 38•47

WASHINGTON, DC—Flanked by key members of Congress and his administration, President Bush approved Monday a streamlined version of the Bill of Rights that pares its 10 original amendments down to a “tight, no-nonsense” six.

A Republican initiative that went unopposed by congressional Democrats, the revised Bill of Rights provides citizens with a “more manageable” set of privacy and due-process rights by eliminating four amendments and condensing and/or restructuring five others. The Second Amendment, which protects the right to keep and bear arms, was the only article left unchanged.

Calling the historic reduction “a victory for America,” Bush promised that the new document would do away with “bureaucratic impediments to the flourishing of democracy at home and abroad.”

“It is high time we reaffirmed our commitment to this enduring symbol of American ideals,” Bush said. “By making the Bill of Rights a tool for progress instead of a hindrance to freedom, we honor the true spirit of our nation’s forefathers.”

The Fourth Amendment, which long protected citizens’ homes against unreasonable search and seizure, was among the eliminated amendments. Also stricken was the Ninth Amendment, which stated that the enumeration of certain Constitutional rights does not result in the abrogation of rights not mentioned.

“Quite honestly, I could never get my head around what the Ninth Amendment meant anyway,” said outgoing House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX), one of the leading advocates of the revised Bill of Rights. “So goodbye to that one.”

Amendments V through VII, which guaranteed the right to legal counsel in criminal cases, and guarded against double jeopardy, testifying against oneself, biased juries, and drawn-out trials, have been condensed into Super-Amendment V: The One About Trials.

Attorney General John Ashcroft hailed the slimmed-down Bill of Rights as “a positive step.”

“Go up to the average citizen and ask them what’s in the Bill of Rights,” Ashcroft said. “Chances are, they’ll have only a vague notion. They just know it’s a set of rules put in place to protect their individual freedoms from government intrusion, and they assume that’s a good thing.”

Ashcroft responded sharply to critics who charge that the Bill of Rights no longer safeguards certain basic, inalienable rights.

“We’re not taking away personal rights; we’re increasing personal security,” Ashcroft said. “By allowing for greater government control over the particulars of individual liberties, the Bill of Rights will now offer expanded personal freedoms whenever they are deemed appropriate and unobtrusive to the activities necessary to effective operation of the federal government.”

Ashcroft added that, thanks to several key additions, the Bill of Rights now offers protections that were previously lacking, including the right to be protected by soldiers quartered in one’s home (Amendment III), the guarantee that activities not specifically delegated to the states and people will be carried out by the federal government (Amendment VI), and freedom of Judeo-Christianity and non-combative speech (Amendment I).

According to U.S. Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID), the original Bill of Rights, though well-intentioned, was “seriously outdated.”

“The United States is a different place than it was back in 1791,” Craig said. “As visionary as they were, the framers of the Constitution never could have foreseen, for example, that our government would one day need to jail someone indefinitely without judicial review. There was no such thing as suspicious Middle Eastern immigrants back then.”

Ashcroft noted that recent FBI efforts to conduct investigations into “unusual activities” were severely hampered by the old Fourth Amendment.

“The Bill of Rights was written more than 200 years ago, long before anyone could even fathom the existence of wiretapping technology or surveillance cameras,” Ashcroft said. “Yet through a bizarre fluke, it was still somehow worded in such a way as to restrict use of these devices. Clearly, it had to go before it could do more serious damage in the future.”

The president agreed.

“Any machine, no matter how well-built, periodically needs a tune-up to keep it in good working order,” Bush said. “Now that we have the bugs worked out of the ol’ Constitution, she’ll be purring like a kitten when Congress reconvenes in January—just in time to work on a new round of counterterrorism legislation.”

“Ten was just too much of a handful,” Bush added. “Six civil liberties are more than enough.”



Ford is forecasting a pre-tax loss of nearly $6 billion in its manufacturing operations this year.

GM lost $10.5 billion last year.


Tom Woods directs our attention to Tom DiLorenzo’s forthcoming (second) book on Lincoln. I happened to click through and realized that no one should miss the reviews that are already up from Publishers Weekly and Booklist. Sample quotes: “laughable screed”, “this espousal of ‘Lost Cause’ ideology”.

I’d say there are folks who don’t want Tom’s follow-up to The Real Lincoln to get the attention that that book got. I’m also amazed at how these reviews show such an implicit Whig view of history. Obviously, since Lincoln won and the system of gov’t he gave us is just great then it is silly to fundamentally question the current regime… Perhaps even paranoid and kooky. I mean who in our humble democracy is “imperialistic”?! Get real!

From Publishers Weekly
In this laughable screed, a senior fellow at the libertarian/free market Ludwig von Mises Institute charges that most scholars of the Civil War are part of a “Lincoln cult” and determined to fool the American public into thinking that our 16th president was a hero. At the root of the author’s loathing of Lincoln is an ideological commitment to states’ sovereignty, a doctrine largely undone by the Civil War. DiLorenzo believes that the centralized nation-state that emerged after the war is incompatible with true democracy. His supposed revelations–-that Northerners owned slaves into the 19th century; that Lincoln advocated the relocation of black Americans to Liberia; that Lincoln did not, at the outset of the war, aim to end slavery—are well known to anyone who has read one of the many recent books on Lincoln. But Lincoln is not DiLorenzo’s real target; he saves his most vitriolic bombast for the scholars who dominate American universities (most notably Eric Foner) and who, he charges, are “cover-up artists” and “propagandists.” DiLorenzo accuses them of using their Lincoln mythology to advocate big government and other “imperialistic” and “totalitarian” policies. DiLorenzo accuses the “cultists” of having a political agenda. He may well be hoisted by his own petard.



column by libertarian about black boy in NS Germany


[Letter to Biele]

You libertarians are funny people. You’re very concerned with harassment suffered by a nigger boy in NS Germany, but utterly, completely and 100% unconcerned with the daily brutal assaults by coloreds on whites where your theory of treating niggers and mexicans as individuals is tested daily.

The fact that one nigger kid suffers minor harassment is made by you and the other libertarians to outweight the racial extinction that occurs wherever whites and blacks are mixed.

You are blind.

Germany is being destroyed before your very eyes in the same way America is – and by the same people. No, I do not mean the direct physical agents, the “minorities” that are 95% of the globe, but the jews, the people dictating terms to both Germany and America.

Alex Linder

P.S. Here’s what I mean: a white girl viciously assaulted by the niggers you claim are her equals:


Was the nigger in NS Germany EVER ONCE attacked like this? No, he wasn’t. Yet this is the ordinary experience of the White kid sent to “school” with coloreds.

To make things easy for one mulatto, you are willing to sacrifice an entire nation.

You’re a genocidalist, in other words – whether you recognize the fact or not.


The typical American family today has a balance of only $3,800 in cash in the bank, has no retirement account whatsoever, owes $90,000 on their mortgage, and owes $2,200 in credit card debt.







Euphemisms: the New Language of America

“Illegal immigrants?” No. Now they’re called “undocumented workers.”

“Fat?” Nope. “Plus-sized.”

“Non-Whites?” No. “Low-income citizens.”

“Ghetto?” No. “Low-income neighborhood.”

“Zionism?” Nope. “Spreading Democracy in the Middle East” or “The War on Terror.”

“Republic?” No. “Democracy.”

“Stupid negroes voting for charismatic liars?” No. “Democracy.”

“The dispossession of White Americans?” Nope. “Racial diversity.”

“Jewish Hollywood?” No. “Liberal Hollywood.”

“The Jewish media?” Nope. “The liberal media.”

“‘Mexican-Americans’ of questionable citizenship who don’t speak English?” Nope. “English-learners.”

“Women getting jobs based solely upon lawsuits and/or affirmative action laws?” Nope. “Gender equality.”

“Homosexual?” No. “Gay.”

“Pathetic, non-White country?” Nope. “Developing country.”

“Non-Whites committing crimes with guns which were stolen from Whites?” Nope. “Gun violence.”

“Pathetic Black and Mexican kids?” No. “At-risk youths.”


Neocon Shock and Horror

by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Nearly two years after its release I continue to get emails about, and to observe praise and condemnations of, my Politically Incorrect Guide to American History. Early next year I have another book on American history (that I finished in July) coming out, and my efforts will have to be directed there. So when it was suggested that I briefly review what has transpired in the P.I.G. affair, I figured I was game for one more go.

I didn’t manage to keep track of every review, news item, and interview related to the book, but there is at least a decent summary of things here. Naturally the book didn’t get the kind of scholarly attention that this one did, but it wasn’t intended to: it was pitched to the general reader as an overview of some important material that was likely left out of his classroom experience.

Although the book received plenty of kind reviews by a great many people – I was especially pleased by the ones that appeared in The Mises Review (here) and The American Conservative (not online) – it’s more interesting to say a few words about the negative ones. The most important ran on the New York Times editorial page, and for the most part consisted of listing the forbidden things I’d said without troubling to inform us why they were wrong. Why, these things just shouldn’t be said, that’s all! (It’s probably not necessary to point out that my sales rank shot up again following the Times’s condemnation.)

Incidentally, not long after the New York Times hit piece (which I believe is now available online only for a fee; my reply is free here), the Times actually let me give my part of the story in the form of a favorable profile by writer Natalie Canavor, who interviewed me in my office for 90 minutes. Complete with a picture of me smiling at my desk, the resulting article “Revisionist History? A Professor Hopes So,” was on balance favorable toward the very person they’d condemned as an enemy of society not a month earlier. What a riot. (I do appreciate and thank Natalie Canavor.)

What has amazed me most is the longevity of Max Boot’s review. Boot personifies every appalling and jingoistic feature of what we laughingly call conservatism today. As I’ve noted in the past, Boot famously observed in late 2001 that the United States had not suffered enough casualties in its War on Terror, and later called for a “Freedom Legion” of foreign soldiers who could serve in that war. With the U.S. military increasingly strapped, Boot explained, we need to realize that there is “a pretty big pool of manpower that’s not being tapped: everyone on the planet who is not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.” This is a good idea, according to Boot, because (among other things) congressmen would have fewer scruples about sending non-Americans into battle than they would about sending their own constituents. (As we’ll see below, leftist bloggers happily linked to Boot’s angry review of my book – I guess they can overlook all that immigrants-as-cannon-fodder stuff in order to go after an iconoclastic historian who strays from allowable opinion.)




Please, I don’t mean to offend anyone. But the Catholic college and university is not one of the faith’s big achievements in America. Look at any one of the ratings charts (there are many) and see how low these institutions fare on the competitive scales and how few of them rate at all. It’s true that there are two or three Catholic law schools in the middle range. But that’s it. Catholic institutions certainly haven’t made a mark in the life or physical sciences, or, for that matter, the social sciences either. Of course, denominational schools have it especially hard when the great elite institutions–also mostly church-based in origin–no longer discriminate against anyone and, in fact, compete ferociously for students and faculty from wherever they come.

So when the largest Catholic university in the country–that’s how DePaul advertises itself–makes itself victim to its own fashionable left-wing politics, one almost begins to yearn for fascists like Father Coughlin and McCarthyite right-wingers like Cardinal Spellman. At least, then, we were dealing with a recognizable Catholic tradition. Now, I know that from St. Peter’s Square to urbi et orbi, the Church has been reforming itself in doctrine and in behavior, especially with historic reference to the Jewish people now seen, from John XXIII on, as the older brother of the Roman communion. And it also has begun to confront the complicity of the Church leading up to the Jewish catastrophe and in the catastrophe itself. (See Daniel Goldhagen’s article “Hide and Seek,” in the January 31, 2005 issue of TNR.) For years, the existence of the State of Israel was a theological quagmire for Catholic theologians and for the Vatican itself. But, with some hiccups, the vicarage of Christ has come to grips with the reality of Israel that one pious and learned lay person, ironically someone close to Pius XII, said was the greatest evidence for God’s existence in modernity.

Ironically, in two separate but unethically connected acts exemplifying utter contempt for what academic freedom really means and focusing on the existence of Israel and the historicity of the Holocaust, DePaul has shown itself to be an institutional panderer to and of left-wing anti-Semitism. This is not a virus. It is altogether visible and audible. It does not hide its hatreds, and this is because the anti-Semites think that there is a reservoir of solidarity that can be easily tapped in the American public. They are wrong. Still, believe me, right now, anti-Semitism in America and in Europe is a phenomenon of the Left. Not of the Right. (Before too long, the Democratic Party will have to confront this reality and drive it out of the liberal tent, from Jimmy Carter to Michael Moore to well, let’s just watch.)

The first case involves Thomas Klocek, who for 14 years was a DePaul “adjunct instructor” at the School for New Learning (as opposed, I gather, from the “old learning”), one of those academic indentured servants who now make up perhaps 50 percent of faculty in higher education, people usually without offices, benefits, job safety, and status. He was suspended from his job and then dismissed without so much as a hearing for hurting the feelings of some Palestinian students, not his students and not in his class but at a campus cafeteria where members of Students for Justice in Palestine and United Muslims Moving Ahead had set up two tables with leaflets. Klocek, a pious Catholic, confronted the people at the table saying that their materials were distorted. An angry confrontation ensued, during which Klocek quoted the director of Al Arabiya TV as stating, “While not all Muslims are terrorists, it is a sad fact that almost all terrorists are Muslims.” This, alas, is an indisputable fact, as clearly Pope Benedict grasps. Would the Holy Father be permitted to speak at DePaul? Yet a simple truth was grounds for Klocek’s dismissal. Another statement Klocek uttered that led to his firing was that “Palestinian” is a “twentieth-century construction.” It certainly isn’t a nineteenth-century construction or an eighth-century one, either. This is true for the peoples of the entire Arab world, save for Egypt. And, to those who lay claim to be members of the Iraqi nation or the Lebanese nation (or, for that matter, the Palestinian nation) I, we ask: When will you behave as a nation? Your nationhood is in your hands.

The second case revolves around Norman Finkelstein who, a quarter century after getting his PhD and after having taught at Hunter and Brooklyn Colleges and New York University, is not an assistant professor of political science at DePaul. This is a stunning instance of downward mobility. Richly deserved. But no students deserve to be under the tutelage of Finkelstein. His initial appointment and now his pending designation as tenured professor have been supported on the grounds of academic freedom. This makes an at best flawed process–forgive the Catholic terminology–the equivalent of a papal bull. In fact, a papal bull would encounter more discussion and objections among faithful Catholics then Finkelstein’s supporters would permit his scholarly critics. The fact is that Finkelstein is not a scholar. He is a nut case. There are many contentious issues in Holocaust history. But he is a Holocaust denier. That is like denying that slavery existed in America and that the economy of the South was based on slavery. Someone who denied this would not get a faculty appointment, and, if he did, one would think it much more than odd and the academics who made the appointment either stupid or malevolent. This would not be a process that could or should be defended on the grounds of academic freedom. An appointment certified by a department chair and a university president may still be intellectually preposterous. If you want to get more information on both the Klocek and Finkelstein cases just search for them on Google, 14,000 and 900,000 citations, respectively.

Finkelstein has his own website: normanfinkelstein.com. On it he posts vicious cartoons by Carlos Latuff. Here is one called “Dershowitz Hard at Work….” In it, Alan Dershowitz, professor of law at Harvard, is shown masturbating before a cartoon TV visual of destruction in Beirut, Lebanon. This is the kind of scholarship that Finkelstein produces and with which he associates.

I don’t want to make too much of this. But I’ve scanned the DePaul website. There’s no one on the faculty of whom I’ve heard. Maybe that is a failing of mine. Maybe there are wonderful scholars in the woodwork of the place, so to speak. But I have heard of Norman Finkelstein, this assistant professor at 53, and he fills me with disgust. Anyway, why do you think no other academic institution is considering him for tenure? After all, he has got lots of books to his name. They are junk, that’s why.



Der Gutachter als “Staatsfeind”
Neuer Prozeß gegen Germar Rudolf

Von M. Sommer

Für die linksterroristischen Polithäftlinge der RAF wurde im Jahr 1964 die millionenteure Hochsicherheitsvollzugsanstalt Stuttgart-Stammheim in Betrieb genommen. Die Investition hat sich rentiert. Die RAF ist verdorben und gestorben. Seither dient die selbst gegen Hubschrauberbefreiungsversuche abgesicherte Anstalt rund 1000 nichtpolitischen Strafgefangenen zum Aufenthalt, derzeit 70 bis 80 Prozent nichtdeutscher Herkunft.

Seit November letzten Jahres befindet sich in Stammheim aber wieder ein “staatsbedrohender” Gefangener, der für 23 Stunden des Tages in Isolationshaft gehalten wird (ein einstündiger Hofgang ist Anstaltspflicht). Er darf an keiner anstalts-internen Aktivität wie Volleyball oder Schach teilnehmen. Nur zweimal pro Monat ist Besuch zu je 45 Minuten gestattet, und Briefe brauchen bis zu vier Wochen, um an den Empfänger zu gelangen – Grund: verschärfte Briefzensur.

Von den USA ausgeliefert

Es handelt sich um den 41jährigen Chemiker Germar Rudolf. Sein Straftatbestand: “Volksverhetzung” (§ 130 StGB) durch Anfertigung eines Gerichtsgutachtens über Gesteinsproben des KL Auschwitz. Das Papier wurde vor mehr als zehn Jahren als wissenschaftliches Sachgutachten für eine diesbezügliche Gerichtsverhandlung erstellt, konnte aber den damaligen Delinquenten nicht entlasten, da wegen “Offenkundigkeit” des gegenständlichen Sachverhalts keine Gegenbeweise zugelassen werden.

Statt dessen bekam der junge Chemiker ebenfalls eine Strafanzeige und sollte für 14 Monate seiner Freiheit beraubt werden, eleganterweise nicht wegen Erstellung des Gutachtens selbst, sondern wegen der Verwirrung, die das Gutachten gestiftet habe. Der Chemiker emigrierte vor Strafantritt nach England, später in die USA, um sich dort weiter mit den Ergebnissen seiner Forschung zu beschäftigen.

Einst boten die USA politischen Flüchtlingen einen Hort der Sicherheit. Doch nichts bleibt für immer. Im November letzten Jahres wurde der Chemiker mit einer eigens dafür bereitgestellten Flugmaschine zwangsweise über den Ozean zurückbefördert, um den deutschen Verfolgungsbehörden wieder zugeführt zu werden. Seine junge Frau mit dem einjährigen Baby blieb in den Vereinigten Staaten zurück. 14 Monate nachsitzen, das wäre bald getan, aber die deutsche Justiz will den eingefangenen Vogel nicht so schnell wieder fliegen lassen: Eine neue Anklageschrift ist bereits erstellt, und diesmal ist das Corpus delicti das Gutachten selbst: “Anklage wegen Erstellung eines wissenschaftlich aufgemachten Scheingutachtens”, also offenbar eines Gutachtens, das den Ansprüchen der Wissenschaft nicht genügt.

Der über die Hintergründe nicht informierte Beobachter reibt sich die Augen und fragt, seit wann denn mangelhafte wissenschaftliche Arbeiten hierzulande ein Straftatbestand sind? Und wie will man die Scheinwissenschaftlichkeit beweisen? Juristen sind bekanntlich keine Chemiker. Um festzustellen, ob das damalige Rudolf-Gutachten wissenschaftlich ist oder ob es nur so tut, wäre ein weiteres Sachgutachten vonnöten. Ein solches Gutachten aber, sofern es von den Erwartungen der Anklage abweicht, könnte seinen Urheber ebenfalls hinter Gefängnismauern bringen. Danach wird es niemanden drängen.

Der neue Prozeß gegen den Autor des Rudolf-Gutachtens birgt also alle Möglichkeiten einer juristischen Blamage. Ein Naturwissenschaftler soll bestraft werden, weil er zu unerwünschten Ergebnissen gekommen ist. Darin ein Verbrechen zu sehen, erinnert manche Kritiker an mittelalterliche Inquisitionsprozesse – unabhängig davon, ob die in dem Gutachten vertretenen Thesen richtig oder falsch sind. 1633 schwor Galileo Galilei seinen Ãœberzeugungen ab, um nicht auf dem Scheiterhaufen zu enden. Er wurde daraufhin zu Hausarrest verurteilt. Erst 1992 rehabilitierte ihn die römisch-katholische Kirche.

Irrtum strafbar?

Auch der britische Historiker David Irving hielt es kürzlich in Wien für geboten, eigene Aussagen im nachhinein als “irrig” zu bezeichnen, was die österreichische Justiz aber nicht von der Verhängung einer Haftstrafe abhielt. Immerhin geht es um Generalprävention: Nachahmungstäter sollen abgeschreckt werden. Jeder Geschichtsschreiber muß wissen, was ihn im Falle mißliebiger Aussagen erwartet. Auch Naturwissenschaftler haben sich zu beugen, sollen bei abweichenden Meinungen zumindest schweigen. Das “Offenkundige” scheint so schwach, daß es vor freier Diskussion geschützt werden muß. Ein fataler Eindruck, der den Zweifel nicht tötet, sondern schürt – nicht zuletzt durch öffentliche Prozesse. Je mehr die Staatsmacht auf Offenkundigkeit beharrt, desto häufiger wird gefragt, weshalb sie das nötig hat.

Roger Cohen, Kolumnist der “New York Times”, fragte am 24. Februar 2006 im Berliner “Tagesspiegel” süffisant nach der demokratischen Vorbildfunktion des Westens, der seine Ängste nur noch durch das Strafgesetzbuch glaubt bewältigen zu können. Selbst Deborah Lipstadt, die einstige Prozeßgegnerin von David Irving, möchte diesen nicht länger im Gefängnis sehen, denn das werde sich im Laufe der Zeit kontraproduktiv auswirken. Auch der Zündel-Prozeß in Mannheim, der wohl im Oktober mit einem Urteil enden soll, hat bislang nicht den Eindruck erweckt, daß hierzulande die Meinungsfreiheit zu den höchsten Gütern zählt.

Konfliktgeladene Atmosphäre

“Normalerweise fördern und unterstützen Regierungen die Arbeit der Forscher über historische Ereignisse und stecken sie nicht ins Gefängnis”, zitierte kürzlich der “Spiegel” den iranischen Staatspräsidenten Dr. Mahmud Ahmadinedschad. Der wundert sich, wie “konfliktgeladen” in Deutschland die Atmosphäre für Geschichtswissenschaftler sei. “Hier in Iran können sie unbesorgt sein.” Ahmadinedschad fände es hinsichtlich der NS-Judenverfolgung sinnvoll, “wenn eine internationale und unparteiische Gruppe der Sache nachginge, um ein für alle Mal Klarheit zu schaffen”.

Eine solche Gruppe könnte auch überprüfen, was von dem Rudolf-Gutachten zu halten ist. Bundesdeutsche Staatsanwälte und Landrichter sind weder Historiker noch Chemiker.

Quelle: Nation und Europa

Brief aus dem Gefängnis in Stuttgart-Stammheim am 27.8. 2006


French academic sentenced again for dissent

French academic again convicted for Holocaust denial
European Jewish Press Tuesday, 3 October 2006

PARIS — Retired literature professor Robert Faurisson has been convicted for Holocaust denial by a Paris court on Tuesday over remarks he made on Iranian television.

Faurisson, 77, well known for his revisionist views, was given a three-month suspended prison term and also fined 7,500 euros.

Speaking on the Sahar 1 Iranian satellite channel in February 2005, Faurisson said “there was never” a single execution gas chamber under the Germans …. So all those millions of tourists who visit Auschwitz are seeing a lie, a falsification.”

Faurisson was found guilty of “complicity in contesting the existence of a crime against humanity.”

It is the fifth time that Faurisson is condemned for the same offence.

Patrick Gaubert, president of LICRA, the French League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism, welcomed the court decision. “This gives proof that he says lies. But I am not satisfied with the three-months’ suspended prison term as he is a recidivist,” he added.


“Truth can stand by itself. Only a lie needs the support of the state.”

— Emil Maier Dorn



German “holocaust” denier demands summoning Iran’s President

The famous 67-year-old German dissident writer and scientist Ernst Zundel demanded summoning on Thursday, September 5, 2006, the Iranian State President Ahmadi-Nejad to his “trial” in the German city of Mannheim so that the President could confirm that the so-called “holocaust” never existed.

The Iranian President thoroughly studied jewish allegations about the “holocaust” and is considered to the an expert in the field.

The demand contained in his lawyer’s plea that Mr Zundel had to read at the “court” himself because the “judge”, a certain Meinerzhagen, forbade lawyers reading pleas at the “trial” saying they contain political and historical opinions that are forbidden in Germany as far as the “holocaust” and many other matters are concerned.

The judge had used that all petitions to the court are to be presented in writing so that they could be censored for the public gathered in the courtroom. Earlier this year, the “judge” prohibited two previous lawyers of Mr Zundel to take part in the “process” suspecting them to be unbelievers in the “holocaust” myth.

In his petition, Mr Zundel’s lawyer, a famous German human rights activist Jurgen Rieger, also demanded from the court to issue an order to the Federal German Statistics Office so that it finally provided data on Jewish deaths in Germany in the period 1939-1945. The issuing of this data had been previously forbidden by the World Jewish Congress, Mr Rieger said. The “court” was also requested to summon other witnesses, namely technical experts that could testify that no “holocaust” was possible in Germany because the cellars in the corrective labor camps Ausschwitz and Birkenau were not hermetically isolated to serve as “gas chambers” as in modern democratic American prisons and that the production of the pesticcide Zyklon B for louse control that was said to had been used as a “poison gas for Jews” stopped due to the Allies’ bombardment of German factories in 1944, the petition said

The petition was rejected as a whole as on every political trial in Germany. The next session of the monkey process is scheduled for October 19, 2006.

As on every political process in Germany, the police harassed visitors and rudely searched their pockets according the German TV Channel ARD and the newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau.

Mr Zundel has been deported from Canada in March 2005 after spending, without charge, more than 3 years for his thought crimes in American and Canadian prisons in solitary cells. In Germany the scientist is accused of denying the jewish “holocaust” myth which is a crime in this modern democratic country. The Mannheim Orwellian and Kafkaesque “thought crime trial” continues from November 2005.


Alex, check out Original Dissent’s discussion on the Camp of the Saints thread listed below. Your terminology and predictions are spreading like wildfire. Here’s what one of the Senior Dissidents, Walter Yannis had to say:

“I agree that we’re past the tipping point and that violence is an inevitable part of our future.

But it’s all good, man. The worse it gets and the faster, the better it is. We’ll get a white reaction – we see the first stirrings of it now.

The Yids just lost their first battle in Lebanon, the Yid neokhans have been forced to show their hideous zhid mugs as a result of the hubristic blunder in Iraq, the Euros are rapidly re-assessing the “Muslims are just like us” insanity, and we just forced Jorge Arbusto to sign funding for a 700 kilometer fence.

It’s a start. But the elites haven’t given up on the idea yet. They’ll keep digging themselves in deeper and deeper until there’s a reaction.

Then we’ll start Sertorius’s “Operation Boxcar.”

A glorious day it will be.

Meantime, make as much money as you can, get it in inflation-proof forms, and get yourself a hideaway up in the mountains to take the family – because ITZ COMING BABY!!!”

Operation Boxcar! LOL! You have to love it!


Here’s another with the words of Walter Yannis spoken to OD’s resident Jewess, Elke:

You’re right. My people, despite their genius, seem to have a terrible psychological Achilles heel. It’s hard to describe even what the malady is, much less prescribe a treatment.

Much has been written in the white movement about our peculiar weakness. I think that Yggdrasil’s theory is probably the best diagnosis. That is, we are victims of our own evolved tendency to show off by means of displays of noble self-sacrifice for the less fortunate. This expresses itself in myriad ways, but most destructively it finds its expression in mass conversions to causes – invariably backed by ideologies – that are, as Ygg says, “wildly against our own interests.”

Throughout our history we seem to get caught up in one crazy, self-sacrificing idea after the next. The Crusades are just one example. The Civil War and its fight to end black slavery was another. WWI for us Americans at least was about the ridiculous notion of “making the world safe for democracy.” WWII was all about saving alien nations from destruction. The Vietnam War was to save the world from Communism. And now we’ve donned our white cowboy hats and are out there “fighting evil.” The list could go on and on.

There’s just no nice way to put this, so I’ll just say it. We’re nuts. And Jews understand our weakness, and have learned to play it like a violin. That’s why such a tiny minority of three percent have the rest of us surrounded. And it is indeed pitiful.

But see, none of this is good news for you Hebrews. That’s because there’s a flip side to our maladaptive mindset: after each orgy of self destructive displays of faux nobility-on-the-cheap, our basic instinct of self-survival kicks in, the more survival-orientated among us take over, and we do a collective one-eighty and the next thing you know our astonishing collective talents are turned toward liquidating the consequences along with our enemies, both foreign and domestic.

And there’s nobody in history who’s been more intimately involved in this mad dance with us than you Heebs.

And that, Elke, is where your peculiar Jewish madness comes in. How is it that you fail to see this pattern? How many more countries will expel you Jews, how many more Jews will be slaughtered in the process, before you finally get that for you Jews, being on the top just means only that you’re headed back down to the bottom again, and fast?

There’s no nice way to put this, Elke, so I’ll just say it. You Jews are nuts. You really don’t see what you’re doing. You really are incapable of grasping that you can play the parasite only so long before the host will turn on you and wipe you out.

There is a sort of collective mind, I think that science has proved that. Right now the collective mind of my people is still clinging to the tawdry (to borrow one of your words) “nachas” of displaying their brave willingness to sacrifice the children of the white working class to “fighting evil” and “standing my Israel.” And the collective mind of your people is wholly focused on sucking us dry.

But as the costs in lives and treasure start to reach into even wealthy white homes and the economic costs start to break the bank, the survival instinct of the collective mind will come to the fore. It will take over, but only when it’s time. The realignment of feeling and thinking will come with startling rapidity and force. Literally overnight we whites will see through our own lowlife preening and see what our enemies – especially the Jews – have wrought. A terrible fury will seize our minds.

And then history will repeat itself yet again. There will be a horrific reaction, and since the Jews are internal enemy #1, they’ll catch hell.

Which is why I say “worse is better.” This latest war for the Jews has already gone a long way toward exposing Jews and their agenda. The internet ensures that Jews won’t control the information flows needed to cause the great awakening. This will need to continue some time more, and we’ll get a very large reaction. We already see it with PJB’s book being on the top of the NYT list, a security fence going up, broad dissatisfaction with the war, Israel’s humiliating military loss to a rag-tag Hizbollah. And these are just the first signs that the Jews are on their way down, and fast.

It’s coming, Elke. You know it is. Your sneering at our obvious impotence at this point just underscores your own suicidal, self-inflicted blindness.

You seem like a decent enough sort. I ask you to wake up to your own insanity before it’s too late. Move to Israel, Elke. Do aliyah. Get out of here. And take those you love with you. Because ITZ COMING.

And there’s nothing any of us can do at this point to stop it.


Anyhow, I thought you would enjoy reading some of the commentary. (You’ll find my posts there too.) Take care and please accept my best wishes with future success in your endeavors to wake up the masses of American boobs. — Scipio Americanus





Misreading the Tea Leaves: US Missteps on Foreign Policy

Stephen M. Walt

Just when you think that US foreign policy couldn’t possibly get worse, the Bush administration manages to take it down another notch… What did the administration get so wrong? First, officials misunderstood how other states see US primacy. Convinced that American power was a force for good, Bush thought other states would welcome US leadership as long as he acted decisively… A second mistake was blaming anti-Americanism on “what we are” rather than “what we do.” Bush says our enemies “hate our freedom” and believes that anti- Americanism arises from “hostility to core US values.” … Americans had better get used to a failed foreign policy, at least until 2008.

http://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2006/10/05/misreading_the_tea_leaves_us_missTeps_o n_foreign_policy/


Europe’s Last Feudal Holdout Accepts Democracy

The tiny [English] Channel Island of Sark, which used to boast of being the last feudal state in Europe, voted yesterday to embrace 21st century democracy. In the future, the island will no longer be governed by an hereditary seigneur deriving authority directly from the Queen and a group of unelected landholders, but by an elected council… Since the reign of Elizabeth I, Sark, which is six miles from Guernsey but entirely selfgoverning, was run by the descendants of 40 “tenants” given the right to settle there in 1533.

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/articl e/0,,2-2389102,00.html


Jewish Tradition of Chicken Swinging is Criticized

For the past week, a custom that may seem strange to outsiders is being performed by Jewish people around the world. The tradition in its more strict form involves swinging a live chicken around the head – a symbolic way of cleansing oneself of sin. For hundreds of years the ritual has marked the most holy ten days of the Jewish calendar, but this year there have been demonstrations against what some regard as a cruel and barbaric act… [The chicken is] picked up by her feet and swung above somebody’s head, and then her throat is slashed, but not all the way, so she can run in the dust and the blood is pouring, and pouring till she dies.



Humans Spur Worst Extinctions Since Dinosaurs

Humans are responsible for the worst spate of extinctions since the dinosaurs and must make unprecedented extra efforts to reach a goal of slowing losses by 2010, a UN report says. Habitats ranging from coral reefs to tropical rainforests face mounting threats, the Secretariat of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity said in the report, issued at the start of a March 20-31 [2006] UN meeting in Curitiba, Brazil… It estimated the current pace of extinctions was 1,000 times faster than historical rates, jeopardising a global goal set at a 2002 UN summit in Johannesburg “to achieve, by 2010, a significant reduction in the current rate of biodiversity loss”.


In 50 Years, 90 Percent of Big Ocean Fish Have Disappeared

A global study concludes that 90 percent of all large fishes have disappeared from the world’s oceans in the past half century, the devastating result of industrial fishing. The 2003 study, which took ten years to complete and was published in the international journal Nature, paints a grim picture of the Earth’s current populations of such species as sharks, swordfish, tuna and marlin. The authors used data going back 47 years from nine oceanic and four continental shelf systems, ranging from the tropics to the Antarctic. Whether off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, or in the Gulf of Thailand, the findings were dire, according to the authors…



Crisis in America’s Emergency Room Care

Emergency medical care in the United States is on the verge of collapse, with the nation’s declining number of emergency rooms dangerously overcrowded and often unable to provide the expertise needed to treat seriously ill people in a safe and efficient manner. That’s the grim conclusion of three reports released in June 2006 by the Institute of Medicine, the product of an extensive two-year look at emergency care. Long waits for treatment are epidemic, the reports said, with ambulances sometimes idling for hours to unload patients. Once in the ER, patients sometimes wait up to two days to be admitted to a hospital bed. As a system, U.S. emergency care lacks stability and the capacity to respond to large disasters or epidemics, according to the 25 experts who conducted the study.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/14/AR2006061402166.ht ml


The New York Times: “The sordid Mark Foley controversy has diverted public attention from another major Washington ethics scandal – the influence peddling involving the disgraced former superlobbyist Jack Abramoff. That’s good news for the Bush administration, given freshly heightened suspicion that its dealings with Mr. Abramoff and his sleazy K Street operation were far cozier than it is willing to admit.”



Sympathy Multiplies Misery–Nietsche

All the whites are doing through their brains and efficiency is growing food to feed the bacterial growth of incompetant low IQ negroes. We should support Mugabe let the whites leave and watch the the black population implode due to disease and starvation–result less misery.

Last stand for Zimbabwe’s (last 400) White Farmers (previously: 4,000)
[Well, we’re getting to the end for the last handful of whites. They drove out the others – bringing the numbers down from over 4,000 to 400 or so. And here we see the final ones going. Its been a long battle… for the last 6 years. But as I have said previously, Mugabe won’t be happy until EVERY LAST WHITE FARMER IS GONE! They’re winding up.

In my book, Government by Deception, I wrote of “The White’s Last Stand” here in S.Africa too. And bit by bit, the situation is taking us there. Zim is now completely finished and totally screwed. S.Africa is now starting… we’ve already lost about 20,000 white commercial farmers here… 45,000 to go! And go they will… it might take 15 more years or so.

But we whites are being DRIVEN OUT – piece by piece – and its not stopping. They will not stop until we’ve all gone. So this news article entitled “Last Stand for Zimbabwe’s White Farmers” brings me back to my book. Eventually we whites will have to prepare for our LAST BATTLE on this continent. If we lose… then you can switch off the lights in Africa and forget about it completely because it is reverting very quickly back to the Stone Age. 350 years of development – wiped out virtually overnight – civilisation – gone! The crazy black leaders of Southern Africa are quite happy to undo hundreds of years of hard work and progress and to send their own people back to the Stone Age. And that, is what the Last Battle will be all about. Jan]

Karoi – A tiny court in a shabby farming town in Zimbabwe was the setting yesterday for a last despairing attempt to stop President Robert Mugabe from evicting the country’s few surviving white farmers. A new law about to pass parliament will, in effect, give the regime power in the next 90 days to dispossess the last few hundred white farmers who still cling to their land. Two white farming families who have already received eviction letters appealed to the magistrates’ court in Karoi to halt the orders.If the Nel and Terblanche families lose the test case, there will be nothing in law to stop Mr Mugabe from eliminating the surviving white landowners. Didymus Mutasa, the lands and security minister, is leading the final offensive. David Drury, the lawyer representing the two families, told the court that Mr Mutasa “has dragged my clients to court… in a futile bid to evict them”. He said the regime’s application for the eviction of the Nel and Terblanche families was “incompetent, illegal and an abuse of all sorts of rules and all sorts of laws”. Mr Drury said the regime had already ignored a provisional high court order allowing the families to remain on their land. Earlier, officials had served eviction notices on the wrong people.

A constitutional amendment passed last year declared every acre of land that has ever been listed for seizure – about 6,000 white-owned farms in total – the property of the state. That move prevented the owners from having any recourse to the courts. But Mr Drury’s central argument was that the amendment “did not give the state powers to evict farmers… without due process of law and the status quo has to remain”. The magistrate, Archibald Dingani, will rule tomorrow on whether he accepts this argument. On his decision hangs the fate not only of the Nel and Terblanche families but all of the last whites still clinging to their homes. After the hearing, Daniel Nel, 44, who was a government-approved South African investor, asked: “I am a white African, so why must I go?” He said: “We are operating on about 20 per cent of the land we used to have, but we still produce many thousands of tonnes of crops, and do so with government loans. So why do they want us to go?” Six years ago, 258 white farmers lived in Karoi district, 125 miles north-west of Harare. Today, only 11 remain. Across the country, the white farming community has plummeted from 4,000 landowners before Mr Mugabe’s land grab in 2000 to a few hundred today. Zimbabwe’s economy has contracted by more than 40 per cent since 2000 and about one third of the population now depends on food aid.

From The Daily Telegraph (UK), 4 October 2006
Source: WWW.ZwNews.Com


This guy is good…..
Listen, Please!

Have you checked out the latest from Big Mike yet? Here it is:



Study authors Leff and Hahn are probably jews, but, I wonder what % of the homeless are White men??? Could we help???

Homeless men are aging on the streets



World Net Daily Ditches Its Last Antiwar Writer

Thursday, October 5th, 2006 in News by Scott Horton|

WorldNetDaily has done it again. First they cut Lew Rockwell and Alan Bock, now Gordon Prather has finally gotten the axe from their list of columnists.

He will continue to write his exclusive column for Antiwar.com every weekend.

Dr. Prather, a nuclear physicist who’s spent a career making nuclear weapons and advising politicians about them, has made a consistent effort over the past few years to show the people of this land the truth about Iran’s nuclear capability and their rights within the Non-Proliferation Treaty and their International Atomic Energy Agency Agreements.

Your loss, WorldNetDaily.



Goodbye, Ma’am

It’s true that we rarely praise politicians, or women, in this e-list. But today we are making an exception.

Helen Chenoweth was a rare gal: she often spoke up in support of “politically incorrect” ideas when everyone else was condemning them.

If our Congress had more Helen Chenoweths, perhaps our culture wouldn’t be in such a mess.




The Voiding of Local Laws: More There Than Meets the Eye

You’ve seen the news articles. They are usually headlined something like this: “Proposition 100 Voided by Federal Judge,” or maybe, “Local Law Struck Down by Federal Court,” or maybe, “Court Rules State Law Unconstitutional.”

Indeed, we have seen common-sense local or state laws voided by federal courts dozens of times.

Our point, you may wonder? Keep reading.

Why are local laws voided? Answer: usually because left-wing political groups file lawsuits challenging the laws.

But here is the key part of this message: who created the left-wing groups that challenge common-sense local laws? And also, who runs those left-wing groups? All too often, the answer is: Jews.

And furthermore, who funds those left-wing groups with donations? Again, all too often, the answer is: Jews. In fact, the political Left in America was built largely by Jews.

So, the next time a good local law is voided by some federal court, you can, in all likelihood, thank Jews for that.

[How ironic that Jews didn’t even reside in America in large numbers until after 1900, when they arrived mostly from Eastern Europe, since they were hated there. Say: who let the Jews into America, anyway?].


jew sembler and more



Just Sign Here

We find this rather amazing.

Furthermore, are tax dollars paying for any of this?




by H. Millard © 2006

Symbiosis: In nature, a close relationship between two or more differing types of organisms where both derive benefits

I recently scratched the surface of the illegal alien problem in a medium size American city (about 100,000 population) and found what could be described as a fairly cohesive symbiotic relationship that has developed between illegal aliens, some business interests and some charities.

The name of the city isn’t important. My guess is that a very similar symbiosis probably exists in every city in this nation with a large illegal alien population. I submit, that thinking of illegal immigration as a symbiosis might give us some added insights into the true nature of illegal immigration and it might help us drag some of the hidden elements out into the bright light of day so they can be seen clearly and addressed.

The real problem with the illegal alien symbiosis that I spotted is that while a few people benefit from it, many more are parasitized by the relationship. Those who are parasitized are the good, decent citizens of this nation who just want to live in a First World nation and to pursue the American dream as their ancestors did.

Now, let me be clear that there’s not much new in what I learned, except, perhaps, that the relationship that has evolved around illegal aliens–at least in this one city–is more cohesive and structured (in an almost organic way) than the way many people think about it.

You might want to scratch the surface in cities near where you live. My guess is you’ll find a similar symbiotic relationship. You can start by obtaining public records on the local charities, and by getting copies of your city or town’s Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant reports (HUD CDBG). Start scratching at your city or town hall. These reports will give you some good information on charities in your community. And, they’ll also give you the demographic breakdown of who gets your tax money.

In the city I looked at, which, according to the U.S. Census, has about a thirty percent Hispanic population, some of the charities report that anywhere from ninety to one-hundred percent of their clients are Hispanic. And, none of the charities ask for the citizenship status of their clients. Now, don’t get the verb “charity” mixed up with the noun “charity.” The former is often a virtue, while the latter is a business that often makes big money for the charity bosses.

In this city, the symbiosis is fraying the traditional American social fabric and harming middle class citizens who are now fleeing to places that are safer and where the schools are still full of citizen students.

This city has about fourteen percent of its land zoned for industrial uses. In my opinion, this is about twice what is healthy for the particular city in question if it wants to be First World and middle class. As a frame of reference, a nearby tony city only has two percent of its land zoned for industrial uses, while an also nearby slum city has nineteen percent zoned this way. There are corelations to be found here.

The symbiosis is simple and easy to see. The industrialists want cheap labor. Illegal aliens supply that labor, but they don’t make enough money selling their labor on the cheap to live a First World existence in the city. If the illegal aliens move away because they can’t afford to live in the city, the industrial businesses will lose their cheap labor. But, if the industrialists pay a living wage so the illegals can stay in the city, the industrialists will have leaner bottom lines. How is the conundrum solved? Enter the third major benefiting symbiant, the charities, which are a growth business in this city.

To make ends meet, many suspected illegal aliens turn to these charities which supply everything from free medical and dental care, to free lunches, to free bags of groceries, to free money to help pay the rent and utilities, to free day care. Thus, the charities are helping provide the ersatz living wages and benefits packages to illegal aliens that ultimately benefit the out of town industrialists. Why offer illegal aliens medical and dental plans when they can get medical and dental care for free?

How do the charities benefit from the symbiotic relationship? They can only grow if their client rolls grow. Illegal alien warm bodies showing up at the charities fill the bill. Then, the charity bosses can ask for more money to fund their activities. And, they do ask for more money. In fact, many of these charities are getting tax payer funds while most of their clients are suspected illegal aliens.

Then, because the industrialists can’t hire all the new illegal aliens who are drawn by the easy living in the city, many of the latter look for day jobs on street corners to supplement the charity handouts.

Others who benefit from illegal aliens in this city are the slumlords who charge high rents for their downscale apartments and who are able to get the high rents because they look the other way and allow as many as a dozen illegal aliens to live in small one bedroom apartments and share the rent.

Who wins in this symbiosis? The illegal aliens, the out of town industrialists, and the charity bosses.

Who loses? The middle class citizens of the city.

This is a formula for driving a city down to Third World levels. And, that’s what we’re seeing all across this nation.

Today, many U.S. cities are lawless. They are in the control of symbiotic elements that are working against good, decent middle class citizens. Think Chicago in Al Capone’s day or Tombstone in the old west. When cities become lawless like this, and the establishment (business and charity interests) benefits, it’s difficult for ordinary citizens to fight back.

It is the establishment symbiants who are enabling the illegal symbiants. Remember, also, the establishment symbiants are often seen as pillars of their communities. The charity bosses are usually portrayed as kind and compassionate people and are often written up in the local newspapers for their charity work. Don’t buy it. Look at the salaries the charity bosses are receiving by laundering your tax money and passing it on in services and goods to illegal aliens. We’re not talking Mother Teresa, here. We’re talking about people who make anywhere from $ 60,000 to $ 200,000 per year for their “charity” work in the city I looked at, and maybe also in your city as well.

Stop the symbiosis and illegal aliens will head back to their own countries.

  • 7 Responses to “Reader Mail: 10/10/06”

    1. Jackumup Says:

      “Good Night Grandpa”
      “Goodnight Johnboy”
      “Grandpa take your hand out of my shorts”

    2. Stronza Says:

      re Grandpa. Ho-leeee…where do you find all this juicy stuff?

    3. planter Says:

      What became of anti-jew writer Chuck Pearson? Are his writings archived anywhere? Can’t find them.

    4. alex Says:

      We had a falling out. He wrote for Regmeister for a while, then split with her. I don’t know what he’s doing today.

    5. planter Says:

      Regarding Chytoria. I wish people would stop comparing niggers to apes. No female ape would ever use her offspring as a weapon, no matter how frightened or desperate she was.

    6. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “Grandpa take your hand out of my shorts”

      Grandpa must get involved in the financial end of things. . .

    7. lawrence dennis Says:

      Say, what is the link to the story


      Also, I only found an icon graphic at this link: http://freedominourtime.blogspot.com/2006/09/abu-ghraib-usa.html